Reposting a story of mine:
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>calls james over, he lies about not writing that sickening note :^)
I once threw a bundle firecrackers on a rock and threw the rock at a raccoon in the woods.
okay but did you fuck her?
This is a story from my dad
>little brother my uncle asks girl out to dance
tbh it seems like only a few people in this world are truly /devilish/ because most people just like to read about le funny pranks xd while the truly /devilish/ actually commit them
It's a shame. I want more stories
Something recent I did
mfw it makes me smile
You need the gif. That's a pretty funny story, I don't think he would lose control from a flat tire though. I've done it a few times
And what happens when he wrecks and kills other people? Would you keep up your "devilish" LARP then?
He probably won't lose control, just wishful thinking. If he parks his shitheap infront of my house again, i'll loosen the lugs on his tires.
Hopefully he nabs a van full of yuppie faggots and their kids. Get the fuck outta here, nigger.
'user have you seen my drive'
more about your feelings on yuppies you seem pretty interesting user tbh
are you a sociopath?
is it nature, nurture, or hard work and dedication?
Not saying I'm a paragon of morality or anything, but his reason for putting woodscrews under the dude's tires was because he hates him for some reason. Well what if someone else gets hurt or dies because of the plan going awry?
I already know what will happen, more LARPing
user, I…
Faggot if you must know, we live in a rural area and most transit is done on vacant roads. The only time it's busy is when out of town cucks come pouring in for the summer. Even better if he were to take out a couple of them. Now fuck off back to reddit.
i have a nice halloween story from a few years ago
those were simpler times i wish he was still alive
at least somebody does
those things are like a grand a pop
You would not believe the shit the military tosses in the fucking dumpster. We made so much money selling used flak jackets and rifle bags that he picked up in the fucking dumpsters. The hazmat suit did have a tear in it though, that's probably why they threw it out. It might now be hazmat approved but duck tape worked for that
hey that's pretty good
that was obviously pre 9/11
any chance of that being possible nowadays?
i've been meaning to get into dumpster diving
i really love finding cool shit
no was in like 2013
just have the ability to get on base and not get caught because it is actually very illegal
like, on a scale from one to treason, how illegal is it?
is there a time when the garbage becomes public property like normal trash?
and don't you need a pass to get onto a base?
I think it's considered theft of government property actually but i don't remember.
yes you need a military ID even if you're just a contractor like my dad was
It's not "spend the entirety of your life being raped in prison" illegal, more like a very expensive fine, maybe some jailtime depending on what you nab.
how did you guys figure out where all the good shit was? and was there any security on the dumpsters?
fuck there go my plans for the weekend
guess ill have to stick to the dumpsters on punk christmas
My dad's office was like right next to some place they just dumped surplus and other "non-trash" for resale. That's where we got the jackets and stuff like that, but the hazmat suit and other interesting shit came from random dumpsters around base.
This is also something i do since i live in a college town. These fucks will put expensive antiques in the dumpster or i've also seen them sell all the shit out of someone's rental house. I've made thousands of dollars just reselling the stuff i find when they leave and i don't even do it that often. There are people who patrol dumpsters all year round who make serious money doing it
huh, and no one ever caught on? i'd be too scared of patrols coming by.
have you ever thought of like, buying a truck and a warehouse and hiring some bums to gather stuff for you for minimum wage? i don't know why that's not a business model. i mean, fast track auctions are a thing, and most of that's damaged in some way. half the stuff students throw out is good shit.
One time an MP caught my dad throwing a ladder in his truck and said it was cool but also informed him not to do it again and certainly not to take military gear.
You could easily do it full time by yourself. It's literally just driving around and throwing shit in your truck. The hard part is selling it because the secondary market is getting more and more finicky even with all these new apps trying to revolutionize Craigslist which is still the best thing.
what was the weirdest thing you ever found?
personally, i'd probably just keep most of it. i do lots of diy shit and microwave transformers and that sort of stuff is fun to play with
Found a antique whiskey bottle glided with a beautiful scene of a mermaid. Sold for $600. I mostly just pick up furniture because getting in dumpsters is pretty gross unless there's justy home goods tossed in there.
Oh it's you again? Lol ask anyone here why they can tell you're desperate for attention faggot.
who hurt you OP? Why do you feel such a need to pretend to be evil? I'm sure were socially awkward and isolated as a child and you blame the world for your problems. The truth is you were born a massive faggot so you deserved your misery
Whoa there buddy! Don't cut yourself on that edge. We surrender. You win. You are truly the most dominant alpha male in this thread. Congratulations you are a Holla Forumsadass.
we know it's probably fake, let him have his fun m8 somebody else might post something cool if we do
Yeah i did that to my mom because shes a huge cunt and was hoping shed die but it just slided in and after a year or so she only lost a bit of air. I was around 8 yrs old. Shoulda put more in tbh
tldr you cunt