Young Men Opting Out of Society

Young Men Opting Out of Society

Video games are holding more appeal than getting ahead in life. Can this be chalked up to individual laziness, or is there something more to the increasing number of men not bothering with society?

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Rev up those gas chambers because every fucking jew must fucking suffocate

Well, when every pillar and aspect of society is shitting on you, do you want to partake in it?

The kikes are the cause of this, don't forget that.


Of course they're worried

1: its fucking hard to get a job, If you get a job your boss treats you somewhere between disposable cog and slave.
2: Vidya gives you the reward of accomplishing goals, having hard work rewarded (in game with shinier shit or more shit to do), and generally giving a sense of satisfaction, even if you've only built a giant cock in autismblocks.

So between the negatives of work and the positives of gaming, why would anyone be surprised?


they'd probably get jobs if there were any available.


kek that picture

Whats not to love about video games? If omni-directional treamills ever pick up, video games might be something respectable. But for now, it's a men's getaway without any of the trouble.

Good. Ride the Tiger, brah.

let's have growing job markets first before blaming "fucking white males" for being unemployed.

days passed since last jewish trick :0

I blame the changing dynamics between men and women.

It used to be seen as the norm to get married at what now would be considered an early age. This motivated the men to hold steady employment.

That factor doesn't apply to most young people nowadays. "Hook up" culture has replaced this tradition and some people simply aren't cut out to participate in such a thing.

Thanks for you contribution, retard.

Fatlus Shrugged

it's a kike diversion to keep people from blaming them for ruining our economy.

So, I can't find any evidence but it seems that it's (((Ana Swanson))). She seems to write a lot for the online publication, 'Jewish World Review', though it seems she hasn't admitted to her Jewry in public.

Fatlus Fragged



Sorry for spilling.

I'm not being defaitist, but seriously, i walk to the store and gets an attitude from the cashier, i go to work, get's attitude from my collegues. I get shit on by customers but i'm forced to keep a straight-face due to some bullshit service-policy or something i don't know i would just want to punch them in their face for talking to me like that. I got to work out and get odd glances from people around me cause i just exist.

Never once do anyone willfully approach me, never once do anyone lend my a smile. I know this and i've tested the waters and realised if i don't speak, if i don't make jokes, nobody ever talks to me, nobody ever jokes with me, nobody ever gives me a single smile or anything.

All i get is suspiscion and snotty looks, just for excisting. And i know it's the same for every other man around me, it's fucking weird. It's fucking strange and shouldn't be accepted.

that isn't opting out of society.

It's just guys rather being on welfare than putting up with job bullshit. Uhhhh this isn't new

What else are you supposed to in between filling out applications for Goldstein's Tech Firm that's already staffed by H1Bs? Go out and get accused of thoughtcrime by a stronk womyn?

They have little where else to go. Take away the games, you'll get a DOTR, albeit sloppy thanks to nogunz Holla Forumsirgins.

you're overdoing it
"Fatlus" already gets the vidya in there, and if you change shrugged you lose the whole point of the comparison

Yes but that lolberg trash book triggers me because I was forced to read it by my lolberg economics teacher.

We don't like your society.

We're going to make our own society.

Without blackjack or hookers.

I have a job and don't even enjoy vidya anymore, but yeah, I've pretty much given up on life. I spend my day doing shitty menial labour for shit pay, then I come home and refresh Holla Forums for a few hours, then I go to sleep and repeat.

I don't blame people who quit altogether. I'd do it too if I could.


A supreme kike, mentally ill to the point she should've gotten a lobotomy and the world would've been better off.

isn't that good?
more space for the strong indypyndynt wymyn, right?
or is this again something they didn't really want and were just pretending to be retarded?
too late now, cunts


Yeah she even shamed me in class because I told her that it seemed like the US was making moves to move NAFTA towards the Amero like I had seen the EU do with the Euro. Fuck that dumb bitch.

That's the direction we're going in apparently.

Such a shame, too. The ancients warned us about this shit.

And oh, why go to a job where 90% of the cunts only do is chit-chat and create drama while everyone else has to cover up for their job to make the company go around.

You have no idea how worried.

Feels good.

I just realized that if I had to work I wouldn't be here changing the world with you faggots.

Every society that ever worked has had a largely celibate priest class. We don't work, we observe and understand reality. If we had to fend for ourselves or support a family we wouldn't be able to do any of this, we would be to concerned with mundane things and needs. It wouldn't be a bad thing but wouldn't be what the society needs right now.

Besides, fuck working and this

does this mean just east asians or does it technically include dunecoons?

the economy is shit. big whoop

oh noes goyim aren't making us money.

Anyone 'Asian'.

Asias a big continent.

Oh, but I should clarify: Most dunecoons are considered white by the US gov.

It's mostly jungle asians, curry niggers, and dune coons on the dole m8.

US statistics generally lump arabs under white/caucasian. Technically they are causasoid, but it's basically done to obfuscate the truth and drag white statistics down.

That's the British way of classifying them, the pic is American.


That doesn't mean any of the things I said are ideal.

You should be training your body for combat, because it's on it's way. Also combat in general is fun. You'd be surprised how much you enjoy exerting yourself when you do it for a purpose you respect.

Consider getting fit for it's own sake. It doesn't even take that much time or effort, just consistency.

I've been arguing with myself about going for a run. Going now.

If you've ever had the opportunity to work outside of North America or Western Europe the difference in how men are treated publicly is quite noticeable. Of course it can vary but men still command respect and common courtesy in much of the world.

You're not the only one who notices it, trust me. What's really bad is coming back to the West after several years of working in patriarchal societies.

Had to try very hard to control myself the first few times I had to once again begin contending with hostile, sneering Western women. We are in cultural free fall now.

Don't worry, I'm sure all the uneducated disease ridden immigrant trash will easily replace the contributions of the white man.


Pakis and Afghanis are probably 'Asian', while Lebanese and Iraqis are 'White''.

LOTS of jungle gooks too - not to mention poo in loos.

Hate to be the one to break it to you user.

Have fun. Here's some long term goals.

Of course, but if it leads to a collapse I'm happy enough.

That's what I lack. I'm working on it, believe me.

Your picture confirms what I said. What part of "US statistics generally lump arabs under white/caucasian" did you find hard to understand?

going into business for myself
well worth the risk

I busted my ass three and a half years in trade school to learn an industry job that's "most sought after" only to get jobs as a sub-sub-contractor working 50 hours a week making 200 Euro more after taxes and social security payments than what I currently get from welfare.

I can live with low income as a beginner but most job openings in my field nowadays are with work agencies with no real potential to climb up "the company ladder" and I already got fucked over twice by these.

Why should I work for peanuts paying almost half my income into benefits that go to the rape apes flooding my country?

Though I need to stop lurking and shitposting and work on my backlog of videogames and books.

That's how you succeed user, you have to be willing to fail trying, but if you can, you can give those fucks the middle finger.


The job market is shit and has been so since 2002. That people are sitting around enjoying almost no-cost entertainment in lieu of looking for non-existent jobs should come as no surprise to them.

A collapse isn't an ideal state.

I cant remember where I read it, but to bring back a civilization on the brink of collapse you can either let it fall to repeat the cycle, or bring forth second golden age by moving back towards an age of warriors or something like that.

Someone tell me where I read that, I'd like to read more about it

Evola's accelerationism is going to lead to some pretty bad shit if you aren't already ready for it.

young men are also overrepresented in suicide statistics, but nobody complains about that
wonder why

Found the person buying games

It's just not the women. I can't simply trust my fellow man anymore either. I know some i do, but most tattle-tale and gossip like women. I can't be honest about my thoughts and my opinions, because it has led me several times to lose my job and be socially isolated for just speaking my personal opinions to people i thought was trustful. I've had long-term friends who just in the blink of an eye was stabbing me in the back because they could gain in popularity etc.

As you say, we're in cultural free fall, the very social fabric of society is wrecked.

Italy wasn't like this. You were expected to act like a man, and the obvious non-degenerate women showed you tremendous respect even if they didn't know you.

I did XC in the past so it's not too hard for the runs. It's just really, really hot in florida right now with the humidity up at 100%. I usually do 2m at sub-8 per mile for my easy runs. I've actually never tried jump rope and I don't have a heavy bag. One of my favorite animus is hajime no ippo though.

Oh, were you confused because the image highlights the 'Arabs is white yo' part?

No, no, I was posting because that's how America defines Asians - 'people from Asian continent' - thus no, not just east Asians are 'Asian' by American standards, it includes Pakis and Afghans and Poo in Loos, as well as chinks, gooks, zipper-heads, jungle orientals and japs.


Quit being such a misogynist, you shitlord.

Men are supposed to die.

You now, if you read material from the 30's germany, i remember lots of passages mentioning how disenfranchised people turned to gambling and playing board games.

Isint it funny?

I play D&D every week with a group of guys, and it is more entertaining and enjoyable than anything I've ever done with a woman, short of being inside her.
And that was only enjoyable until I was no longer inside her.

also some fun facts:

The job center I went to in my old city district in Berlin was half filled with turks, I''ve seen young, blonde social workers helping nogs without German language skills get benefits and I witnessed a nigger chimping out at the hole in the wall documents hand-in yelling "Gib Geld!".

are you saying China is going to swoop in and kill us all right after we fix everything?


The Jews will get them to do it.

It's probably Evola. He calls it something like Titanism and it's just a pale echo of the true Golden Age, what machism is to masculinity.

They will try, the jews are already infecting china.


Wait, maybe not… It might be the Russians.

The Jews already have a history of using them to kill a ton of white people.

Yeah. I would love to get a job only to be replaced by an H1 visa after I bought a house. Only shortly before the market tanked and K have lost tens of thousands of dollars. Now I got a wife and three kids I have to support, so I work a shitty job with illegal aliens 60 hours a week which I am overqualified for.

Or I can live single within my means and play videogames and have no debts to Schlomo.

I realize the error of my ways.

Now I don't want to put my dick in loose women for short-lived pleasure, I want to put my dick in upstanding women of character who might bear my seed and raise my offspring nobly.

Why would I kill myself after I stopped being a degenerate?
That doesn't make any sense!

Oh I concur. The men have become feminized, bitchy robots as well. There's a lot of passive-aggressive pathology coming from both sexes. You have to keep your personal opinions to yourself and focus on the task at hand in the business world. It can be dehumanizing but at this point there's no other choice. Separate your work and personal life at all costs.

You didn't say you stopped being degenerate, lad.

Keep it moral.

And no children, thus no future.

Don't get me wrong, I get where you're coming from, but that's not a solution.

You can't just throw up your hands and walk away from this game, because if you do, you lose be default.

On reddit, you might get an upvote, but this isn't reddit. Maybe you hate being around wymyn, but a good woman is a joy. It's only really boring dudes that seem to have a problem being around them.

What, your girl is looking at you like a man baby for playing fantasy league nigball? She's right.

Same thing happens every single time you make it difficult for young men to start families. Happened in Jamestown, where there were no women. Men couldn't even be convinced to work the fields. Has happened in Japan, and now Europe and America, where central banks have redistributed the purchasing power of productive capital that is the source of their wages to owners of assets (ie the rich and the old).

tldr; the jews did this.

Fuck that man, you've got huge balls. I used to live in Florida and I'll never do it again if I can help it. Like living in a sauna.

You can get a decent speed rope from amazon for like 10 bucks. Highly recommend. You don't even need to do it for that long and you cut fat like a madman. Learn some tricks to keep it interesting.

There's tutorials on youtube to make your own heavy bag if you really wanted to. Getting into boxing is a whole thing though so I really recommend you get a trainer before even bothering.

You'll fuck up your wrist and develop bad habits if you don't have someone to correct your shit. always wear handwraps, and punch for speed, not power. Power comes much later.

Rokudenashi Blues is a pretty good manga if you like delinquents.

Ah, good point.

Well, I have.

I still play D&D though, and its more fun than any of that degeneracy shit ever was.

The orcs shall bend to my will, and I will make the elves great again.

A weekly game night pals isn't degenerate. Daily gaming, however, is.

That's me. NEET as fuck, have been for four years now. Became severely depressed at university, stressed out and quit and have been ruined since. Its no surprise though. A lot of boys are overlooked at school and thus grow up feeling that way into adulthood. Many are lead astray with lies and propaganda.

The quiet good boys who did well didn't feel like they could speak up and ask for help or direction, it all came naturally to them and they couldn't bear the shame of being unmanly in asking for assistance. The quiet good boys who were too shy and weren't encouraged/forced to spread their wings but retreat and develop anti-social tendencies. Not to mention the state of education being immensely pro-female where natural boyish behaviour is stamped, lectured and drugged out.

What girl?

All the girls I knew were degenerate hosers.

I met a nice young woman through one of my D&D friends though, his daughter.
She seems nice, I might ask her out sometime.

I couldn't do it man, too much strain.

Vidya has no appeal after you've played tabletop.

1st by the priestly kings, 2nd by the warriors, 3rd by those with wealth, 4th by the mob. Also he didn't say it would bring the golden age back, just a glimpse of what such an age would be like.

I remember hearing something like that from "The Art of War." though Evola might have gotten it from "The Art of War".
btw is Evola good or not? Some anons say you should definitely read it but other anons say it's trash/ you shouldn't read it.

In broad terms, but the highlighted segment shows that this is clearly not the case with regards to Arabs, Iranians, and so on. If it's caucasoid, the US government lumps them under white. If it's mongoloid, the US government lumps them under asian.

You also lose if you work a dead end shit pay job, again by default.

Are you me?

I'll elaborate: Men only take responsibility when they love a woman, otherwise they just keep playing with their toys.

What's the point of getting ahead in a society that's about to implode, and working for Jewish bankers who are about to be overthrown? We are the future.


Florida is nice, no income tax. I grew up here so running in this jungle heat is natural for me, even though it never gets easier really. I lived in Texas for a year and it got cold there and my mile times fell below 6 minutes. I overheat pretty easily so being in a cold environment helps me tremendously.

I'm worried I'll like it too much. I've heard mixed things about speed ropes and knee problems so I've been wary about giving it a go. I have knee problems in the family so I'm worried about running too. I've been taking glucosamine + chondroiton since I was a wee lad because I figured a life of bursitis and arthritis was not a life for me.

My brother hurt his wrist hitting a heavy bag. He's kind of a fag so he was doing it to impress grills. I'd want someone to watch me do it.

You're vile.

I never thought of it this way

Fuck man. You hit me right in the feels, I'm exactly like you. Trying to find a way out but boy, is it hard.

Ehhhh, sort of, but questionable.
I'm not sure the Indians, esp. the Northern Loo'ers, classify as 'mongolod', necessarily.

In any case, the exception does not make the rule, and generally speaking, if they came from Asia, the US gov defines them as 'Asian'.

Eh, depends.
If you can provide an alternative to that for your children, one might argue you managed to win… But most don't, and I see where you're coming from.

Point is: With children, at least you have a chance in the future… Without, you don't, you line dies with you, and that's that.
I'll take a continued chance at victory over assured defeat, if the option is there, but that's just me.


She's a nice girl, and only like 4 years younger than me.
He even said it was cool, because I'm a better guy than most of the losers he sees her hanging around with.

I think you're just flustered in your butt tbh fam, and I don't mean that insultingly.



That's some deep shit user.

Not a surprise, really. I'd wager much of Holla Forums is like that. You have to be a certain way to end up here and the way I vaguely described is the most usual one.

Exactly, things are going to go Wiemar before the conditions are ready to kick the Jews out, this is completely natural and to be expected by anybody who has a clue what's going on.


I'll take a pale echo over nothing if it stems the collapse until some other generation.

I liked Evola, but I never finished it. Friendly reminder that you can easily download and read pdfs to your phone with free apps.

You lose that money in gas anyway it takes an hour to get anywhere

If you're into punishment you end up whipping yourself quite a bit once you start doing tricks. Don't worry about knee problems, you have to develop the muscles in your leg to avoid that shit anyway. Always try to jump on a spongy surface. Avoid direct concrete if you can.

Speed not power. You should really only be just barely hitting it with your left and hitting it fully with your right. If you're trying to move the whole bag as a beginner you're doing something wrong.

It's also possible (((they))) will let us remove kebab in Europe and dindu in America and try to portrait (((themselves))) as the good guys.

True to that. But i thought i could trust the friends i grew up with, nearly killed me when they turned on me.

Good thing though, through hardship comes strenght, ended up red-pilled and then on /pol.

In the end though, we need to start thinking about creating something outside of the job/employer-cycle for people to survive and live good lives. It's nearly causing a genocide amongst the white people.

If that happens will just remove them instead. (Or do both depending on the scenario) A lot of Muslim (some not all) will fight the Jews with us.

He's good by default since those of wrote similar works didn't survive the censorship after WW2. He wrote on a bunch of topics and generally had an interesting life. His only problem is that he's more Platonic than Aristotelian. Read Ride the Tiger if you want something, drop him entirely if you don't like it, otherwise read the Path of Cinnabar and pick a book he wrote from there.

Didnt need this feel.

MGTOW is pretty fucking retarded. Choosing to be a genetic dead end has never been a winning strategy

Get your virtue signaling ass back to whatever purity spiraling cuckshed from whence you came.
>implying you can't have a little fun every day on top of work and important responsibilities

user forgot to include:

Perhaps he is concerned about you lusting after a family member of your best friend.

They still made the decision to be degenerate.


It saves resources for a time when you will be more likely to succeed in finding a mate.

Better to wait a few years, or even a couple of decades for better times so your children will have greater advantage than to try to have them immediately, perhaps causing them, and you, to starve.

this is how the west dies not with a bang but with animu

Regular breeding never resumed, males (reasonably sane ones) withdrew from breeding and society and isolated themselves. Others ranged from cannibalism to sexual deviance. Dominant males were not able to defend their land or court. Does this sound familiar?

alright. but most of what I see from them is not a fall back and re group strategy its a abandon all hope and be a bitter bitch strategy

I have suspected for years that their plan is to make us act against the immigrants.

And in turn they will go full force Police-state on our movements to keep us at bay. While letting the immigrants chimpout for being attacked thus creating an eternal zone of destabilisation and low-intesity warfare where people will constantly be in fear of chimpouts and have to take care of themselves while ((they)) can do whatever they would like to our societies.

This is not a conscious thing. It's in their genes. All men are like this, across the ages.

You should read him. I've read Revolt Against the Modern World and then Ride the Tiger. It's certainly genius-level material, but if you can manage it, you'll be glad you did. Evola's ideas changed my life more than any other I had ever been introduced to except perhaps the reality of race itself.

Be prepared for something of a blackpill though. Only after reading RATMW did I truly see just how far we've fallen.

I would recommend RATMW first if you can stomach it though, Ride the Tiger is a solid how-to but I'd wager half of the weight will be lost if you don't understand the cosmological context.



no. This sort of behavior to completely disengage from society as a whole is only found at the end of civilization even hermit monks in the middle ages had a place in society. They mean to abandon it all together.

You what mate?

Evola himself said that Revolt was shit and that it should be avoided. If someone wants a tl;dr, they only need to read Ride the Tiger and don't need to read one of his inferior books to understand it. If you want to understand why Evola thought the way he did, read his autobiography.

Voltaire is better than John Locke tbh

the full weight of this just hit me and it hurts lad

College was easy but felt like I wasn't going anywhere and not worth the money

Evola is a guy who gets it.

The most important concept he puts forth is that for a society to survive, it has to have a foundational understanding of metaphysics, from which comes a law, which makes a selection, which shapes a race. A society with no spirituality falls into nihilism, which eventually causes collapse.

This is why I'm overjoyed that many Holla Forumsacks are taking interest in the supernatural, whatever denomination they choose to pursue. It's also why we're likely to become the new priest class.

I haven't quite finished Revolt and I may never do it, but it should be required reading for posters on here. I started Ride the Tiger a couple times but didn't interest me enough to really get into it.

Been neeting for 6 years now.

Women now must wageslave to their Jewish bosses so the can feel "independent". I'd say let them!

Someone must work to pay for my neetbux

I do believe the plan is a two pronged one. Either we a) accept our replacement peacefully or b) we fight back against Syria, ISIS, Iran, Russia, China etc. leading to a massive and catastrophic war which would still result in mass immigration, except now the West would be weaker than ever.


If he said Revolt was shit, he was wrong. It held immense value to me, if for no other reason than painting such a comprehensively different picture of history than the one I had learned. One that made more sense to me. Whether he was spot on about it or not, his analysis of civilization's march towards degeneracy was spot on and that context has enabled me to develop a wider perspective on the events we're going through today.

Unless you can elaborate on why he said it was shit?

As said here , the spiritual component changed everything. We can never succeed without understanding the less concrete forces at work here. If meme magic is interesting, RATMW will be fascinating.

Feels bad though, i would rather have that woman laying on my chest thinking i was the man to take care of her and her wanting to give me a family.

No worries. The kikes have fucked up every single time in history and will do it again. We got God or whatever people claim the spiritual being of justice to be, on our side.


Never had this issue with any of my jobs.

All my bosses have been good to me, one of my last jobs I even got to fill in for him and take his paycheck for the week he was out

sadly I got screw out of that job when company changed owners and new owner only wanted his family and friends working there, he had partial ownership of the company before hand and he was bad at making decisions (including bringing on his friends at 18/hr when most of us barely made 11/hr)

Eat shit nigger. Having one kind of fun isn't healthy. You might as well smoke pot.


You don't need to have a belief in the supernatural to be spiritual. To be spiritual is to allow yourself to be governed by a strong desire towards betterment cataclysed by some singular worldview or ideology.

Truth is, there is nothing beyond the physical realm as far as we can see, and by the means we have able to deduce the world and our place in it, no reason to believe there is, either. God isn't real, and religion is man-made. Religion serves a utilitarian purpose; to unite a single people under one ideology, but as time goes on, and our means of understanding nature improves, nature shows herself to be wholly physical, and the illusions of the supernatural disintegrates. It's at this point the usefulness of religion needs to be replaced by a viable alternative.

What we need, is a leader. A person who reflects how we as a people think and feel. A person who understands and shares the pain and suffering of the white man in the modern age, and offers a solution. Someone the people love; someone who fights with them. Trump has already stirred a storm within the people, but is not the ultimate answer, as he is not radical enough.

Hitler 2.0 when?


If they didn't do that in the first place they would have found it. Even then some who "found love" then cheat on the person out of pure whim. I can understand what you mean but in the end they could have done something easily to find love.

Might as well throw my ID in the pile. This is me to a T.


Join your NEET friend above in becoming an hero.


Society opted out of young men first.

My roommate recently got me to watch the first couple episodes of Community, and I'm reminded of something the protagonist said. Paraphrasing: "the trouble with being naturally smart is that I never had to try, and, now that I find myself in a moment of difficulty, I have no idea how to."


you moonface avatar doesn't hide your nigger brain too well


Well, one of the problems is that they are fooled to not settle. As in, they are actively encouraged by society to fool around until they are 30.

And again, i hate to put blame on men, but they are equally fooled into just fucking women. That's the highest achievement of a boy into a man, to fuck a woman…Instead of doing what's right by courting her and then fuck her and marry her, start a family.

Here's a great video.

capped for posterity

Shills will out themselves exceptionally easily these days.

degoogle your brain, faggo

Fuck, man. Deep.


Praise Kek. May the shills ever defeat themselves.

Rolling a rock up a hill for a company that hates you, for shit pay, where your labor isn't just meaningless but soul crushing isn't contributing to society.
You'd understand this if you weren't trying to get us back onto the plantation.

Right in the feels man.

Good luck to you

Well i am not a Burgerfag but there was a time when you could get a job without a college degree.
Even shitty jobs have more than 50 applicants these days.
Just a matter of time until you condescending wagecucks getting replaced by machines.

Collectivist scum.


Yep. I coasted by for years with ease, no real problem. What troubles I did have were small enough to not be an issue, I could still score comfortably above average. Then you run into the wall of a problem and face hardship for the first time. Something doesn't come naturally and you feel lost.

Yours is worse, faggot.

Very true

Fuck, man. That describes high school then my first semester of college…

I got Men Among the Ruins and Revolt Against the Modern World mixed up. Revolt was a fantastic book. I just think Ride the Tiger is better because Evola was saying the same things as he was in Revolt, but 30 years later and that much wiser. In Revolt he correctly identifies the problem, but in Ride the Tiger he also explains how to properly deal with it without falling into the nihilism trap that many of his time did.

we have IDs here, newfag. waste of double dubs

That word in itself is meaningless if you can't see some sort of end-game for the human race or whatever may come after.

So your end-game looks exactly like the commies'.

You're missing out on a fundamental aspect of reality, user.

Watch at least the first couple videos, will be less than 10 minutes, progress if you're interested. Political idealism is meaningless without supernatural beliefs. Meme magic might have something to it after all. :^)

No shit there are IDs. What in my behavior suggests that I'm trying to hide?

There is this pervasive idea that it is wrong or irrational to make choices based on self-interest. We need to challenge that idea. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing something solely because it benefits you.

Going through that now myself.

I was not the user you were replying to in the first place yet you acted like I am. An ironic shitpost is still a shitpost.

This isn't a completely new phenomenon. It's just taken a new form.

good post

tbh I should probably read it again, reading this thread and other thoughts from earlier today The leftists will always dodge and deflect, we will never convince them. They must be destroyed, but we have no force to destroy them with I'm feeling pretty blackpilled.

I had been feeling confident about the future, going to school for computer engineering, getting to a psychiatrist to get my disorder un-diagnosed (fuck those mental health kikes), but I don't see the point if 5-6 years from now I'm just a NEET again

lazy ≠ retarded

Most of the women getting fucked are usually by a small group of men, yet most men are to blame just as much as women for the sex they are apparently having. Makes perfect sense.


maybe because society is shit?

maybe because society isnt offering young men anything worthwhile anymore?

No surprise really with more and more kids being raised with vidya that they would just stick with something that won't disappoint them.

Holy shit you're me.

Except I made almost 100k

Women opt to get fucked by guys who are in demand because it makes them feel popular and of high value. They don't care about feeling "loved", lad.

I earn peanuts, but my job is fucking great. Most of the time at least.

For instance, I just watch dota on the second monitor while I code, and my boss is OK with that so long I keep the deadlines

If it's voluntary it usually ends badly, I went for a run once and I never fucking bothered again.

So I joined a gym, they give you a basic bullshit plan to get started and you can actually be around other human beings also, the fact that you're paying for the membership gives you a good excuse to go and keep up a regular regimented attendance.

You can (depending on your gym or leisure center) get other benefits, like the swimming pool, Ju-Jitsu classes, faggot zumba classes, sauna… spend some Shekels on a gym membership. :)

And the end result would be a world indistinguishable from that of the Fallout franchise.

Good thing I've been collecting caps since I was 10…

And later some of these dumb bitches becomes single-mothers and marry the State, thanks to Chad and nuMales, creating a bunch of drones in a vicious cycle. No wonder they marketed the end of good costumes, its all part of the (((plan)).
Plus the increase of estrogen in the water thanks to the constant consume of contraceptives, doing some serious environmental and health issues.


Yes. Gamers and their ilk are fucking pathetic. Start your own business. Program a fucking computer. Read goddamn books. I have zero respect for anyone who just sits in front of garbage fucking media all day passively consuming it.

I'm about to do just that actually. I thought it might be interesting to see a society racially and culturally intact.

Why doesn't he move to the projects and live with google?

I'm glad I'm not retarded like you.

Are you just angry because you're forced to work and we're not or do you genuinely believe contributing to this kind of society is a good thing?

You are a special kind of retarded.

I would read Path of Cinnabar instead.


In my opinion, understanding why someone wrote something is just as important as what they actually wrote. Luckily Evola is one of the few philosophers who gave a tl;dr of his entire life. Pg 221 on talks about Ride the Tiger and how he went through WW2 (Revolt was written in 1934) and the shit that happened afterwards in Italy and how still came out with the same conclusions he had written when he was 30 years younger.

Ride the Tiger's tl;dr was, "this is how you have these beliefs and not go insane in a time when beliefs like this are unpopular."

Wow, you mean the young are waking up to the fact that wageslaving away your life is a shit idea? Color me surprised!

On top of that, worked out a sweet deal with the local bar owner. Every month he sends me a kitchen-size trashbag full of bottlecaps. Googles, I'm rich af.

That's almost exactly me user, but I dropped out of university after only one semester, and after moping around for a few months I decided to just emulate every successful person I can find.

When I watch Trump rallies I repeat his lines and gestures, I read about his mindset and try to destroy the whiny little bitch that I used to be. If I read an article by a good writer (like Lawrence Murray) I try to imitate them. Every aspect of my life i'm slowly improving because fuck me i'm not ever going to cry to my parents on the phone again.

And for fucks sakes user, get an exercise routine, I make a point to stare at myself in the mirror before having a shower and focus on the accomplishments i've made since dropping out. will help you out.

I feel like Bane, clawing out of the hole

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

Angry and stupid usually go together.

The kikes will hunt the biggest threat to their existance to extinction, by the time the common white man realizes it might be almost too late but that point in time will open up many opportunities so try to be alive and at least somewhat healthy until that time.

How are you going to do that wage-slaving? The government will be raising your kids, not you. And you'll be paying via taxes for every leeching shitskin, lib, and kike that inhabits your country. You'll die early of health problems related to your job and your kids will grow up as a minority in their own country.

How is any of that winning?

Its a similar position to those redpilled anons who are/were in Western armed forces face. They wanted to serve their countries and people and instead got sent to die for a bunch of rich kikes and protect people who would rather see them and their people die.

You lose either way. The only option is to start taking real risks. Every person on this board should be calling/working/striving for, at a minimum, the election of the most rightist politicians possible if they wish to end the situation safely.

The time to bury your head in the sand and leave everything up to luck and ever dwindling odds has long past, user. The system has to be changed in order for our people to survive. Whether the change is violent or peaceful is entirely up to the events of the next few months and years.

Conditions which cause this sort of behavior correlate with economic/political collapse, yes.

No, they don't. Their future has simply been stolen from them. They are waiting. That is all. It won't be forever. It was solved in Jamestown by allowing men to pursue native women, and later by importing women from England. Here it can be solved by gassing the kikes at the Fed.

tbh, I just want to work, collect my FULL paycheck, and go home. By FULL paycheck I mean untaxed paycheck. Fuck income taxes.

I hear a painless method is to light a charcoal grill in your room before you go to sleep. Try it.

>>>Holla Forums
You don't even understand the context of the Fallout universe. It wasn't a police state, it was fairly close to a utopia outside of the chink commies shitting everything up before starting a nuclear holocaust.

Great argument.

I just fucking want an android wife at this point. I don't give a shit anymore. I just want a peaceful, cozy life.

Good luck, just find a trusted expat to give you a tutorial of the local cultural moires and you'll do fine.

i did this for the keks and it didn't work, don't bother.

Just because you only have youporn,facebook and Holla Forums as bookmarks does not mean everybody is too retarded to do something useful with a computer.

also what if i read a book on my pc ?

Raging at strangers on the internet must feel so productive and fulfilling.

The government already raises the majority of children in the US since kids either are in a single parent household with someone who couldn't care less about properly raising their kid, or they are in a household where both parents work full time in order to make up for the fact that the cost of living has increased due to inflation since the 1960s.

Did I say that you can't read books on a computer you sub 30 IQ mongoloid?

That sucks man.. how are ya? Whats your top priority goal in life… or even a small accomplishable one.. i got you bro

The government is stronger than you and your wife alone faggot. There are already anti-homeschooling laws popping up throughout Europe. If you want to give your child a "chance at a better life", you'll most likely need to have your wife work too, as one man's salary can barely raise one child, depending on the environment.

Paying for other people's kids through taxes is the definition of cuckolding, nigger. If you really want to work, offshore as much as possible.

I hate that little bit of propaganda.

What's fucked up about that movie is it was supposed to engender sympathy for those fleeing war in the ME.

Yet all it does is provide a preview to what's coming to Europe if they let them in. Yeah, I'm stating the obvious but it sends me into a fucking rage every time I see it.


Will do, thanks bro.

Don't care, eurofags need to rise up and take back their countries. America doesn't have such faggotry generally speaking, so fuck off.

How about there's not much reward for most men to work anymore. The women are over-entitled sluts, most not even worth a casual fuck unless risking herpes excites you. You work so you can afford to go deep into debt to banker shekelstein who owns you til you die. Even if you do find a decent job, any darkie or cunt who has a problem with you will be able to fuck your shit up just by saying racist or sexist.

Who can fucking blame 'em?

Never understood this way of thinking, its like setting up your own business or developing new shit is always out of question.
But i give him the rest, theres gotta be a educational reform and the reintroduction of family relations first, schools became brainwash machines and ((they)) wont let people have values that goes against the programing.

I've tried time and time again to get into the workforce and just get repulsed every time. Why would I keep trying to get in? I'm not seeing any results.

I don't see my skillset as inadequate. I majored in mathematics, I'm really good with numbers and logical processes and I know a bit of how to code. Businesses claim they want these skills, but they don't seem interested when I bring them forward. Why would I go out and take more courses or workshops or self-study to get more skills? The ones businesses claim they want are already not going appreciated.

My family sat down with me a few months ago and told me they were worried about not having landed a job three years out of college. They encouraged me to go see a therapist, and I did so last week ($400 down the drain that I won't be getting back, another $100 if I decide to go back). He told me to go talk to a bunch of people and ask how they got where they are, but on reflection, I don't see how that will give me any insight on getting a job myself. I feel like he's set me up to go back to him again and again to get more "coaching" on getting a job, but his impact on my results is probably going to be zero.

This isn't an opting out of society so much as seeing that society isn't actually interested in me and choosing not to bother with it.

The only thing that keeps me going lately is posting here with you guys, seeing all the crazy events that's been happening, and alcohol.

Just wanted to say thanks.

They're in a completely defeatist mindset. The only way they can think of to fight the system is accelerationism based on parasitism. Starting your own business, even if you're networking with like-minded people, just props up the state with the taxes they take.

Yeah but RtT is fucking boring, verbose and abstract, and I mean even more so than Revolt.
I went through maybe 5 chapters and holy fuck.

Revolt talks about the hindus and the aztecs and the fucking Romans shaping their society in light of their beliefs. That's cool man.

That book identifies the root cause of the malady, something that's rarely talked about on Holla Forums. In fact most of us feel like something's broken in society but can't quite put their finger on it and argue from the same marxist standpoint our enemies do, and admittedly Marxism is the most logical conclusion when you hold a depressingly materialist worldview.

Revolt helped me a great deal in breaking away from that kind of thinking, it's the single best thing if you truly want shit to change.

Took me a while, run delivered. Not as fast, it's hot as fuck with 100% humidity and I've been studying all day.

how stupid are these people

Thanks for feeling with us tonight bro.

without europe the US looses it core civilization we are European colonizers

Demoralization and marginalization of white men by the Jew. They've created a system in which even if we are to work hard and succeed we will be pushed into the background because everywhere need to fill their minority quotas.

This breeds the mindset of "Well if I can't succeed, then why even try?". It's the conclusion that the only way to win the game is not to play.

The only way to rekindle the flame of their spirit is to give them hope. A goal to work towards that is possible. This goal should be to topple the reign of the Jew and bring about our next golden age.

The tides will turn within the next couple decades.

seems like cowardly optimism. Its plausible nothing will ever change and this civilization will just collapse Even if something does change we will still be in the twilight of this civilization

You faggots are all I have. Let's make it until monday boys.

Not even trying to whine or make excuses, but are any of those things untrue? I'd genuinely be happy with my situation having me work a nice middle class job, a loyal wife, a couple of kids, and a quiet life somewhere. Realistically though you're far more likely to end up scrounging for a job that you're overqualified for, that wife will divorce you within five years, you'll be paying for those two kids and the ex's new car while only seeing the kids on weekends, and you'll probably not be able to afford your own house and instead still be rooming with a few dudes while you get older in some sort of unglamorous and depressing parody of Friends - or you'll be back living with mom and dad (>implying the parents from that generation are even together still, too) .

This would only matter if society was in the 80's again. Because businesses are just ramping up worker visas and applying affirmative action as well. There is also vid related.

I do completely agree with you there. I had the same thing happen to me. My resulting conclusion was that there was no reason for me to try super hard to get a standard wage-slave job. You need to look into starting your own business. You could even do something mail order from your house. Once you open yourself up to other ideas they will come to you.

its to late I am kill

Be a man user. Seize her. Do not back down because she thinks it isn't possible. Do not change your will on the whims of a woman.

Has anyone here heard of the Daily Stormer Book clubs? I think this is something worth shilling for because the thing we personally need most right now is to have contact with other anons in meatspace.

The idea of becoming a charismatic and physically imposing leader of an user society, one of many across the world, keeps me going everyday. You guys are in a way closer to to me than family, and reading this thread legitimately fills me with sadness at the state we're in.

But we're going to win, and we're going to take back our countries, and we're going to rebuild all of society.
In the words of Goebbels,
Have faith in the future; only thus will you win it.

That's why I posted it. All of these anons telling others to stick their heads in the sand and not risk their comfort for their ideals are going to lead to that situation.

For now, nigger. Places like Cali and New York are working towards the European model. Unless Trump is elected, that shit will go nationwide. Add in common core requirements and you have a major shitfest.

And yes, paying for Deshawn's mixed children is the definition of cuckoldry. The time for you to abandon this society and work for an alternative is now, not later.

Setting up your own business is relatively simple now. The problem is keeping it going. As for product development, idk enough to comment.

And don't pay attention to the other user's strawman. I said if you wanted to work (self-employment or not), to offshore as much of your earnings if you can. You need to deny the government as much profit as possible.

Look at all the other anons posting ITT. Look at their skills and see where those skills have taken them. The system needs to be changed, and we should push redpilled anons towards focusing their energy on changing the system. You can't protest or even campaign for certain politicians without having your employment (your family's well-being) threatened. For those anons who are self-employed, good for them. For the rest of us, we aren't so lucky to have those opportunities, we have harder decisions to make.

I know this feel snotty lazy cunts are everywhere and if you are a young man you are a pedophile if you want to be a teacher, a loser redneck if you work with your hands, you can only be successful if you are a techie faggot who lives in NY and works for a start up and dates a CSI stronk womyn. our culture is complete trash and it either makes men self-destruct trying to compete or they self-depreciate or become fags for acceptance or they drop out.

She just got out of a sour relationship, and she tried to be nice about it, but knowing her I think she just wants to fly solo for a while.
Maybe someday.

We can make it to Monday night's debates. We can keep on trucking on one day at a time. If things get too bad and worst case scenarior comes to happen, just don't shoot the guy with the Pepe patch. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, I don't think they can stop the nigs and they'd be even less capable of stopping well-armed organized whites.

Nah dude, women pursue men that don't want to deal with their bullshit to the utmost ends of the real and virtual world to continue inflicting themselves onto them. Men are not permitted to have a space separate from their whinging and bitching. I find myself considering going full innawoods more and more often.

We can at least make it to the debates. I've waited over a year for this. I can't die until I see Hillary shit herself to death onstage.

Women don't fly solo. They only sit until a man takes her by the hand and lifts her from the ground.

At least stay in contact with her.

think about how brutal this shit will get when tribes of young men bring back ritualized warfare and young kids start scalping old normalfags in front of their family for XP

Absolutely I'll stay in contact with her. We've been friends for a while, and she wasn't a cunt about it when I asked her.

Hell yeah dude.

Whats the app called? I'd like to track my progress as well.

I'm aware, I was just explaining why that mindset exists.

Son, they're always getting dick from someone. Always. Even the nice ones.

My Economics professor's had a friend who owned a construction company. Had an opening payed $20/hour. 25 guys called for the job. And this was after the economy supposedly recovered. Most construction where live barely pays above minimum wage, but they usually are taken by immigrants who work for $7. Can't even find grunt work

just take out a shitload of student loans and then drop your courses to one class and blow the money on a fox body mustang and a colt delta elite and sell medical weed to degenerate hippy faggots and rob them when they pass out

If you're going to join a natsoc club be waryy that it may be infested with (((Them))), but it's a good idea in concept.
I love you too user

By kek's divine will you must bone her, in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction.

Why contribute to a kiked up society that hates you and is actively trying to destroy you?

She's still a virgin user.

I just want to protect her.

Be stronger than your environment.

You can do it. I believe in you.

I am no colonizer, I am a natural born US citizen. The Europe of today is not the Europe of my ancestors. My nation is under attack, I cannot waste my time trying to fix Europe when my own home requires attention. Europe needs to fix Europe.

Israeli shitholes that do not define the US, both (in the latter case, just the city, upstate would be fine without the city and (((Albany))) )need to go.
Keep trying to force that meme, cuck. Keep trying to make excuses for being a lazy useless parasite.

Just kill yourself already if that's your mindset.

Then take your time and try to understand each sentence he wrote instead of flying through it like it's a novel? Evola went from an inexperienced but passionate adult to a wise man and reconsidered his thoughts on 19th and 20th century philosophers while reaching the same conclusion in a more synthesized form. He wrote the same thing but in a "better" way, the same way a scholarly journal is better than a pop-sci article.

honestly lad you need to stop being so insecure and hurt about women.

doubtful but carry on

That is one of the best pictures I've seen on this site. Seen it before, of course, but, we can all identify with him. However, it is not only that which makes that picture great. Also, it's the fact that they worked hard to make it better since 1924, and by the mid 1930s, it was a completely different feeling.

We can make it.

S-stop bullying me.

She got super drunk one night and talked to me on skype while crying about how sometimes she feels like shit when people make fun of her for it.

videogames are the last place where males can do what they always did before liberalism: kill the enemy, get the women, achieve something

its alot worse than mere laziness

your a European colonizer and the US is an extension of western civilization nothing you post on a mongolian knitting board will change that.

Should I say (((vid related)))?

ok, ok, tmi

People make fun of her for it?

Had you considered that that same God causes/is the rot, and that there isn't really any direction?

Replace video games with shitposting and that's me.

Why? So you can be taxed to pay for shitskins and single mothers?

nigger fuck you i'm drunk right now, sorry.



They aren't going anywhere because nobody is making them leave.

You can't just ignore (((them))) user. Stopping putting your head in the sand.

Is paying for Deshawn's children, some boomer's social security and Israel's private military cuckoldry? That's where most of your taxes go user. Yes or no?

There's nothing wrong with paying taxes to a government that supports you. But there is something with paying taxes to support ZOG.

Fucking christ, is such a thing still active? I know that my experience of putting my resume in front of businesses has been completely worthless, and I started saying to myself lately that it feels like more of a process of why a business shouldn't hire me rather than should, but I didn't realize there were people who could be so open about it.

Have you done anything like this? Would you have any advice on where I could begin?

I joined a drum corps with some old friends of mine from high school, and they've been telling me how impressed they are with my ability to play my saxophone. Some have even suggested I look for a band to play in where I could get paid to play. Maybe this would be something really worth looking into?

Marry immediately.

They don't even have one in my part of the country, but it still reminds me that we're making progress, we need to start using the knowledge and skills we've learned here to help save other men out there. With time we'll become as secretive force for good in all aspects of society.

I know that feeling too well, I had to cut it off with a girl because I couldn't afford it financially and I couldn't in good faith deflower her without taking responsibility. For months I was terrified of her fucking a nigger but now I just feel numb. save her from this degenerate nightmare user.

*there is something wrong

Goddamn I would in a heartbeat. Sounds retarded but I seriously just want to protect her.

It was noble user, but you should have at least kept her around until you made it.

There's indeed something greatly inspiring about that picture.

I think my absolute favorite is gif related though. I believe this is Hitler's face as he stands before hundreds of thousands of Germans at the Nuremberg rally. It's the face of a man who has fought and achieved his grandest vision. I don't think there's quite anything like it.

I never see this posted with the other parts of the set. Here you go.

Maybe you just need to show that you're serious. It doesn't sound dumb at all.

What makes me skeptical is that Evola updated Revolt into the '80s, so I don't really think the two are interchangeable. I see Revolt as an overview of the situation and RtT as a more practical manual. I'll pick it up again some day when I feel like inflicting punishment upon myself, thanks for the overview.

read john glubb or gibbon or spengler tbh

You and you spouse work all day to afford the bare minimum life with children. They are in daycare from almost day one. Then they go to school and get pozzed the fuck out and turn against you for all your hard work.

Government and shitskins tell you that you are to blame for all the ills of the world and should get cucked by niggers.

No thanks.

Why not just enroll in university for as many years as you can and never pay off any of the debt if you hate society so much?

everyone is already doing that so I think we got that one covered

She went to university and I dropped out of mine. I'm in debt and neet now and trying to claw my way out of this hole. I workout everyday, read books everyday, and I've annihilated my social anxiety to the point that I can out banter anyone.

I'm remaking myself into the kind of man that can set the stage for our next fuhrer, god knows how much uncle Adolf needed his buddy Goebbels, and I'm going to be that wingman.

I'm hoping the fact I didn't sperg out on her when she said no is a head start on that. We've still been talking off and on today, but I know she definitely feels awkward as hell about it right now.

Then how would the illegal spics, muslims, and niggers the government loves so much get paid to stay at home and have kids?

Stop being a fucking retard.

You don't know how to type like an educated person and you are moving goalposts. Next you're going to tell me I'm an evil slave owner because people in the past owned slaves and I happen to be white in the US. Kike.

Check his video, this faggot has been making very good political predictions so far.

I'm going to get /fit/ but still be a video game nerd just so i don't have to get my legs cut off from beeties

Well I'm retarded, but you know what I meant.

filtered for too high levels of autism

He's telling you not to lose your history you fuckwit. Stop shouting about how great a Roman Citizen you are and remember where your ancestors came from.

Bet you unhid this, cunt.

Is it heresy to check satan's trips?

It's only inevitable that a system based on destroying the world's economy would destroy itself and give anyone else a chance at taking over.

Stop ignoring problems in favor of "false choice".

Look at Brazil or South Africa. That is the future if we don't stop it in the next few years. I'm arguing you're going to get fucked regardless of what you do, so try to inflict as much pain on them as possible. If a large portion of whites/taxpayers in America did this, it would critically cripple ZOG and save the white race.

got a recommendation for glubb or gibbon?

They aren't interchangeable because Evola returned to the subject with more experience and thus wrote a better book.

Don't mean to bully you, but how would you figure this if you only read 5 chapters and didn't understand any of it because it was too boring? Ride the Tiger goes from Dionysus to post WW2 degeneracy in art, music and culture while talking about how Humanism was a mistake and where Continental philosophers fell short. On top of that it does explain how he managed to live 30 years while retaining the same beliefs. There's nothing to be skeptical about, he improved on everything he talked about in Revolt.

It's only stronger and more powerful now. That's why M$ and (((Disney))) laying off entire IT departments and having temporary slave curry labor do it all instead managed to end up on the news. This means that those people look for entry level work because they have been displaced, and there is no longer a corporate ladder to begin climbing. They have successfully lowered wages and made the few people left work harder because the curry niggers can't keep up.

I had the same exact realization, I took the redpill after that. Also look again at the names of the presenters in the video, and the name of the law firm. So much (((echo))).

My solution was to find a job in another country. You could do that.
There are people that have nerd stuff like DnD figurines and so on that they sell online, they get wholesale stuff and because they don't have a storefront they do fairly well. This can likely be done with anything.
You could also look for jobs that require citizenship for security reasons. That puts an instant halt on any immigrants trying to take it, these do exist.

Yes, absolutely. There are professional players of all kinds of instruments. That may be a backup backup plan for me one day.

Now that you're emotionally and logically done with attempting to find a normal job and follow a normal career path, many possibilities will occur to you. You having that STEM degree may come in handy anyway, just not the way you thought it would.


I quit my last job and it was pretty pathetic too see how many people cared that I was leaving. The only reason they were upset was cause I worked hard and never caused a problem. They didn't give a shit about who I was. Now I work for myself and am more then happy.

dont go killin yourselfs fags it will be ok Dont swet the small stuff thats what (((they))) would love for you to do dont give in to the bullshit RIDE THE TIGER ,,
im starting to rant like an OLDFAG glass½Full TARd TO many feels today ,,im going out side to burn one and shake my fist at cars driving by to fast ,, be back in a few to watch

Don't forget Caterpillar, they did this too just in the past two weeks or so.

user I wake up every day just to lift and then wait to go back to sleep again. I'm just so tired.

Good luck, user.

I forgot to say good luck to you too.

Fuck, I didn't even hear that one.

I was like this after uni, I found a job niche though and make a bit above min wage and am currently getting a masters to move up in the field (curation, restoration) but I'll probably end up back where you are after all that work. meanwhile I'll have spent my entire 20s studying my ass off as a post-modern virgin monk who is has read all the german idealist philosophers and knows 19th century joining and masonry techniques as well as learning stain glass techniques but I will probably forever be some loser scratching by without health insurance and without a home or family. it fucking sucks tbh and sometimes being a NEET is better than clawing and clawing and clawing you way up while realizing society doesn't fucking want you. nobody wants you around, they want the boomer wealth to come onto them. they want to kill all the young white men, I feel like I am seen as a wild animal by all the stupid mongrelized fat scum on the streets. people are openly prejudiced against blond haired men

Be sure to hydrate and don't get too drunk.

So you showed her that you don't care much at all? Sounds like a great idea.

He's telling me I'm a colonizer and need to worry about what's happening in Europe instead of in my own nation, faggot.

I'm guilty as charged. I just don't have any willingness to get a job and make money or contribute to the pozzed society I'm in. I'm not optimistic for the future at all. Everything feels like a waste of effort. I know that if I find something worth getting my life in order for then I would do it in a heartbeat.

what I meant was exactly what that guy said you sperg


No, I showed her I'm not an autistic fuck about it. I've read pic related, no way am I copying that.

This is already happening. And it has nothing to do with people opting out but rather politicians and kikes selling us out.

Try doing that with two mouths to feed and a 9-5. And I don't mean shitposting, I mean go onto to the fucking street and protest. When you lose your job and your family's income, you'll understand where I'm coming from.

Went to school, flunked out of school, found Holla Forums, lost my will to live.

The funny thing is that I was always willing to ask questions, but I didn't ever ask for help outside of class.

Oh and this

Wasn't expecting to feel today Holla Forums.

Learn how to type properly and make a fucking point then. It's irrelevant regardless, Europeans need to worry about and fix their own nations. If Europe is still fucked when America is fixed, then we can worry about saving Europe.

Me again, the iOS Garmin app is a lot better than their web app. Helps track the quality of sleep, steps taken and helps me get useful metrics on runs. Yes yes I know I'm giving the corporations my information, but I'm going to be a milfag soon anyway so they're going to have their hand up my butthole for security clearances anyway.

It has everything to do with welfare parasite niggers such as yourself. Das Juden and their willing followers are at the top, your kind are only helping them.

gibbon wrote the decline and fall of the roman empire its THE history text of western civilization
its like 3000+ pages

already on it fam

Try and get as many unsubsidized loans as you can to really show 'em.

Reminder to read up on the Rat Utopia experiment.

my friend used his loans to buy a 10mm and a 5.0 mustang

shit taste

user, I get it. You don't have kids and you're a rootless cosmopolitan with no ties to your race or ancestral homelands but rather a country with a hostile government. You see it as your civic duty as a civic nationalist to support ZOG.

This argument isn't going to go anywhere. You seem utterly convinced I'm a welfare using nigger. Just know that your taxes go to support everything you hate.

They're so desperate not to lose their cash cattle because they know what happens when we check out of their bullshit system.

Who wants to operate together when the electricity runs out and we can't play vidya anymore? I'm hype.

I opted out of society when I was a very young boy, over 25 years ago. The "real world" (demiurgic jew illusion) is ugly shit and must be destroyed.

Eh cute thread guys what but you are about to witness is widespread cataclysm that ends every "age" fully with the ancient plagues of egypt, sea monsters, and biblical floods which means 90% pop reduction and new landmasses so take a look at the guidestones then pray for guidance and luck and pray to Satan just to be safe, don't want to get caught in a soul capture device or get fooled by the breakaway civilization transhumanists lol

oh wait, you thought this shit was just about politics

Yeah, it just those kids being lazy, there are so many great jobs out there and money grows on trees.

just try to find solice in the fact that your not the only one whos lifes going to shit keep getting Fit ,shit post with us rant rave say nigger out loud in public , do what you can to better your self if you want go to walmart at 3 in the morning get shotgun shells at selfcheck out for $ 4.99 the dumbass will not check your ID ,,also look around at the weird night people , go to a old folks home and play cards with the old bluehairs they need people to talk to other then the shitskins that take care of them ,,,long story short look around always some one worse of than you ,
my grammer sux i went to public Skoool,,,


This is rather old news, no matter when the article was written.

Why should a man participate in modern society?
Get married, have kids, and resist modern cancers. Games are just a time sink, trade that in for a decent skill. Gardening is an easy thing to start with.

Just kill yourself already, your IQ is clearly equalizing to your role as a welfare nigger.

Youngfaggot here, this is spot fucking on.


Same. If my own shitty fucking parents were too caught up in their bullshit to have time for me who would ever have it?


It's their parents fault for sustainiong parasites
If they want to spend their every free second playing vidya and not bethering with the world around them, good for them, so long as they earn the cash they need to support their hobby by themselves

But if all they do is play Vidya then there is someone finacially sustaining them

As the old saying goes
Don't blame the pig, blame the one who feeds him

I would say dont quit a job when you dont have another lined up, but I live in a right to work state and probably would do the same

and have done so before



USA is a Jewish nation. If you care about America, you are supporting the Jews. We want America to be demolished.


t. non-white mongrel filth

thats my entire life buddy

seems to be the common experience of white men tbh

Western women are fucking pitiable, 10 years maximum on their Wall counter, most of them are already over the Wall, very close to start taking anti-depressants. They don't know how to drive, how to take decisions, they are total wreck. At least the guys playing video games mostly have fun, and then they are built more stoic by design, so when the hard times will come they'll brace for it better and won't complain. As for women, you'll hear a sea of bitching forever, if you ever turn on the TV that is, which most men who play vidya do not do.

if only i was actually 100% west european

bottom page bump

Multicultural neighbourhood entice distrusts toward everyone, for everyone.

Damn you. Damn you all to hell.


Let me make an analogy. The US is like a cancer patient with a grade III tumor. It isn't a completely lost cause yet, but its rapidly approaching that point. We will know if the cancer is terminal in early November. If the cancer progresses beyond the point of no return, then we'll need to discuss the next steps down that road.

no bully pls

Good, because you're a worthless nigger and nobody here is emotionally unstable enough to require your validation.

Take a long walk off a short cliff.

"just be a leech" sounds appealing to certain kinds of people and I even see how you can rationalize you're being an accelerationalist by doing so.
but when SHTF you'll have no useful skills or allies and you'll die right away. so don't pretend your hedonism is actually helping.

first time getting trips eh newfaggie?


im just here for the lulz

have a rare pepe for compensation

*shoots self in head with 158 grain .357 JHP out of a 5.5 inch ruger*

its always the god damn jews

Learn how to cap things properly, retard.

This thread gave me feels…
These days most young people don't know what to do in life anymore…..
Quite sad but these days NEETBUX are easy obtain.

why should you worry not even apart of the civilization should jump ship now


Looks like he struck a nerve. Keep trying to justify your worthless obsession.

This. The same for me. Fuck Canada.

Yep, I've been saying for years that we in America are suffering the behavioral sink. It's tragic.

I graduated highschool, went to college, moved out of my parents house, went to trade school, got myself a girlfriend, we moved in together, worked some jobs…

but then the ho decided to cheat on me with my best friend, so now I don't trust anyone anymore and everything seems pointless. I lost my job, moved back home with my parents, fell into a really deep depression.

What followed was a cycle of nihilistic self gratification. Since I no longer desire to be around people or get a woman or have kids, it leaves me ample time to play vidya, and D&D etc. I put in some job applications, but mostly I hope they don't call me. I just plan to relax and enjoy what I can in this life until things get too difficult and then just shoot myself in the head.


John Deere is a name that belongs up there with Smith&Wesson, Winchester and Ford.

This thread is blessed. Praise Kek.

His nerves were already struck to begin with, and nothing has any inherent worth. What's next, are you gonna call me "kid"?

Everything in my body is telling me to take all of my money, get on my bike, and go to the other side of the country. Don't tell anyone of course
Wouldn't it be nice to just, be, gone?
Never will though, I'm still chained to the life I have in the city. Why is that then? Why can I not take this risk?


literal faggot right here

oofda, do I have to bleed apple pie to care about western civilization?


gee i wonder why

like you are so high and mighty. You are probably a 400 lb. cunt eating cheetos while masturbating to trap porn.

I plan to wait until both my parents are gone before I off myself. I may be disinterested in life but I'm not looking to break the hearts of anyone who cares about me.

dubtrips, Praise Kek!

I didn't forget them, but listing more than 3 would have felt silly.

wow looks like somebody is mad as hell

its okay tbh

If you don't understand that Fallout is essentially pro-communist, the entire message of the game went right over your head. Every time you read a log about some anti-communist guy from pre-war times on a computer, they're made out to be extremist ham-fisted ignorants who just want to kill communists. Most people don't catch the negative connotations and just agree that the communists are the bad guys (because they are), but if you read between the lines, you'll see that the writers actually intended the "smarter" (read: (((educated))) audience) to view the writing as ironic pro-communist, and thus actually root for the commies in the game, which wouldn't make sense, seeing as you're in post-war America.

you have to be white

I was born here too

It doesn't matter. A snake born in a lion's den will never be a lion. Fuck off.

what are you gay?

the US isnt exactly Rome

It was until 1965.

If you aren't of general European stock, you're unwelcome.

and all the Somalians born in sweden were born there and all of the Pakistanis in London and all of the Turks in Germany. Our civilization is exclusive to us we might and probably will fall apart soon but you cannot take this from us.

Literally the same shit that's happening in Japan.
Keep fucking with society with shitty laws and corrupt legal systems and it is inevetible that they will lose all motivation and just say "fuck this Im out, time to go play video games/sit on my ass watching anime/ect"

This is what happens when you turn the incentive structures of a healthy society upside-down. As Vox Day has pointed out, leftists live in a steady-state universe wherein if you pull a thread over *here* absolutely nothing ever happens over *there*. Everything is atomized from everything else; actions are disconnected from consequences. They expected feminism to rob men of every incentive to become adults - from the authority of being head of a household to the respect due to the breadwinner and even to the obedience of their children - and men would just keep on being what they always were. This is essentially the same mistake that doomed Marxism - the idea that you could take any incentive based on personal profit away from workers, and they would keep working just as hard as they ever did. But that's not how human nature or reality operate. So in the old Soviet Union, the workers took to goofing off, showing up drunk, or generally engaging in "they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work". In the 21st century West, men play Overwatch and jerk off to Brazzers instead of getting jobs, getting married, and having kids, because why not? Take away the incentives for doing the right thing, and people will stop doing it. What is so fucking hard to understand about that idea that makes it impossible for utopians to grasp?


That sound really seals the deal.

Alright, I give up, what anime is she from, again?


Hopefully all of you nihilist faggots will get with the fucking program *if* Trump is elected.

You know what else finds its way into the country? Invasive species of the animal kingdom that fuck up the entire ecosystem. Guess what you're a part of, mongrel.

Serial Experiment Lain

except it wasnt
there have been googles living in the US since 13 years after mayflower

I live in the states

Boku no autism

They were, until modern times, considered to be 3/5ths of a person, and were considered property less than 200 years ago.


I'm watching this right now.

Meanwhile, I had a delightful interaction with an young, pretty IGA cashier with sparkling blue eyes, pushing her Ginsu knife stamp promotion today.

Entirely in French.

Adapt or die, tabernak. I love it here.


I'm just laughing at you over here matey.

I'm watching Kiniro Mosaic S2 right now

1763 best day of my life faggot

When those scenes came up I kept waiting for Hitler to show up and jews to burn in the oven.

Hitler did show up…in your dubs.


slaves being 3/5ths was for taxes and political influence in congress


That's the exact opposite of what Evola means when he says that.

Okay, from now on…


Correct. When this country was established, they were not considered human beings.

It can be done - my father did it.

This was true.
That was also true.
My father is probably in better shape than I am (and I'm in pretty good shape), probably in better shape than most of the people in this thread, and he's in his 60's.

He got me… And that's why, when I see all these people talking about 'fuck it, just gonna get my metaphorical-cummies and then take the .44 express outta here!', I can't get on board with that.

Yeah… But they made decent money, and got a lot of good training no doubt - if they can't or don't put that to use upon return, then they really and truly lost.
If they can and do, then, well… Not so much.

You don't lose to the same DEGREE either way, however - in one instance, there is the potential for a future, for a chance at improvement… In the other, there is not, just the extinction of your genes.

Now this I can get behind.

That's not enough.
Real risks aren't voting for a right wing candidate - real risks are grabbing your buddies and forming a team of men who recognize what is at stake, who (like so many in this thread seem) realize there is no future for themselves and are willing to be the sacrifice (if need be) to set things right, and then doing something about it.
None of those we discuss by name here on Holla Forums are Gods - they are mortal men.
They shit, they eat, they bleed - and they can die just like any other man.

No shit?

"The new state will not fall from the clouds, but arise out of the people themselves."
Or something like that.

Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about?
There will be no peaceful change of any benefit. Ever.

It will be blood and iron, all the way down… Its just a question of how long its going to take most of us to realize it.
Because once we do, once enough men of the ilk who dwell on this board and beyond realize that the very-best they can hope for without resorting to force is just to create more life such that our kind can continue to exist to keep the fight going, that the best we can manage as-is is to reproduce such that our offspring will face that which our current population is unwilling or unable to face, then we will be ready to take the actions that need taking.

But at the moment, I see nothing to suggest such will transpire in my lifetime, and this thread only solidifies that in my mind.

And, given that circumstance, my only option is to aim for the very-best that I can hope for, which is, as aforemtioned, to create more life such that our kind can continue to exist to keep the fight going.

If you want to die, go die.
If you want to fight, let's fight.
But if you won't fight, then you're already dead, and a bunch of corpses are not going to save the world - but sons and daughters might.
And the possibility of victory is preferable to the assurance of defeat.

Me? I'm just another corpse, waiting for the signal I don't expect to ever hear, and just trying my best to ensure I can pass on my genes and knowledge before I finally settle down in the grave.

You feel it too, don't you?

you evolafags should stop promoting him on this site, there are too many normfags. my fellow nietzschefags fucked up hard with le ubermensch posting in the "iron pill" cancer threads but that seems to have died down


look mommy I'm being a contrarian-contrarian and I'm being an edgy LARPer as well

Reminds me of this. This is the future you're supposed to be excited to have.

they were counted as 3/5ths because northern states didnt want the house filled with southerners representing people who didnt pay taxes and couldnt vote

I've been full homeless lad, was for 8 months during 2014. It actually isn't that bad.

I wouldn't mind doing it again to be quite honest. Where you at?

I'll probably get around to that afterwards.

all youth is "wasted", there is no such thing as waste in a universal sense. waste is defined by humans, oldfags are out of touch with reality. as long as you are getting fit and learning skills you are doing fine. you probably aren't learning great skills at Uni so switch minors if possible to something marketable

I lived in my car my last semester of undergrad since I was sick of getting cucked by apartment rent and living with stupid normalcucks. it was actually pretty dank sleeping in my truck and showering at the gym before class. actually got better grades that way

That's not even remotely the same thing as being homeless you faggot.

wow are you some kind of homeless hipster elitist about being homeless?

Wholeheartedly agree.


>I slept in my car and had nearly 24 hour access to showers, I was homeless dude, I know how it is

Fucking kill yourself.


Northen Spain, near the french border, the problem is that I've been meaning to travel somewhere far and start a new life, sadly because this is Europe you either work some draining government job.

I was thinking about trade skills, but the thing is that in my country Stem fields are considered for suckers, and trade skills are all the rage, so there's a huge competition.



*Either work some draining government job, or starve

From the originals? For all the kvetching about them, I've never seen the Bethesda era games spew anything pro-commie, at worst there's Liberty Prime seeming almost parody-tier and that's maybe 10 minutes of Fallout 3 at the very end.

Gas yourself.

oh yeah its funny how you euros have a different situation than us. you could learn agricultural tech skills and get into farming tbh

Eat a dick you salty faggot.

A corpse like you won't do shit, but cry and die.

At least if you have some kids, they might be worth something, might stand where you could not.

MGTOW-tier shit, suicidal fantasies, this is worthless, worse than worthless, actively degrading the worth which exists.

If you wanna die, go die.
If you wanna fight, let's fight.
But if all you wanna do is be a corpse laughing at the decline of our future, then I have no use for you, and will continue my efforts to see my line have a future, and carry on the fight.

Oh, people still work, but I can't exactly put "produced seven pounds per light on a twelve week harvest cycle under 750 watt HPS in a church basement" on a resume.

Be careful, don't disagree with him too hard or he might filter you :^)

t. guy sitting on his computer on a friday night doing fuck all


Who cares what a corpse does?

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you're already dead.


Weaponize gossip, user. I put out "tracer stories" on occasion to track the distribution and act accordingly. There are a few trustworthy souls out there still, but for the most part, you're right.

This. Men without a woman\family to take care of just don't give a fuck and don't wanna take responsibility.



It's due to beer. Hops are literally tranny hormones.

Kind of makes sense but then again Hitler didn't have knock anyone up as far as we know.

I don't, but what if I did?

I'd still be better than your pathetic corpse ass.

Responsibility for WHAT? They don't have a wife, they don't have children, they don't have a family.

They don't have any responsibility to take in the first place.

When my father was a boy, he had an American neighbor, he told my father about all the wonderful things about the USA, and all that info, he passed down on me when I was a child, telling me all these tales about the USA and how friggin' great it is, there was also a family tale about how some great granduncle of mine had rented a spot in a boat that was to take off for the states during WW2, but the poor bastard was shot in the back of the head the day before.

And even after 9/11, after Obama, and all the shit that is going down, I can't shake off the idea of how great the USA is compared to Europe, I'd love to go, but I'm afraid with what's going on, it should be about time to cut back on the immigration, I don't know what to do, I don't want to leech off, I just want to start a new life away from all the needless bureaucracy, the overreaching governments, Merkel and the EU, etc…

Every man has duties to uphold.


im so fucking pissed. time to shit on some kikes and kike sympathizers soon.

chimp aint chimppin so lets bump Dis ho

This is how all (((educated))) people think, user.

you are just inventing strawmen tbh, its always fun to see the autistic retards swarm into the classic chan feels thread and grand-stand their imaginary lifestyles like anyone gives a flying fuck.
you sound like a woman tbh


If a woman is not married by the age of 25, there is something wrong with her. Period.

That was easy, corpse.

hitler was a spiritual being. we are hitler incarnate.

literally never posted MGTOW shit ITT filtered for sinead tier autism

And that something wrong isn't just a cause. It's a symptom too. Not having children fucks women up. They become psychotic in middle age.


if you can make it do it, move to the midwest tbh

You would probably change your mind if you ever did.

Hitler was inspired by something different, but you will find that Hitlers are pretty rare.

Responsibility to have an income so they can think about having a woman and a family.

Of course this is not how it works anymore.


hence their obsession with dogs in their mid-twenties

That is an accurate statement, yes - if you fail to reproduce, you are a loser, by Darwinian standards, at the organismal level.
Cry about it more… Or even better, just go kill yourse- Oh wait, your already dead.
I never said that, you enormous faggot.
And you're the one calling others autistic, while autistically projecting onto everyone around you?

You sound like a young woman tbh fam.

Get out of Dartmouth.



Your entire rhetorical line is straight outta the MGTOW handbook bro.

Pathetic corpse.

it's like if you're living in in a shitlaval

this applies to most of Holla Forums tbh will probably end up using against you in a later thread

There's a fuckton of nihilistic defeatism out of this bunch.

Are these fags all from halfchan? It's like Holla Forums and /r9k/ have invaded. Jeezus Christ.

Did the same thing, I got treated like shit by this one manager at work so I decided that day was my last. As soon as it was closing time, and not a second after, I said "I quit." and walked out the door.

I need to get out of where I am, that much is for sure - the women here are just a fucking mess, and while I realize its that way all over, my geographic location only furthers that condition.

Oh god I'm gonna cum

Nothing wrong with pot. Remember, (((prohibition))) is degenerate.

How many young women do you know that throw around the phrase "divorce raped"?

There were a fair amount of Renaissance figures that never had family's like da vinci and isaac newton I don't think you need a family to find purposes but that's not a reason to shirk one either.

Its a Friday night feels thread.

What do you expect?

just ignore that poster he is on some vendetta against my posts because I am apparently a homeless poseur

Regardless it's my dream to see this land with my own eyes, my father keeps telling me how he's jealous of me because I'm young and I have no ties yet, not to mention:

Okay so story time:

It's pure faggotry.


A few, actually.

Only, its usually them being like "yeah, Id divorce rape his ass in a minute if he x", so…

In any case, everything else about that faggot reeks of sad, lonely, and defeated.

He's a corpse, walking around, trying to get his cummies before putting a bullet in his skull and accepting the grave…

… Which, hah, is itself basically MGTOW in a nutshell.

Well leader of goons did just buy 4chan and is probably about to nuke cuck/pol/ as we speak, so they're probably already coming here for shelter.

Welcome to Holla Forums.

I don't even enjoy the roof over my head sometimes, sometimes it feels as if I would rather sleep on a bench
Does anyone else get that feeling?

actually I just realized you are from spain
don't move to the midwest stay in the south or something tbh texas is great

careful you might get called out for posing as a homeless person

The quarter, the frog statue, the tarot deck


Still more homeless than you've ever been, sweetheart.

Constantly. I feel like life today is too removed from actual survival.

I wouldn't really call it defeated when you just backed up his assertion. If girls are really talking like that all the more reason to avoid any legal contracts with them.


Then go.

If you get that feeling, follow it.

Bonus Points: Make some preparations, and go live in the woods for a week or two.
Just do it.

I do it every summer.
You'll be glad you did.

Sad but true. Seems like Holla Forums is the only place where truth is given to you good and hard. We all need that from time to time.

I've actually heard this from multiple sources, that being homeless isn't so bad. What they hated most was being dirty all the fucking time. Got any tips? Being able to survive on the street seems like a decent skill to have, even if I never use it.

Good goyim!

Remember, only two centuries ago your ancestors could simply buy some tools, go out into unsettled land, and create a homestead to raise their families. They would work a few hours a day during planting season, all day during harvest, and barely at all during harvest. Their time spent when not farming would be hunting, with their families, or engaging in social brevity or personal hobbies.

Now you goyim work 40 hours a week until you die, either cold and alone or crying at how your daughters turned into whores and your sons into cucks.


My guess is that you'd rather build the roof over your head, having truly earned it than rent some bullshit house/apartment.

It's a valid feeling. Take up carpentry.

*all day during harvest, and barely at all during winter

Sage for double post

Stop antagonizing the poor (((educated))) retard. Even though he had access to a vehicle, showers, and fresh meals, he still considered himself to be homeless. Let him have his delusions.

Nah bro.

That women are shit, by the numbers, does not justify the approach of "Well, fuck it, guess I'll just try to get muh cummies and then kill myself! Yay nihilism and apathy!".

The MGTOWfag isn't asserting that women are shit, he's asserting that women are shit THEREFORE give up on everything and die alone without any children because MUHDIVORCERAPEBRO.

That's fucking MGTOW-tier faggotry at its utmost.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot weather the storm", and the warrior replies, "I am the storm".

Go be the storm - or else, be a corpse.
Your call.

You're mentally ill. You are on the same level as that retard that had a (((psychologist))) pour drain cleaner in her eyes because she wanted to be blind.

Kill yourself.

And her birthday is February 29th too, right

I hate these fucking kikes so goddamned much

Yeah you know man I'm glad you have role models but these people found their true calling while I haven't. The closest I've got was through a girl, it didn't work, she got with somebody else and I opted out of society.

Bottomline: I'm not a fucking Da Vinci. I have passions, yes, but I'd rather have a woman that won't just walk out on me soon as things get rocky. I don't think I can have that in this society so I just don't even bother. If you think anybody can be a Newton or something you're fucking delusional.

Two weeks?
I'm planning on going full Thoreau and living alone in the woods for two or so years, I've been thinking about it for at least the past year now, I'm still trying to find a spot in my life when I'm not grounded by anything and am good and able.
I know people say "later never comes" in this type of thing, but, I suppose we'll see then

Doing back braking labor for the entire summer and sitting around in a uninsulated house in the winter really doesn't sound that appealing compared to modern living.

Cry about it.


Kek approves.

Do it.

He was a bit too specific about his assertion, but he was ultimately right.

It's all about immortality. For most, this manifests itself as a family to take care of so that you leave your mark when you die. If you have no stake in the future, you just don't give a damn about anything.

The overwhelming majority chooses family for their lasting mark, though. When that choice is removed, most pick religion, but society suffers for it. A prime example would be Islam, wherein the top thirty percent I'm ballparking it here of the wealthiest basically purchase seventy percent of the women, leaving seventy percent to squabble over the remaining females.

So they choose either pointless annihilation when they die or the Allahu Ackbar Special.

Hitler's bid for immortality was Germany. For the architects behind the Arc de Triomphe Can't remember who they were now, but whatever, it was that. Leonardo da Vinci's was his artistic endeavors and his inventions.

For most, immortality is family. For the rest, it's their work.

Shut up and die already you old kike

Well, this thread has helped me make up my mind, I am heading to Texas, I will find what my life needs there, even if I have to live as a homeless until I cash in on a job, wish me luck Holla Forums thought this might take some time, I need to make the money to take the trip.

Wow cool it with the anti-semetic remarks

What country?

In America you'll get gassed if (((they))) catch you in their precious national forests.

You tried.

And I don't actually know when her birthday is… I should find out and use that as the motive to ask her out.

join the texas national guard its the only non-cucked national guard

Translation: fuck off niggers, you sent getting no gibs from me for 'reparations'

Been planning the same thing. I hope I meet another likeminded person who can come with me, but part of me wants to do it completely alone.

he is just LARPing


Key phrase.

Better than corpsing. ;^)

FYI: Catfish is delicious.

Not necessarily a Newton but for a good bit of European history the entire priest class had to live without a family and seemed to get by okay.

America :^)

If nothing else I can always cut my losses whenever I want, that's the magic of it- in it being nothing
I'm grounded to absolutely nothing

What is funny about that is how big gambling on video games is becoming. There are still underground tournaments for dead as fuck games like L4D2 simply because there are a handful of rich fucks who want some action.

Go alone.
Its better that way - you can take someone with you after you've done it awhile/a few times.

what forest? you should wait until spring obviously
are you going to build a cabin? or are you just going to shove some fibre board together?

I figured out in high school I would have to wait until my 40s to be able to afford kids and the private schools they will attend.

Also, the wife is expensive. You want a queen? Budget for it.

Men are being turned into women. It ends in a collective, systemic suicidal orgasm. That's the (((plan.)))

When I say that I'm not doing this for a while, I mean more than a few years, I've got my whole life on a list right now

yeah I like to dream about shit as well

Yeah, that's why I'm trying to grow my faith. I don't want to bind my happiness to a person who might divorce-rape me one day.


If you actually do this watch out for skinnies.

There are some crazy ass motherfuckers living in forests and they will sacrifice you in some ritual if they catch you asleep. It's fucking dangerous in American forests.

Unless a truck counts as a home suddenly, I think the dude was accurate when he said he was homeless. You can nitpick and say 'oh he had access to showers that doesn't count' but it fucking does count. He was just a better-off homeless person.

I think a lot of people are just fed up with society. I know I personally am praying for a big collapse. Bring on the apocalypse. I have all my doomsday prepper supplies and boxes of ammunition for my guns. Just let this whole shit show come crashing down. We could use some good old fashioned anarchy and survival of the fittest. All the useless eaters on welfare in the inner cities will starve to death within weeks. This whole degenerate civilization needs to get rekt. A new world, a better world, might rise from the ashes.

going to live in little mexico huh? At least go to a none shithole state buddy

Sorry user, but life has sent me enough signs that I will find what my life needs in Texas.

That or Arizona

Tell me more I don't know how to google or nigger or fuck whatever kek wills now

You need to make sure your wife is kike aware and redpilled.

I fell in love with mine when shortly after we met, she started ranting about copyright and Disney. I knew she was a keeper.

Shadilay, brother.

Texas is in general cucked to hell and shit.

The only decent places in the state are the small as hell towns with less than a couple thousand that are 100% (okay they usually have a token nigger and spic) white. But they will kill you and hide your body in the woods if you look like a pedophile.

Why do I get the sense that a bloody war is what we're headed towards?

I was a bitter wage cuck til i got lyme disease. Had to move back home best thing that ever happened tbh. Not my fault I was born into a well-off family and have no interest in serving Zion's slave machine. Literally lay in bed read stuff on the computer and meditate all day its great.

Patiently awaiting WW3

I'm willing to take my risks, and if Texas does not work, well, I used to be a boy scout, so I don't mind walking a long stretch.

Alright Chaim, chamber time.

we can only hope.

There is literally nothing wrong with the Alpha Males taking control of their destiny this time around.
The betas have been poor stewards of society, our women and our country. Its time they went back to what they know….virginity, video games, cuckoldry and living with mom.

The weak must fear the strong.

"Danny Izquierdo enjoys playing video games on all platforms. He often plays with friends via a big screen monitor, as shown, but is just as adept at gaming on a laptop or smartphone."
This has to be a troll caption. plz be trolls.



Pick yourself up Kamerad, in the face of adversity, strive as we always have. Hitler did the same thing. He went through a vicious cycle of working and being out of it, so much so that it broke him in a way. He found himself lowered on the social latter. He says that it is better to had come into Vienna with a pocket full of money and a face of optimism and get NO work, than to had to go through that cycle I just mentioned. Things aren't quite as bad now, but take his victory as a testament to overcoming these things. Living is suffering, that's what life is. A long chain of awful things that will happen to you, in return for coming out on top of it, you propagate. You can take social Darwinism out of society but you can't take the laws of nature out of humans. Advocated for or not, we still follow these rules.

(Well, not to an extent anymore with welfare and affirmative action, but generally, the strongest do survive regardless)



Yeah! Lyme disease rules!

Purely anecdotal but i'll give you two cases of two weeb/gamer brothers:

My brother:

Wanna know the difference? I'm comfortable with who I am and my hobbies, his are determined by those around him but I'm not autistic enough to bring up fucking anime at work. At work I talk about Boxing and Wrestling. I'm seen as the "big MMA guy" and I'm told that I'm "such a guy" regularly…then I go home to my wife and we watch a fuckton of AKB48, One Piece and play Star Ocean 2.

He on the other hand brings up feminism constantly, corrects peoples language and will emotionally shut down when confronted with any different view.

It's all about a simple rule: Don't be a fucking autistic faggot.

nice try chaim

Very true. The top 10% of guys have 90% of the sex.

I feel a little sorry for the bottom 90% of dudes who, at best, can hope to stick their dick in a handful of (probably obese) American women in a lifetime in return for a lifetime of disrespect and hard work.

Maybe we'll turn out like Japan, with the guys checking out of society and the women choosing not to procreate because there aren't enough financially stable men to go around.




Japanese girls seem kinda nice… they're even nice ON TWITTER!!!
Mail order bride or bust, people.

I'm not eschewing violence. Tbh, I think its inevitable, but I want to see if Trump can change things. If he doesn't, then we need to form contingencies.

We'll see each other in the field when the time comes, hopefully on the same team.

Stupid fucking goy, the plan is to stop white men from reproducing and import 6 billion shitskins to fuck all of the white women.

White genocide goy, because it's current year.

You're just mad that you can't find any ticks to contract lyme disease with and collect the autism bucks.

You have to go back.

Yes, northerners didn't give a shit about googles either. You still haven't said what your shitskin admixture is yet.

I don't just go on Holla Forums.








Do you goys think think there will be anything big before next Jewish New Year ( Oct 2-3rd ). I'm giddy with excitement











That's why you should move to a place that went through all this bullshit fifty years ago and came out the other end with certain 'changes' to daddy government that deters excessive parasitism and checks goatfucker privilege.

One guy



Not just anybody either, anything. See: Female sextoys and how accepted they are.

I had lyme disease too, ticks are everywhere where I live. It caused half of my face to be paralyzed for like a week, it was fucked. Cured it with a 30 day antibiotic regimen. Have you noticed any lasting effects like: fatigue, anxiety, inability to concentrate?


Apparently it turned YOU into an ultra faggot.

-.- I can't go back. It was IRC. IRC is dead…

It was an simple question, many people report that.

Based pure white genes are the greatest thing any man can have.

He's a jew user, jews don't know how to use guns. They have goyim for that

Not back to IRC you stupid shitskin fuck.



That's the IDF jew on the roof from orlando shooting.

I honestly dont know if it was lyme disease or not but I was rly sick with something. Ended up curing with colloidal gold and platinum ( serious ).

Typically, the movement of men turning to video games instead of society is a result of the social engineering plans to remove intelligence from goy populations.

As the social engineering in the scholastic echo chambers causes behavioral changes that see children increasingly turn on their intelligent classmates, these intelligent individuals eventually just quit trying to fit into society altogether.

Interestingly enough, the Games Journalism thing that happened awhile ago was an attempt by (((The Social Engineers))) to turn the whole of society AGAINST these intelligent men even more….

Of course they can't just tell people to attack all intelligent men, because that would be too honest.

SO, what they did instead, was research the interests of these intelligent men, and they found a very strong correlation between intelligence and video games.

So, they decided to attack people who play video games, as a sort of proxy for intelligence.

I hope that made sense, I'm still trying to spell this one out in plain enough language.

I may have higher than average net worth for my age. I may have a few thousand in the market growing as assets. I may become the new Walter White of fucking chemistry.

But dammit I'm fucking jealous.
The whole reason I'm doing this is so I can live near water and buy a houseboat and live on the sea and be a recluse there with my reptiles.

not him but I get fatigue, occasional pore flare ups, and rarely bone pain
there is a bug bite on me that appears to heal, then flares up later

I'm thinking I may have it. I once looked up my symptoms when I had an unusual pain, then I came across lyme disease.

Yeah I've come to the conclusion that public education is purposely designed to destroy the goy population's intelligence and ability to think logically. I mean I could create a system better and more efficient than the current American public education system in an hour. It's just that shitty.

And the kicker is, anybody can, even the dumbest of fucks could design something better. This new education is very deliberate.

Just want to add that you create the realm and bring your wife into it.

Never move to where she is, unless you like being a cuck.

I made colloidal silver once, thinking of trying it again.

go to the doctor

I believe it. Some people think playing video games or watching anime is an achievement.

They are like SJWs, leftists and liberals

Everything and everybody is the problem except me!


this tbh

t. still neet after i got lyme and was pretty much completely incapacitated for a year until i finally found a doctor that actually treated it in like january

It's massively improved since before I had treatment, but I don't think my memory and concentration have ever returned to quite the level they were before the disease. I also have joint pain in one knee that never went away, but since the pain in all the other joints has gone it may just be some unrelated injury that happened at the same time as this disease.

Yea low voltage with DC or batteries works well for ionic silver. I make a batch every now and then. If you ever feel the need to buy some this company is by far best bang for your buck.

The problem is less their sedentary action and more what they consume.

If NEETs were reading books, even fiction, for 8 hours a day instead of watching anime and playing video games they would at least be improving their intellectual capacity. They would learn more words, become better at grammar and language in general, and maybe even pick up new ideas.

There's a reason jews have made goyim hate reading. THE JEWS FEAR READING

I got in this tail spin for about a year when I was under employed. I think it's because I needed a creative outlet for my "Genius". I played vids and made rabidly anti-semetic YouTube videos. I was still drunk on my own potential because I was a relatively young man.

Once I hit 28-30, I had to get it together and get a career going. The desire to meet a woman and have a family was strong and I somewhat got my shit together.

Don't be discouraged neets…Take this time to help our cause. Once you get near 30, shift into being a part time "truth warrior" and go earn some money. Meet a woman and have a child.

Quit the vids…especially the consoles with the mindless "action games". If anything, if you are being productive and earning money, strategy games might be ok to play to scratch the itch and keep your mind sharp…but no more than a few hours at a time.

also serrapeptase is great for rekting the biofilms

I feel your pain user. Have a dank webm

I can't imagine what the next generation's future would be like
Maybe they'd be even more fucked over by this gen and have to pay off boomer AND these fucker's debts
I wish I could have a successful kid with a wife that won't leave me in this society but that ain't happening no matter how hard I try

I'm interested in expanding my mind. What do you suggest I read?

What's funny is that all of those shitskins hate Jews for being Jews. I guess they'll make a quick buck building the ovens for the second shoah?

It gets even MORE fun when you conspire what the future collapse of the education bubble will bring.

"What economy?"

I'd ask why Holla Forums doesn't sub more anime but I realized we'll always have Ghost Stories.

Anything tbh

Just make sure the author is white, that's the most important thing. Jew books pollute your mind.

we have nothing to lose?
it's ogre?

Understood. I was also thinking of picking up playing an instrument since I hear it's good brain training.

My favorite book is Frankenstein. Might give that a read.


thats an mp4


Dammit, Kek!

I don't need this understanding! I knew this was going to happen! I didn't want confirmation!

I goofed

Anything factual. If you're reading fiction you might as well be watching anime.

Well I'm sure we will be presented with WW3 soon enough. Then at least we can die with some dignity or maybe win.

He's german. You forget that kikes basically adopt the naming system of whatever country they inhabit. It's -stein, -berg type names were originally German.


THEY are trying to make goy nations into better slaves, by weeding intelligence out of the gene pool through social engineering and other tactics.

I know, it was a simple jest.

do it faggot

Dude, I had the Dell RTM two weeks before free from a guy at work.

I've had the opportunity to deflower a few friends. Really glad I didn't.

don't do it

Japanese girls are the reason of herbivore men

I can't tell sometimes with the illiterate transplants we've been getting lately.

you have to go back

At $10 an hour, there is very little risk, user. You can go clean houses and offices and make $20 an hour easy, and that is the bottom of the barrel as far as home businesses go.

I'll tell you what you can do. Pick something you want to do. If it is labor or selling something, then focus on what sort of labor you would like to do or what type of products you would like to sell. Then, mix COMMON needs with high cost products and services.

You want to sell something that EVERYONE needs. There is typically lots of competition and you don't make much money, but you use that to direct market your more expensive products and services.

You don't offer a product or service that the customer may want and ask you for? Make connections with other businesses in your area and set up a 10% finders fee for referrals. Are you a meme lord? Well, fuck, you already know how to market. You could easily sell services yourself and then have someone else do the work and take your referral fee.

no you

Thanks for providing valuable input to this thread, a balance of two cents has been added to your account


Everyone needs gas

Time to become a zyklon b salesman.

LOL, thinking back to the time I took serious wife material to a storage unit and showed her my Ami$h hardwood furniture. Also discovered she was a princess when I got no help moving an air conditioner.

It was so fucking kawaii.

Americans are drugged the fuck out on fluorides and chemicals put in the food!!!

It's not you OP! Americans are litterally casualties in the dirtiest war ever known to man.

This video is just the tip of the iceburg. Monsanto was adopted by Bayer and those chemicals put in the food are being used as weapons against Americans.

Just use setoff. You never have to pay back loans in Canada.

Don't worry goy the (((FDA))) says there is no proof those chemicals are bad for you.

Eat up goyim.

hol up

u w0t m8

smh tbh, there iz more sites than Holla Forums guys lol

I think gaming can give you some skills. I played a lot of first person shooter games through my teenage years. When I went to a range and fired a real gun, I had developed a decent level of marksmanship. Other games like magic the gathering are highly tactical requiring complex planning and knowledge of how many different things will interact to get a desired result. Playing D&D will give you some really quick math skills for doing addition with various sets of numbers. If you are the DM you also develop skills at acting, doing voice work, and fiction writing skills. If you play RTS games you can develop a good understanding of battlefield tactics like flanking, and how to effectively use reserves, or guerilla tactics with sniper teams. If you play puzzle games that could stimulate the brain. Most games help develop a lot of hand eye coordination. Modern multiplayer games using VOIP help you develop communication skills and teamwork.

Anyway the point is, it's at least as worthwhile as reading books.

You're filtered nigger.

Now get in the oven.

I kind of figured you were a Holla Forumsedditor.

Spotted the millenial.

oven? is dat a holocast joke? jeez dude r u a raycist?

[spoiler]Fucking hell guys.
Anyway for his username, I'll say that it is very close to the sound of a gun. Anyone want some greentext of having a cuck for a brother?[/spoiler]

Oh look, a thread about the state of the world caused by kikes gets autosaged.

Stop with the angsty "Americans are stupid! That's why they don't get the JQ!"

Americans are bombarded with the highest amount of Jewish propaganda in the world. Jews live amongst us becuase they always go where the getting is good. Even so, white Americans still aren't "sufficiently Jew friendly" for the JWO. They defo aren't giving up their guns and are resistant to a total commie takeover. Also, 66% of the white working class feel discriminated against becuase they are white. I'll source the research poll if you need it. 49% of the entire white population feels discriminated against becuase they are white.

If we removed the Jew media from white peoples lives for 6 months and replaced it with a mild "anti-Zionism" liberartarian media, the average white American would be be pretty adamantly against the Jewish power structure.

Spoiler is 2 of these around each side of what you want to say, so if I want to say nigger spoilered it would be done like this nigger *.* and come out like this google

I don't even know what is ironic anymore.

Just gas me.

Sage for doublepost but I fucked up so bad I'm laughing

anyway user just put two asterisks around your words no spaces

that is precisely what is happening.

These are ancient shepherd tactics, man….

I'm not going to argue with someone that has your level of self delusion.

Me too, except I have achieved wizard status


I really can identify with this. Perhaps it hit me earlier than most, but having absolutely no place in modern society completely demoralized me at an early age. The only ones that notice your existence want you dead. Everyone else, even our own families for some, could not care any less about our existence. It is weird that I have a few people in my life who would be sad if I were to die, but give zero shits that I am alive.

okay, I literally cannot post without disabling javascript.

If java is enabled I get a HTTP refer error EVERY TIME.

but if I turn java OFF, it LETS me post, but sends me to a "Bad Page" directly after posting.

I can just refresh the page and see my post, so it's posting….

but, still….

Use TOR, it's the only way m'goy.

Page not found error.


Report it to codemonkey, he should have it fixed by never

See user, that's your problem right there.

k, sorry for the off topic.

Get a CDL and drive a fucking truck and get paid to do that. It is therapeutic to roll on and on down the road with nothing but the sound of the wind, engine and sometimes music, and of course your thoughts.

The one on Cure Labelle. Her name is Noemie.

(And it is shit here, but I'm building a house in the Pontiac.)

Oldfag here and I can really relate to you guys. In fact, Ive found I relate to those my age less and less as they are stubbornly clinging to the kike programing. Anytime I have conversations with them, I feel like I have to explain to much beforehand to get to my point. Wasted fuckin energy IMO.

You young anons see this wretched place for what it is. You have the knowledge to not not piss your best years away in a stupor like I and many in my age group have.

I feel more comfortable shitposting with you faggots than I do conversing with my friends these days. You guys see what I see. They only see part of it. They seem to think all the various cancers are in a vacuum and are not all interconnected.

Feel blessed you younganons know this shit now as you will be far more prepared for the coming pain than many who are older than you. I hope to hang traitors and smash commie skulls with you guys in the future.

Going to be mostly automated soon. Along with any number of other jobs (e.g. fast food).

Weather. Living on your car in Florida isn't homeless. Living in your car in Alaska is.

cheers m8

This site has been under constant attack for the last 24 hours.


After a shit load of accidents from weather and terrain related issues, the automated truck dream for the kikes will die.

Then again they have been importing pajeet's, vlad's and jose's at an increased rate in the last 10 years. These fuckers cut corners and take loads are low rates, driving the overall rates for loads down.

Of course you can sit around and not make money while you can and assume automated trucks will reign soon. They wont. Accidents will be plenty, trust me. One winter winter will assure that.

t. guy sitting in a shitty hotel in FUCKING LAVAL with his ancientfag parents taking them to a family function tomorrow

back at ya m8 the rest of the codes for post formatting are in Options in the top right under "customize formatting"

t. guy smoking outside then coming back to his computer to shitpost in a continuous cycle

t. running user from before exhausted from exercise and study

browsing from bed is comfy, pic related is me exactly

I see a lot of potential good AMERICAN WHITE drivers in here. Im sick of these fuckin foreigners shitting up the roads and fucking up the trucking industry. Also, you can always live in your truck. You will never be homeless. Laundry and showers at most truck stops. Yes, you can still jam out the vidya on your down time too.

No, Im just an oldfag trucker who shitposts here a lot and hate seeing good American men broke and trapped in shit the kikes forced upon us. On top of that, you really get to know the country, first hand. Going over the land to various places is a better experience than flying into those places. The land becomes part of you and you become part of it as well.

Why would anyone go into trucking when it's on the brink of getting automated?

We already have "automated freight movers" they are called trains. They were invented in 1833. The problem is, how do you get that freight to millions of places that demand it? Still going to need a truck to bring to the mill in West Bumfuck, Mo.
Is a drone carrying 45000 lbs going to float in?

We are at least 50 years away from that.

Most of us somehow plan on living at least 50 years from now, especially with technological advances.

It would be a shame if we spent our entire lives driving vehicles that move shit only to get replaced before retirement by fucking i-robot.

Because automated trucks wont take. One winter of going over the Rockies will assure that. Dont believe the kike hype. Automated trucks will end up costing more than saving the kike-like owners.

Besides, if anything, you get to experience things outside your comfort zone and get to know the country first hand. That is something the kikes can never take away from me. I know my land, coast to coast.

I also know, first hand, all major cities are shitholes filled with garbage.

I want to run but I am lazy & I am slime

It's not on the brink of getting automated though. Not even close. Where is your research other than assuming that it's a mindless "assembly job". If you can handle/like being alone(like most neets do) without having to chat to coworkers or suck your boss's balls, you can make a real good living driving an 18 wheeler.

I bet you feel like your above such menial labor, huh?

I jumped ship from the shitshow video games became 7 or 8 years ago. Try MTG with some buddies and beers

Dont loo at it as a career, look at it as a step in the direction of making money and being self sustainable. You can always move on from that industry. You faggots are smart. Them dumb retards stay in the industry and think of never getting out.

Ive only been driving for 4 years and do not plan to do it forever. Im going to save up money, improve my life and move on when I see an opportunity to do so. I wish I had done this 10 year ago, but it is what it is. Id rather be driving a truck today than being a jobless NEET like I was 10 years ago. I can will 100% honesty say I am in a far better place today than I was 10 years ago as a NEET.

I'm sure there will be cases where drivers will be necessary for tougher terrains, but it does seem next on the automation list with Walmart demoing their own fleet of them. I'm not knocking the profession, you know this country better than anyone else I'd wager.

Wew lad Uber just hit the road with their driverless autos this year. It's not a stretch to say that as a mid-20s user it's unlikely I can make a career out of it. Hell, I quit accounting because all I was doing was monkey work that can and was being automated by SAP. Going into crypto with the military.

That's the first step upon the path. Next you need a pair of shoes.

Ya, faggots who think theyre above such tedious jobs like driving a truck would be the first to end up jack knifed or on their side in their first trip across Wyoming in the winter. Hell, even a dry but windy night them faggots would end up all sorts of fucked.

I'm assuming your'e a youngin…If you are still driving a truck in your 70's, you've done something horribly wrong. Should have comfy nest egg to retire on unless you've had 10 kids out of wedlock, the last kid coming being when you were 60…and are paying a boatload of child support and alimony.

Running for no reason is shit. You need a REASON to do it.

Try to get fit for when shit hits the fan.

Even national action is doing something, though you can tell they're all turbo beginners.

If you're going to run though that other guy is right, get some shoes for it.

That's why there is a ridiculous amount of turnover. Normalfags cannot handle life on that road.

We're talking 50 years from now, I'm always ready for the worst.

It can be a fun job. Thats all Im saying. Dont dwell on what the kikes MIGHT do. I say get that experience now that its there to be had. Make some money and prep away.

The kikes like to strike worry into the hearts of good men, thus evoking apathy and inaction. Fuck that shit.

It definitely is not for everyone. You must have an adventurous spirit to do this work, and not be bothered by being alone for long stretches of time. Anyone who posts here can probably handle the solitude aspects of the job, hence why I even brought it up to begin with.

Oh, and a warm welcome to our goon visitors from Something Awful!

Izzy, right?

Fuck, how many idiots out there on the road in just the situation you described. I look at them and think "muh dik" was their main drive in life. Fuckin idiots.

What is the best type of driving to get into/started in? I want to start a family eventually and I don't really like the idea of over the road.

My favourite magazine is Frank.

No, it's a huge stretch. Comparing a tiny compact 4 wheeler to an 18 wheeler is like comparing a jet ski to a Yacht. Not to mention the hazardous materials that these things haul.

So say, in your majical and unrealistic world of massive 80,000 lbs beasts floating through the the back streets streets of Chicago and New York…Merging into traffic with Mom's minivan full of kids(that it could literally crush like a coke can with one wrong
Move) on the interstate. That technology and the will to implement it is not there. If it was, you'd still get a good 20 year career out of it most likely.

Once every car is automated, then trucks will be too.

Except that's not how it's going to happen. It would happen incrementally. First the monotonous long distance drives will get automated, the easiest ones to automate. In this scenario, the in-town truck driving jobs will still exist but you will be doing mostly exclusively in-town hauls at that point. They might not do it for hazardous materials but I don't think it's a stretch when conglomerates are salivating at the idea of automating more of their workforce.

Wrong gas.

You have to go over the road for a year or two. Then you can try to get a regional job where you are home on weekends or a local job.

For local jobs you need at least two years of experience mostly…

So just go out for a couple of years and don't get into any preventable accidents…Then you can get a local job and be home every night.

You will NEED to get experience over the road. But you only really need a few years over the road, then you can begin looking for local jobs. Beverage distro, cement trucks, dump trucks and of course local deliveries with a normal dry van trailer.

Do over the road just to get the experience you need. It is for a few reasons. One companies want experienced drivers for obvious reasons, and of course (((insurance))) reasons.

I get the feeling you drive too. I think this job is a good job for a lot of these NEETS here.

There's absolutely no sign of this happening in the near future. This is some sort of loser scenario you've cooked up to justify why you won't go to CDL school.

My grandfather figured that out in the 1930s. He was a tire maker in Detroit.

He didn't have Holla Forums but he knew Father Coughlin.

Can I use a GPS to get everywhere like in vidya, or do I have bust out that huge fucking roadmap like I'm in the 1970's?

Was just gonna post that.

Im hearing a lot of faggot ass excuses why some of you NEETs arent getting your CDL permits. Its not an overwhelming thing. Just got to the local DMV, get the CDL study guide, study it, then go take the tests.

If youre in Illinois, good luck. Im still driving on my FL license because IL sucks my unwashed ballsack.

I'm taking the air force pilot test next week. I have a software engineering job waiting for me if I don't get the job I want in the air force. I don't know if calling me a loser is really valid here.

I do. Driving is a great job for neets that aren't lazy…or emotionally needy and chatty.

Many neets just haven't found the right work becuase they feel extremely uncomfortable in a social work environment.

Both. You need to use common sense. Low bridges, and truck routes. I see too many faggots who run into low bridges because theyre faggots. No excuse fo that unless there is no sign. Even when there is no sign before or on a bridge, I get nervous and go slow if it does look low. 13' 6" is the typical trailer height, btw.

They don't have GPS' that cover truck routes? But it's 2016.

For those who just hate dealing with people and prefer being alone to do their task, driving is great. You trip plan, know where you need to get to each day for you to get to your delivery on time and its all good.

So you're an ignorant kid that is talking out his ass?

and you really think that truck driving is on the level of fast food worker and is beneath…because you are stupid.

Btw… Why would you become a pilot jackass? If anything is going to be taken over by automation/remote control, it's going to be aviation/ miltary pilots. Ha! That's fucking classic!

Now that's something that is week in the works to happen in 20 years.

I have a prescription for certain drugs that makes a CDL impossible. As do most NEETs.

Prepare to be cucked if you drive the truck too.

*something in the works*

Many typos. On the phone.

Dont rely entirely on the GPS. Its one of many tools at your disposal, but not the only tool. Yes they have those trucker GPS's, but you cant rely on it 100% either. Variables seem to pop up often, so the development of common sense is important. Also, calling the customer is still a good plan too. I usually look at google maps with satellite view to get a good idea of the area I'm going to, the delivery lot and if I would have room to possibly park there overnight.

If Im unsure after doing that, I call the customer to find out the good way to their location and if I can park there overnight.

Instead of directing your anger at the enlightened, learn to become enlightened yourselves.

Get off them Jew candies faggot.


I broke the antenna off my SUV in a parking lot in Ottawa because I was a faggot.

Think I'll let others drive the big rigs, thanks.


Thanks! it works great!

For you.

So sick of that image. Forgets to include thanking his mother and father for paying for literally everything he does.

Selfish cunts.

Ok, fair enough. At least you recognize that now rather than fucking shit up laater. Thats fine in my book user.

How about you stop eating first and see what happens?


Drove truck ten years ago, but age took its toll.

Anyways, as I was previously saying about the anti-intelligence plan….

The Gangstalking phenomenon is real, actually and is from Zersetzung tactics (stasi tactic of covertly destroying the lives of dissidents and political activists)

They use the talmudstock Goifted and Talmuded Education thing to find the intelligent goy, start files on them, see if they can be "Turned to the dark side", and if they can't they keep them in containment by keeping them poor and socially ostracized.

One of the tactics I have observed is "Job Destruction", basically their agents get a job where you work, and use social engineering to turn everyone against you/get you fired.

If THAT doesn't work because you are just good at your job, sociable, well liked, they will eventually try to infiltrate management to get you fired.

Usually they have to make it subtle, so they increase your workload, decrease your hours, set you up to fail and give bad performance reviews when you can't meet their impossible tasks, etcetera….

It has happened to me for a decade at least, sucks to be honest.

It does wear on you. I will not deny this. I do not plan to do this forever, but right now it is good. My bills are all taken care of and I have money leftover. I want a wife and kids though, and with this job that cannot happen. It is asking for that to fail.

Uhm… just a question, am I being filtered for my trip?

Can anyone see the post I am linking to?

Sorry for off topic.

You seem angry. Such a shame that one can make it to 8/pol/ and still be so unenlightened.

Your girlfriend has been telling me your boss takes you into his office and talks down to you if you're even a minute late. Is this true? No human should suffer such treatment and no man should take such an insult.

My friend, she may even leave you at the rate this is going, once you've gotten fired and used up your usefulness to her, that is. I worry for you.

I am interested, sir, in your oven of fucking. Tell me more.

That would be great meeting another Holla Forumsack on the road. Maybe our paths will cross someday.

Camper waits for you to take each other out, finishes off the weak remaining party, loots you, goes on his way.

Why are you pretending to give a shit about the parents of NEETS?

It would. I remember, drunkedly, going on and on about the kikes to another trucker in Portland once.

He didn't get mad, in fact he agreed. Anyone who isn't cucked, mentally, is open to a GOOD reason why shit is as fucked as it is. I think more and more people are open to it. The ones living large cant hear it yet. Us drivers make decent money, if you're not a nigger faggot with your money. Bastard spawn to pay for, in my view, is being a nigger faggot.

The only reason NEET don't have jobs is:
And so BUSINESSES put zero effort into cultivating talent. Basically, they want it all easy. Either foreigners already fully trained or poached talent, or hyper-social people who put in nights to self-train, and who also just socially dance their way into understanding the roles, expectations, of a corporation, since nobody knows how to run a company anymore.

I live in IL. Getting my cdl wasn't bad. They're just very particular when scoring your road test. My first time taking it I swung out too wide to make a narrow right-hand turn, hit the curb, and auto-failed it. Passed the second time.

IL is super autistic about it. IL is a big government state. Theyre faggots. Im half considering moving back down to Florida. I was born and raised here, but it really is a shit state. Once you have hit up all lower 48, you get a proper perspective on the states.

Illinois is shit.

Ulster/pol/ #1984, Knife-hands edition

What's up with fashwave lala ?? BS or legit?

DS attempted "Official Soundtrack of the Alt-Right" … now a month later …what?


You're all a bunch of fucking idiots and we're all doomed.


Oh, I know. I lived in Louisiana for a while and noticing how polite people were, the lack of muslims and indians, the open carry laws, and how traditional many people seemed to be really opened my eyes.
I have to get out of here.

Nice trips. How hard is it to learn to back up?

I'm thinking us based fucks need to all, en mass, leave the pozzed states and begin to populate the states that are minimally pozzed, as of now.

I like the mountains though. West is calling me, or New England. At least NE has real history to it, and hills to hide within in the right places.

I've been perusing landwatch .com for fun, looking in places like arkansas, idaho, and alaska. I do think it would be great if we could settle on a few (((refugee))) cities.

Seattle is calling. We all know it.

Its something you will always be working on. Just remember opposite turns, the other way straightens. Its an art. Some days Im one shot master, other days I got an wide open dock and I'm fagging it up good and hard.

Practice, practice and more of that shit.

Avoid blind side backing having to use your passenger side mirror if you can. In a daycab local drivers, shorter cab with a window in back its much easier than in a sleeper what over the road guys drive. There's a bed in back with shelves and whatnot. In a sleeper, you cant see shit tot he right, so try to always back drivers side angle.

i remember when i was in school, it was definitely NOT cool to be or act smart. in fact, the dumber you acted the cooler you were (kids acting out jackass stunts etc).

if i knew an answer to something i wouldnt say it out loud in class

Thanks. Saved (to my notes). Seriously considering it. I need cash to un-NEET. Degrees, but I'm no good at hustling the Great Depression job market. I'm good at assignments, in class assignments, focused tests, lagging far oral exams. In that order. And interviews are oral exams.

This is why Hillary wound up with retards for her server admins. Super social, and shit in reality (some are good at both, admittedly).

Around here there are oil water hauling jobs. Sometimes they're super busy at night. idk if they're still hiring, but they did have a sign out…

People like that hate America and the fact that it ever existed. They consider white Americans, and Americans with English ancestry especially, as vermin to be extinguished with extreme prejudice. The fact that it is the homeland of the largest number of white people of any country doesn't matter. The fact that we left Europe ever is high treason.

Gallium on aluminum is a better analogy.

He's shaming you into self-redemption, you massive faggot.

i dunno why this got anchored it's a legit issue

Does he have a blog post on that? That is one of the most infuriating things when arguing with those morons.