Prove to me that blunts aren't the superior way to smoke
Stoner General
a bongs more chill but a blunts nice can you chill with it for awhile. most of Holla Forums is filled with spastics who really need to smoke some pot so your thread wont go well honestly here.
Blunts smell terrible, waste weed with the constant burn, and if passed someone always niggerlips it. Spend $5-10 on a bowl once instead of another $1 every time you want to smoke.
Yeah I like to chill with a blunt. Bowls definitely go quicker, I also like the ritual of breaking the wrap open and rolling it too.
Your'e not getting the right flavors
Almost any form of smoking wastes weed
This is absolutely true.
I think a bong gets me the highest the fastest, but blunts or joints are great for just smoking while you do some other shit. Like a blunt and a movie is chill as hell, I do joints a lot more often cause I can roll them better tho.
Blunts are nigger tier. Smoke that shit out of a bowl or bong like a civilized person.
What are you, an ape?
meep meep bongs are best no homo tbh
Yes I am, since I haven't saved up enough for the water filtration attachment yet. But at least I'm not inhaling carbon monoxide like you homos.
i almost only smoke paper joints, blunts are rarely seen in the country i live in
Papers don't last too long unless you really pack them in my experience. I love blunts because I can throw .4 or. 5 in one when I'm low and it'll still smoke for 15 minutes. As apposed to bongs which are done in a few rips.
its usually smoked with tobacco here so paper is more fitting, but i love to smoke a fat blunt and vibe the fuck out too
Both produces tar anyway you'll still end up with lung cancer faggot
vaporize, you can use your bud twice
slow pull, hold it in for 5 seconds
All blunts have ever done to me is make me high to the point of vertigo with one puff, then make me nauceous to the point that all I want to do is throw up and go to bed. I can't even be in the same room with one.
Blunts are for stupid niggers who waste pot.
Nobody needs that much pot to get high. At that point you're just damaging your body and making yourself more retarded.
TBH if a tiny pinner of a joint isn't enough to get you high the weed is either mexan tier or more likely you smoke way too much too often and your body probably feels like shit though this state of being is "normal" to a lot of people.
Tobacco and weed don't mix faggot. It's like smoking a cigarette while you're blazing it at the same time. FUCKING DISGUSTING!!! I'll Smoke a JOINT instead!! TOBACCO FREE!!!
no shit, it's called a spliff, and it is undoubtedly the best way to smoke weed. it is not debatable. also keep shit threads about dude weed lmao off Holla Forums
Weed isn't random?
Edibles are superior to smoking in every way
I like both equally. They both have their pluses and minuses.
with more premium blunt shells/wraps like dutch masters, they burn much more slowly than rice/hemp paper joints.
there are many ways to smoke week and all are fair. but, weed rolled into a dutch master will for sure waste less weed than just a straight joint.
when you roll a joint, you actually don't give a shit how much you waste or else you would never roll one you weed jew
The niggers had a good idea this time
Can you name another one?
Ummmm…. Rock and roll? Weed?
Now it's rap. And crack.
That's quite the fall from grace
Old timey negros were better.
smells good, super stealth, and surprisingly cheap
I'm 24/7 420 even at work with this weed pen it's amazing
They sure were. What I'd give to have Hendrix back.
Yeah Hendrix was great.
Jesus fucking Christ man, that is no shit. Taught HIMSELF to play the guitar UPSIDE-FUCKING-DOWN because he was left handed and his parents were too poor to afford buying him a left handed guitar and then went on to play on stage countless times with enough LSD in his system to vegetate your average fuck. I would give my left nut just to have had to chance to shake his hand one time.
meep meep weed lmao tbh no homo
I'm left handed and play the guitar but I play like I'm right handed. First time I picked up a left handed guitar it felt awkward.
Left handed guitars do feel awkward to hold
I much prefer to use my left hand on the frets and right hand strumming.
I haven't played guitar in a long time. I recently got a harmonica that I'm gonna start practicing on once I find some good Jewtube instructional videos.
For me playing the guitar is easy compared to a harmonica.
I doubt it.
Not enough herb for a blunt, just using my Sherlock Grav pipe
funny I mostly play harmonica but I'm finding it hard to learn guitar
Do you play like Bob Dylan or more like the guy from Blues Traveler?
Closer to bob dylan tbh. Folk music really
prove to me that stoners aren't degenerate worthless faggots
and you're a pussy who is terrified of drugs
Nice strawman, faggot. I used to do meth and heroin. They are all garbage but at least those two drugs actually get you fucked up.
possibly the shittiest looking joint I have ever seen
Bongs are the best.
Gets you ripped quick.
Taste is king.
Also, when you have dedicated equipment you get more attached to the shit and it becomes more fun! Add some ice cold water and ice cubes.
waterbongs taste like moldy toilet water. Bongs that don't use water make the smoke stale while it sits in the chamber. Bongs are complete shit, they are just a meme. You can get just as high by slowly milking a pipe or a joint.
Oh reddit, you're so silly.
Actually now it's trap and prescription opioids. Get with the times gramps
also, talk about retards, who the fuck does meth, or has even tried it?
White people, including many Nazis. Most shitskins like you prefer crack and other similar drugs. You probably only did heroin to pretend to be white.
Shamfull as fuck m80s. I bet you pay taxes to.
I am white, I only tried heroin once. I mostly stuck to abusing what I was prescribed over years worth of time fentanyl and oxycodone.
Weed helps me relax and helps slow down the chatter in my brain from the OCD. It doesn't get you fucking hammered, but it's awful comfy and nice.
It is pretty cozy mate.
Yeah, it turns you into a retard. I used to work with a moron who smoked weed all day at work, he almost ran me over because he was so stoned. I ended up getting fired and he kept his job, because the boss was a democrat faggot that supported the legalization of weed and didn't care about his employees smoking on the job.
you sound upset.
also, there's retards that partake in every substance/event imaginable, doesn't make the substance/event at fault.
Yes it does. He was smoking mostly dabs at work btw, also hash. That shit makes your memory disappear and makes you completely unaware of your surroundings. If you want to smoke this shit on the weekends and get fucked up and eat cheetos while watching CNN in your recliner, that's fine. If you smoke that shit at work, you should be fucking fired on the spot. If you're allowed to smoke weed on the job, I should be allowed to drink hard liquor too.
I actually agree with you on that, was just saying the substance isn't to blame, people who don't use it responsibly are.
Yeah, but "stoners" don't use it responsibly, i'm just sticking to the context of this thread. This is about stoners who smoke weed all day, every day.
No, that guy was a retard. You don't smoke a potent strain of herb and then operate heavy machinery. Don't hate an entire group of people based off the actions of some retards.
I'm hating democrats who support the fact that weed is just "God's plant" and that it doesn't affect you. That is what most stoners believe, based on my experiences and what I have researched on the internet. This thread is about stoners.
how original
criminally unchecked dubs and fpbp
stoners get the rope tbh. at least meth heads and heroin junkies know they're pieces of shit. stoners lie to themselves daily to convince themselves they're not
yeah, we should embrace democrats, like you. Who cares if it goes against everything this country was originally based on, right?
You realize that Europe's values were based on shit hundreds of years ago, right? Why should it be different with the US? you progressive faggot.
edibles > all
Why would you want to fuck up your weed with that nasty tobacco paper?
Also rolling joints are hard.
for niggers