They are not doing anything to stop losing the control over USA. They have no clue that they will be like Brasilians.
Why aren't White people trying to stop nonwhites from becoming the American majority in 2043?
Australia you're supposed to be shitposting, not making good points.
1. Go choke on vegemate mate.
2. Das racist.
3. God and his whore Mother Nature don't care about the most advanced species surviving. Who breeds survives, and whites don't breed, so fuck em.
Because if we stop all immigration today, we will still be the minority by 2050. America is gone. Most of the normies just don't know it yet.
If they did, they are so far gone into their brainwashing, they will applaud it right up to the point their heads are being cut off by the muds. It will be a little late for them to turn things back at that point though.
Satan always targets the pure and the beautiful to destroy. But heh, his day is coming and he will be in hell forever.
I feel a simple solution to this conundrum is to not breed/convince your children to slaughter other people.
I don't see the next generation of children start murdering all their parents just because they we're born mixed.
Europe: gone
America: gone
The shitskins, kikes and globalists have already won.
Who cares, we'll all be dead by the time it happens
No, USA is NOT gone. Whites are still over 62% there, and they are NOT going to be minority, stop being a fucking cretin.
No they haven't.
america is gone. europe, not so much. stop being delusional.
Why aren't right-handers building prison camps and rounding up the lefty scum so they can be worked to death?
too busy buying iphones and racemixing
Maybe not in shitty Poland, but the important European countries are gone
meep meep lol nobody cares tbh no homo
Why are jews so obsessed with race-mixing?
So the jews can feel good.
Poland is not a shitty nation you fucking nigger. Right now its much more important that your western Soyboys faggy countries. Stop being delusional.
America is NOT gone, there is still more white people there than in any European country.
you're delusional. it's not just about the number of people. it's about fertility rate, migrants, non-white citizens etc… non-whites are outbreeding white americanos and they will soon be outnumbered by LA RAZA.
Get fucked, shackle-rattler.
No they will not, USA can easily slaughter those filthy spics. Trump wall is closing in.
it's closing in on a barely-fertile white population, and niggers/sand coons who fuck like rabbits. even if the outsider element is eliminated, the bigger problem lies inside the borders. stop being a fucking idiot. no one is going to slaughter beaners because half the white population has their wide opened mouths positioned right on the minorities assholes. do you think the white liberals will magically forget their indoctrination and side with you? you're dreaming. at best, i see a non-zionist (((multicultural))) fascist america. and that's all i can imagine. no one is sending niggers back. no one is gonna catapult the sombreros back, and no one will nuke the ME. our best shot to save the west is to be logical and to know when to drop the ball on useless endeavors. besides, american whites are all race-mixed. don't get me started on the potato niggers..
I won't be dead by 2050