Look outside, does anyone else see the giant ring of light in the sky?

Look outside, does anyone else see the giant ring of light in the sky?

What the hell is going on? Is the world ending?

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eye of sauron

m8 this isn't lotr

The moon is directly overhead, and there's a massive ring of light around it

idk, halo, mastacheef, roflcopters?

pics plz. it's couldy as fuck for me. cant see shit.

I tried, it won't show up on my gay camera

i wish

like this?

probably an eclipse

jfc this board used to be good

Apparently it's just called a moon halo

It looked like a portal into the fucking abyss because it was directly overhead.

yeah, that's normal. Look at the sky more and in areas with out city lights. It's really cool.

Go outside more you fucking neet

I'm outdoors a lot, I just never ran across this for some reason.

That's Nibiru behind the moon. It's been a wild ride boys.

I remember the first time I saw that, I was probly 15 the first time.
Spooked me a little too.

Now what about them moon ripples, let me get on the PC and I'll post a vid

Here we go, Lunar Waves.
The fuck are these?

For some reason it's rather common in my city/country.

Goys a couple years ago I took my dog to the park at like 2 am and I saw a perfect halo around the full moon.

This is immediately what I thought of when I saw the thread title.

And this is exactly what I saw. What the fuck is this?

another vid

Air waves bro. There's a lot of atmosphere to look through. The only way you could even start to convince me that its not atmospheric distortion is if the 'waves' still occured with active optics.

sage for shit thread

im not saying its some spooky shit, would just like to know what it is.
Also what do you mean active optics

Lats one

This occurs when the temperature in the lower atmosphere is cold, which causes water vapor to crystallize, making such a ring using moonlight (that is why the moon is at the center). Intuitively, it is like a rainbow at night where the light waves are scattered using icecrystals.


Oh i just remembered, the waves don't seem to interact with other objects in the sky, if it was atmospheric, which is probably is anyway, i'd thought they would show on other bodies in the sky

They do occur on other bodies in the sky, that is why we are building space telescopes. E.g., Hubble, which has a smaller mirror compared to most Earth based observatories, will still have a better image quality because it doesn't have to deal with atmospheric turbulence (which refracts different wavelenghts differently, that's why starts tinkle in a blue, red, green manner)

Is halfchan down or something?

What even is this thread?

No, i get that.

I'm talking about the lunar waves, they appear on the moon and only on the moon, the thing that has this guy so autisticly railed up.
nothing els in the sky is affected by them.

I get that atmospheric shutter affects everything we look at in the sky.

But the events this guy captures are completely localised to the moon

probably the worst thread ever I've ever seen here

What other objects in the sky? The ones that are millions of miles further away than the moon?

This is probably magnetic distortion of our own atmosphere.

would that not effect looking at say mars as well?

Didn't watch the video, sorry.

The waves the guy shows in the clip can be three things:

1. He messed around with his telescope optics.
2. He is putting a heat source in front of the telescope.
3. He faked it.

I watched, and took videos, pictures of the moon multiple times with my telescope over the last few years, and I never saw that happen.

Ice particles in the high troposphere refracting the light.
Now fuck off.

I meant adaptive optics
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive_optics
Basically, they shoot a laser in the sky along the same path the are looking through, see how the laser is distorted by the air, and use that info to compensate with the mirror.

Its probably only noticeable because the moon is so large in the sky. On anything else it would just appear to be another flicker.

A good test would be to see if it happens to the Andromeda galaxy. It appears to be about three times larger in the sky than the moon, but is too faint to see with the naked eye,

Neet goes outside and sees sun for the first time


Holy fuck guys, does anyone else see what I'm seeing when they look outside?; is the world ending Holla Forums?.

Is is a bridge to another dimension?.

i got satan trips with a pony
