Frantically signalling to pilots

How the fuck did he get up there in the first place?

He got dropped off by another ship

Better question, what the fuck is he going to do against any imperial attackers with a spear?

You see that big white button on the side.

It raises and lowers the platform like King Kong's dick.

That's Kang Spearchuker the greatest spearman of the galaxy and unsung hero of the Rebellion.


It's an antenna, not a spear.

It could be both.

He is asking to be shot by a sniper imo.


Shill thread.
We still are 6 months to go, Disney.

his spear can take down Star Destroyers

i just thought it extended like a lift. you get in on it while it's on the ground and you press the up button or raise a lever or whatever.

that's.. that's not meant to be a weapon user…

I always figured the tower went up and down like an old car antenna or something. Either that, or the force.

He was just waiting for the Death Star to come into view and that little shit Luke stole his kill.

That has got to be the most boring and uncomfortable job in the Rebellion.

Yeah he should use a sword or throw rocks at them, what a tard

Ewoks beat armored trained soldiers with slingshots and pointy sticks. This guy can take on an entire fleet of the Empire's ships with that high tech spear.

they probably put the recently converted there, kinda like a hazing. "stay up there for 12 hours and yell if you see any TIE fighters coming!"

Obviously it is a laser spear that creates interdimensional portals and this really is a kino moment where the great sage of Endor beckons the troops to their victory.

Don't forget to blow u- I mean press the button as we space jihadi the stormtroopers

Accident waiting to happen.


that nigga's like "why the fuck we need this in the scene?"

Is that a Mayan pyramid?

No, Lucas found a jedi temple for authenticity

He uses it to hide from the T-Rex.

this is probably what it actually is used for…

Yavin 4 is in Guatemala.

he's probably just waiting for the gibs he was promised

Lucas is one strong son of a bitch