Former Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Trump Could Easily Make Mexico Pay for the Wall

Former Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Trump Could Easily Make Mexico Pay for the Wall

And he says those studies showing a reversal of Mexican immigration are bogus.

Jorge Castañeda, who served as Mexico's secretary of foreign affairs from 2000 to 2003, and who is currently a professor at New York University, appeared at the Hudson Institute in Washington on Wednesday. Castañeda, who cuts a debonair, cosmopolitan figure, exploded a couple of bits of received wisdom in his address.

Castañeda is certainly no fan of Donald Trump—he said that the property magnate's ascension to the U.S. presidency would be a "tragedy." Yet he also said that Donald Trump could quite easily "make Mexico pay" for a border wall—a claim that has been widely ridiculed by our betters in the media.

"If [Trump] really wants Mexico to pay for the wall, he has many ways of getting many Mexicans to pay for the wall," Castañeda said in an auditorium sitting directly across the street from Trump's newly opened Pennsylvania Avenue hotel.

He could "increase the fee for visas, which is a decision made by the State Department, not by Congress," Castañeda continued. He could "increase the toll on the bridges [between the two countries] . . . again, not done by Congress."

Castañeda also suggested that Trump could tax remittances from the U.S. to Mexico: "There are ways of doing it," he said, "transaction fees, commissions, special fees etc." He labeled a recent resolution in the Mexican Senate to bar the use of Mexican federal funds for construction of the wall as "silly." (Somebody tell Castañeda's old boss!)

Earlier in his address, Castañeda dissembled another bit of received wisdom—that Mexican immigration into the United States has "reversed."

"There's a fallacy involving the [Mexican immigration] situation . . . that well-intentioned American experts have sold people on," he said. "This is this famous 'net zero immigration from Mexico' thing: [The notion that] all of the sudden a few years ago all of the Mexicans in the United States started going home, and Mexicans in Mexico stopped coming here, so now we have net-zero.

"Well, you have net-zero if you consider President Obama's 1.5 million Mexican deportees as voluntary returnees," he continued, "Yes, then you have net-zero . . .If you had not deported those million and a half . . . then you would have roughly a million and half more Mexicans here."

"I've been writing around and asking and stuff, maybe I'll take out an ad in the Spanish papers and Univision. If somebody can find me a single Mexican in the U.S. who has a job, doesn't want to retire, and who wants to go back to Mexico, I'll build a monument or statue in his honor."

Why? Basic economics.

"You'd have to be absolutely nuts, if you're already here and making 10, 12, 15 bucks an hour to go back to Mexico to make . . . if you're well-paid, maybe $300 a month. Seventy percent of all Mexicans make less than $300 a month . . . This nonsense I hear from so many people, even serious people, saying 'Mexicans are returning to Mexico because the U.S. economy is doing terribly and the Mexican economy is booming so they all want to go back.' Where do they live? The U.S. economy will grow 50 percent more than the Mexican economy! The Mexican economy has been stagnant for the last fifteen years."

It seems safe to guess Castañeda won't be building a monument any time soon.


Part 2.

huh, spread it

Sure, that's nice.

But once the wall is built, how do we ensure Mexicans never come back, and how do we deal with the ones whom stay here and force themselves to be around us whites?

That goes for all beaners btw.

This man is a jew, he plans to run for Mexico's presidency.

No one gives a shit about Mexico or how their country will be 'ruined' by some kike when you're all worthless pieces of shit to begin with.

The wall helps a lot, enforcing laws on the books, a moratorium on H1B temporary work visas, much stricter laws on tourist visa abuse. End of "anchor baby" policy.

Deportation. Make legal immigration "even harder" than it is now.

Yeah, but what I'm getting at is, I don't want ANY beaners.

Work Visas shouldn't even be a fucking thing, they should not set foot here, they can find a fucking job in their third world shit hole, like being a prostitute.

I do not understand why people assume you can't just ban people from entering your country, but you can still conduct trade.

Conducting trade doesn't mean I have to accept a shipment of fucking dumb ugly fat retarded spics on top of whatever pointless goods the rest of the nation needs.

They'll go back. All of them. "Legal" ones too. They're only here for the money. If the money stops flowing they'll leave. Kill welfare and watch how many scurry.

Can you convert these mp4 to webm?

I dream of that day, I really do.


Start lynching any farmers who hire Mexicans.

Once a few race traitors are hanging from trees there won't be any more Mexicans.

The Mexican and Central Americans wouldn't come if employers didn't hire them by the fucking truckload.

If we actually enforced our laws and threw the book at companies that hire illegals, then they wouldn't come in such droves.

Last number I heard is around 50m people that need to go back. Can you imagine how much our economy would rebound if we suddenly had that many jobs, vehicles, and houses available for our lower-middle class?

I thought that spain expulsed all of their jews before mexico was even a country?

B-But Mexicans do the j-jobs Americans won't do! We need them! And a-a lot of them are natural conservatives, hard w-workers, and good students!

You mean falter, given that number is more than the number of people out of work by about 10 mil.
It also would have even if one for one no change given the jobs would be replaced one for one and you now live like a beaner.
Best case would be to look at the remittance difference and calculate from there for some percentage now domestic spending, minus the stuff in the US said remittances buy.

They are lucky we give them two choices.

S-stop, my dick can only become so hard before it warps reality.

Your failing to take into account the amount of poor shmucks working part time, people who have quit looking for work, people how havent even had a job to begin with after college or highschool so they dont count on unemployment. Oh and Obama and the rest of the feds are a bunch of cunts who would never dare put out statistics that would accurately depict how fucking awful the economy is. Were subsided on gasps of air, sips of hope and keeping the printers at the FRB on 24/7. Not to mention the massive wage increase that will happen if we got rid of 50 million spics. That means more spending money in Americans pockets, which means business grows, which means more jobs which means more money….

See how that works?

But it all gets fucked up when you take money out of that system to give it to niggers and kikes or have a bunch of stupid motor mouth spics undercutting wages and not putting their crap pay back into the system and sending it to some third world shithole to be spent on rancid chicken meat, tequila and cocaine.

Put a high speed train on top of it and suddenly no one can ever take it down because it has become a vital part of US infrastructure.

Something like this?

40 mil +10 mil is 50 mil you grade school dropout

And taking money out to give to niggers doesn't exist, they're not sitting on it calling it muh precious like the goldbugs LARPER preppers.
It goes right back out on shitty foods, smokes, and other such entertainments on the 2nd of each month.

shit my bad, got that fucked up.

youre wrong on that tho. its not just cash gibs, its all the services we spend on them that they dont use to be productive members of society. They use it to chill out all day. Not mention the money a niggers costs in terms of schooling and law enforcement. Even then i would still say that cash gibs do exist. they dont spend them on anything that boosts economy. they buy jordans and skittles. Not things like homes, fridges cars and lawnmowers. Jordans and skittles dont take infastructure make and sell. White people thins do.

someone sounds assblasted they aint prepared. Sure some faggot sitting on 500 oz of silver and a case of bic lighters but no funz is a retard. but have weapons ammo and supplies to defend your family is LARPing, its being a man.

dont i look like a retarded niggerfaggot

These are people who just have bulk cash and crap laying around, swearing its for the end, hidden in lockboxes miles from home in the woods, and never train.

Cash in pocket or savings is money removed from circulation, same for stuff sent over the borders without stuff returning.
Only way to lose it from the system, everything else is circulating and moving.

Further, the services are already paid for, use them or not ceases to matter, just like the convenience air pump at the gas station.
Jordans and skittles are better for the economy though, they're consumables.
Houses are not, and are currently more than people who will live in them, and bubbled beyond buying int he first place.
Further, they don't need houses when they live in apartments, which also invalidates cars as they don't travel.
Buying one time items does not boost as much as keeping the money going, much less putting yourself in bondage for a house.

You must now apologize, record yourself and post the audio of admitting you couldn't do basic math and shit posted.

Is that an implication that you do? I sincerely hope so, all Holla Forumslacks should. or else they actually are LARPing
that is beside the point. They exist in the forms they do because of niggers, spics etc. If nonwhites werent taking handouts, institutions that gave hand outs wouldnt exist in the first place.
no, just because something is consumed doesnt mean its good for an economy. That means its good for a jew economy.
again, bubble is because of jew meddling. Perhaps i should have made it clearer when i was speaking more in terms of theory as if a Holla Forumslack were in controlf of economic decisions rather than our current situation.
kek, no

overall you sound like you are speaking of economics with the view that it is a separate entity, a system operating on a different plane than the people and the nation, which are one and the same. The economic health of a people is just as important as their purity, their ideals or their ability to commit warefare because it influences all of them. The economy should promote the strength of the people, not the people influence the strength of the economy. Americans are skittish about this because of our adverse to socialism, despite the fact we are already living in it. using the economy to benifit the people does not and should not be an idea that exists solely in the hands of the marxists. We actually intend to use modern economy in an attempt to lift the blood to new heights. To find a way to balance the perversion of modern life, to find a way to counter act the degrading effect the industrial revolution has had on the White spirit.

Sure we could go back to huts and swords. We would be better off spiritually until chinks steamrolled us with the tech we invented for them.

So we have to find a way to leverage the economy to lift up our people, not the other way around.

Yes, I practice. Its fun to do, particuarly for leading multiple lives as there are several people who must never know that I do and live with me.

Actually they would finally and graciously transfer over to helping out the fact white privlege means fucking suck it up and be aman and not a failure.

The economy as it is is a jew economy.
Consumerism is its lifeblood, its liver a kike.
What you would want does not work for the other parts, consumerism is the only reason for the big economy, your plans would then drop us back to the shit Zimbabwe, Venezuela and Libya are going through.
People feeding the rest of the country, essentials running, but fuck all beyond that for people to actually live on.

The basic issue is the economy is seperate, as that's its point.
Putting aside Holla Forumsytheism, the iron pill and all, the basic issue is that there is a set fundamental amount of goods each person requires
Not, desires, not wants or needs, flat out live or die tier stuff.
This is less than 200k USD as of 2013, with the house deciding if its 180k or 500k needed.
THat is the entire true amount needed per person for the economy.
Food, shelter, clothing, internet (Mental wellbeing is often forgotten here and then leaves people wondering why the models keep saying suicide is the answer).

So that's your first issue, no consumerism, prompt collapse as those have been very well mechanized.

Expanding this and saying that Iphone a year is good, you then see the issue come down to whether mechanization is good or not.
Not dig a hole fill a hole twirl the working sign, but its "working" brother of inefficient hand touch labor.

You're approaching this as though machinery doesn't exist, machines have long passed humans for workloads, for the capabilities of assembly, the only things left are because of the fact beaner labor is cheap.
Get rid of them and its better to upgrade, keep the wages and then what really is done for the whites?

Functionally my point is Marx was right, he who controls the machines will try and suppress the working man, as its natural.
The working man will be dispelled as he is no longer necessary and must take control.
Where Marx is wrong is in thinking that man would never be truly replaced by machines, only augmented.

So your problem is you are still thinking like a kike puppet and supposing work is needed for the man.
Let machines do it and let people move forth and choose their own paths not needing to die or slave away for life.

And therein lay the issue with that brown pill or whichever one it was that espoused even after getting rid of kikes may as well just change masters.

but it is. That doesnt mean i have to be giving my labor to a kike or any one else. But a man goes mad without labor. I love poetry and music and art as much as the next guy. But get severley depressed when i dont have a job that requires manual labor. perhaps its just me, but i think not. Despite our capacity for spirituality, we have not broken away from animals completely. we still need to fuck, we still crave certain foods and our brains act a certain way. A man needs labor as a woman needs children. Its what we are built to do on the most basic survival level, fight, build and fuck.

Okay let me try a different word set.
Working in a cubicle or an assembly line for the sole purpose of living to do it the next day is not needed.

Most of your issue is you are programmed to think that way.
You don't see the doted ons going mad without manual labor, you just see them mad because they didn't get to see the world as it is right now, separate issue.

The creativity part is the real rub, people really can't get past macaroni, its now to the point that computers are more creative than most people.
And don't bring up brain stuff, that's so easy to be manipulated with pills and chems, since it is just chems.

The issue at hand for you in summary is what I said about the pills, they don't work in reality and just lead back to the current system with new masters, if even there are masters and it doesn't just become for the sake if itself.
A lot of the issue also goes away when you let people stop breeding.
One of the first rules I have is that everyone gets their tubes tied as soon as safe.
Undoing them is a small to no fee process.
A lot of births drop.
This is where people complain about me wanting to kill the white race
The thing is most people aren't needed, and only around from the two farming revolutions of nitrates and hiend gene modding.
THis is part of the issue and answer, fewer people mean the remaining jobs go to more of the population, making it less of an issue for those not creative to work.

There really is no inherant reason for any one average and below person to exist, only for the betters and elites, those who think, are creative, and so forth
here be kike call
Which is the very point, there's only so many people to feed that small group, remove them and the need again goes away.

basically, what justifies the number of people in existence, for those average and below?

that wouldnt work unless we gassed every non white. wed get wiped out instantly. and we arent going to wipe them out unless we compete on the grandest most total sclae of war imagineable. Which requires modern economics, assembly lines and computers. So we're stuck with t for now and have to find the best system.

i agree that it would be best for us o return to a smaller population and a more holistic life, the problem is getting there.

You must not live around Mexicans. Here in Southern California, Mexicans families are very large and continue to reproduce en masse (including the incredible number of "legal" Mexicans). Those kids will be doing more than farm jobs when they reach adulthood.

Unless all are removed, there is no going back. There are simply too many of them and they multiply quickly.

I honestly have no hope that North America can recover from the massive immigration which has been imposed. There are simply too many non-whites and too few whites willing to accept that there is a problem. Maybe I shouldn't be so down about it but I certainly don't think I'll ever live to see the day when the white people of the world have their own countries again.


Shadiley! Shadiley!
Beautiful wall image. What's the sauce?

I would like it to be a mile high, but I have to keep my expectations in check

Not just nonwhites, whites would go as well, hence my point.
If the population goes too large, you need machines, at which point the need for population collapses.

My point on the system is too go full automation, and get rid of work to live.
Scarcity exists, money in a fashion is used, but you get rid of the demented live to work to live to work cycle that defines the world right now.

Its actually quite fascinating if you think of it as this.
You have received a gift from a dead Nigerian Prince of 10 mil USD, do you keep working or do you go off and enjoy life?
The vast majority not being stark contrarians accept that and would retire.
But if you then said that you can give everyone one mil and let them do as they please, would balk at it and refuse, saying that people should have to work for the sake of working as you do.

Basically it comes all down to releasing the GS 47 viruses and dropping the population of the world hard so it can keep the cycle, or realizing the cycle is stupid and that giving people a happy life and tied tubes will fix it without many bullets.

They are Jews man, the reason Hitler wanted to put them on a secluded island with no way to the mainland is that even if you send them away they will find ways to return.

ohhhh y'all are talkin' bout SKYPES

He's referencing the tens upon tens of millions of perfectly legal spics that are here. If all you deal with are illegals, you haven't even made a dent in the problem.

Particuarly without breaking to Constitution over your knee and then wondering where the US went, much less the military couping your ass.
You know the military made of minorities because white people are smart enough to not go and get shot for Israel.