Professor requires us all to use Emacs for our lab sessions


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Pajeet detected

sounds off. I assume they would make you use vi because its a default editor on unix

Did you call him a macfag?

Pajeet detected

Now that you mention it I don't think I've ever seen a Pajeet use emacs. It's popular with East Asians but not Indians.

mad currynigger

Emacs? Hah! I would appreciate it if you would continue.

Sounds dumb, but it could be worse. Emacs is very accomodating of people who prefer other editors. It even has a full vi emulation mode built right in, called viper.

And it comes with psychological support. In the menu bar, click Help -> Emacs Psychotherapist.


It's not that bad faggot. You won't get RSI from a few fucking lab sessions.

Just open a terminal inside it and continue running vi/m


Stop being a faggot and read this

Bloat is basically the whole point of Emacs. Or it was, until Atom came along to steal the crown and set new exciting standards of "what the fuck does a text editor need a 300+MB codebase for anyway?".

Because Emacs isn't a text editor.
It's more close to an OS than anything.
You can literally boot in emacs if you want.



Summer has arrived.

Maybe that's his way of weeding out the failures early.

It's 300+ MB because latte drinking code artisan hipsters want to write fucking everything in Javascript and if it eats up 100% of a core's time, then you just don't have a good enough computer.

Did he give any explanation why? I can't think of a reason why it would matter what editor you use, unless he's some crazed fanboy, or activist.

It could be worse though: he could've demanded you buy some shit, like books (or software) he wrote himself. Plenty of assholes do that.

Probably because one of the languages they use doesn't have an IDE. Writing modes for emacs is easy as fuck so they probably already exist for the language. If it's an obscure teaching language like Oz or SML (kind of) it's your best bet.

partly he's a fanboy, partly I think he wants to train us to use CLI and text editor instead of IDE. but it's bullshit we can't choose an alternative.

What exactly are you using it for? What language, etcetera?

I had a professor who did that too. It was annoying but whatever. I'll never use it again.

I fell for the meme until i got a memory leak in a fucking text editor. What the fuck


In Atom, you mean, or Emacs?

Good on him OP
though you should just do if you can't into emacs tbh

A lot of people are shitting on emacs, but is that because they use vim, or because they don't want to learn to use the power of emacs?
I mean, I respect vim, everyone should know how to use it, and I'm pretty sure that most of the tru emacs user actually know how to use vim without problems. But seriously, these shit thread?

I mean, emacs starts truly to be great when you start adding your own code to it. My vision of emacs is that it's a better commandline, with a lot of things that allows you to build even greater tools, than you would in CLI.
Moreover, the true spirit of emacs was a hacker one, a revolt against the regular establishement at the time in computing. Vim is more of a standard tool, used in the industry.

I love Emacs, but this seems wrong.
GNU Emacs is an Emacs clone that's cross-platform and free software. Emacs was established as a decent text editor design by then, and its clones were somewhat mainstream, if still rooted in hacker culture. There are things about GNU Emacs that are anti-establishment, and there are things about it that are hacker culture, but the anti-establishment part is no stronger than in the rest of GNU and the hacker culture part isn't really anti-establishment, besides the aspects that are present in the rest of GNU.
And while GNU is, in a sense, anti-establishment, do keep in mind that it's basically reactionary - it's an effort to return to the good old times when all the punch cards were kept in a drawer for everyone to use, not an effort to do something that hasn't been done before.
The original Emacs was made because of the desire to create a better text editor, back when people were starting to figure out this "visual display" thing.
Vim is a vi clone that's meant to be better than the original vi (vi improved, get it?). It became the dominant implementation of vi, and since Unix has won and vi is the de facto standard editor on Unix, thereby an industry-standard tool, but that's because it happens to use the vi editing paradigm, not because of the spirit of the project. It was started by someone working alone taking an existing editor (Stevie/Gosling Emacs) and improving it and releasing it as free software and wanting to make the world a better place, same as GNU Emacs. Its status as a "standard tool, used in the industry" says something about its popularity, not about the editor itself.
The roots of the original vi aren't very different from those of the original Emacs, either. An operating systems hacker at Berkeley/MIT took ex/TECO and decided to add visual editing to it. Again, the difference in popularity is because Unix dominated and ITS didn't, not because early Unix was corporate and industrial and ITS wasn't.

You're right, sorry.

Who cares anyway. It's not like the editor will refuse to save my code if I begin every file with a sexist joke.


Richard Stallman was inspired by the invention of proprietary software to start GNU. When he started out people weren't interested in hiding source code, and it wasn't even clear if copyright applied to software.
In his early years at MIT all software was free, in practice. He started his crusade after that changed.

I use Emacs as my main editor and the only thing I can wish for is that it could be just that, an editor. There's a reason why Emacs is a separate package in Slackware.

I understand that many features are useful but I would like to have some kind of a minimal version of Emacs that is just a text editor, not an operating system without a kernel.

Have you tried zile or mg?

I heard about Zile and Zmacs but I'm yet to try it. Never heard of mg though.

Do they support Emacs packages? Because even though I wish Emacs was smaller I still want to be able to use Org-Mode and other stuff.

Pardon, it's Zemacs.

Nope. For Emacs packages you need the full Elisp experience, which is only offered by Emacs and its forks. There are no small Emacs forks.
But if you actually use things like org-mode you may as well get the full thing. zile and mg are for cases where you only need simple editing.

Man, seriously. Do you think that org-mode would work if the whole emacs was not here?

You have to chose. Org-mode is certainly one of the best asset emacs have, and why a lot of people are using this editor, even out of the programming sphere. There is videos on youtube of writers using emacs and org-mode because of the perfect working place it gives.

But you're right that the emacs size is a problem. That's certain. But, well, nothing is perfect.
You can't have a great tool like emacs with all its extendibility, the REPL, all the packages, org-mode etc.., and want it light like vim. That's simply not gonna happen.

And I ask for the people who knows, but maybe that the size of the emacs project is due to time. Maybe is there too much to rewrite to lighten it. Or maybe it's because there is simply not enough hand on a that big of a project.

The Emacs Psychotherapist is the only useful software to come out of the Lisp AI project.

Emacs is the only text editor in the world with built-in suicide prevention.

Emacs is large because it does so many things. For example, it implements many languages.
- Elisp, a full-featured lisp
- Eshell, a reasonable Unix/Plan 9-style command line shell, which includes its own cross-platform implementations of piping and several Unix utilities
- org, a markup language that transpiles to TeX and HTML and a few other formats
- Wisen and Bovine, two (!) parser generators that piggyback off Elisp for their syntax
- the ex/vi editing language, as part of viper
There is some interest in splitting the bloat up into packages, but many of Emacs' parts have become interdependent, relying on each others' functions. Creating a small Emacs isn't possible right now.

I agree user but isn't it funny because Org-mode should really be a standalone thing. It has almost nothing that means it must exist inside a text editor.

vim babby mad because his shit editor doesn't have cool stuff like Org mode and email

But Emacs doesn't just try to be a text editor. You're basing your idea of what it "should" do on the category you fit Emacs in ("text editor"), but there's no reason Emacs has to neatly fit in a category.

In fact, I think that a lot of people don't understand that the genuis behind emacs is to make everything "editable", by working on buffers.
So saying that emacs is more that a text editor and it should stay just a text editor is first retarded, because who would refush more features, and then it's literaly because emacs, as I said, makes everything editable. Emacs, if you prefer, is a font end to emacs, web browser etc... You just have to learn how emacs works once, then everything is under your hand.

Org-mode can't be a stand alone. Such a statement is incredibly retarded, and you certainly don't understand how it works, and to what extend org-mode goes.
Moreover, and it's the power of emacs, you can turn emacs into vim, and use org mode with the vim keybinding. No problem here.

I still don't understand why people are bitching about emacs. If you only want to use org-mode, then use it only for org-mode. It's fine, and works out of the box. Copy paste from some tutorial if you need configuration. You know, even after 20 years of experience, you'll still discover new functionality, new way to use it because of the nearly limitless extendability.

I mean, emacs is kind of a home computer. You don't move it, if very powerful, and you want it to perfectly match you.
So yeah, it's definitively not a little laptop that you can plug everywhere, like is vim. But you should know how to use the two. Vim is pretty easy to master.

We have two solutions which are very powerful, serving different purposes. Why not get the two?

Front end to email**

Sure it can. It used to be.

And it will every features, every extension associated with it?
I don't think so.

Moreover, if it's not a stand alone anymore, there is a reason.

In other words, emacs is to text editors as systemd is to init systems.


I would be willing to bet that this user uses DVORAK or some other variation.

I would be willing to bet you suck DICK.

Not at all. You can easily use vim, ed or any other editor on any distro. Plus emacs isn't being pushed by (((RedHat))) and its text files are in text.


No, not at all. Emacs can't be stripped down to the core, because fairly low-level parts depend on more high-level parts. systemd is modular and can be stripped down to a small core.

good, it'll put hair on your chest, faggot.



Emacs is also a bit slow. Maybe it has something to do with LISP and all that.

No! It's not good at all. Forcing someone to use specific free software is still forcing them, and therefor anti-free, non libre, etc.

professor required us to use Visual Studio
on Windows

same professor supports Clinton
same professor believes DNC leaks were not disgruntled employees
1337 Russian haxxorz exist/hacked the DNC
same professor dropped me from class for haxxing servers i did not hax

This. If I want to use neovim for whatever the fuck your professor is teaching I should be able to.

fuck off LARP boy

Yep, sure. That's like putting someone in solitary confinement and claiming he still has free speech in there.

I realize fanboyism corrupts reasoning, but you may want to overthink defending an act of forcing shit upon others, no matter how much you like that shit, future Stalin.

If you're doing Windows programming that makes perfect sense. The professor can't support every environment out there. Although in my experience usually it's only linux and os x that are supported.
Russians did it.

Good thing there are plenty of people dedicated to bringing emacs into the 21th century. Full rewrite when?

I bet he is Russian.

Shit that's a good point. I should tell my professor he's violating the GPL.


Ah, reminds me of how based Walter Bright actually is with the D community.

It's possible to build programs for Microsoft Windows users without Microsoft Windows.

The Microsoft Windows version of GIMP, for example, is usually built on GNU/Linux systems.

GPL is for individual software packages. This is about plain human freedom in the land of the free (or any western country for that matter). Something freedoms supersede the world of Holla Forums.

Why does it always have to be so hard to explain human things to autists.

For me it would feel somewhat like being jailed though, but that's besides the point

And if it happens it will be a waste of time for you and anyone else to removes the said shit functions.

The masses
Because SJWs only cares about code they care about their own ego and agenda.
This is basically what the github tranny that is Coraline Ada is propagating
Coraline Ada (He) is the one who has forced the uses of CoC in github.
That person is the scum of humanity.

Because SJWs don't care about code they care about their own ego and agenda.

It's already being ported to guile.

Your argument is retarded and isn't at the same time.
It's a shame that the professor is "forcing" but using emacs will be the best thing that will ever happen in his life.
Just read this:
It covers the basic function of emacs with nice examples.
You'll be ok OP stop being a faggot.

Go away, Kim Jong-un

Yeah I know the piece of shit all to well, that's why I refuse to take its nonsense seriously.

Subjective opinion. I used both regular Emacs and Evil and it feels a lot shittier than (Neo)Vim.

You are a moron who can't appreciate beautiful things.


Sounds pretty based.




Nice opinion, faggot.

calm down poettering

I blamed BSODS on Russians
Professor did not understand

second best korean

i like emacs a lot better than vim after having tried it

the movement keys are very intuitive at least

im having a hard time actually making it into an IDE though, the code completion packages are very weird and don't work a lot of the time

i got company-clang to work but not any of the javascript completes

Irony + irony-company is good.

javascript is what pays at the moment isnt it? not my fault

i dont like it at all but it must be done

i dont need another c/cpp complete though i need a javascript one that works or some description of why the ones i did install don't really work