its fugthelug b t w
its fugthelug b t w
Jim happened
wheres the love thread at lol
its z1 btw
if that really is you z1 then kys faggot
I missed you, too.
fuck you avatarfag
where's sena and muki?
Dude, I honestly have no clue where sena ran off to; last time I saw him, the love thread was still around. That's pretty sad too, he was here for a long ass time. As for that other guy; muki is a lot more vague than you'd think, I can tell you four different people who've used her as their retarded little avatar.
stop posting gay boys you fucking gay faggot fuck you fag
damnit nigger
shoot yourself in the head. leave
i meant to say 'where's the miku bomber and maka'
**i hate pedos and 2d fags but when the two groups interact they create a different type of cancer that's tolerable.
kms didn't spoiler properly
By your request.
Well, in that case; bomber's long gone, but should still be on steam somewhere, if you really care that much, and maka has his own board that I believe he's semi active on.
still better then your shit board
my boards dead but i might repurpose it
gee i wonder why it died
she nuked it
fug u
i care enough to ask what's habbening, just asking to see if they're not kill
ik this isn't your expertise but do you know where Bui is?
like 10 times
Do expect a comprehensible reason for an answer?
because it's a flaming piece of shit
this tbh
fuck off guy
Just checked and Bomber's got hours clocked on his steam; surprising, coming from a man who'd gone homeless at one point and was playing overwatch on a library computer, but it's hours nonetheless.
As for bui; you're right, this isn't my expertise, so I can't say I have any meaningful information, but last I'd heard he was on the run somewhere in the far easKeep in mind I'd heard that like a year ago.
it was never good, so i kept remaking ireason i shut it down for good (its still a functional board, more open than ever- theres no mods or thread creation limits ) is kind of somehting id like 2 keep to myself. greatest lesson i learned coming out of bo'ing /srz/ is that the board format doesnt matter in any meaningful way.
if i make a board or start being active here again itll be when i have a bunch of homesteaders or willing participants from twitter, forums, other ibs etc to populate the board immediately. it should also be made for a good reason, & the type of content (not just type but also mood- effortposts? shitposts? imageboard or foreign influence? ironic ? if so,, in a [ss] or fyad way? etc – should be immediately obvious.
good he's not dead
he might be kill
thanks for the information regardless
srz was gay though
degenerates out
He may have just moved onto better things; just because people don't have the time to waste on places like this, doesn't mean their dead.
Who knows, maybe he got himself a job even.
I seen him the last month or so.
I'm just watching sunday night football.
kek no twitter plug?
newfags can't tbhpost(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST tbjh)
fagfags post
Ah, I'll assume you mean you haven't seen him in the last month or so; my apologies, I never became close enough to him for me to know about his personal life, and by extension, know why he may be away from this place.
It would be nice, I suppose, but I wouldn't wish my friendship upon him.
fair observation. any news on gilbert, might as well ask you since i've already prodded you about the others.
i just assume the worst ngl
It might not have been him. But I saw someone senaposting on here a month or so ago.
Gilbert, eh?
Forgive me, but I'm afraid I don't recognize the name; I'm only here on Holla Forums when I'd hosted the games, which I've only done a few months ago, and two years before that, so anything between those time periods, I have no knowledge on.
I've been busy between my time hosting the last games and now, so I wouldn't know, my apologies.
i saw that too but i doubt that was actually him
that's alright
thanks for catching me up :)
I've nothing better to do, so think nothing of it; I'll be around for a while longer until I bore of this place and bring scorn to my name once again.
I don't suppose I've given myself a new name yet, though; something to think about tonight during cq, I suppose.
thanks, posted a reply
t. hex
pedos are active again if you want to annoy them
That'd bring back memories of my time with bomber, to be certain; however, the bump limit is currently 751, far beyond the 300 I'm accustomed to, so I must refused, as I cannot adequately contribute to your efforts.
I believed the ruse.
You could read manga with us again.
A tempting offer, to be sure; however, I'm incapable of not attempting to acquaint myself with people I spend time with, and I wouldn't wish my companionship upon anyone.
I appreciate the offer, crona; perhaps I will drop by at some point, my apologies ahead of time if I do.
Pls tell.
Yes, I blame rin for this horrid downfall.
t. rin
who's rinen anyways lol
I want Hotwheels to cum inside my tight virgin boipucci, that's right I get slick thinking about his peen raming the shit out of me ♥
Holla Forums was right
Is this real? HW is packin'
Nah he would never get his ear pierced.
meant for