What the fuck is going on?
dysnomia is mad?
Pls give me another imageboard that doesn't have retarded ass mods and isn't mewch or endchan
i dont want people from this board coming to the ones that are actually good tbh
I swear every week this board gets nuked. Any reason?
good luck. this is just a hiccup. it’ll be back , it always goes back to normal.
is there anything worth saving here anyway?
Because Dysnomia is a cunt.
seriously i don't know why they even bother trying to keep this board up when so many people obviously want it gone badly enough to keep it like this
Been lurking here for 3 years.
It's done m8ys
Thread came up quick.
It wouldn't be so bad, but the fact is that the spammer is back and filling the board with shit again. Until /unless they ban VPN/TOR posting so that they can actually ban a person as opposed to simply banning an IP, the spammers win and Holla Forums is over. There isn't any more point to continuing this charade.
I didn't get to finish reading John Prophet comic.
Mods are dumb.
Kys left shill
This board needs to just be shut down. It is a target that is going to drag the whole site down with it as it continues to be attacked month after month. The whole Holla Forums vs Holla Forums thing is bad enough, but they still contribute positive things to 8ch as a whole. This board does not. It only contributes problems and a bad reputation for the site as a whole.
Time to cut your losses, Jimbo.
Dysnomia is a dumb fuck, what else is new?
Posted this in the wrong thread tbh
This board is nothing but spam, copy pasta, shills, bots, tbh, and leftys.
Sounds like /b to me.
If any post should have been dubs….
How come Holla Forums of all boards don't get this much spam?
Because Holla Forums is not Holla Forums.
This never had anything to do with Holla Forums or Holla Forums, don't you get it?
This is an attack on Holla Forums specifically.
Was just getting cosy and bam! Gone.
Holla Forums is much more controversial and buthurd inducing and yet Holla Forums is orderly. There shouldn't be problems keeping Holla Forums free from spam, don't you get it?
Nobody is targeting Holla Forums. People are targeting Holla Forums. You are the one who doesn't get it.
Why tho?
←these people are either new or tards. either way they are always faggots.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Can't rain forever, better days will come.
If today's the worst day of your life, tomorrow is surely going to be better.
I'm just pointing out the obvious nature of a random board. some people here just don't seem to understand that.
I wouldn't be here still if I wasn't a Holla Forumstard
why not?
You don't get it, they're just pretending to be retarded. Got you fooled huh?
Joke's on you. I was just pretending to be fooled.
I was just pretending to be pretending to be pretending
The pretender was out-pretended.
pretender stole my tender
Having that tender lead to a bender