What are you ungrateful fags thankful for?
I'm thankful for datamining
pic semi-related
What are you ungrateful fags thankful for?
I'm thankful for datamining
pic semi-related
Other urls found in this thread:
mods protecting hand
Being first
also denying first's
Danger, Destruction, and Death.
I love the D's but not as much as this bitch. Ay ooo
brb taking a shit.
Aqua is so worthless.
i'm thankful for my parents being old fashioned and for the broad experiences i've had through my life.
Aqua is a shitposter which makes her Holla Forums worthy.
I'm thankful for OP
Spankable bottoms.
i'm also thankful for qt anorexic girls. fat girls are disgusting
I'm thankful for the dank memes tbh fam
i think you mean heil tbh
fucking based first comment
the intense autism on display on this board
i think you mean natural and organic autism, user
Heil baby, RAWR. cutie.
I'm thankful for midgets tbh
oh shit nigga what are you doing?
Good thread. I remember it like it was yesterday ;-;
Fuck that CSS though holy fuck it was annoying
Why are midgets so lovely?
it's just in their essence tbh
Found OP's image
fucking kek. thanks. that's the one. i coulnd't remember which pic it was
I wonder if Dysnomia will nuke this thread and create a new sticky. I think he's a rational goy, right? Is this DOST? This is basically cp tbh.
does this violate dost?
i don't think it's cp or dost tbh but i'm not a mod who has to spaz out. it's not sexual to me at all
no it doesn't
no. just his biggest fan
i'm thankful for this memory tbh
Someone tried guessing the date using the electronics and the pc but you an user pointed out you can see the year was 2006 and it was game over. Nice legs though.
Forgot attachment.
that is 18+ btw
No way that could be dost.
Grannies out tbh
why is she so cute tbh?
zhenya > maisie
She's white
OH this isn't the designated midget thread. My honest mistake tbh.
there is no designated midget thread. mods are being faggots lately
oh great i get to be around milf and her dumb kids and be uncomfortable all day long at somebody else's house
this is not what Satania and i want
try putting your benis in their mouths
ffs, you can't even see her ribs
this is me, if it helps
fuck you
Would put over my knee for a bare bottom spanking.
i'm not hearing a definitive 'no' from you though
mods are asleep
post women
stop larping and post midgets tbh
isnt she some blacked whore?
Nice the sticky is shit up with midgets again
i'm a pedohebeteleiophile though
I've seen a few pics, yes. I don't think there are any videos. It's sad either way, though
what a handsome young man
i'm hex tbh
t. pedo
her scene was disappointing though. more of a nostalgia fap if anything
no idea. I know it's porn related but I don't bother tbh
teen years were a mess for me. one day jailbait cam videos and the other day incest porn with roastie grannies. i'm glad i didn't turn out to be a school shooter ngl
wow 2 of the worst fetishes i have lost all respect
t. dysnomia
appologies meant to say gay but my g key is sticky
gay (2D) community out
ay is more fitting for that picture and it made me laugh
damnit mods why are you trying to ruin thanksgiving for humble anons
gay tbh
they missed yana
because you fags are enticing a child to post pictures of herself
who dis be
not lewd pictures, not me anyway.
I'm not thankful for mailman nuking >>7569720 faggot
Your welcome
i half expected it. was fun while it lasted
ur a fag tbh
a teenager is not a child
stop posting child abuse victims tbh
stop posting child abuse victims tbh
stop posting child abuse victims tbh
stop posting whores
tbh this tbh
anything under 18 is a child tbh
t. burger ;-;
all images of children=cp tbh
would be good if she had a feminine penis tbh no homo
t. mormon controlled jew kike
better to sexualize them than children, no?
lg's sexualize themselves, no?
fuck. now would be the perfect time for that "vacation at the beach" pic, but i never saved it bc i never thought i would use it
tbh no normal man looks at an lg and wants to rail her moist pulsating vulva
better to sexualize children tbh
ch-checked, i think
not without societal or adult guidance, no. They wouldn't know anything about it
t. closet pedo
t. pedo
Word for word what I was about to post. I like your thinking user
feminist meme tbh. a girl is either sexy or she isn't
stop posting child abuse victims tbh
degenerates out
stop posting cp tbh
they wouldn't know anything without guidance, you retard
I think mailman nuked the pedo thread so anons would flood into this one. You're mean tbh.
2d isn't pedo tbh
Its more degenrate than being attracted to 3d lolis tbh
still less of a degenerate then a pedo
Stop viewing cp tbh. Remember hell is forever, Hex.
t. pedo
that's gay tbh
it should say in the window that posting child pornography is against the rules so it can be as discrete as possible
marafag get the fuck out faggot
i'm not the one spreading cp, you are the one that will go to hell for causing innocent people like me to see cp tbh
heiled but kys hex
just by viewing cp you're abusing the child
you make me sick tbh
stop getting dubs tbh
this is good
You don't know how hard it is to be the only vol awake and monitor two threads plus the rest of the board. It does help when people report tbh.
==crafty anons find a way==
i'm going to post some pthc in other threads
no one report tbh
is this a mind game or am i actually going to post it?
I'm happy about >>>/robowaifu/ being one year old today tbh.
open up all the threads on the catalog because i'm dropping some mouse somewhere :3
we should guide children to becoming as degenerate as possible tbh
no u
officer cox, no!
oh fuck off
Start looking :3
then you should have banned the user that was doing that and not nuke the entire thread
you mean likke this?
it trains children to be trashwhore and gayfuck and retarded criminals
Am I bluffing though
here to stay
Spiderman Baby Watching Adult Movies Bikini Sexy New Episodes! Superhero Animation Cartoon for Kids
I'm getting triggered already. Well played marabro
Are you looking? Because if you are you're not looking in the right places.
degenerates out
Fuck you LH ;)
*Ox out
wrong guy
Find the mouse.
stop posting grannies tbh
Young enough for you¿
I'm here to learn.
Didnt drop any lewd mouse tbh. No one even called me out on my bluff ;_;
I'm reformed now. Only animal loli posting. ;3
go back to the pgt tbh
I called bullshit but never responded.
bumping epic thread!
i'm thankful for stickies
SPIDER-MAN vs BLACK CAT!! Real Life Superhero Movie - TheSeanWardShow youtube.com
shit thread tbh
back off Hex
Black Cat vs Spiderman!! Real Life Superhero Movie - Spiderman Homecoming vs Joker
you forgot to include "that i'm thankful for" tbh
I'm thankful for my grandfather fighting for the Nazis and killing some commies.
May his sacrifice be remembered forever.
no u
i can fix i with more cute girls
im thankful for dubs
im jew (thankful)
and again
fucking whew lad
this is a magical thread tbh
hexie is on
this is a bigger circle jerk than the fucking pgt
maybe you should go back there faggot
i'll stop stealing all the dubs now tbh
i hope you get raped with a cactus
That's a valid point
i only go there to see if they plan to fuck with Holla Forums on any given day
That's like saying you only suck dicks to find out how gay it is
i dont even want dubs tbh
i guess me and hex are the same, we both suck cock
no u
the absoute madman
Never change Holla Forums. Never change
We'll always complain no matter what happens. We'll never be content with what's put in front of us. Its great.
not living in a country where people just walk into your house with their shoes on.
if you stop being a beta and tell people to not wear shoes inside they won't
Enjoy not having any visitors over at your humble abode
I'm not an Americuck i live in a country where people take there shoes when entering someones home regardless
I'm thankful for things being okay, just like how I love them to be
circumcision is hurtcore pedophila
Will he be greeted by the deformity frog instead?
Sex Offender Shuffle
im not
i have a little slave, but i cant fondle her, cuz shes away
i asked a pal to help me put together a pc, cuz sales r coming and its a chance to get it for cheap or better, but 1 day he didnt come through and the other hes internet broke, so he couldnt help and now he went away for work. I called my other pal and hes not picking up.
I dont have money, nor motivation to get any.
And we dont have a thanksgiving here
I'm just grateful for the anonymity here. On one thread I can LARP as a neo-Nazi on Holla Forums and not be actually one.
Man family is important. We sometimes hate them because
Thankful for qts who give out their contact info tbh
Oh hey Hex. What are you thankful for for Thanksgiving?
That eventually I'm going to die.
are you a cumskin ?
blood atonement, pornhub and vodka
blew off my family to do drugs and eat a stolen walmart turkey
musharingum a do rama daAA
fuck Holla Forums death to all hex
nigger nigger nigger
I am greatful for such esoteric memes
meep meep I'm grateful you stupid fag will die of AIDS tbh no homo
My wife
my man
pic related
if you've ever uttered something that resembles that i hope you die in a grease fire
This tbh. Knowing that I can turn it all off in an instant any time I want.
Im sorry living is such as an inconvenience to you, i truly have pity on your parents for wasting there time on you
I'm thankful for a lot of things. The church, Jesus Christ and His atonement, the Bible and Book of Mormon, all the people I've met, the missionaries, that I'm not homeless, the food I'm going to eat today, and all kinds of other things. I try to list off things I'm thankful for in my prayers every night, and we were challenged at institute to pray without asking for anything since it's thanksgiving, so I tried that last night. I would encourage everyone to do it, thinking about what you are thankful for really helps in tough times especially.
I wish that doctrine was still around
Porn is degenerate
Alcohol is degenerate
So I'm assuming some hate you because of your religious beliefs?
Do you mean around here or in real life? There are definitely people around here who don't like my beliefs, I don't really hang around people that aren't Mormon in real life besides my family right now, but I'm sure I'll meet all kinds of people that hate me because of my beliefs.
Chilean wine and colombian cocaine…
I meant in this website.
go back to the pgt tbh
hi hex
Most people here probably think my beliefs are stupid. I don't know how many actually hate me because of them. Most anons don't seem to mind me I think, there's only one user in particular that is extremely butthurt anytime he sees me post. I would encourage even that user to calm down and just talk to me, I don't hate anyone on here myself. I think most people that hate me hate that I tripfag.
Hi, how's it going user?
lets give him 11 hours to respond to your comment
it's Ok. He'll probably see it later
good. did you kill a turkey yet for dinner?
No. I don't have the right gun for hunting turkeys.
Just use your fists dude.
use a knife ;0
Like this?
*there tbqh
i'm thankful for yaoi
Needs more grannies
big if true tbh
where are the turkeys
stop posting child abuse victims btw
y ruin my fun lh
based. reminder to behead those that insult (You)
pim looking hot as always
anyways got stuff to do today
bye lh
you have to make that turkey & stuffing !
see you later, hopefully ;0
I fucking hate pedophiles
xposed tbh
I am thankful that the universe doesn't give a shit about my thankfulness.
How is it exposed if I said it myself? Exposed would imply it was secret.
Different trip?
I miss nights where CP would stay up for 5 hours straight. Can we go back to those days?
That was you?
Old trip
Man I played that game for a while. Then it got boring later on.
Doom 1 and 2 were the best doom games tbh, I still play them every once in a while since the open sourced versions of the engine work well on Linux
That old trip was too intelligent
i wouldn't mind seeing some cp tbh
i love DOOM³ tbh
pls no bully
Doom 3 wasn't bad, it just wasn't the same as the old games. They neutered the shit out of it when they released the bfg edition, body flashlight is gay as fuck. Doom 4 is pure cancer
I remember when SM was posted and it stayed up for like 8 hours and then after that dys sleeping hadits got even more fucked
No argument here. I gave away my copy of the BFG edition before installing it, and I'm sticking with my old copy of the game - shit runs just fine and with a minor tweak it runs in widescreen too - sorta.
Happy Thanksgiving Ameritards. We had ours Monday, October 9
If you use an open source engine you can get wide screen to work perfectly. I use Dhewm 3 I believe. You just copy over the game files and run that version of the engine instead
Pedos are annoying but their presence is needed.
As for being on topic then I'm thankful for music, without music I would probably be long gone.
Cheers! I could need a break from VTMB tbh.
I am thankfull to Dysnomia for making this site a safe space for all of us, who want to enjoy the experience, without having to deal with the pedos. Good job buddy.
You hate people that love children?! Surely you mean child abusers or child fetishists?
Hello, Pablo.
The free tengu they're giving way.
Waifu Sex Simulator with loli models on my vive.
Give them a home, user.
Happy Thanksgiving
in drug rehab we called it a "gratitude journal". it works slowly, but over time it helps to reprogram your brain into being optimistic, into seeing the good in things and being hopeful. it helped pull me out of a deep depression, which was the primary underlying cause of my drug addiction
every day, no matter how small or petty it seems to be, write down something you're thankful for. it seems fucking retarded at first, but that shit works.
Niggers be shilling Pretzel Girl and SM for months but that shit was actually cash though.
It was probably 1 person the entire time?
I only started doing it when I started praying every night almost a year ago. It definitely helps. There is always something you can be thankful for even at the worst of times
>probably 1 person the entire time
Yeah probably.
very true
@7571156 (you)
I am thankful because thanksgiving is almost over xdddddddddddd
hi there
aww the thread isn't a sticky anymore
You Britbongs need to get of our northern lands tbh. Do it for the Crown. Do it for her.
Video: Putin enters leopard cage at Sochi National Park
this thread was about thanksgiving.
We're on topic tbh. We're all thankful for midgets because without them we wouldn't have wymn to birth more midgets.
I'm thankful for all my 8ch anons
awwww how sweet :3
What a pathetic individual you are, Hex.
There is nobody up there, faggot. You are all alone in a vaste and very cold universe, along with the rest of us, purely by chance.
The church is a purely human invention and the divine is a fantasy. LDS is nothing more than a mega corporation designed to fleece the weak minded, the rudderless and their children.
nighty night :3
I'm grateful that pathetic omelet cooking thread isn't stickied anymore.
And I'm thankful for these dubs.
Thomas Nolder3 weeks ago
I want to thank all of the criminal governments, their agencies, the companies such as General Electric, Chicago Bridge and Iron, Areva, and their contemporaries for taking the dirty money, only for your personal gain because of greed, destroying the Pacific Ocean, and more than likely the populations of this planet… Thank you for producing the most toxic and deadly materials known to mankind, and telling us it is all perfectly safe… Thank you for the gift that will keep on giving for thousands of years, that was so thoughtful and generous of you… Thank you for looting all the tax payers, because of your deceitful and corrupt financing of the projects you were and are still involved with… It was so fair of you to have the tax payer fund your projects and cover any financial losses, yet you seemed to never pay back the monies nor share in the profits, not that I would want a single cent of your very dirty and toxic money… Thank you for demonstrating your love of humanity, and being a good steward of this planet, yes I am being sarcastic in that last statement…. Just so there is no doubt about my thoughts and feelings about the Nuclear Crime Syndicate, I hope you suffer the greatest miseries, I hope all of you involved die exceedingly painful and long suffering deaths. You are all misfits of society. For you to ever believe that nuclear energy, nuclear materials are a good thing, tells me your thinking is flawed, you are corrupt, you have sinister intent, you should no longer be a part of the human race. You are not a healthy specimen of man kind…
embeds when??
You are an idiot. Nuclear energy is the only environmentally sustainable nonrenewable energy.
We are thankful for the hundreds of nuclear power plants that were made to produce numberless atomic bombs.
Germans Prepare for Civil War