Save this file

Save this file.

what a qt :3


I'm gonna harvest this for some sweet reddit karma.

t. homosexual

I am not of the homosex.
I am retarded.

Uh, excuse you, nazi. That webm violates Dost.


Why? I don't know her.

Someone should take this child by the legs and slam it against a wall

That thing is fucking adorable OP, but since you said to save it, i specifically wont.

Be a jew loving degenerate forever, it's the best possible thing you can do for yourself

why ?


save yourself


Just wait until the pedos see this threa tbh.


pedos have left since they are just not welcome here

What, for real now?
I haven't been in this board ever since Hex decided to do some weird shit, like this Rice language, and random songs playing while being here.


Hex is Literally Hitler from lolifox /lg/