Let’s discuss the downfall of quality on Holla Forums and rip on all the vols except hex he did nothing wrong
Let’s discuss the downfall of quality on Holla Forums and rip on all the vols except hex he did nothing wrong
mods are gods!
meep meep the only worthwhile shit on here is the shit that annoys faggots like OP tbh nohomo
meep meep this tbh no homo
choke on a massive nigger cock until you drown in your own vomit tbh no homo
can confirm, hex did nothing wrong
meep meep GET RID OF THE FUCKING BANANA tbh no homo
idk what you're talking about, I see nothing wrong… our natural and organic memes ensured we continuously increased users for the last 3 years! Furthermore, our esoteric member have managed to acquire serves in all over the world (it was on the international news too!). Finally let's not forget this board became self-sustaining, this is why every day we have over 10,000,000 posts! Tell me a chan that has reached the same level as us!!
:^) + :3 = ?
They sit on the throne of shit and filth that they built. Far from a god if you ask me.
Shit god is still a god
sup fags
What am I a middle school girl? think of something that hits the feels
your gay
sup. by the way, what's up with niggerspeak such as "sup"?
meep meep it's a colloquialism tbh no homo
meep meep i know that. i've used it before. just making polite conversation tbh no homo
kys tbh no homo
fellate a shotgun tbh no homo
I remember you
Let's be realistic here… There is no quality on Holla Forums, therefore no downfall.
sure, sure you do
/thread, fam… /thread
chillax my duder, we are coolio downtown know whaddumsayan? im down with the kidz and their nep nep speak
Hex for B.O. 2018
*smoking to much spice?*
fug yeah muh nigga
this tbh
Threads like this one, always remind me of the fact that