Alright guys, I'm going to let you in on something. A secret I think will greatly improve discourse on this board, and if you're interested in women will also greatly improve your success with them.
Alright, alright, but you like insulting them right? So this concerns you too, because that's the point of this, as that's really all I'm asking here.
See, Patrice O'Neal was a fat, ugly nigger with a high pitched voice, but he was really good with women. He also had a small, barely functional dick. So why was he so good with them? Because he treated them like shiHe worked on their insecurities. A comedian told a story about this girl he met, she was a 9/10 easy, but had a tiny scar on her forehead. When she met Patrice he stared at her forehead and said "Hi. What happened to your forehead? It threw her off, made her self-conscious, she went from feeling like a 9 to feeling like a 4. When you see a woman, no matter how attractive you find her, you should focus on her most negative features, regardless of whether or not you'd fuck her. I see so many of you on here -especially the pedos- mindlessly white-knighting like a beta because you feel the need to defend your tastes.
Let me explain. You see this girl? She's a perfect example. Her pictures are posted here all the time. I scrolled through her pictures and immediately thought "Her tits suck." She barely has any. I guarantee you she's self-conscious about this. They all are. Flat girls want them bigger, busty girls want them smaller. I can tell because she tries to make it look like she has cleavage in some of the pictures, and it's pitiful and pushed up. I can tell they're small and kinda saggy.
Now if I were to say that here, some painfully autistic total and utter worthless fucktard would leap out and start screaming I was a "tits guy" and I liked "titcows" and "tits don't matter" and "you just like fatasses" and on and on defending m'y's honor like a contemptible complete and utter faggoNow who in the fuck would respond like that? There's only three possibilities. White knight betas, jealous flat girls, and bitter jealous trannies.
So instead of leaping to her defense you should be asking yourself "What other flaws does she have this user hasn't pointed out about her, and how self-conscious of them do you think she is?"
Jordan White
David Cox
Michael Morales
Asher Thomas
sorry mate i skipped reading
Juan Peterson
Liam Watson
Divide a whole into THIRDSTHIRDTHIRDS
Christopher Wright
That was really unfunny and full of bias. Like "Oh, you have standards? What a dehumanizing creep! I don't see the irony in doing it back to you though."
Besides, I'm not talking about PUA shiI'm saying you should always look at women evaluating their flaws, you train yourself to have higher standards and you'll find yourself with better women. I'm not saying go around insulting or attacking them. I wouldn't even go as far as Patrice does, just *thinking* it is enough. Thinking about her flaws in such a way that she can pick up on your body language, how little you care whether or not she will fuck you. Your ability to keep walking and go find someone more attractive, that will make you more attractive to her.
But this is the internet, so those thoughts should be expressed, and defending against them is only white knighting or jealousy.
Jayden Sullivan
This shit wasn't good in 2007, and the Hillary Clinton comic just brought hate and loathing for it to a broader audience
David Gomez
Your inability to connect to another person emotionally will prevent You from having long term relationships and frankly, makes You "sound" like a psychopathic virgin. Here's an even better method for you: hire a prostitute
Michael Lewis
You're projecting, user. What do you have to be afraid of? Women being criticized? Did you flip out and angrily menstruate at the haggening too?
I connect with people emotionally just fine. I'm not single, that's kind of the whole poinFraming reasoning that would work on Holla Forums for why that kind of faggy white knighting should stop using examples that apply to everyone. Don't like 3D? Then why defend them? Want to be better with women? Then don't defend their looks. It's very simple.
You sound angry, bitter, jealous and flat-chested. And I'd never hire a hooker, let me tell you a hang up I do have: If a girl isn't into me, I have no interest in sex with her.
Nathan Bell
I have normalfag friends and all they care about is the sex. They don't give a fuck about womens' feelings
Asher Diaz
Heaven dubs > devil dubs.
Jordan Gonzalez
It's a self-insert and the girl that refused him many years ago, even though he's married. It's impressively creepy.
Asher Rivera
I wanted to say the same thing
Kayden Flores
The soyboy is strong in the creator of these comics.
Gabriel Nguyen
test test
testing letter t █twitter
Austin Gomez
Leo Gutierrez
It's more likely than you think.
Kayden White
pretty good post not gonna lie
Hunter Price
t.b.h, bas.ed what else are wordfilterred?
Adrian Sanders
militarybase post OP
Caleb Anderson
dots are fucking up posts for some reason example.example exampleexample
Adrian Clark
It's t(dot) and the word you'd typically see after "woo" that is the first three letters in a four letter word for girl ending in y that are filtered.
Matthew Reed
Jordan Sanchez
God video
dubs confirmed
Angel Hughes
That was immensely long and autistic.
I don't need Holla Forums's advice on getting women. Most of the women around here are obtuse bitchy cunts. I happened to find one who's mediocre and not a fat slag, but I could do with something specifically like in that picture.
Where the fuck are they?
Christopher Perry
Brayden Howard
Well that is one way to say that critical thinking is importan█When you treat someone too highly, they are likely to take advantage of tha█Acknowledge other people's flaws no less no more than u do with their positive traits and don't loose your mind over bitches, that coming from someone who did. I sincerely do like small tits though.
Eli Phillips
Small tits best tits █
Evan Gray
f a m See:
Eli Johnson
Shut the fuck up op. Her tits are extremely cute.
Jose Hall
Ryder Ross
James Torres
mewch when?
Zachary Myers
Jayden Morales
based mewchtards
Tyler Campbell
So, what's the deal with this girl, and is she a heroin addict?
Noah Diaz
no, there is just a picture of her with a syringe wearing a trainspotting shirt (if you haven't seen the movie/read the book - main characters are scottish heroin addicts). furthermore the syringe she is holding in that pic is way bigger than one actual IV drug users use, and would be completely impractical (it would essentially go right through your vein and the insane amount of scar tissue that would buildup after even just a few uses would render your IV site almost useless pretty quickly) t. junkie
Isaac Hernandez
Cooper Taylor
2+ train train
Joseph Nguyen
and here is what a regular 100cc syringe used by IV drug users looks like
Austin Williams
she is cute and fun to hang out with
Anthony Lee
beautiful shirt
Justin James
this one is 30 cc's but the gauge is still the same. only difference with 100cc is the barrel is longer to hold more fluid. most users only end up using about 20-40cc's for a shot of dope
Aiden Long
Lel m80, get the "imagus" app, you can view all files on full resolution, and download them, kek.
Yes, very. Yeah… sure, you've totally done that.
Cameron Wright
Well, over the internet. mewch admin also has her number but won't release it….
Lucas Garcia
she comes onto mewch every so often
Chase Collins
How interesting theses posts precede the thread being flooded with obvious beta orbiters.
Luis Allen
What the fuck is "mewch"? sry for being an oldy newfag
Caleb Gray
it's an imageboard
Ian Roberts
A next level shitposting experience
Luis Gray
where can i cop this shirt?
Landon Garcia
try inputting "trainspotting shirt" into a search engine, seems like a good place to start
Carter Reed
OP is sucking surprisingly few dicks today. Pretty good post. my best friend is a girl and she gave me this advice back in high school. Then she told me if I was still a virgin the next time I saw her she'd kick my ass and feed me to her sister. tl;dr: even women know this shit works
My question though is: what if we don't want roasties in dime a dozen bags, that have probably fallen for this trick before? How do you propose finding good wife material? (and by wife I of course mean breeding) Qualities: not a slut, responsible, able to manage a budget, understands how to have a decent conversation, not a landwhale, not suffering the beetus, wants kids
Henry Russell
well sorry for trying to start a trainspotting fashion conversation, instead we just have your unimaginative response in a potentially interesting discussion's place and youre probably a pedophile as well
Noah Clark
Christopher Turner
What if some of us are mgtow and are completely sick of women?
Jace Evans
Then why defend them?
Jordan Flores
stopped reading there
Luke Allen
Or maybe, you know, not give a shit about them because they're a waste of time and a hardly even capable of empathy. I'd rather delegate my emotional needs to some figment of my imagination than waste my time playing mind games with overused whores. They're not worth my time and they're probably not worth yours either.
This comic is retarded and gives an insight to how much of an insufferable human being the writer is.
Samuel Richardson
If a random woman in front of me was to get stabbed, I'd continue on like I saw nothing. If a random guy in front of me was to get stabbed, I'd call an ambulance. Women disgust me; if they want to be cold-hearted creatures to their own kids, I can be cold-hearted right back to a complete stranger
Luis Nguyen
He's a literal cuck. He advocated watching other men fuck your girlfriend so you realize it doesn't matter when she cheats on you. His girlfriend was a middleaged single mom. She never left him because she got to fuck other men and he paid her bills. He bragged about paying foreign prostitutes for sex because they are nicer than American women. Women didn't want to fuck him without being paid. All those women he talked about picking up? Look at this gf and realize he would fuck anything. The average guy, half as rich and famous as this guy would slay better pussy.
Juan Myers
sounds like you have mommy issues tbh
Brandon Foster
You misunderstand, you're not being asked to take part in any games, the point is just if you don't like them, why would you defend them when others mock their features?
Jordan Myers
Tyler Hernandez
Easton Powell
oh god imagine her making that face when she sits on ur cock I would cum instantly
Sebastian Brooks
my dick got hard but then i saw the nose ring fuck
Colton Torres
where u got image?
Logan Taylor
She looks like one of those deformed babies with the tongue hanging out and the breathing tubes in it's nose. Same breast size as well.
Nathaniel Sullivan
James Evans
Not bad. Nose ring can go though.
Jonathan Diaz
They could be twins.
Landon Russell
nobody is perfect
Cooper Reyes
Hey, my post made it in the video! Look ma, I'm famous!
Aaron Hughes
women sticking their tounge out in photos and/or giving a grumpy face from a high-angle shot is the female equivalent of the soyboy face. plus, a woman with a nose-ring might as well be wearing a shirt that says "ask me about my sexual assault"
Isaac Jones
every notice that Holla Forums or /fembot/ humor is always a shitty wall of text, rather than a pithy meme? it must suck to be a marginalized groups, since apparently the first thing the capitalist cishet white male jingoist patriarchy does is steal your creativity and sense of humor
bets are still off on how that happens
Jaxson Williams
Possibilities, anons.
Henry Brown
It'd be a waste of good chain on her, frankly. Anyway, she's not wearing a ring with a full loop, so there's nothing to chain it onto. (I think she's unattractive because she's flat, but I don't care about the nose ring itself.)
I actually dated a girl who got a septum piercing once. Her cup size was DDD incidentally. She wanted to get a bunch of piercings and trashy tattoos, I told her it was her body but I wasn't into that. She pleaded, and went over piercing after piercing. She wanted to get freaking gauges put in. I just said I'd find it really unattractive and showed her pictures of infected ones. One day I let slip that because of certain BDSM preferences, on some girls a nose ring can be attractive. She rushed out and got one immediately. I pretended I was on board with it after that.
You're only going to hook a hain up to that thing if she's a serious pain slut. Mine was into light stuff, like spankings and nipple clamps, and still so much as brushing against her piercing would leave her crying in pain, fucking forget about dragging that around with a chain. And this was a full year after she had it done.