What book do you think Harambe was reading when he was murdered?

What book do you think Harambe was reading when he was murdered?

The Jungle Book?

Thou doth jest! Man cannot murder beast!

more like poached, fam


but user, niggers cant read

He was reading a 9mm.


He had the last copy of 'The True Price of Melanin - Nuwapian chemistry' so the cops shot him for learning the real reason behind all the killings of unarmed, peaceful black men.


He was just trying to pick his son up from school at 5:41pm, his boy doin them extracriculas to get his nike deal

If I did it by OJ



That a blue man, not a black man.

Stop killing black men.

Evalion says women of substance don't mourn niggers.

Thou jesters upon us!


9mm book.

How to kill a cracka and rape da hos, by O. Niggler.

Obalf Niggler sucks my diggler.

The media sure like outing police officers, ruining their careers, and endangering their lives when they've not been convicted of having done anything illegal.

The point is he's not White you dumb kike.