protipp you can't
SSargon of AKKKad
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Spongebob-fucking-squarepants has a more radical political ideology than sarcuck tbh
You do realize people like him put on a charade like they do just to make money right? Alex Jones and The Cuck of Akadia are cut from the same cloth. Con artists and lugenpresse.
I hate to defend Alex Jones but he's not in it for the money. I mean he runs a business obviously but i think he earns that money doing the amount of work he does. On top of running a very successful radio program he drives himself crazy and puts himself in danger truth seeking like he does. He doesn't compromise for the money either. He'll say whatever he feels is right. Him jumping the Trump train pissed off a huge portion of his base, and then he lost all the kekistani and dumb boomer Trump supporters when he gave up on Trump. He has no interest in appeasing his audience like that and will say what he wants to say. He also doesn't give a shit about his presentation. If he's fired up he'll happily publish video of him losing his shit looking like a lunatic ranting about Obama and child traffickers.
As opposed to certain e-celeb faggots who jump on whatever is popular and maintain the most composed milquetoast posturing possible while also pretending to be edgy and/ different.
Do you really believe this?
Yes i do. I don't watch or listen to him regularly but have never seen any reason to believe that he compromises his message and his purpose for money.
I can name two
they probably are
Fish people being real is a pretty radical idea
Take your meds.
I do believe those sources, especially the really ridiculous shit. The more believable something sounds the more likely it's disinformation.
You should watch "Mirage Men" it's a documentary about most UFO lore being fabricated by the government to cover up cold war technology. The outlandish shit about chimeras and hybrids sounds totally legit to me because there's no reason for that information to be "leaking" like it is. Nobody is talking about that stuff and it doesn't conflict or cover up anything. The motivations of information distribution are the most telling thing about information you see.
Radical is just a euphemistic way of describing someone who is consistent.
Also saying something is radical doesn't de-legitimize the concepts they present. Its nothing more that a label rather than a actual refutation.
what concepts does Sargon present though?
Personally, Im not a fan of Sargon. However, to claim that his ideas (which tend to be classic liberal to which he claims) are so to speak "radical" is intellectual laziness and a lack of merit base scrutiny.
I'm asking what his ideas even are. All he does is reject other people's ideas in favor of vague bullshit.
though this is probably the reason he never broaches the jq
Not even once.
>reasons he compromises his message: the people involved in the messages
Talk about fucking dense.
Classical Liberalism (as he claims)
Atheism-is-unstoppable and Steve Shives
Richard spencer
Styxhexenhammer1488 is alright
I would personally strangle this massive shekel shill that is also a quarter nigger.
he's an ancap faggot.
also this is the cringiest faggotry
Any nude pics?
Sargon is a cuck
they all have patreons and kekistani faggots and throw money at them. they're all shills. you cocksuckers should know better.
Antifa is pretty radical I agree
Kekistani translates roughly into lolistani tbh
Daily reminder: he beats his kid
Is it his?
As should every dad
Is he fucking wearing contacts? He looks muslim but has blue eyes so I don't know.
I think he was likely wearing that for a joke.
Hes very left wing but hes anti SJW so he wouldnt be in antifa.