Propaganda of Alex Jones about Margaret Sander debunked

All of us are familiar with the fact that Alex Jones hardly ever makes mention of Jewish influence in our current predicament. We all know how he threw the David Duke interview he had down the memory hole, and then slandered his name after it. He instead talks about "Globalists," in which term he encompasses a veritable hodgepodge of alleged ne'er-do-wells, among them Margaret Sanger. I heard him state on his radio show for perhaps the twentieth time today ( at about 15 minutes) that Margaret Sanger was part of the New World Order conspiracy, because she wanted to "kill black people." I wanted to lay this nonsense to rest once and for all, or, at the very least, make discerning people aware that it is nonsense.

This is the quote which Jones always uses to "prove" that Sanger wanted to exterminate blacks:


""We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.


Here is the content of the original letter:

It becomes obvious on reading it that what Sanger is saying is, not that she wants to exterminate blacks, but that she does not want blacks to Think that the goal of abortion clinics is to "exterminate them" - because she views that as such a foolish notion. To take her words literally here is absurd and intellectually dishonest.

These websites delve more deeply into the Margaret Sanger question:

Jones's accusations he levels against a plethora of other people whom he places in in his mish-mash of supposed conspirators, as against Bertrand Russell or the Royal British Family for example, are often similarly baseless. The man will often grasp at the most tenuous straws in attacking this or that person, while completely ignoring the gigantic elephant of Zionist influence. Remember: "Hollywood is run by the Arabs."

Other urls found in this thread:>>7607666 george soros nazi collaborator

Correct Sander to Sanger

Incidentally I'd like to hear people's thoughts on Alex Jones. We know that some of the things he says are wrong, but he awakens people to a lot of good and truthful things also. Does he ignore the Zionist Question through ignorance, through fear, through policy, or for some other reason?


It's true, she was a eugenecist, but her organization is out to get whites today.

Why didn't Sanger want the darkies to perceive abortion as extermination, and didn't she refer to them as human weeds?
If her goals were humanitarian service then she wouldn't have needed to sell it, or defend it. The very fact that she employed people to sell abortions I think is telling. There is a market for abortion, even when it's illegal and maligned it still occurs, you could tell them that the abortion is for the sole purpose of genociding your people and young dumb sluts would still do it.

So you're saying that Jones is wrong for calling Sanger a depopulation obsessed ((globalist)) why exactly? Because you're breddy shur she liekd nigkipz?

The notion that Sanger referred to blacks as human weeds is simply a downright lie. See Nobody can produce the supposed original source of it. The person who made it up, it would seem, superadded the lie that it referred to blacks to this original quote, which refers to all people indiscriminately:

"It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization."

Margaret Sanger obviously believed in family planning but not in "depopulation." She was a very mild eugenicist who wanted to bring about a healthier and happier world.

a good goy that points to the wrong places

The "abortion is black genocide" narrative has no particular value to white nationalists. It's only use is to Catholics and fundamentalists, who love those little tarbabies mmm mmm mm.

60% of black babies are aborted. Far fewer whites are aborted. Abortion is one of the few things preventing blacks from balooning into a majority in two generations. It's great, and we need more of it.

I don't care what Sanger thought. No sheboon who gets a subsidized abortion has even heard of her.


tbh there's nothing wrong with abortion, as long as there's a social structure in place to prevent good white women from going through with it

The problem is that too many whites are still being aborted.

Planned parenthood needs to be combined with a safety net for young white couples, to save white children.

Jones is ok if you know how to filter the bullshit.

I don't know how we could structure such a thing under the current welfare-for-all system.

Pick one.

The Royal Family were supporters of Hitler and the Nazis. That is one of the chief facts Jones brings forward to indict them as being part of the New World Order, since it is one of his talking points to say that Nazis are the ones who control us.

This is either proof that he is controlle dopposition, or kinda crazy. Can you green text his reasoning to support this?

Are you trying to imply that the better racial elements aren't white? Didn't Sanger also have a ladyboner for Hitler or some shit?
Why are all of your sources such garbage? Weak google-fu?

You sure seem to know at least as well as Alex Jones what went on in this dead woman's head, how? Snopes and politifact?

The king was a Nazi sympathizer and abdicated over an American girl when that became politically inconvenient.
And prince Harry dressed in a sloppy Nazi-esque uniform for halloween once or something like that iirc.

Curiosity to validate whether Jones's claims about Sanger, Bertrand Russell, and all these other people were true led me to research the matter. I know that he always denies that Zionists are responsible for the present state of the world, so I wanted to see if his claims about the true perpetrators had any credibility. I looked into his website to see what evidence he offers to substantiate his claims about Sanger and found that it was all easily refutable. In this case Snopes and Politifact are actually telling the truth. You can verify for yourself that there is no evidence that Sanger ever called blacks "weeds" - if you think she did, I invite you to produce a quotation with the original source yourself. The context of the "exterminating blacks" quote is also obvious once one reads the original letter.

You can find out what were basically her views just by looking her up on Wikipedia. She thought that the Nazis went much too far in their eugenics program. She was a very mild eugenicist with whom Holla Forums would find a great deal in common. She wanted to restrict immigration heavily, for instance.


Sanger's eugenic policies included an exclusionary immigration policy, free access to birth control methods, and full family planning autonomy for the able-minded, as well as compulsory segregation or sterilization for the "profoundly retarded".

Although Sanger supported negative eugenics, she asserted that eugenics alone was not sufficient, and that birth control was essential to achieve her goals.[104][105][106]
In contrast with eugenicist William Robinson, who advocated euthanasia for the unfit,[note 7] Sanger wrote, "we [do not] believe that the community could or should send to the lethal chamber the defective progeny resulting from irresponsible and unintelligent breeding."[107] Similarly, Sanger denounced the aggressive and lethal Nazi eugenics program.[103] In addition, Sanger believed the responsibility for birth control should remain in the hands of able-minded individual parents rather than the state, and that self-determining motherhood was the only unshakable foundation for racial betterment.[104][108]

Sanger also supported restrictive immigration policies. In "A Plan for Peace", a 1932 essay, she proposed a congressional department to address population problems. She also recommended that immigration exclude those "whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race," and that sterilization and segregation be applied to those with incurable, hereditary disabilities.[102][103][109]


It is very difficult. He makes constant reference to Nazis and Nazi conspiracies but I don't know that he has ever attempted to present these views in a coherent manner. Here are some samples of articles and videos however:

"Alex Jones Breaks Down Media Control By The Nazis" (Note the like/dislike ratio)





"The Nazi British Crown">>7607666

Jones calls everyone a Nazi, even obvious Jews. And arguments that The Royal Family were Nazi supporters are in the same line as those claiming that Rothschilds were Nazi supporters. There is not a single point of evidence that they have supported Nazis, and they have betrayed the trust Hitler had in some them as well.

They are mostly crypto kikes (or even actual kikes if you believe some theories) that have openly supported every Zionist interest and policy there is, and you cannot deny this. There is barely any surviving royal family in the world that's not allied with Zionists (to say the least).

A bunch of guillotine dodgers, all of them.

"Hitler considered Edward to be friendly towards Nazi Germany and thought that Anglo-German relations could have been improved through Edward if it were not for the abdication. Albert Speer quoted Hitler directly: "I am certain through him permanent friendly relations could have been achieved. If he had stayed, everything would have been different. His abdication was a severe loss for us."

Edward VIII once claimed Hitler was 'not a bad chap' and was photographed giving the Roman salute during his visit to Germany in 1937. There is also video of him performing the Nazi salute along with a young Queen Elizabeth.

The Baron de Rothschild stayed in a swanky hotel while his people negotiated a huge ransom on top of Hitler seizing all Rothschild properties.
The nazis got a game changing amount of resources because old Phil didn't want to evacuate from France when he had the chance.

Does this show collusion? Not with the Nazi movement, no. But with certain Nazis? Certainly.

Jones throws the word Nazi around pretty liberally, I agree with that, but not in some schizophrenic episode rather in a Barnum and Bailey presentation of older and more established power structures interactions with the Nazis, like the British Royals and Rothschilds.

It's not like there weren't corrupt Nazis y'know.

All of the above + the potential loss of advertising revenues.



That's pretty obviously a tacit admission of guilt.

1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Continue depopulating, excuse me, controlling yourselves

Abortion has helped whites enormously.

Yeah, I also looked into this last spring, and found that the stories about Sanger were bullshit. She did was maybe not as explicitly racial as some of us would like, but it probably didn't seem as important back then, as whites still living in white countries appeared to have self-determination.

Overall, she was great. Jones is a fucktard.

They're 100% kiked now.

No, she hated Hitler and was married to a jew.

Her books were actually among those burned by German students.

Anyone can do a Google search george soros nazi collaborator

Jones and the idiots who work for him play up the idea that George Soros is a closet Nazi.

Thanks but no thanks.

Didn't similar tabloids publish stuff about Soros helping Nazis run the camps or something?

I mean, i am not denying that some of them might have had Nazi sympathies, but the royal family, as an institution, did nothing to act accordingly. If they were truly opposed to Zionists, they would use their public influence to lead a public uprising against the London bankers of old (and new), and cultural marxists of today. They not only didn't do so, but they have also supported the kikes in pretty much all of their actions against Europeans, and by extension, the world.

There were several streams of influence within the Nazi movement itself. And it's pretty much impossible to be in such position and have no contact with other power figures at all. My point was that the British Royal Family supported the Nazis as much as the Rothschilds did, which is, practically not at all, or at least not out of genuine support for their goals.

He also lies about Bilderberg being founded by Nazis, which too can be debunked by a single google search. He obviously knows what he's doing.

It's sad that there are still cucks on here who defend him

He's pro-wrestling tier. Fun to watch but not serious in any way.

There is really nothing to recommend Alex Jones. I watched him with some frequency in the 2000s, and immediately dropped him when RT rose to prominence on Youtube.

He gets some great guests, but is a terrible interviewer, constantly interrupting them.

He would break good news stories, but since you can't trust him to be honest, you would have to double-check anything he says anyway, since he would frequently twist things around.

He would never broach anything regarding Israeli crimes ever, even though many of his guests were well aware of Israeli crimes and AIPAC influence. I think Ray McGovern, a regular on his show, even went to Gaza himself to break the blockade. He would bring it up, but Alex would just ignore it.

As says, he could be very entertaining at times with his rants. That and the occasional good news piece were his strongest sells.

Here is Alex doing a story where he makes the USS Liberty attack a false flag by the U.S. government.

One of the best pieces ever written about Alex Jones right here

This is even worse, he flat-out says "I don't even blame Israel".

Sanger says in the letter that she wants black doctors to work at the abortion clinics because, although "the colored Negroes" have "great respect" for white doctors, "they" [the Negroes] "can get closer to their own members, and more or less lay their cards on the table, which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts." That indicates that she thought that, if blacks entertained the notion that the abortion clinics were some sort of secret plot to exterminate their race, that was nothing but an ignorant or superstitious doubt on their part which she wanted to dispel. She says "We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population" precisely because she had no intention of so doing - she is not saying that she did not want some sort of secret plan of extermination to be revealed but rather that she did not want blacks to entertain "superstitious and ignorant doubts" about such a hypothetical secret plan.

seems to be she understood the effects of an existential crisis unlike our tyrants apparently do.

if he is profiting off of corrupting spirits, and if hell exists, then that is where he will go.
you can't just flap your arms about and all is forgiven. it doesn't work like that. it's much more spiritual.

if he's some kind of conspiracy theorist who fucks up a lot or something, alright. he can redeem himself if he actually means it.

yeah that's true.
how to communicate bits through to one audience and reel the other one in…
under the conditions, he wouldn't have reach.
actually yeah, i think it's fine.
but he has to pursue the truth and give it somehow.
that's a tricky one.

he should try to avoid lying like the plague: especially now.

This should be stickied! Why? Because infowars is the enemy and they have done untold damage to our movement! And infiltrated the Trump's

Something needs to be done about Alex CIA Jones!

who is phillip again? Not all of us are Britpong

you shilling?

infowars has done MUCH more good for our movement than bad. it's a fantastic entry-level redpill.