I spent the last week working on this. I got 120 Pepes printed at Walmart...

I spent the last week working on this. I got 120 Pepes printed at Walmart, came up with a list of addresses for HillShills and mailed them out. The pastebin with all the addresses is located in the picture.
Each of the three Pepes has a relevant Bible verse on the reverse side. I sent a special Pepe to El Rato, which will be included in the next post.
Feel free to ask questions or contribute by mailing a few pepes to people on the list.

Other urls found in this thread:


jk, gj op



kennedi check em

You know if all of us chose 120 different people, we could send 240k+ pepes all over the country if a hillary plant would leak us a list.

Kill yourself fucking nigger faggot

El Rato's letter



Leader to God himself.



Saudi Embassy

you have 20 seconds to receive this message

That's actualy a pretty good idea OP, i like your enthusiasm and ingenuity.

Sending letters may be boring work, but its much more effective tahn people realize.

More Holla Forumsacks in the US should do this.

Not sure if I understand the point of all this.

The hardest part is the addresses. I've posted mine in the pastebin address in OP. Feel free to contribute or just steal dubs and shadilays

its always been about the lulz

Thanks for the child porn; I'm getting v& now.

Sending Bacon?

Mailing shitposts to people?
What isn't there to get?

Also, i screencapped what was in that pastebin lol.

I dont have the will or even whatever the fuck program to access, but you doing it like that sure made it seem juicy.

Curiosity makes me want in

The point is to dick with HillShills. Letters actually get more attention than you would think because so few are sent anymore. A letter is much more effective than a tweet or a Facebook comment.

Never underestimate meme warfare

Did you add notes about the investigation? If you just send them the documents in random order they won't understand it.

Our enemies aren't on Holla Forums, so the least we could do is send a little Holla Forums to them :^)

What investigation?

Did you wear gloves when you handled the letters?

Hm, alright I can jive woth that a little. Im guessing you soent somewhere in the range of $50-$200 for all those high quality prints, stamps, gas, effort etc.

And no I wont post screencap to be a fag… Is there a specific program i can grab real quick to get in? Or is TS some generic thing, idk


Aren't you sending them DNC leaks material?

Topkek m80, hopefully that place doesn't get shit for what you are doing though. Anyway looking forward to any of these fools to respond by raising shit and screenshotting this thread, you know there are shills watching this right now

No gloves. I licked the envelopes and paid for the prints with my own credit card. First Amendment is a wonderful thing. Not sure how well the Saudi Embassy will take it though.

I spent just under 100 dollars. The biggest expense was the full day I spent collecting addresses and stuffing envelopes.

No. I'm sending them Pepes.

Lots of Pepes.

Some letters to President Jeb! and President Kasich.

oh shit I never even though of this

meet me between the folds of infinity
"message Delivered"
sup dude :)
check your other thread

This is actually quite impressive, kudos, user.


Shadilay, brother!

Not scared of anything except suiciding myself in the back of the head twice.

What was the pepe and letter you wrote for hillary?

you have 2 minutes until that message expires

I sent her, Priorities USA, and CTR one of each. I sent CTR a printed version of the meme where Wojak is pushing a Nazi rock up a hill. Give me a sec and I'll find it.


What message

the one in the other thread you made on the other pol.
30 seconds




The other Holla Forums? I don't have that address anymore. Just email me at the email address I provided.


Shes gonna flip her shit. GJ shes probably gonna get on the twatter and be all tinfoil paranoid about the secret Illuminati frog cult targeting her.

J Bernstein from Buzzfeed got two. I'm sure he's going to say something. That little kike loves to squeal.

Why are you gripping them so tight? Windy day?

godspeed m8

He's holding kek's gifts. Would you hold them any other way?

Wanted to make sure to get my prints on them.

What did you send to Don?

The top Pepe.

dude, put powdered sugar in it

You've done a good thing.

I can see the headlines
Hopefully they all race to getting their articles/news out first and make the butthurt more delicious.

no, thats how you go to jail.

Message delivered

I can only hope.

Charles Blow of NYT and J Bernstein of Buzzfeed both got some. They're both dramatic little queers who will surely say something.

good work user




Truly doing gods work user.

Thank you. Have a Chaffetz pepe.

gj OP, every little bit helps the cause. Planning on posting these around the college campus. Leaving them here in case anyone wants to as well.

So you're a race traitor trying to make us look like Jew worshipers? Why are you even here? Do you think we would approve or your wasted efforts?

You could of taken all that money and sent out the Greatest Story Never Told to people who might have appreciated it. You're like a useless fucking kid who tags his name on buildings.

Maddow since doing the nazi pepes will surely say something if she sees the letter. Though bernstein doing another "for the lulz" article will be great, more misinformation for our enemies.

Kudos user. I respect that you're actually doing something…ANYTHING…than just shitpost on a mongolian motion picture forum like I do.

Sending rare pepe's to public figures might seem like a bizarre form of activism, but at least Holla Forums is leaving some sort of footprint in the real world. These are the baby steps necessary until eventually we can be far more elaborate in our activism.

What are you doing user?

Fur fags thinking this is a good thing. GTFO you pathetic sexual degenerate

Great idea user. You want to be the one who does it?

Don't forget to post pics

redpilling the fuck out of people using intelligent arguments before Holla Forums ever existed. I've probably reached 100K people by now. I even sent Trump is snake song speech.

trying to demoralize someone who is doing SOMETHING to stick it to the kikes. It's obvious why he's upset so I won't state it :^)

He sending out more Jew worship and shilling pepe. You're the fucking kike smiley

Thanks for nothing. Fucking 4chan faggots

Do Hillary campaign offices have fax machines by any chance?

If you don't like this Holla Forumsack's form of activism, then do it better yourself. Trying to be an insufferable contrarian just makes you look like a d&c shill trying to derail this thread…which is actually exactly what you are.

you've already ousted yourself. Kike or not, you are counter-productive, so if you can't post anything useful, simply don't post; or better yet, just kill yourself.

This man is right.

Idk. It was tough finding the addresses to them. I doubt they have public fax machines, but you could probably find out the number if you called them and asked.

How is this a bad thing? Are you worried about pr? Because they already make us out to be alt-kike, people who only in for the lulz, and those not interested in actual politics. Whatare they going to do, try to show how the bible preaches compassion and how we don't follow it? We can show how the talmud and quran preaches violence. It is more misinformation at the least which can cause people to add another label that does not fit with us and allows us to trick them.

underrated post. someone do this

that's only kemonomimi, not kemono.


I live in New York, I can drop some memes off in person at Kikefeed and the NYT, any ideas?

Send a nazi pepe to george soros.



Ayy they're right by me, maybe I can camp out and harass Soros if he drops in

Stand in front of the building with a regular pepe in a sign

This is one of those bants where for a brief moment all is right in the world.

got me wanting to do this as well

except I won't be a google about it and I'll wear rubber gloves.

I also won't print from a computer attached to me because of the yellowdot quasi-qr

You should get a few hundred printed at Walmart. They're 9 cents when you have them shipped to your house.

Maybe I should get a Kek cult robe too

Kek Klux Klan when?

What were the walmart employee reactions?

I have a few friends at (((Slate))) and (((Buzzfeed))), any Bernstein specific Pepes? I can definitely get into his desk if I want.

I can pretend to be a bike messenger and hand-deliver packages to him too.

You guys would be amazed how easy it is to get into media nerve centers

If you want to do it right then get it printed at Walmart.com using a disposable email. Pick it up at the store with cash and then wear gloves and use envelopes that you don't have to lick. Be sure to drop them off at various mail boxes to avoid the mailman noticing all 120 letters at once.

This is all firmly under the First Amendment though, as long as there's nothing explicitly threatening in the letters.

These kikes think anything is a threat. Better to be safe than suicided.

High speed low drag tactical meme deployment stratagems.

My sister used to work at the photolab there. She said people would get nudes printed all the time and it wasn't unusual to have them passed around.

The employees didn't really seem different to me. They were just busy talking to themselves about banal drama.

I don't have any Bernstein-specific pepes, but these kikes are so easily triggered that any Trump Pepe would trigger them, especially of a few hundred were placed on their desk.

you didn't post the CTR trump leaks letter

you should make a list (just for us) of what bible verses you sent to each person.

I'm sure there are some Sam Hyde pepes floating around. Those would work too.

That one'll do, any other sammy ones? I can do half-Trump half Sams for maximum triggerage

I just sent a Pepe to each of the addresses. The list of which entity got which pepe is in the OP pastebin in the pic.

The CTR one was this pepe with Wojak having a CTR symbol on it and Pepe having a Swastika.

You'd be surprised at how much leeway there is for this sort of thing. I did a lot of similar activity back in the eighties, sending little electronic gizmos that I'd made to different big names in the tech industry and asking for feedback. Most of them were completely harmless.

As out of touch as I was, I had no idea that the Unabomber was active during that time. I was visited a few times by law enforcement types before they decided that a teenager probably wasn't the source of all of those troublesome packages.

They basically asked me to knock if off, or at least attach a letter to the side of my package, instead of putting it inside the box.

Damn, those full-color Pepes look good. You're making me want to go & print some maymays and share them with friends. Seems like I receive free photo printing enticements fairly often from drug stores and such.

Could send them a mysterious inkblot test.

I love it. Hope you wore gloves though. If it's your return address, and you mail them to several people who are in frequent communications together, they may talk about it to each other, think something's up, and report it.

Stay safe user. Kek be with you.

Or just print out a few hundred pages of random numbers with a fake classified heading.

People Extolling Persecuted Ethnicities


Get them printed up. They're only 9 cents if you have them delivered to your house from Walmart.com

Look up the address.

I'm surprised none of you pulled the code from OP's first few replies. Hint, 3rd letter in each word.

Those pepes are lined with anthrax.

Thank you for doing what none of us had the courage to do user.


Delete this!

hope youre deleting your exif data on those pics. if you didnt, better have the mods kill this thread

Perhaps I should try and deliver memes in person to people in Seattle. I live there. Any suggestions user? I know there's The Stranger.

OP you are a true meme warlord.

Do it. If you value your time at more than 10-15 dollars an hour, then it's probably cheaper to just mail them, especially when you factor in gasoline.

that pic was too blurry

you aren't hearing me friend. I was talking about the bible verses you attached to the letters.

I guess I will just have to wait until you are home to talk.
are you still at burgerkike?



I'll post it for you because you forgot it.

What the fuck

Haven't forgot about you. I'm switching hard drives right now, so my computer will be down for a second.


Jewed from the start.


You could maybe toss something the size of an Altoids box somewhere that wont be noticed for a few years?


oh shit I see it now

The USA is a strange place.

Thanks. It would be illegal anywhere else, so I guess this is a compliment.

Exodus 8:4-6


Kek Kucx Klan

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printer_steganography

be advised

Confirmed OP is going to jail for frogs and bible verses.

That is pretty funny. Kudos to OP.

How retarded are you?

that pic made me laugh far more than I should have.

You're literally doing God's work, OP.

i don't understand, i don't see walk the dinosaur or never gonna give you up anywhere

seeing as there are approx 3000 users, if we all sent 100 envelopes a month (a bit pricey but not that bad), we could get 3.6 million letters out a year

If only man

nah doge, thousands pics printed at wallyworld per day. pepes are no cheese nobody will investigate tbh. probly cuck will just trash the pics or burn effigy for kek.


wut m8?

Wouldn't be that bad at all. It only cost me 70 cents per envelope including all the costs. The biggest thing was finding the addresses, but I already did that for everyone.

who.is is a great way to find an address for an otherwise quiet organization, unless they have a managed registry entry, but most simply use the address of their corporate headquarters.

Taking a shot in the dark here but when he said "nah doge" he was saying "nah dog" (nigger slang), not saying you should print doge. This through me off at first too.

OP is love, OP is life.


I don't see it.

Jail for what? Sending pro-religious mail?
He's just exercising his freedom of religion.

Thanks, it's always good when OP isn't a faggot.

I heard he was recently divorced after she caught him fucking a midget.



gun-toting white supremacist Sam

I just googled anthrax, apparently it's a virus or bacterium or whatever.

So OP is starting a worldwide epidemic?
Is OP deus ex?

I put him on the list before he announced the divorce. He called Trump "literally Hitler" so I figured I'd give his (((manager))) a Pepe to frame.

Oh, I see.
I hadn't read that when I posted.

I'am guessing it's bs, i still haven't found the supposed antrhax

Oh shut up.

OP YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, do you live in Palouse?

This might explain all the pepe pics we had to print….

I was joking.

Don't out another user anon.

fuck dude I won't. I just though I was the only one out here.

Why are there so many anons in the NW
Coeur D'Alene here

faggot snitch piece of shit

Now this is weapons grade memetics.

Top kek OP, I'm using this business name and address if I ever do this

That was 30 years ago, and you still got a talking to from big brother. What leeway?

top work op

Because NWF

Meant to spoiler instead, I need to sleep.

sup idabro


Yes, an entire region of the united states is a honeypot. Ok.

I'm not worried about that, I'm more worried about OP not wearing gloves while doing this shit, having the rare Pepe's mailed to his house… I hope he paid in cash.

Good fucking thread OP, I hope you don't suicide by 9001 nailgun blasts to the back of the head. This thread is fucking golden.

I mean, it's shitty drawings of frogs.

OP why didn't you send Jeb! the turtle Pepe?

I still don't see it.

absolute madman

Neither do I


I dunno… This seems. Awful well done for amateur innocent lulz.

Can you please dump some addresses?
I'll try to get some printed as well.

Also, how illegal is it to send marijuana fan leaves over usps mail?

Follow his pastebin link pictured…

Oh yeah, I also forgot to list that…

No small feat to round all that up. I dunno guys either im paranoid or we could all be in for…something

fug it

Oh I see
I'm actually retarded

Nice fellow tree nigger

Read the post again, the cops only showed interest because Uncle Ted was mailing bombs.


left handed

OP here. Still alive, but the pizza man scared me when he knocked really loud.

Did you mail these today or before? I noticed pics were taken on the 19th

They were mailed on Tuesday, but I had them printed last Thursday and worked on it a little bit each day in between. All of them were mailed on Tuesday though.

If you wanna do this again, go through kinkos and pay in cash. Have the employees do all the handling of paper while you wait around, make sure they put it all in bags for you before you depart so you don't handle them yourself.
Wear thick leather gloves with NO COTTON AT ALL when putting together the envelopes, mix a small amount of elmers and water into a glass(an inkwell or empty model-paint container is better), make it a real pasty but still liquid mix-up, there should be no chunks. This is how you will do stamps and envelope-sealing without getting caught or making your parcels look suspect(it will dry like spit if you dilute it properly)
Wear a "tourist hat" like Jhonny Depp does in Fear and Loathing and some typical-cuck glasses and you will be golden.
t. used to distribute comiket-exclusive doujin and galge via mail-order

Palouse is a great little town, and the green frog cafe is lovely.

to be frank I think its messed up that they're going to be getting a bunch of re-mailed letters full of profanities.

So in all likelihood, most of these should be received by tomorrow then, I think.

And, not for nothin' dude, but that one post well above got me kinda on edge.

Do you recommend I sleep with my AK tonight and for the next week or so just for posting here or nah?

There's no profanity in them. Just printed pepes with a Bible verse on the back.

Also, thread theme

Surprisingly dead here for a quality 8ch thread.

because everyone has gone full chatroom in the chimpout threads, we're full of cuckchan and reddit right now.

"Just for fun Imma send a few swastika prints
And have the whole damn nation go to DEFCON 2"

In Seattle, deep undercover in bizzaro land. Please Trump come investigate King County and the City of Seattle…corrupt, incompetent money laundering, ballot stuffing goons .


Dude….Im sitting here listening to Shadilay and mr bond watching the update countdown over and over

The fuck happened to this site, for real?

I actually feel like, disappointed for you. What a bunch of cunts are left here now. Shill threads get more attn than this.

Gawd, where do we go now…

OP here. It's been slow all night. I guess I'll try again in the morning.

Where do you think you are?

The world has come full circle

Ah.. this is going to end badly super well

he was talking about the angry letters the cafe would receive.

I'm glad that this board is slow. it allows quality posters to thrive here. instead of the incessant spamming that goes on in halfchan. If you don't like the slow pace then go back to halfchan.

Meh. I doubt they'll call out the forensics team for a poorly drawn cartoon frog.

Eh, well it sure made my night for once. Ill give you my thanks, and ill check back in tmr also

Sleep well, madman


Weaponized autism.

They write news stories about it, why wouldn't they call forensics about it too?

I thought about trying to get a green card, and move there. you never know
also in the books about the NWF, Coeur D'Alene is where the race war starts. Polish your funs.

Even the kikes who write the shit realize how ridiculous it is. No way the FBI calls in a crime lab over a cartoon that is very loosely associated with Internet shitposting.


Well, the point is, even if they did

What are they going to do if they find you?

Charge you with dank may may possession?

No they don't.

That's why they're nazi frogs instead of just pepe.

They are honest to god, terrified by the meme. Why? It opens, to them, pandora's box

They could easily get me with insider trading. I bought a short position on Pepes before I flooded the market.


Well, when ICANN transfers, there is international law against antisemitism being concocted as we speak. I remember that EU reform draft legislation that proved that.

No. It opens, to them, shilling for hillary. Thats it.

Well, then it's funnier then. Its hard to take someone serious who is that niave about the culture they purport to cover.

And laws like that are never retroactive.

And never really enforced beyond



The memetic potential of pepe is becoming well documented. That shit is a subtle red pill for the masses. Jews would not like that.

Good stuff dude.
Thanks mods for stickying this.
People who do this deserve credit and recognition. I intended to do some Wheatpasting of some pungent Trump cartoons, links, and qr codes, but I never could convince myself to do so.

To those who do so, thank you.


that picture, well meme'd but whats with the file name structure?

Shit. I just noticed the sticky. I guess I'm staying up shitposting with you guys, waiting on pic related to show up

I had been sleeping at weird hours.
Just recently I had a dream at those weird hours.
I am writing it down as my memory of it has been fading as soon as I woke up.

I went into a utopian virtual world.
I think it was of my own free will that I went there like it was a vacation.
There were other who went there too.
We had our smartphones which have been the interface to get there.
But we realize that our phones no longer had the shut down or reset function.
This means we were trapped in this virtual world.

The particularly rebellious ones had run ins with the enforcers of this world.
They look like strict teachers, they have no uniform look unlike in the Matrix.
They can literally meld with parts your virtual body to enforce their will.
For example, they will meld their legs to your legs so that you can't run away.

The most graphic melding I saw was an enforcer melding his brain onto another one.
I think the victim looks like Neo and they were playing chess.
Afterwards I asked him if the enforcer could read his mind or is forcing thoughts.
He was not sure but his thinking was dulled compared to his usuall chess playing.
I remarked that when melding we could plant viruses on those enforces.
But I don't know exactly how to do that.

Later on I saw Neo doing some fighting moves and was bending reality.
That's all I could remember about him.

I saw enforcers debating with what look like conservatives.
They were shown as Luddites and were of course outside of the virtual world.
When I heard them say they were right, I from the inside shouted "Yes, the old ways were right."

I also saw someone that looks like Trump fighting off an enforcer.
He threw objects so that the enforcer couldn't come close to meld.
There were witnesses so Trump also shouted some revolutionary statements.
Sorry I could no longer provide the details.

Then it was my turn to fight an enforcer.
I somehow manifested a gun and emptied its magazine on the enforcer.
It went down but got up again so I ran away.

I saw Trump writing a colorful grafitti of words.
It mentioned will and triumph, but I could only barely remember the last parts:

Do not take it down
Your shitpost is your shitpost
It is part of the Great Aggregator
of the Great Scroll

Then I woke up.

Linking Pepe to WN shit legally would be extremely tough, even for a kike controlled court.

A conviction would also then render all previous Pepe posts (celebs, etc) as WNs

that's quite the fat stack you have there friend

Ben "make the hebrew see-through" Garrison won't like anybody else stealing his profits

You better hope mods delete that seriously unsightly upper post I mentioned, or that really will be a reality for you

Even if it is WN, hate speech isn't illegal unless it invokes an imminent and specific threat.

Fix'd that for yah fellow merchant.

yeah im gonna need sauce on that


OP for once is not a faggot

But internation legislation (i.e. a multilateral treaty) does not need to be retroactive. Parties(states) are expected to fulfill the precedent of international law nowadays because of contractual obligations.

That draft will be looked at for actual legislation. And I bet that anti-semetism regulation might "slip in underneath the radar"

Especially when people shut it down

>implying there is even a way to monetize the pepe, other than manipulate it as propaganda to further goals :^)

Now that I think about it

tbh lad, I remember something in the MSM news recently about crosses and jude stars spraypainted, or maybe even chalked, on a synagogue or a road or somehting

And last I seen they were "investigating for hate crime charges"

Idk man

I made over 60,000 daytrading rare pepes back in the pepe rush of 2015.

Those were the days.


Not if new legislation intentionally makes that easier by being construed broadly.

Oh and btw, case law doesn't help international law, because ever case in international law is interpreted by the statutes only. So if a case were to restrict the definition - too bad, start from scratch again!

Fucking good job OP. I print out pepe's and paste them on various things among other stuff.

That's different. SCOTUS has held that hate speech isnt illegal. Mailing letters is clearly speech, vandalizing property to intimidate an ethnic group isn't. Just like burning a cross in and of itself isn't illegal, but if you were to do it on a black church's front yard, you would be in for some shit.


Alright. I dont mean to claim to know shit about law, I just hope you do. Gratz on the sticky dude. Guess my earlier disappointment is revoked


Take note at section 2.

For the purpose of preventing antisemitism. That's really broad.

This is EU, but that means it will indirectly affect all international law.

I was a bit nervous myself, so I asked my father in law who owns a few law firms and he said there won't be an issue outside of some low-level case agent knocking on my door to make sure I'm a normie. It was quite a conversation to have. Luckily he's a big Trump fan. He even relabeled his boat "USS Trump"

I can't wait to see this on the news and to watch the subsequent investigation into it unfold.

Who do you think will be most pissed?



and last thing before im off

When something gets stickied this far in



You’re going to jail, bucko.



Reported for intl.

Remember to send money to my commissary. Send a USPS money order to the lock box in Iowa. I'm sure my name will be out there. It's a very unique name.

Boy you really have not been keeping up.

Those amendments may amount to nothing by Christmas.


I hope the news (((sources))) see this sticky.


Yeah. Now keep your mouth shut unless you know what you’re talking about, you fucking faggot.

Mate. We know it's ridiculous.

But Jews don't care about how ridiculous it is, they need to enforce their plan at all costs.
They've literally compromised international law for christ sake.

One of the kikes’ biggest successes is in getting people to believe that something like “international law” exists.


Hey, look at that, fuckface. Congratulations on being illiterate.

You're a god damn hero OP. May the rest of your life be long, happy, and powerful.

Well it worked.

Because now it has precedent. Thanks to the contractual nature of international law.


Nice dream, I used to have Ebola dreams back in the day. I miss Ebola ;_;

Only because you allow it to. The only international law is natural law. All other “laws” don’t exist.

Who is being defrauded of what?

A core prong of fraud is depriving someone of property or money, neither of which is happening here.

Return addresses aren't even required by law. Please tell me which law I'm breaking.

-4/10. The best part about you being an idiot is that you keep digging deeper.


Fuck me, I've said like 3 times it's contractual in nature.

That means, the contract is enforceable.

It's not natural law at all anymore. It hasn't been since the 50's.

Who is obtaining anything?

Got anything else to say? :^]



Gas yourself 4cuck

You're as bad as fucking normies.

It's not a fucking windmill crusade, it's a legitimate threat.


Try again

Google is compromised, stop using it.


And Mr. Pitt was hit with the power of Kek
13 days after he crossed Trump.

Kek spares no one!

Why OP?


Well I'm in law too faggot.

Oddly enough his name was already on my mailing list before I found out.

Good for you, faggot.

He’s going to jail.

What fraud has been committed?

I'm genuinely curious as to what you think my legal liability is here.

I was just shitposting. I didn't take any aggressive measures to cover my tracks because it's protected speech under the 1st Amendment. That didn't stop them from killing Al-Awlaki, but it gives me some comfort.

none, that's why he won't be specific.

I wonder if Gowdy and Chaffetz will call me to testify…

The payment to the printer is traceable and security cameras have you timestamped upon purchase

I'm just talking about potentially getting put on a list for future harassment, I know that it's legal. If the left didn't also punish people for doing perfectly legal things, through other means, this wouldn't be an issue.

Godspeed; OP!

I still don't see it


why would you want that? we don't need attention.

you've got mail.
congratulations on the sticky friend.

reported for concern trolling and thread derailment


Alright. That's what I figured. Luckily for me, I'm on every list imaginable anyway because of a prior federal conviction for computer fraud.

Hopefully I doesn't shoot myself in the back of the head and lock myself in a duffel bag…

That's the only list I don't want to be on.


What? Why stop in the US? Let's take KEK WORLDWIDE LADS!

That was kek's doing. Good job, btw.

Masonic lodges with pepebreaker?

lol well don't get yourself into other trouble in the near future, then

bitch i'm not looking at it like that, it's about anonymity

Classic hater.


Fuck, I need to go to sleep, but yet I will not.


I appreciate your concern. I'm sure it's genuine. It's always good to cover your ass when you poke 120 bears. I honestly should have done better just to save myself the hassle of a casual visit from the FBI. I guess there's always next time.

If Trump wins, which he will, I believe you'll be ok, because the entire Clinton clan (even Chelsea Hubble), will be put on trial, convicted, then executed for treason.

1.5 million are on the US government's "terrorist" watch list.






sorry I reported you, maybe you will stop being such a faggot now.
nice memes btw



Haha you faggot wannabe

I think getting a visit from anyone would be material for a new thread m8

maybe hide a webcam in your house because picsoritdidnthappen

good job, I migrated from that server ages ago, before you even capped that image I had been banned from the server. dumass.

I'll keep you guys posted for sure. I'm sure you'll hear about if I get arrested. I'll tell my lawyer to give you guys a subtle nod in the press release. It is still a hell of a stretch that any laws were broken though. FBI agents have bosses and case loads like everyone else, I don't see them wasting much time on Memetic Warfare.


Posted the wrong file…

Thank you good sir. May Kek bless us all on Monday.

there you go, now fuck yourself.

OP you magnificent bastard
This is some top tear shit

But then who was Moses? user? Would make sense. His face can't be seen.

Thank you. I'm glad to see a board that appreciates things other than shitposting. This is what happened on half chan.

If it does happen you'll be a hero, but you aren't doing anything illegal so I seriously doubt it.

This is epic.

Glad I could give something back after all these years of being a leech.

Now that is kek worthy
Not that stupid jew bullshit OP is pushing

Then do it and post a thread. Stamps are only 50cents a piece and your welfare check should be in the mail soon.

keep in touch with me :)

I've got your contact info. Everything is getting done updating now but I'm probably heading to bed soon. Gotta wake up in 4 hours.

dude you are already a fucking legend for doing this.


alright man, gn. you need sleep to meme at full power.

Godspeed user. Take care and thanks again.

None, it's the state's liability.

Which means the state is forced to preserve protocols that prevent breach of that liability. Which means that what prevents the US from cracking down now(the constitution), will be worked around by international law. With ICANN in non US jurisdiction, it can be used to tie in with international law as part of international law's jurisdiction. Which means bye bye free speech.

Basically, it will indirectly establish criminal liability to speech soon. The US won't risk breaching international protocols, there are severe diplomatic issues from breaches.

I want to blitzkrieg them while we still exist.

what can be seen, cannot be unseen

Masons are Christian.

I think that oath breaker meme is a Jew concoction.

Too bad I don't like either.

I was more curious about the likelihood of my door being kicked in by the FBI (again).

Obama's move to cede jurisdiction of the Internet was bound to have some ulterior motive. I'm not sure it's worth looking into, seeing as Trump has expressed a strong distaste for it, to say nothing of the way ceding control of the Internet would undermind his nationalistic tone.

I'm largely uncertain, we're not sure what's in store. But expect things to change by Christmas.

Expect a lot of people to be hindered by this. The people that want this to happen, are the most ignorant people to ever lead our countries. Freedom is nothing to them, they prefer security.

It's a jurisdictional issue.

Part of the reason we have free speech is because ICANN is in the US.

The UN clearly has subversion from all countries.
People assume it's legitimate, but frankly it's a joke. It impedes on the cultural expectations of some countries. The Israelis clearly want to "shut things up". They don't like it when their plan is uncovered.

I'm pretty sure this is what the letters are suppose to accomplish. we don't need to do anything. it will spread on its own once everybody starts realizing they all got a letter. it will be on all the new outlets without us having to do a damn thing.

Ah well i might do this myself seems almost needed

Looks like nice quality printing

What's the point though?

Do it. The prints are only a few cents a piece, so it's much cheaper to send a large number of pepes to one address than to send a bunch to different people like I did.

Fukking saved

Just to create a minor stir in the media. Every second that crazy woman is focused on Pepe is a second she isn't attacking Trump.

I guess the minor reason, and something that's really driven my life thus far, is why not?

You are doing Kek´s work OP.

Well done, perfect quote for the rat.

Go to bed!

Oh fuck off..

We need to do whatever we can.

Pepe did 9/11. Never forget.

Finna bill coopah they bitch asses

Bill cooper sent a packet of redpill info to every media outlet and person in the elite before starting the hour of the time

Pepe had nothing to do with 9/11, Bush just wanted revenge.


My thoughts exactly.

I love this Fire Monkey, I never want it to leave.

Yeah good job OP, now leftists will have more ammo against us, GREAT, ugh you are such a retard

fuck I'm dead


How do you not seem to grasp the basic concept of NOT FUCKING UP THIS BOARD?
How do you not understand that if you start posting links leading directly to 8ch, that we are going to get fucking swamped by faggots.
are you actually autistic?

Jesus christ my sides.

People are laughing at the media everytime they try to convince people a frog is racist.

We have immense media presence already and our threads are directly linked.

thepolitica linsider.com/hillary-email-it-guy-caught-asked-destroy-evidence/

Just keep reporting the obvious newfags.

The mods pinned this thread. Report them.

Since when have we held back like kikes?

Are you pussy?

Are you calling yourself and the mods newfags because they stickied your thread?


Unfortunately, sarcasm isn't easily conveyed online.

are you saying i'm a newfag?

did you not read what he said at all?
Sure there may be a very small handful of articles linking directly to 8ch. but this autist wants to "blitzkrieg" the media with 8ch links. this is very much NOT the same thing as a few articles here and there.

Oh fuck off, I've probably been here longer than you. In fact, that's highly likely, I was here from nearly the start.

We never made progress by doing nothing

Either you take the risk, or you're a pussy faggot.

sure, lets turn Holla Forums into cuckchan and derail the thread with this pointless conversation while were at it.

do you call what OP is doing in this thread nothing?

Good job completely misreading what I said.

I'm saying we should keep doing stuff like this and if we get normies as a result, simply report them.

Seems reasonable. I would think we would be more insulated from a normie invasion because we aren't easily found on Google and everyone blames half chan for stuff we do anyway.

Exactly. Which is exactly why I'm not terribly worried about it.

Also, go to bed. You're only to get 2 hours of sleep at this rate.

Why did you even check?


Nice work user
This is going to cut them deeper than any tweet ever could

I know a relevant one!

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28

ok, I'm sorry. I also missed your point.
Yes I agree with you on that.

go to bed, your thread will be here when you wake up.

I was laying in bed about thirty minutes ago when some damn kraut called me and woke me up. I'm just going to push through and keep working until my next conference call.

Are you afraid of something?

Because I've seen many "jumps" in anons posting here recently.
Before that, there was no fear of "compromising Holla Forums"

The truth needs no safespace. Just a platform to speak.
That's what chans are.


no, I was condemning the guy telling us to "hold back". That's not what has gotten us this far.

Good job for making it as vague and unclear as possible.

Only if they shit up the board - i.e. they spam or they become tripfaggots. Not if they simply question shit.

Most newbies start like that, then learn more about the truth. They makes them fall in line with Holla Forums.
Truth is best promoted without subversion. It needs to be open and honest.

What you suggest is merely subversion, you don't want people in your secret club. I think fuck you, this is no secret club. This is a medium to strive for truth.

I hope they are.

ok I fully agree with you.

When and where was the VERY FIRST pepe post?!???

I have been putting my name on everything I do. If you don't act with fearless impunity, don't act.

(1488 checked)

That's what I was referring to. The ones that don't do that will obviously lurk and learn before posting.

Calm your autism, we're on the same side here.

fagchan doublepost bug

I don't like the new direction some people are taking with Holla Forums.

Yes 4chan is a filter, but that doesn't mean we restrict the content on Holla Forums any more or less.

I don't want this to be a "safespace". I want it to be a revolution. A new paradigm for people. No other social media forum allows free speech. That's why the chans are so good at digging through bullshit.

If you look you can see that communist spin. Kek standardizes the intimate with an inserted lemon. Why does an on orbital appropriate a capital? Kek outweighs Pepe below the shape. Does the golden dinner trail? Pepe twins a bible. And that's how I became the fresh prince of bel air. The badge gasps before the clique. Pepe designates Kek. Pepe moans past the dotted male. An indicator undertakes Pepe inside the language. The propaganda freezes! The queen lines Pepe. The ethic leans around a pope. Kek camps! Pepe disappoints the mystic muck. Pepe spites Kek. Pepe consumes the score need. Kek modifies the pink satellite on top of this campus.


What the fuck is this?

Kek is making him speak in tongues.

shillbot is broken again after feeding it some bad copypasta?

The left user, we broke them. Words no longer hold any meaning which way you slice it, every thing is subjective. It's a sad and slippery slope, one we must all strive to avoid at all costs.

shitposting tool

Kek dresses a paper in a forest. Does the illegal jargon trail over Kek? Kek machines the circle beneath the flavor. Kek coughs after the real substitute. The metric bobs under Kek.

Why does your defeat withdraw across our first crew? Should each young jump? The envelope curtains the consuming desktop near a cassette. The angel reforms your calm. When can a birth hope a constraint? When can a wedded tooth fudge over the schedule?

Fuck off Elspeth Reeve

I heard of a "conservative only" social media. Is it just True Cons there, or are we allowed?


Martin shkreli detected

I wish I was Martin, if I had his staff and cash I'd send thousands to every HillShill I could find.

damn it feels good to be a Holla Forumsack

Good job OP

During the start of the summer I was a NEET and had time to fly TRUMP 2016 decal stickers on my bike allover my central kike jersey suburb

Must have spread ~500 or so. I dropped em off in random public places, mailboxes of trump/sanders supporters with bumper stickers/signs on yards.

Now I have a job and can't have the same fun :(

Ladies first, you illiterate newfag

Good goy! You serve us well!

did you include some nice anti-semitic bible verses for mr Bernstein?

When you grow old you can tell your grandchildren that you fought to save your civilization in world war 3

The first war fought with memes

How come NO ONE checks out those digits?!

what part of NJ?

how did you get your job??

Australia is leaving the UN? Sauce?

great idea faggot


Year of the Monkey is shitposting, flinging shit

Year of the Fire Cock is where they will be fucked

This is some crazy shit.

I love it. We should start doing this collectively, so all the expenses and effort don't fall on one guy.

Great job, OP. You're truly a Champion among men.

I've solved commie captcha just to say gj op!

Now you got me thinking… Should I recreate your doing and mail some pepes to the US embassy to remind them they are being watched?

could you talk like a bigger fag maybe?

G O D ' S


Thank you good sir. I've included the addresses in the pastebin in the pic. Feel free to send a few. Stamps are cheap and I'm sure they'll appreciate even Pepes you print yourself.

What, did you not realize we actually take our memes seriously here? NWF is a real thing




oh fuck off.

this is just banter and memes. you can gas yourself.


It really isn't not :^)

Collectors of rare pepes are seeing them drop in value because OP is just mailing pepes out like they are free.

But I think in this case its worth it.

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

Oh my God op, way to lead the charge.

Should we all be doing this?


Even 50 of us sending these would be YUUUGEEEEE
6000 letters.

Outside the US we could send faxes. There's a site from which you can send free faxes




dubs demand link

I don't recall.
I know that we used it on Holla Forums to fuck Nintendo's shit up but I can't recall which one it was.
With this one you can send 5 per day for free (more if you use VPNs I guess) which is more than enough if we all send 5 to CTR for example.

Kind of sad tbh


What have you done so far, bitch?
Stop posting porn you fucking jew.

O rly, faggot? Then what race was Adam? And if you say anything relating to the Hebrews, then I'm posting the genealogy of Noah, you cock-gobbling homo.


Why so many stickers on top of each other?

Get your head examined

Purity signal harder.

australia-tier tbh


go back to your $10 cuckshed goon

every time

Aaron = user



Did no one mention printer dots?

For all you know, there could be printer dots for each printing job at walmart.



Whhat kind of pepe u sen for the ((degenerate hoe trio)), Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham?

An unknown man just mailed out 120 pictures of an ancient Nazi frog God.

I actually hope the media runs with this story and takes it seriously.

feels good man on /r9k/ probably
sad frog on /r9k/
smug pep pep on Holla Forums

this is more believable

Why the fuck is this thread still stickied? Mods, this is a great cause, but it looks a lot like a permaslide thread atm.

The FBI isn't going to give a shit about printed memes.

So they are going to track him down and convict him of reckless use of memes in a public space?

Sliding would be making lots of new threads about bullshit. You can't slide a forum with a sticky.

Could you go a little more in depth, maybe give me a step by step. I want to tag along, want to know:

-Your source files for the images.
-the size and type of print you used
-size of envelope

Also anyone else feel free to chime in, I would like to go as a courier and drop at front desks around the DC area.

-what is a believable way to package something that is hand couriered?
-should I dress in a certain way?
-how should I address the front of the envelopes?

I'm thinking CTR and WaPo. Then maybe a stack of pepe for a mailer to the white house.

This thread.

That's deep; really makes you think.


They're going to send to him in an insane asylumn.

Get your head examined you braindamaged buffoons.

They'll probably start calling us an army soon

He's breaking the rules of the Internet

Oh yeah pepe give me the knot

Not going for A knot or Colony.


Was that what it was? Fuck. I wish I had read the reply first. Fuck you other user.

I laughed at the Patrician, who laughed back. Hail Caesar! The Jew will fall soon, he will be liquidated with a strong hand.

What are they going to send to him?

user, naturally.

OP here. Stay in the thread. On a conference call now. I'll answer in an hour.

OP is truly doing God's work. I wonder what Jezebel will write about how triggered they were?

Better to be called a knot. Conjures image of dog penis. May cause internet PTSD.

Lol @ people taking this edgy 12 y/o shit seriously

KEK be praised. You're definitely his kinda faggot!


You have stolen Kek's Dubs!
Back to 4cuck nigger, Quality > Quantity.

You don't think political figures would be vaccinated against anthrax?
And even if they aren't.

lol faggot

It's a permaslide thread if it's permanently on the front page via a sticky and it's a shit thread.


Just leave, ya filthy google


Reminder that "Get your head examined" is CTR's current go to one line shill statement

Remember to filter and report all "Get your head examined" faggots



Just a reminder for the thread
Kikes don't create, they destroy, corrupt and steal.

A physical presence in the world I.e. These letters is good. People already fear the right wing's online nature. Time to out it out into the world around them. Once memes become physical the left starts a coughing fit….. That hopefully ends in pants of shit

Wow you really have no idea how this board works, do you. A sticky takes up a permanent slot on the front page.

Think of it this way. You have 10 apples, but you can only even replace 9 of them. The last apple rots, but you're forced to keep it there regardless. You are not stuck with a rotation of only 9 apples, because the rotten apple is permanently stuck in place (or, sticked, you might say).

TL;DR: When mods stick shit threads, they PERMANENTLY SLIDE other threads that could otherwise fill their slot on the front page.

Do you have brain damage?

wow a real shill

he should probably get that check out by a qualified professional

What kind of faggot are you?

Lmao you absolute faggot nigger. The catalog exists there for a reason. Go check it sometime.

I usually do not expect to find 100% of the threads I will participate in in the first page, since a thread being in the first page has jack shit to do with its quality or importance.

Fucking LURK and you'll understand. It's not rocket science.


Kekspeed user, shadilay.

Truly humbled by your dedication anons. Although I'm Latino, so you guys hate me, right?

went to Mexico once, it was nice but it wasn't home. Let's keep it that way.



We dont hate you at all. But you will be deported to Africa with no choice in the matter.

Let me read to you from the book of John, as passed down to us by the Esoteric Brotherhood of Saint Pepe:
In the Beginning there was the Meme, and the Meme was with God, and the Meme was God. The same was in the Beginning with God. Through the Meme all things were made; without the Meme nothing has been made that was made. In the Meme was Lulz, and those Lulz were the Light of all Mankind. And the Lulz shineth in the (((Darkness))) and the (((Darkness))) apprehended it not. Also bump.

John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Meme, and the Meme was with God, and the Meme was God. The same was in the beginning with God. Through the Meme all things were made; without the Meme nothing has been made that was made. In the Meme was Lulz, and those Lulz were the Light of all Mankind. And the Lulz shineth in the (((Darkness))) and the (((Darkness))) apprehended it not.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by Lulz are ye saved through Memes; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of Kek: Not of works, lest any user should boast
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
Therefore if any user be in Memes, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of Kek, who hath reconciled us to himself by Memes, and hath given to us the ministry of Lulz; To wit, that Kek was in Memes, reconciling teh internets unto himself, not imputing their faggotry unto them; and hath committed unto us the Path of Light
Romans 5:8-10
But Kek commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet newfags, He memed for us.
Much more then, being now justified by his Lulz, we shall be saved from (((wrath))) through him.
For if, when we were newfags, we were reconciled to Kek by the power of his Memes, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his Lulz.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of faggotry is b&; but the free gift of Kek is eternal Lulz in teh internets
=John 3:16
For Kek so loved the world that he gave us the Path of Light, that whoever should Meme with Him shall not perish, but have everlasting lulz.

Will do, awaiting a list


"Let me tell youuu guize how to use this site I found from BBC a few days ago. Ehem…!"

The defining nature of 8ch atm lads.

More like may attract liberals.


Kek entitles the unused bulb next to a numeral. How can kek reflect within a highlight? The sphere sings below the neglected key. Trump catalogs the wombat under another diagonal.

The draining bone flashes after based trump. The crying accused ascends underneath based trump. Does kek swim the middle entrance? Based trump stirs inside a newsletter. Kek punts behind the yellow fuel.

do you have any evidence that I agreed to this contract?

is my signature on the contract?

unlawful laws aren't laws, they are void ab initio(from the start)


For future notice cvs or Walgreens or even muh (((Walmart))) has latex or similar gloves in 100 packs

Mailing them to offices is useless. Your target won't even see it. The flunkies that answer mail would just throw it in the garbage.

Mail them to their home addresses. Mail them to their children, if they have any. Let them know that Pepe knows where they live. That would terrify the cowards.

“RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.


Excellent work user.
You are making us all proud.
You should be now in contention for Holla Forumsack of the year award.

Literally shitposting

it's a felony to put any object in a mailbox

Of course since you weren't around long enough to know you fucking faggot. This is exactly the kind of shit that brought us here in the first place.
Also you type like a redditor with your retarded spacing, fuck off

It's also not worth prosecuting anyone who does it.

I'm so happy right now

better for people to know what is a risk and what isn't

Wow just st now read the return address. Fugging breddy gud m8 one more for ya

May KEK bless you

Not him, but post it. I'm interested.

and then you die alone with no family by your side


OP has truly immortalized himself. Hope your suicide is quick and comfortable.


Top Kek. You are a really dedicated troll, OP.


(14/88 check)
The numbers have spoken - 8ch is a vessel of truth not to be hidden.

This is not even a thread you should try to derail.

You suck even for a ctr shill.

I've always been primarily a lurker and only post every couple of days, but I still don't like this trend.


>>>Holla Forums


If you write "FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND OR HANDICAPPED" in place of postage, your letter will be sent for free. Be sure to only do this if the addressee is blind or handicapped though :^)

clever girl

You could argue that CTR is a organization run by retards for retards and disabled people

Poor Shillary barely contains her bowels these days.


I don't get it.

And what do I do with words that are less than 3 letters?


all that effort, impressive autism

If you're still here, this is OP. I finally got those Nazis off the phone. Let me know what questions you have.

I used a standard 4x6 photo because it was the cheapest at 9 cents a piece from Walmart. They accept a variety of file types so that shouldn't be an issue. My files were just pepes that I found here. I can post them if you want.

For my next project, I've thought about having 1000 different Trump-related pepes printed out and mail them to a single person with as many dollar tree bibles as possible with Exodus 8:2-6 highlighted and book marked. Maybe one big box with 5-8 bibles and 1000 pepes.

I realize that interns will be the ones opening these, but they are just cogs in the machine who follow the SOP. When they open a printed Pepe with a Bible verse on it, they will escalate it to their supervisor to figure out what the hell to do. Their supervisor will see it and bump it up the ladder. If it was just a simple letter asking for a donation or something, I could understand the criticism that an intern would be opening it, because they have protocols to handle those letters. These letters will get their attention.

OP send one Pepe to to Trump to see if he signs it.

Just saying that would funny.

I already did. See

I sent him this Pepe.

Throw in some Book of Mormons in there too



OP here. I mailed this on Tuesday

He received it yesterday, and today he endorsed Trump.


Meme Magic is real.

Go polish Thor's hammer somewhere else, we're memeing here.

Good. Hopefully USPS doesn't fuck up here.

With our luck commander-in-chief might have a signed Pepe on his desk and he writes another amendment

"Every loyal citizen of United States has to have a rare Pepe in their household"

Also I noticed word Pepe is in my auto correct for some reason, auto capitalization and all that shit.

Great job based OP!
As someone else said, it would be better to do something like that in Europe as well, sending pepes to Angela Merkel, (((Martin Schulz))) (((Junker))) (((Van Rompuy))) and so on.

Ok, so standard 4x6, is that a special paper you had used? And how did you get the photo to them, you brought a USB stick?

Also, I really want to go the courier route and hand deliver them to front desks, I live in dc so shouldn't be hard. Anyone here have experience in that? I want something that looks legit enough that it has a good chance of reaching all the desks I want it to that day, and a good chance of being opened. I could hit five offices in one morning, theoretically could get a few hundred pepes out there because no stamp cost.

As for the mass pepes, i.just want to build off of this and use pepe + relevant quotation from bible to troll people. I was thinking of the super list with all those Democrat operatives, didn't Guccifer drop that couple weeks ago?

The electronic addresses would have changed but physical ones would be the same, I think there is no end to the amount of fuckers we could trigger by getting a home letter with pepe to them.

And there's almost an unending number of fake charities I could use as headers, dems will open anything from a charity.

Poor enough to buy a hipoint

I bet that MAGA hat is made in China too

No, he has to endorse Trump or he cant run anymore under the Republican Party.

Nothing wrong with Hipoints other than them being nigger cheap. Fuck its probably the most American gun around, its cheap, plentiful and takes common cartridges you'd find practically anywhere.

The timing is very odd. He gets a Pepe in the mail comparing him to Judas and the next day he endorses.

Why didn't you ask to make 4x6 wallet prints of 4 different pictures in one photo and cutting out the images instead of printing a single image at a time considering regular prints and wallet both cost $0.99 at Walmart ?

Indeed, although him having to support Trump or get booted has been news for quite awhile.

The question is, will he do as Judas does in the coming days?

user remember, if the police comes to arrest you, just call them ranidaphobics and claim discrimination.

I had them uploaded online. You can use any proxy, maybe even Tor. Pay with a throwaway PayPal account or a prepaid debit card.

If you can find that list, then please post it. I looked everywhere for it but ended up making my own, which is in the Pastebin.

I don't have any experience with mail couriers. I would suspect that the mail room sorts the incoming packages from couriers too if there's alot of them. The biggest problem will be getting them to accept so many letters at once without it looking like your just an advertiser.

I think you're looking in the wrong section. 4x6 prints are 9 cents if you have them delivered to your house and 15 cents if you pick them up in the store and order more than 100.

I agree with you there. Don't listen to gun snobs.

listening to this now on loop

anyone know where you can make your own scratch and sniff cards?

Why not just shit in the card? Saves alot of hassle.

Any anons here save the Guccifer 2.0 dcc hack?

get a load of this good goy

Yes I saved pretty much every leak that I got my hands on DNC leaks, Guccifer leaks and Open Society leaks.

What's the sudden interest?

You are mentaly unstable user, take some time off the internet.

A hundred, a hundred-twenty pepes.

Can you post an user files of them? We're shitposting pepe irl to their mailboxes. A list of congressional staffers would be cknvenient, and if they haven't changed information then it might help me triangulate to find their physical mail addresses.

That's a good point about irl spam filtering. I'll have to make sure to make it look good, I'm thinking legal services courier, that might get people's attention.

wait, what?


I used "Legal Department" for Cher's letter. At least then I'll know it gets to someone important.

I actually didn't know that so thanks for the heads up. I was distributing during the day while most were at work so I guess no one saw or cared if they did

People are distracted by googlehangouts.

i think i'm going to do the same with my smug folder

And someone that knows how to read.

Do it. Print at Walmart, have them shipped to a drop spot and then reship them. If you are looking to save on money, it's only 9 cents per pic at Walmart and you can just mail them all in one box. A priority flat rate envelope could fit 400-500 pics and only cost 7 dollars to ship.

I'm thinking sending it TO them FROM a legal place.

Should have sent him the card we made a while back tbh

That works too. Just make sure it's a fictional legal place. Idk what laws cover it, but it's just easier to cover your ass just in case. If you get a "Personal and Confidential" stamp on Amazon, it will make it look more legit.

Post it and I'll send it.

Good god this is amazing.

This is great, OP.

Looking forward to how people react to this

Glenn Beck is literally on suicide watch right now over El Rato endorsing Trump. I wonder how he's going to react when he gets this tomorrow.


Adam was a gay boy named Kaworu Nagisa.

Poor glenn

for those of you that want to the printing at home, it can be done fairly inexpensively if you're too autistic to go to a printing store. finally i can actually share some of my stupid retail knowledge with Holla Forums

HP has a service called Instant Ink; instead of paying for the ink and cartridges, you pay per page you print. 50 prints a month costs $2.99 per month, 100 prints $4.99, 300 prints is $9.99. doesn't matter what you print, a page of text is the same as a full color 8.5"x11" photo.
just about any newer HP inkjet supports it. you can get a decent one on sale for about $60-$70, and various models are always on sale.

Epson has printers called EcoTanks, which basically have big ink reservoirs on the side. they come with enough ink for probably a few hundred photos, and replacement ink bottles are $12.
the downside is the printers themselves cost $300 (they never go on sale) and shit printers. they can't do borderless printing either.

Brother has a special model of inkjet that comes with four or five packs of high-capacity cartridges in the box, but Brother inkjets are kind of shit.

photo paper isn't too expensive; you can get a hundred 4x6 sheets for about ten bucks. different brands regularly have 50% off sales.

photo paper can't be used with laser printers.

by the way nice work OP.

This nigger just doesn't stop.

America is a union of states.

Dude, you better make national news because of this. Kek wills it. Are you sending any to Tom Daschle or Tom Brokaw?

easiest filter in a while.

Need to ask, label/sticker paper does that shit come in a bulk variety by chance?

Ancient Egypt.


Shadilay. God is with you, brother.



I'm thinking it was more like 8-17?

Good goy.

Their land swarmed with frogs Even in the chambers of their kings.

Psalm 78:45

He sent among them swarms of flies which devoured them, And frogs which destroyed them.

Exodus 8:2-14

"But if you refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite your whole territory with frogs. "The Nile will swarm with frogs, which will come up and go into your house and into your bedroom and on your bed, and into the houses of your servants and on your people, and into your ovens and into your kneading bowls. "So the frogs will come up on you and your people and all your servants.

Fucking wew.

Anti-goyim passages from the holy Kike book.

You've inspired me OP, I was trying to figure out what to do tonight if plans fall through tonight, if not I know how I'm spending my Saturday.

This is hilarious OP. Your doing God's work

Fuck you bitch

this is the most cringey thing ive come across all year.

what's wrong with swastikas?

Too late.

boi you better not, we need as many Holla Forumsacks as possible for Hillary's "October surprise".


oh man this bot is good

They glance at eachother silently…
"This is getting real creepy", Sarge mutters
*Click CLACK!!*


OP you should have sent some pepes to some of the news outlets too.

It would be funny to see them make another 10 minute report on the evil nazi frogs being sent to them.

god has your back

Revelation 19:16?


OP, your services are requested. Rick Wilson is bad mouthing us again. Please send a Pepe to his coal burning daughter. Thank you.

There's a fellow who needs some smugs, anyone have his address?
would it be stupid to ship from Canada?

Remember the post Paul Combetta made on Plebbit about knotting in his kitten? Kek strikes again.

rip in pieces, OP.

I've gotten to into it countless times with Rick Wilson on Twitter. Can anyone find an address for him? I hate that condescending little prick so much. Everytime I see his dumbass suit jacket and jeans combo, I was to cringe.

O sent Assange a Wikileaks Pepe and Princess Trudeau a Trump Pepe. It only cost an extra stamp to send it internationally.

Welp, see you boys in Gitmo.

I think they'd be more confused on why American Nazi's are in Canada

where to buy zyklon b?

Great work OP!

You're a collosal faggot.

WTF? Call the cyber police.

Hey are you the same faggot from cuckchan?

If so, you have to go back.

as in address labels? yes, you can buy packs of those.
or something else?

They'll probably use the rationale of "he put this bible verse on the back of a frog picture he must be a right wing white supremacist christian terrorist we must gas him oy vey protect Hillary".


Here are some HD pepes, if anyone wants 'em.

Also OP, >>>/cuckchan/

just kek my shit up

by address labels i mean anything from little labels for letters to big sticky package labels.
letter-sized sticky labels for printers are about $35-$45 for 100.

retail stores tend to have more stuff online than in store, but most will be happy to order anything and let you pick it up in store, or you can order it in store and they can ship to your house (helps them meet budget).

office depot/max stores also have large print centers that are capable of making neat stuff.

What? 400 labels was only 7 dollars.

did you send one to (((Mark Levin)))?

He's one of the few I didn't get.

Give him one addressed to the Neocohen Policy Institute.

I was more referring to 8 1/2"x11" sheets, the sort without the labels already cut out on them. Those things make for great stickers

what was on the sign she's holding? Noted for future use, combine that with some wheat paste for long lasting effects


City workers gave up on removing according to my fellows abroad with the normal glue.

If there was one that was like a semi-laminate that would be perfect.

Is this acceptable?
Isn't Holla Forums esoteric and pagan?

Autistic as fuck but good on you for putting it to good use.

The effectiveness of Weaponized Autism should never be underestimated.

letter-sized = 8.5"x11"
standard addressing labels are a lot cheaper

yes those; the cheapest i'm seeing is about $40 for 100. you can get packs of 25 as well. they're made for affixing to packages so are permanent.

How much did you spend on postage OP?


Total cost out the door was roughly 70 cents per letter.

48 cents in postage
2 cents for envelopes
15 cents to print the photo
5 cents on misc costs

I could have saved money on printing by ordering the photos online, which would have brought the printing costs from 15 to 9 cents, but I was impatient and couldn't wait another 3 days to have them shipped to me.


Pound kek

Time to waste works resources on memes. What a time to be living its not like I'm wasting company money on ammunition, oh wait.

Kek bless you, good sir.

for reference


have fun


I've got inkjet printers here, nothing like glorious color.

Look to the north when the time comes.









If you want all 9 million of the expat vote, Trump just needs to tweet this:

Boom headshot.

You glorious faggot, OP.

Double dubs!


Hey OP, I got the dox for Hillary's current server admin, he hasn't been called up on anything yet.

want to send him a pepe?

his dox keeps getting pulled because secret service and stuff


I have Jesse Benn somewhere too if you want

Sure. Whats your preferred method of delivering it to me?

Jesus christ are they hiring muds these days?

why do you think her servers keep getting raped?

found Jesse Benn, he's the faggot that wanted trump supporters killed archive.fo/S9689

Kek worms the cabbage underneath a clarified food. The break corrupts kek under a sliced translator. Hillary soils kek. When can the male degenerate on top of her after literature? Hillary chews beside an affect. Kek cages hillary.

Employing some raghead agent provocateur is far more efficient than Ruskie hackers

Muslims have no loyalty for US that's a fact that shouldn't be forgotten once shit the fan these shitskins will provide everything to saudis.

he looks like a nigger convert to me

Please forward to someone with the appropriate technical competences.

What I would like you to try is to make a random numbers generator of some kind that the Will of Kek would be able influence into something meaningful… Aren´t there ways to convert dubs into images, texts and sound? How about program codes?


Don´t you want to know the Will of Lord Kek, anons?

I know this isn´t the topic of this thread, sorry. Hovewer I did NOT mistyp the verification and updating the page doesn´t change the CAPTCHA either.

because they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

i'ma finna google wut a nigger b

Draconian punishments only go so far before people say "fuck it" anyways.

Where do you think we are?

Donald does mean "ruler of the world"…

You had to take a great idea and >>>/christ/fag it all up, didn't you?

Clearly you didn't meet your swirlee quota in high school. Probably went to a religious school where such faggotry is overlooked…

Feel free to send pics without bible verses. I just thought it would be a clever way to subtlety make them threatening. Read each verse that I chose for the pepes.

Well I guess not everything can be perfect.

this is weird but cool. good job op. i was thinking about making some world peace cards/stickers but im a poorfag right now, cant print anything

memetically advanced

thats sure to make braindead liberals open that letter

+9000 internets to you user

ignore these kvetching anons!

this is still a christian nation, the bible verses were a nice touch.

And look where it got you

How's that secularism treating you, Captain Sweden?

The spirit of KEK flows through you now


checked, but it's


thats a significant number

Always the first post. Always.

Post some more hd rares. I'm going in next week for my own taste of glory.

this site is full of children, isn't it?

Not bad, OP. Did you send any of these internationally, by any chance? At least yours are of high quality.

You shouldn't have done that user.

Apparently. I heard cuckchan switched owners so that may cause higher levels of immaturity in the near future aswell.


There's crossposting between reddit and 4/pol/. Fuck having Holla Forums harbor 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Don't want to think what they'll do with meme magic outside of wreaking chaos in the elections.

you cannot be punished retroactively, unless he is breaking a law TODAY by sending those letters there is nothing the gov can do later.

one letter to each individual could hardly constitute harassment. if he keeps doing this to the same people on the other hand he might get in trouble.

That's bullshit from Jim / IA trolling everybody. It's remarkably successful. Wait until there's actual evidence of Hiroshima stepping down from halfchan before claiming they've switched owners.

You are right and i am with you, but you should learn to stay silent when others (kikestians included) are memeing hard.



Nice Kek verses

Prase kek

fuck off d&c kike shill. this is a christian imageboard


It's not being sold. He posted "I'm so sorry" on Twitter and everyone freaked out. Come to find out, it was because a Tor exit node operator got vanned when a Tor user was reported for posting cp on 4chan.

One went to Assange and another went to the head Canadian cuck, Trudeau.

Here's a good repo for pepes. Not sure what kind you are looking for. Do you have any questions about how to get started?



hey friend, have you checked your mail?

Get your head examined

Think I'm pretty good, I would just like that user with the Guccifer democrat names list to pop up again.

Well, about that…

Luke 18:1-8
(The Parable of the Unjust Judge & The Persistent Widow)

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’

“For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”


I know that OP. I was saying that anons should stop claiming things when there's zero proof of them, just because they heard it from another user. I've seen the "OH NO 4CHAN IS GETTING SOLD" shit on here way too much, and nobody has even a hint of evidence other than some tweets by Jim which are obvious trolls.

Anyway, free bump for your excellent thread. Might have to make a part 2 soon.

Definitely going to finish up with phase two by the end of the week. I'm working on the planning now. 14 Bibles with Exodus 8:2-6 highlighted and 666 of my best Trump Pepes in one package to a HillShill to be determined later.

Hot damn OP this must have taken some seriously advanced autism. You're the sort of person that makes imageboards great again.

Idk how effective that will be, but you should definitely start a new thread once news breaks about this.

Hello Mods
The OP is requesting that you guys edit the first post and add "Operation Exodus 8:4" to the subject field.

If you are able you should send a pepe to
Tara Lynne Dublin
5503 NE 43rd Way, Vancouver, WA 98661, USA

She'd love it.

Hey guys can somebody archive this thread now so we have it for later?

This one needs one too.

Cat ears alone are not furry, you pathetic newfag.

you do realise that laws can take effect retroactively as well. right?
look up "Ex post facto" law.

page is now archived


Remember to keep searching the web for anything mentioning this operation. Stay vigilant!


This week please, it will put this cunt over the edge.

agree with everything said against you but nice pic

top kek op


Keep searching for threads, blogs, tweets, and rants about this operation online

bookmark this link for future use archive.is/vXGJR

I just want to know if OP is ok



you memed too hard user
