Other urls found in this thread:

Adam and Eve not Muhammad and Akaburkaallahukaburr okay

The current president of the United States (who was elected by the majority of the people) is a muslim.

The majority of the USA support a muslim president. Not knowingly perhaps, but in their complete ignorance.

Obama just attacked Syria to help ISIS

If you haven't seen any of these, you need to look them up on youtube and look at the insanity that has begun

When I see a muslim woman in my city or something like in OPs vid I get really triggered. They wouldn't be allowed to do even half the things they do in a sharia country, yet they wear the religious garb and strut around like they know dem rights, because they find themselves in a white country that tolerates their existence.
I often give them a really disgusted look, like they can't ignore that I hate their guts.


I do the same thing to white women pushing around their ugly mullato babies in the supermarkets.

The mudshit has pinkeye.

Nope, he's a Jew.

ah they finally put that australian ad up on jewtube

the most disgusting ad ive ever seen


Why not both?
A mud father and a kike mother, must make for something akin to a lovecraftian entity

He may be jewish, but he's mud too

I regret seeing that ad. I knew it was going to be bad (it was even worse than I thought) and I knew it was going to piss me off (it did).

Start calling out women who do this.

"Are you offering me your behind to fuck like some kind of rutting baboon?"

Because jewry descends from the mother

Wow so diverse, such vibrancy, much tolerant!

(((they))) think the things she said are supposed to be "good"







I like other peoples just fine, when they are not conniving, making conflicts, or invading my country. Until then, I do not like them. Not at all. That woman is not American. She is Muslim. Until she goes back to her own country, she is my enemy.

Just because some group of false humanists makes an add saying that she American doesn't make her American.
A war is coming to America, and ideological and racial war about what it means to be American.
The group of assholes who made that video, in a time of near-civil war, should be banished from America for sedition.


East coast is best coast. No wonder the kikes sent their attack dogs over here.

Same here. One of my favorite things to do in LA supermarkets. If they ever ask me why I am mean-mugging them I say "just wondering where the father is………jk don't need to wonder about that at all…….".



this is actually the perfect chance for us to subvert and slut the muslim women

I was about to mentioned this, before it can be used as a "taqqyia" tactic (lying), we REALLY NEED TO MEME that muslim women are naturally cock hungry blah blah blah

I'm not too much into the degerateness of this, but we can certainly get most people here on Holla Forums to do that.

I first found the Australian ad, thought it was fucking bad, then I found the Swedish one. Jesus fucking Christ it's horrible, those fucks are celebrating genocide and telling Swedes to just embrace it.

Isn't that the most liberal part of the country outside of California? Can any EastCoastBros confirm or deny?

Anyway, I've been wondering for awhile now, which state is whiter, Idaho or Maine? Apparently both are low on negroes but have a growing spic problem.

Only up north by jew york. The further down you go the more you see a clear line between nogs and civilization. The worst the east coast has down south of SC, but that's only because of their cucked governor.


Not there isn't American trash that twerk to Bieber and shit but its too telling what liberals think about the essence of western countries when they try to rattle jewified consumer garbage like this to try and convince you a muslim is just like 'one of us'.


Oh God what the fuck I'm imagining a chick wearing a burqa shaking her ass at Muhammad

If her family is mudslime enough to make her wear a hajib, why aren't they killing her for those facial piercings?

Can confirm, shitskins everywhere, get into road rage arguments constantly with their ill mannered youth, fucking ninja women everywhere, community college flooded with rich kids on scholarships driving a Lexus, always talking loudly on their phones, smell them before they bend the block, either cologne by the gallon or goat sweat B.O.

They can't target you when you don't watch. At this point, TV should be just echo chamber for the left.

Just watch the YouTube link nigger. Give it a dislike and scroll through the comment section and dislike all of the cuck comments.


no thanks David.



this is all being funded by the UN and soros, in almost every single case.
I cant webm this one but it basically is a how to induct german native woman into islam and breeding little jihadis

you have to go back


You're a shitskin. You were a shitskin yesterday and you'll awaken a shitskin tomorrow.


What the fuck are you talking about?

Slide thread is slide.

You're fucking late Moshe, you were supposed to be the first reply. Your pay will be docked.

Whoever made this ad or whatever the heck this is, is obviously behind the times and somehow thinks that liking sappy pop music makes you an american.


mohammedina there lists "being a belieber" as part of the things that makes her an american

why can't you just admit he is just another agnostic christian like almost every westener nowadays, yes christians can be anti white and anti american too! What a shock!

listen and belieber

I don't think anyone in power like that actually practices Islam. Who the fuck would want to? It requires high intellegence to be an evil motherfucker like that, and only dumbass sons of bitches are stupid enough to actually practice Islam. They can just pretend to practice if they want and abuse their power like nothing else.


he refuses to show a cross when he's at a church and shows the fucking koran when he's at a mosque, at noter dame U they hid all the crosses when he arrived


Video is two months old, and its from some liberal propaganda website that doesn't even appear to be currently active.

Why should I or anyone with a brain care about what some pseudo-mudslime harlot says about what makes her 'American'?

She's not American.
She'll never be 'American', no matter how many times Jews say otherwise.

What the fuck are you retards talking about?

This is an old video, put out by a shitty propagandist website, several months ago.

Slide thread is slide, and faggots are faggots, as per the usual.




It pretty much is, as the emmys showed us with just about every faggot on stage taking time in their acceptance speech to bash Trump.

I don't watch TV either, so I too know the wonderful feeling that their propaganda cannot even reach me.

Except its not.


Yes, mudsimes are invading.


White people aren't interested in Islam, beyond the progressive liberal filth who will jump on any bandwagon that the electric Jew tells them to jump on.

Merkel is a laughing stock.
Trump will close our borders and ban Muslims… or rather 'those from terrorist countries'.
Britain left the EU.
There are rumblings in the Baltic.
Sweden is eating itself.

Its only a matter of time.

I mean, Christ, you still don't get it, do you?

War is coming, children.

You've known this for more than a year now.
I hope you're ready.



didn't you know that's a new American….the old ones were deplorable


Make America Great Again
America, yes !

How about we enslave the blacks to keep them out of prison and put them to work building concentration camps and arming sea mines in the Atlantic so we can start sinking their "refugee" boats, instead of talking about how self tanner and twerking are normal for Muslims. God, fucking hideous filth needs to be removed.

Holy shit, [Western] Muslim women are so hideous. Seriously, they lack any sense of aesthetic with their piercings and [henna] tattoos. I'd rather fuck an Ethiopian (I wouldn't anyway) honestly, there's nothing more repulsive. Moreover, they are actually degenerate: even if they wear their hijab, they use makeup and Quranic loopholes to look like sluts.

Funny thing is ordinary folk will feel attacked after seeing an ad like this and ironically this shilling can turn against its creators. Most semi-cucks are fine with some Muslims living among us, but admitting it's a conquest is a huge turn-off. At least I hope so. Same thing as with radical feminists: normies are fine with ((("gender equality"))), but saying shit like #KillAllMen is too edgy for them.


That one played on German tv too. I also remember it having a shitload of weird comments from feminists on yt.

Her ancestors who died stopping the turks must be enraged if they could see her

well ProSieben is only watched by niggers anyway.

Whoa… really makes you think, huh?

Still no shared culture or history.

Gas yourself

Shit like this is why "obama is a muzz" is not just ayyylmao.

There is logic behind believing he's a fucking kebab.

its just a shitty youtube video. dislike and comment.
This "ad" is NOT on TV.
OP is a faggot.

big nosed portuguese guy is cute. shame about the big nose, but he's cute

This shit reminds me of that Finnish video of their government on educating women how to fight against rapists in the streets.

It's just fucking awful.

Gotta love how these bitches must be absolutely caked in makeup in order for them to look acceptable. A shame that they're shitskins and they cannot change that, and they age like milk.

No, when you call them out say "Why are you acting like a nigger?"

your pic related needs a "daaaas riiiite" or an "ugg bugga bix nood muhfugga"


They probably get raped by 4 different men 5 times a day.

Eugene Oregon here with the university of Oregon

it's a college town and I hardly see any non whites in the non college area


Deep cover. They do the rites in secret, and only the simple ones. I'd watch Homeland especially the episode Marine One, to get an idea how dangerous and insidious these people are.

It's not this one, is it?

Can someone embed the one you're talking about?

By that logic you could say most SJW are muslims. Now you'd sort of be right in that some do convert and even go an fight for ISIS w/e

But (((political correctness))) can explain what Obama did just like why gays are allowed in most churches, around children mind you.

Shit channel where the video is but I couldn't find it anywhere else.

you should feel bad

Music = Haram
Dancing = Haram
Makeup = Haram

But shes totally a believer guys!

Who left the gril on?

hahaha fucking glorious

From the comments:

And that's quite a lot of makeup she has on…
nice dsl

Thread theme

Can you post a link? I haven't been able to find the ad you're talking about.

Found it; wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but I can see why you wouldn't like it.

This sickens me. Their dark faces and soulless black eyes. Also the way they smile, its a malicious smug grin almost saying "I can't believe these stupid kafir fall for this". All I see, is the eternal enemy of the European, the Semite. Its a very deep feeling hard to express with words, but undoubtedly carried through me by genetic memory.

So I see they tried to use a qt to take advantage of the viewer's thirst and send the message that "all muslims are nice, friendly qts just like her!". Too bad she's not that attractive, and the bodytent makes it even worse. Guess this video is for cucks to watch and get energized anyway, not to convert any opponents.

Also, I'm really confused by these contradictions like her wearing makeup, face shrapnel, twerking, etc. Ok, I get that the left thinks all women must be allowed to do any retarded bullshit they want and this is liberating, so they're okay with her wearing a burkha/headscarf. But the whole point of this Islamic dress is to make women not appear too sexy so that men aren't tempted. If a woman goes so much out of her way to behave in a very sexual manner, what possible reason could she have for wanting to wear it in the first place? Why not just paint her hair blue and wear a miniskirt like all the other degenerate sluts?

I can think of only three reasons:

I love how these ziocon networks all try to push this Muslim shit but look what happens when you mention Israel, they'll start singing a tune worse than Trump.

Every damn media outlet outside Fox News has a liberal slant but damn every single one without question is zionist yet they'll push liberal bullshit and attempt to push zionism at the same time. How in the fuck does it work? It doesn't. Look at the liberal/democrat polls regarding their feelings for Israel and look at them for the right is starting to weaken as well.

Fuck kikes, they deserve the hell they will get soon.

those piercings are actually very muslim, they usually have one in the nose and one in the lip.

Holy shit man, these jews lack orginality. I fucking play the piano just a little and I can see a propaganda video by kilometers just for the music. But fucking normies seems to lack some brain cells or something, they are too easy to manipulate thanks to the public school that teach them to "think free".

This is good though, it confirms that diversity is driven by the elites for more power. You guys are quite anti-authority and hate your news nettworks. Trump is going to win this election, and since the kikemachine won't stop but continue in full overdrive mode, the mainstream media will be destroyed.

Teach you boomer parents how to access new media and alternative sources of entertainment and news

this was a very odd psyop, there are a fuckton of mudshits in denver though

“I am American!”


Isn't that considered haram?

Btw, they also import european women and pay them to do these things, so there may be videos of european prostitutes that are shaking their asses for arabs in the compilation.

Are those anons still compiling the running list of rope volunteers?

Every single person involved in every single bullshit kike video or article like this need to be archived. And that list needs to be published.

It's my new hobby to notice if a store has a halal meat section and if so, to put a few packs of pork chops in it.

This sounds like a fucking parody.

They threw this ad on television?

Reminder that the metal gear sock puppet program only has sock puppets that use real names.

Well, they got the part where shitskins are constantly looking to molest white women right…

Most of these people mean no harm, they're just well meaning idiots

Speaking of propaganda.
Prepare for the fucking rage

Their willingness to be useful idiots at the detriment of their own race will forever label them as traitors anyways.

Traitors hang first.

Trump could make America a fucking utopia but as long as we allow the left to exist they'll continue to push against it no matter how good it gets for themselves, their families, or their race.

I thought muds were only interested in little boy's asses.

Forgive me for having a conscience but most women's compassion seems to throw common sense out the window. Men are naturally more vigilant and don't assume everyone is nice. I dont think hanging people's wives and daughters will gain much support. We can just educate them a bit of the dangers of open borders, without even going into racial issues. Population and economics are issues enough.

Only if we remove their right to vote or have any political responsibility ever again.

Until that's done. Hang traitors.

Please never say that. Something like "Shake your ass like a bitch and that's all you'll ever be" would be better.


Not yet, they have yet to activate Article 50.

Keked & Checked!


Cos she's an actress playing a role.

Notice she doesn't speak, some valley girl is doing the voiceover.

7575757 is coming soon.