What's the difference between white women and latina women?
After seeing this pic, I can't tell.
What's the difference between white women and latina women?
After seeing this pic, I can't tell.
Other urls found in this thread:
Spic women are perpetually pregnant for one thing
spic women smell like piss and look like shit
spic women give birth to spic men.
spic men kill white women.
Fucking based! That would teach white whores to leave the kitchen.
Heil Hitler! Every white whore dead, our race advances one more step!
White women look decent until around 18
Latina women look like shit after 12
Spic girls never become women, they just become fatter girls.
They will always call you 'daddy' even at age 50 and enjoy being strangled and spit on, but are scared of anal sex.
that's where a good slap comes in
t. Holla Forumsack
some latina women are literally spanish and some are literally niggers. Hope that explains it for you.
yup, all women are whores and need to die.
You are just proving my point
Say ahh and open wide anons
you first.
you just like children tbh
there's also a few asians in the NBA
all latina women after 30 look like martinas (cleaning ladies)
That's because women are meant to be used from 5 year old to 18 year old. Later they should be changed into meat in meat factory and sent to supermarkets.
Here is advice:
From what I can understand, because her husband was impotent, she had her father-in-law impregnate her so they could conceive? Fucking hell. Enough Holla Forums for me today.
My spanish is a little rusty, did she fuck her boyfriend's dad so that she could get pregnant because her boyfriend is sterile? If so, that is a pretty extreme form of cuckoldry
oh wew that answers my question
Nice picture
wtf? my eyes!