I thought that not all women were whores, but I just found out that my meth head imouto was fucking spics in order to get her fix while she was drunk and spilling the beans tonight, anons.
I'm no sure how to deal with it. I had pretty much accepted that most women were whores, but unicorns existed. After this revelation I don't know how to react. All women are whores, but the 2D-3D barrier can never be breached. I've seriously been holding s gun to my head for the last 30 minutes debating if life's even worth living realizing this… My imouto was my last holdout for considering that maybe people aren't all fucking whores. Don't get me wrong, I've fucked a few whores, but that's a different issue. I don't know what to do any more…
Grayson Miller
Fuck you nigger.
Ethan Flores
Not all women are your mom user You need to get out more
Luke Reed
I wouldn't want to tell you that all men are where's too Watch some youtube and relax now.
Jace Morgan
Men's different since they don't have to hold a child for 9 months.
Eli Reed
Wait, why the fuck do you fags keep bitching about this? You people understand your dating degenerates right? Why did you believe you can trust them? Damaged good can only deteriorate, never get better. Or are you talking about that bitch Mewch worships constantly by stroking their 2 inch dicks to her?
Cooper Gray
I've fucked three women (two of them were whores but not the paid kind) and dated five. I know not all women are my whore mother, user.
Luke Nelson
This isn't a gender argument. Men and women can be whores
Adrian Torres
About what? My little sister (actual IRL little sister) is a drug whore. this is a revelation to me. I'm not dating her, but she was my last bastion of hope that not all women were whores since I was under the impression up until now that she wasn't fucking around. I was wrong. I spilled my guts out over why it's harder for men to find a woman with her while smoking/drinking on the back porch when she revealed this fact to me.
Levi Wilson
Then never speak to her again. Society has abandoned family, you're free to abandon it as well. My family hates each other but until I'm 18 I can't beat the shit out of my mom and dad and book it legally and never speak to any of those worthless excuses for human beings again, but I still move through every day without qualms.
And honestly just replace marriage with sex, fill in the hole in your heart with something else but you certainly won't be able to fill it regularly.
Bentley Taylor
That's arguably worse than an actual whore tbh
Zachary Evans
I don't think you get it, user. My only goal in life was to be a father and have a few half-dozen kids with a loving wife who I could grow old with. This dream has been shattered completely by this revelation. I don't know how to move forward. I'm graduating from college in five months, damn it…
Henry Thomas
What benefit you get from five kids? A life of worries and headaches, what a boon. Just smoke weed, play games and watch anime.
Cameron Lopez
I already smoke weed, play vidya, and watch anime. It's a matter of what want in life, not what benefits me. Staying single and fucking bitches on my current salary benefits me but /I don't feel any fulfillment.
Michael Stewart
No, fuck you nigger.
Justin Reyes
And you think successfully fucking is going to make you feel fulfilled? Life is pointless, user, full stop. "Leaving a legacy" is just a Jew meme so they can keep up their tax base. Your kids will probably hate you and deliberately do everything to be unlike you, and your grandkids will definitely not be anything like you.
Bentley Jenkins
So you are unhappy or unfulfilled. And you think you are going to find happiness and meaning in someone else, so why would you bother finding it within you. Look around yourself, what do you see? Do you see this strategy working for anyone? But you are special, right, it will work for you. You don't need anyone but yourself, becoming dependent will just make you dependent. Learn to love yourself and the world. Travel around, find a new hobby every three months, learn to enjoy every hamburguer or pizza as if it was the first one you ever tasted. OR become a wage-cuck forever trapped with a whore and her kids. So much fulfillment. If something is lacking within you you won't find it in someone else.
Jeremiah James
run away user. fast.
Jason Hall
You're a man and you have baby fever like a woman? I'm not trying to shame you, just pointing out the weirdness. You're supposed to run from women who want to spermjack you, not desperately try to find the unicorn who to get pregnant. Aren't you, as a man, supposed to have higher life goals and popping out babies?
William Lopez
Are Kurdish Women whores?
Chase Jones
There's absolutely nothing unusual for a man to desire children. At all. In fact traditionally men often pushed women to have more children than the women themselves cared to.
Kevin King
Joshua Reed
Now you know you were wrong. AWALT.
Women are worth neither living for nor dying for. If you haven't read Schopenhauer's On Women, look it up. Women are basically overgrown children. Once you understand that, you can be at peace with their limitations. They are what they are; the problem is really that men have given what are basically overgrown adolescents the privileges that should be accorded only to real, full human beings, i.e. men. Women should never have been given the vote, or legal or de facto independence from their fathers and husbands. Oh well. It's too late now. We won't be able to fix it until the next big civilizational reset.
Let me help you with a syllogism.
All women are whores. Kurdish women are women. Therefore, Kurdish women are whores.
Feel free to repeat the exercise by replacing "Kurdish" with any other relevant nationality or descriptor.
Eli Cruz
(heil'd) Dubs of wisdom tbh. Well put friend.
Juan Parker
check 'em!
Robert Martinez
Why would you want that for the majority of your life? Pay attention to this, OP: , I know I didn't want to do the same thing my parents were doing, and that's leaving the edgelord meme to the side. Besides, plenty of people are not having trouble shitting out kids anyway; so society will move on without everybody having kids.
Ayden Gomez
ummm… OP, you dealt with it all your life, the only thing that changed is you, the 3DPD have always been shit
Leo Edwards
You realize they're just gonna bring in more niggers to compensate?
Cameron Wilson
Gavin White
my slave had some1 be mean to her a week ago, so she decided to drug herself for a week, instead of talking to me. And then she dared to keep me away fuckin cunt made me so mad
Bentley Brown
yeah I don't whit e race to die, but 3DPD are so shit
Luis Edwards
implying I'm defeatest weak-shit like you
Eli Carter
OP here, I'm reading this thread even if I haven't responded recently.
Jaxson Hill
yes all womyn are whores. the only difference is how open they are about it how accepted or not it is to be a whore in their social circle and how high their price is.
womyn are only loyal to 1 thing and that is their options.
John Hughes
did a favor tbh. girls who get high get pretty gross in their late 20s
Dominic Flores
I'd say all meth heads are one missing fix from being whores or thieves.
Tyler Diaz
Not even sure where you got that.
Fuck you for putting words in my mouth, and fuck you again for being a faggot. It has nothing to do with "leaving a legacy." I want to be a father.
Been there, done that. My little sister became a meth head while I was doing that.
Is it so wrong that I have such simple goals in life? I'm not stupid enough to think I can ever significantly influence people. I'm not driven/creative enough to be an entrepreneur, and I'm not smart enough to be a doctor/scientist/lawyer even if I like doing calculus and physics problems for fun, my dad was an abusive alcoholic, so what's so wrong with wanting to be a dad as my dream in life? Dreams are supposed to be unobtainable things that we strive towards, after all.
Jaxson Wright
OP you failed as a brother. as her onichan you should have had a better bond with her. she would have fallen in love with you instead of jose and you could have posted some ebin wincest stories for the degenerates of /bee/
Sebastian Sullivan
But I want kids. I want to be a father. What's so wrong about that?
I was pretty drunk last night as well, but I've held a gun to my head/in my mouth numerous times. Only thing stopping from pulling the trigger is… 1. I refuse to become a statistic for gun grabbers to abuse for everyone else. 2. Suicide is a sin on par with murder. 3. I'm going to make all you faggots suffer with me before I give anyone the satisfaction of not having to deal with me any more.
Well that's a given, but I've come to expect that of meth heads in general. I've been under the impression that she hadn't gotten that bad.
Nah, she's been a degenerate a lot longer than she's been a junkie, she was just a pure gyaru kind of degenerate. And wincest is disgusting. I gave up on my siblings (both older and younger) around the same time my alcoholic father did. They get whatever they deserve in life for being whores, junkies, normalfag degenerates, and massive fucking NEET autists. At least the meth head imouto has a job unlike her other parasitic siblings, which is why I thought there might have been potential there.
Asher Collins
you can't really do that I don't feel anything for 3DPD anymore