Pure coincidence
Holla Forums passed Holla Forums in the board rankings
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums only surpassed Holla Forums because those faggots either stopped botting or all their bots VPNs got banned
No natural and organic board fluctuates between 1k users and less than 800 users sporadically otherwise
The only ones who complain about IDs are samefages
Doesn't change the fact that dysnomia is actively trying to lower Holla Forums's usercount.
He does this every time Holla Forums surpasses Holla Forums
Maybe his dick is the one being sucked by the porker in that vid?
Most of Holla Forums is Holla Forums. They can't stand the smell of their own shit so they don't stay on their containment board. Like Muslim 'refugees', they seek a new board to shit up with their bad ideas.
yeah sure whatever helps you sleep
Holla Forums and most Commies in general are shit. However, that doesn't mean Capitalism Isn't a problem. Communism is cultural Judaism, and Capitalism is economic Judaism, which is why I support Nationalist Socialism (Not National Socialism - that was a Corporatist farce with unsustainable economic policies)
He's right. Why else would you pathetic fucks wander out of your containment board?
And if you'll answer another question, what it like being unanimously hated by everyone on every other board on this site?
not Holla Forums, i just think both of you fags are wrong and retarded if you think Holla Forums has a majority of Holla Forums users
You know, your ideal sounds pretty close to a lot of the Muslim countries. Look at Saudi Arabia for instance. The state is generous to its citizens, big corporations don't wield the same power over the government, conservative social values are strictly enforced through religion, and they even worship the same God as you.
saudis are crypto jews, fug them tbh
Never dis ID's
ID's should be on every board, It makes it a lot easier to tell who the fuck you're talking to, and stops people from impersonation
idgaf about flags though, they could stay or go; with VPN's it doesn't really matter, and you'll never truly know who you're talking to
no, samefagging is part of Holla Forums if you dont like it you can leave
checks out
dysnomia is a massive faggot
i miss the good old days when hotwheels was running things ;_;
I don't think Holla Forums has a majority of lelftypol users. For the most part, they know their place and are quickly beaten back when they rear their ugly faces.
I do however think our BO is in cahoots with them and works with their BO to help them pass us in the board rankings.
Why the fuck would you care who you're talking to on Holla Forums of all places? Fuck off.
Me too user, me too.
But just like he did with Wizardchan, cripplekike abandoned us.
Left us to rot under the heel of PigLord Jim.
not only did he ditch us, he's supposedly seen the light and become a good christian boy now, denouncing the 'bad' things he said in the past.
I'll need source on that, but it wouldn't surprise me.
He's always been a shifty, backstabbing cunt. But at least Holla Forums was actually fun under him.
Esoteric bump
quantity != quality you nigger
;_; we lost hw
rip little guy
take your meds
Actually quantity is quality on Holla Forums you dumb mongoloid fuck.
suck my dick
Hex and I requested those, you utter faggot
Because we passed Holla Forums
I don't give a fuck about you and your IRC circlejerk, don't throw names around like I should know them faggot.
stop being retarded
You first dickhead. I can't care where you hold your circlejerks, namefags and attentionwhores deserve the bullet.
shill liar detected.
Possibly or hes trying to make it less popular so newfags dont come in
your edge is scaring me, user. i'm literally shaking rn
Good, I'd beat your ass irl faggot
Which culminates to him trying to kill Holla Forums.
Sorry, m80, but I'm not talking about a welfare state, especially not one like those in the Middle East that are supported only by their oil reserves. I'm talking about true Socialism with the Means of Production held publicly, coupled with Nationalism - with a Fascist power structure (Minus the historical Corporatism)
That's a bit like Strasserism, aka Beefsteak Nazism, brocialists and Holla Forums's friends joke about the similar NAZBOL GANG
Varg is taking the red/green/brown pill.
I don't care what labels they come up with, not one of them describe the kind of anti-Semitism and Race Realism I have in mind.
fuck off with this
i for one thank god almighty for having removed both hex and the turnip from 8ch. i hope he enjoys their demented whining in perpetuity
"Euthanasia needs to be legal for genetic freaks like myself" - Daily Stormer
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Twitter
I could swear he had a recent video on his youtube channel where he criticized genetic freaks having children..
he's delirious, obviously.
hw worried how far jim's generosity would stretch when the medical bills started to pile up. now he turns to god
hw is facing death and it frightens him, which puts the lie to all his bravora. the entire 8ch show was craven, from start to finish. he sucked every cock in the ib universe, from gg to josh to reddit and back to jimmy fatkins, not because he liked it but because he thought it made him likeable
Today I will remind them that Hotwheels came up with the idea of Holla Forums when he was flying on magic mushrooms.
Say anons, who is that dancing cartoon girl in the bottom right hand corner of Holla Forums.
She sure seems to enjoy getting jiggy wit it.
ahahahaha. Or this entire site is compromised…it is you know
underrated tbh