Anyone else here feel like its too late, and missed the opportunity to get a proper wife?
women my age are either married or come with allot of baggage. younger women are horribly stupid and we don't have much in common to talk abou
basically if you want to get married some day you should already be together by the time you're ~20.
Cooper Foster
It would be a bigger missed opportunity to stop trying now.
Aaron Taylor
Well I ain't gotta explain myself to you anons it's for the best, I'm too fucked up in the head and any women that would fall for me gots to be fucked up in the head as well. Its just not even worth it, if rather be alone and jerk it when I like and not have to worry about bitches. Fuck em all
Jason Martin
get her at 10 then, easy. Fuck women my age, anytime past 16 is used goods as she already flirted with someone, kissed, already had a crush or made pet orbiters.
Ryan Baker
If you haven't found a gf or a wife by age 20 or at least when you exit college then you fucked up and won't ever find an ideal wife
23+ is all whores and 26+ is all single moms
Fuck the system for not having a lower age of consenAs if girls aren't all having sex by 15 regardless of the stupid laws. It just means that at 18+ she can legally have sex but too bad she's been having it for 3+ years already. There are no female virgins at 18. NONE
You fucked up OP. I fucked up. We all fucked up. That is why we are all single and on Holla Forums.
Even Jim couldn't run from this. Why do you think he's taking care of kids that aren't his? He couldn't find a proper wife so had to settle
Austin King
I've been telling you guys how to fix your situation for months. You just have to listen.
t. hex
Elijah Long
John Williams
I got married in my 20s, but she was a bit younger and decided several years into our marriage that she didn't get to slut around enough when she was younger, so she divorced me.
I'm 40 now, and I've resigned myself to being alone. I'm not good looking or rich, so no woman under 30 would want me, and no woman over 30 who's even semi-decent is available. They're all married.
The women available to me now are all either disgusting (usually obese) radfems who became radfems because no man wanted them when they were younger, or women with kids who divorced their husband and are looking for the next sucker/paycheck, or psychotic sluts, or other undesirables.
I've only had two women show any interest in my after my divorce. One was an obnoxious feminist with an ass so big that I have no idea how she washes iMaybe with one of those long-handled brushes they have at the car wash. Seriously. The other was a slut with a rekt body (she'd had kids, but they got taken away(!)). We went on one date, during which she basically told me that she was the easiest slut on the planet and had been with tons of guys. I was horny enough to go home with her and at least see if I could get a look at her snatch before deciding to fuck her (to check for obvious warts or sores, which she probably had), but when I went to use the john at her place, I saw all of the prescription bottles on her counter: antipsychotics and other psychiatric meds. I was dumb and horny enough to think about risking disease, but no condom can shield you from crazy. I made an excuse and got the fuck out of there.
Nicholas Morales
if you are white, move to China, no fake. they'd kill for a white dick. a 5/10 white guy is an 11/10 there, you can get any woman you wan of any age.
Carson Green
I'm white. That could be fun.
Chase Walker
there is a Chinese app that is equivalent to Tinder. check it out and see for yourself
Benjamin Robinson
Landon Perry
being lonely is based #maga
Christian Hill
is this the thread where we masturbate over how lonely we are and how its fault and not ours?
Robert Torres
Day of the roast when?
Brandon Reyes
mormons out tbh
Tyler Hernandez
Why not groom a loli? Find her before puberty so you know she is pure
Ethan Harris
citation required
Brandon Scott
We should al kill ourselves
Jeremiah Murphy
You only precieve the titanimals as stupid because they have higher incentive to lap up zeitgeist shit like feminism etc, usually the more intelligent ones (to give you a broad idea). I think you should get some of the younger boobanimals (20-25 etc.) and then groom them carefully.
Liam James
Pfft. I married a girl 20 years younger than I am. What makes you think you ever have to be with a girl your age?
Sebastian Lee
Yes. I knew some nice girls in elementary school. But I was a good 'boy.' I missed my chance.