After Offering $100 Million, Jewish Oligarch Sheldon Adelson Gives Virtually Nothing to Trump

After Offering $100 Million, Jewish Oligarch Sheldon Adelson Gives Virtually Nothing to Trump

Las Vegas casino bacilli Sheldon Adelson has time and time again offered a $100 million dollar bribe to Donald Trump, in conjunction with a public endorsement that he thought would grease the wheels. Yet the Jew who spent $90 million dollars on the lemon with the great haircut Mitt Romney, will only be giving $5 million to a Trump affiliated PAC (led by former fierce Trump opponent Joe Ricketts, which is suspicious and probably has more to it than meets the eye) due to Trump’s reported indifference towards pleasing him.

It should be noted that Trump is the first major party front-runner in recent memory who hasn’t gone to Israel to interview for the job of President of the United States. While Trump has repeatedly tried to engage with Israel and Jews in a way expecting mutual respect like in his firm but diplomatic visit to Mexico, but Jews will not stop calling him Hitler until he shows them full submission, with the Jerusalem Post reporting Adelson has repeatedly told uppity Goy Trump to show more “humility.” As someone who built his fortune in New York City real estate, it is certain beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knows Jewish money always comes with strings attached.

According to a recent piece by the New York Talmudic Times, Adelson has responded to the insolent Trump by going around the RNC and Trump’s Super PACs and instead giving $40 million to Senate and House Republican coffers run by familiar “principled conservatives” like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. The goal may be to contain the anti-globalist revolution within the GOP, and ensure the same old sell-outs get re-elected to help Democrats in Congress block Trump’s policies.

The Jewish plutocrats who opened their wallets for Romney in 2012 have either refused to fund Trump, or given him pitifully small donations, in stark contrast to the hundreds of millions of dollars they wasted on polished turds like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio during the primaries. It is noteworthy that most of Trump’s campaign money comes from small donors (in other words, from the people) as was the case with Bernie Sanders. I would expect America’s Jewish oligarchy to begin re-thinking what they’re doing as the election draws near and Trump’s chances of winning look better and better, because when a willful and charismatic Gentile rises, Jews who refuse to at least temporarily retrench and become more humble themselves end up getting Putin’d.

Whatever his faults, and whatever comes out of his presidential bid and/or presidency, Trump is probably the first person in American history to hold the experience (in the piranha tank known as Manhattan real estate) and power of personality to outmaneuver Jews, a kind of experience needed more than ever today. Even the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion posit the idea that Jews are powerless in the face of powerful historical personalities–all they can do is engineer social conditions to make sure as few of them arise among the hated Goyim as possible.

And for that reason, expect Adelson’s down-ballot Republican contributions to go to “Never Trumpers” like Jeff Flake, Kelly Ayotte, and so on.

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That's the same amount he personally gave to charities for the past 4 years.

What's Trump's stance on (((lobbying)))?

It was a propaganda stunt I recall CTR obsessively pushed it her and on /n/

Thank you for correcting the record across all boards. Where would we be without you?

I am MentallyHill now!

Fuck you, i have asked the legitimate question.


Who should i vote for then? Hillary?
The choice is between Trump and Hillary, not Trump and Jesus Christ.



Top kek

You cannot stop us.

hush hush ctr your time will come

satan dubs checked
Oy vey Trump is anodda shoah!
I will remember you every time I look at my ashtray.


Good job moishe you ruined another thread with stale pasta.

Wish channers weren't synonymous with reddit now.

Blame the mods and their hugbox approach

Yeah this place is a real hugbox with constant disinformation and slide threads.

Kill yourself you fucking kike.

You are just proving yourself wrong
While it might not be a literal hugbox due to variations in ideas (americans want full on white state and expansion, europeans want their own pure nations apart from others and reconstruct) many other ideas are locked, attacked and unlike the old new, not even discussed
There's much to discuss with so many events of relevance, but when someone takes a rest and wants to discuss an idea/general view, you will always see a retarded opposition from many if said view conflicts with the norm
Now discussing and explaining your position (why the other guy is wrong) is completely different from "kill yourself kike" attacks, which dont even make the fucking sense most of the times at all
Said discussion might not even be text post, just images that explain the general view if OP is a newfag

That situation is a plague since months ago, and if it wasn't for so many crucial shit going on, the board would be more of a mess

jewism/communism, multicult, pedo faggotry


Obama is meeting Netanyahu in New York today. We shall see if he is making a deal with Mossad. Give Trump all your meme magick energy goys.

Did he just pledge money so shills could tell us that Trump is Kike owned or did he realize that Trump can't be bought?

His money came with the strings attached of having to select Jewt Gingrich as his veep, essentially giving Israel an assassination veto. It's likely they still have that with Pence, but maybe Pence is starting to move off the reservation as well.

But goyim, Trump is clearly jewish.

Hah not those, at least not those in its entire concept, things like:
The analogies in other countries/cultures (rebutted with typical shill signaling "not white, dont care"), wars regarding with no visible whites on peril (rebutted with the same deal), christians getting butchered by "accidents" and/or mudslammers (again same deal, and/or >christianism is a jew joke, even when they are ought to get them in the bible)
Origin of arab populations like indo-euro populations (butthurt americans and rightful islam haters get to sage and undermine the place), difference and analysis in socialism inside national socialist movements/ideas (butthurt americans heavily undermine thread due to gommies and non-ultracapitalistic ways), why not, the definition of pedophilia (people get angry at degenerates rubbing 8yos but turn a blind eye or dont care about a 18yo getting charges due to butthurt 17yo ex-gf/drunk last night stand, plus ignoring the old definition regarding pre-puberty and subsequent years)
Those are some i've found in recent months, but you can check the catalog, you will see, if you can with unbiased eyes, that our culture of discussing things has been lost apart from political movements

Well if he turned down Gingrich for 100 million than I doubt that Pence is the same.

Sill fucking clueless this late in the game, over half the "obama" cabinet are jews, his political career was created by jews, jews shuffled him through college. Origins and campaign were covered before he was put in office, in office for eight years, you're on pol, yet here you are believing theater. You're being more than a little dense.

I thought about posting an article about this but then I thought it's stupid to expect the help of a Jew.

I wonder how Trump is doing with money for his campaign and how well the PACs supporting him are funded.

Nothing surprising.
Didn't he say that the alternative is much much worse?
The Rothschilds must have given him a stern talk down about deviating from the crowd.

I don't think you understood what I meant in your desire to hurl insults. Good job.

No, I understood your post correctly, the only possible error is you trying communicate something other than what your post conveyed.

Please explain to me what I was implying with my post and how I was 'believing theater' then, oh great one.

Sure, your second sentence.

How about reading the post instead of lashing out like a kike, okay?

I think you forgot your arguments my man. Your reading comprehension seems a tad low.

Still haven't worked it out yourself after being directed to it? There's no deal making with an already jew pawn, you "let's see what happens" is you being blissfully ignorant.

smells like shit reddit says allover again.

You never explained how my post was 'believing theater' you low verbal IQ retard. I implied a specific point with that first post that you've yet to pick up on. Feel free to provide a more substantive post explaining your initial insult post because as of now you've yet to provide any justification. I can tell you're not used to debating. Maybe 4chan would be more your speed?

Polite sage.

Not the fag but the lack of content in the majority of posts is insulting

lobbying should be removed. It's the main conduit for bribes in congress

remove lobbying and you drive the bribing industry underground. Easier to prosecute.

All lobbying does is makes it semi legal to bribe congress to go make the decisions for corporations and big interests. And not the people who elect them in.


Sorry, I'm not going to explain things at drool level.

Trump turned his ass down anyway.


Primer on his bullshit:

I'm fine saying he has a retard general IQ score. I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe his inability to read or form an argument might not affect his quant abilities. I'm pretty sure his quant sucks too. Your link was interesting but I'm not totally convinced. Pragmatically it seems there are different domains of skill though we maybe haven't isolated the factors correctly by saying 'body iq' or 'verbal iq'.

You are projecting.

You can't be serious, right?


Absolutely, matches offline.

I bet you thought you had a gotcha with "online!" didn't you?

In science we have this thing called emergent properties. Regardless what your little meme test tells you, you were unable to a) understand the original post that led to this autistic back and forth and b) explain to me what your original point was. The property emerging from this exchange is that you are a low functioning poster whose only contribution to the board consists of calling people kikes. While fun, it's hardly interesting. I thought I was going to have an interesting conversation about an interpretation of my post but instead you gave me nothing yet still feigned victory with your anemic one sentence responses. I'm reminded of Dunning-Kruger, I'll let you puzzle out why.

Sorry for derailing other anons, I'll stop.

hurr durr not as smart as you think you are.

None of your posts were worth a shit and you sound like a pseudo-intellectual kike go back to Holla Forums and watching TRS

Are you a jewess from huffington joke?


Trump refused to bend the knee when Adelson bribed him to pick Jewt as VP.

Archive because FilterJew website

wtf i'm gay now

They have tag teams sliding threads. 8ch moving up on the threat board.

Wew. Shills BTFO.

trump said he will not take any bribe

sheldon purposefully tries to bribe him!

there is a reason some people wear paper bags.

Called it, I knew that he would never put up in the end.

This pretty much
But The NRA would suffer along with a few good things all in the same sort of basket.



OP's story is fake. Here's the truth:

Sheldon Adelson to Give $25m Boost to Trump Super PAC

Billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson plans to donate as much as $25m to a Super Pac supporting Donald Trump – five times what he had been expected to contribute.

Trump did much better than that, you F.B.I. provocateur website.

Donald Trump and AIPAC

Donald Trump's AIPAC Speech Full Transcript

11 Times Donald Trump won the AIPAC Conference

Trump Yarmulkes are Biggest Seller at AIPAC Conference

Trump Wins over AIPAC with 'True Friend of Israel' Speech

In Speech to AIPAC, Donald Trump Affirms Support for Israel

Trump Wins over AIPAC Audience with Strong Pro-Israel Stance

A New Donald Trump emerges at AIPAC, Flanked by Teleprompters

Trump abandons Talk of Israel Neutrality, wins Cheers from AIPAC Crowd

At AIPAC, Unconventional Donald Trump gave a Conventional Political Speech

Donald Trump's Jewish Son-in-Law was Candidate's Adviser for AIPAC Speech

Trump says Jewish Son-in-Law's 'Friends from Israel' helped write AIPAC Speech

But 1/4 of what he originally offered.

And still Trump's largest donor.