young American men of Holla Forums: study your heritage.
ponder who benefits from undermining it.
"As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes" When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty – to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy."
Who benefits? Capitalist Jews who want both; 1: to remove racial competition with them being the rulers of society and; 2: to breed a mongrel race of brutish workers who are unable to resist them What is the solution? Socialism.
if you think it's not white anglo saxon protestant men who are running things, then guess what: you're fucking delusional
yes, (mostly non-practicing) jews have a big say in certain fields, namely media, law, and academia. this is due to historical realities, not a pervasive conspiracy. if you study history this becomes clear. jews are a time tested scapegoat for the powers that be, as are immigrants and brown people.
in any case, we need to stop denying the presence of foreign actors on Holla Forums, and we need to start talking about their agenda.
Robert Moore
Jordan Hughes
you are so fucking gullible, my friend.
Henry Myers
Image on the right, all Jewish.
Eli Harris
i mean, you're just lying. or trolling (poorly).
Liam Bennett
Stop, user. The trash is already getting full.
Isaac Johnson
you, being the intellectual dingus that you are, are completely misunderstanding my position. but i'll leave that to you to sort out for yourself.
Owen Walker
Are you retarded?
Christopher Cook
he found a funny strawman psuedo-contradiction tho, i had a giggle i agree with most of your post but the foreign actors on Holla Forums is sort of nonsense; i have probably been half of the posts here in the past week which explains whoch Holla Forums has been so shit. they would more likely be on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, halfchan, reddit, etc. 8/b/ is literally like 20 autistic people
Jason Clark
>half of the posts this was an obvious exaggeration but i have def been a large portion
ponder, my dear naive friend, who runs the intelligence community, aerospace/defense industry, big energy, international finance (yes, you dumb nigger, it's white guys, indians, and chinese running the show nowadays), top military commanders, agribusiness, healthcare/big pharma etc etc etc? - see many jews in those fields? no. no, you fucking gullible sap.
you don't understand how the world works yet, and that's okay because you're like 18 or some shit. just stop believing everything you think.
the point of this thread is that there are foreign interests, namely RUSSIAN ones that are working to sway minds on Holla Forums and discredit the western order, especially my country, the USA. and i don't fucking appreciate it.
Jaxson Green
Noah Peterson
what in the god damned fuck are you even talking about.
Xavier Long
Economics, user. From the point of view of a capitalist.
Jonathan Price
right. so you don't know what the fuck you're actually talking about.
Anthony James
This is what classcucks actually believe.
Aaron Flores
Well argued, leftykun. Next you'll say the Holohoax was real.
Logan Jones
nigger what?
here we go lol
Michael Howard
Where is your reading comprehension? I know my points aren't too concise but damn, are you legitimately retarded or something wageslave?
Nathaniel Jackson
you're a fool.
Jack Cooper
Go to >>>/zundel/ , read, and stop embarrassing yourself. The longer it takes for you to do so, the more you will cringe at your former state of mind.
Thomas Parker
so do you have anything substantial to contribute (using your own words) with regard to the actual topic of my thread, or are you just going to keep shitposting till you have the last word?
Cameron Butler
Gabriel Reed
Stop! Don't let Holla Forums know they're being used. They need to be as stupid as possible so they serve their purpose. They need to never look past the Jew, they can't know the truth.
Daniel Scott
americans have no culture or heritage, enjoy being the melting pot of degeneracy
Daniel Bailey
And where do you hail from? If it's actually Sweden, feel free to not reply. I would pity you too much to continue the conversation anyway
Joshua Evans
We have vikings you have jews.
Angel Lee
Not that user, buy you are worse off than Sweden at any rate.
Tjena grabben! Hur mur ni i Sveariket?
Ian Bennett
Actually, you had vikings about 1000 years ago. Now you have no-go zones in your own country that are filled with rapist muslims. And try not to be so disingenuous. The EU is controlled by jews as much as America is controlled by jews
Parker Perez
No go zones are a myth by racists who are afraid of change, it is not as bad as your internet news outlet tells you. Just because some muslims are bad does not mean all of them are.
John Thompson
Try harder
Ethan Rogers
Perhaps you should study exactly what the phrase all men are created equal means. It isn't egalitarian you dumb fuck. Instead of urging others to study their American heritage you should actually seek to comprehend it you hypocritical ignoramus.
Henry Russell
Ian Howard
4 u
Levi Martin
To be fair, the US is a product of commercial interests from wealthy and opportunistic men who took advantage of the UK's military commitment on the continent to take the colonies for themselves. The US, imo, died during the civil war when the federal government initiated hostilities against states who sought independence from financial and military tyranny, despite the US constitution openly stating that people have a right to secede from tyranny. Whatever was good about the states died with Jews taking over with the Federal Reserve in the early 1900's. The US is nothing but one big slave farm now, part of a larger project to produce a slave population with no interest in securing its freedom or liberty because of all the McD's available to shove down its throat.
Leo Flores
Adrian Gutierrez
Dylan Wilson
abe lincoln was p based tbh
Oliver Nguyen
All the founding fathers would be considered white nationalists today.
As a white nationalist, it is going to be fun co-opting the American aesthetic, while the commies will actively burn the flag.
We will get all the white normies on our side.
Gabriel Gomez
Studying your history does no good if you don't understand it. We started out by declaring that "all men are created equal", that is true. But we also declared that women and shitskins (niggers, spics, redskins, etc.) were not men, and so they were not included in the concept of equality. So get your facts right, OP. The concept of "all men are created equal except for niggers" was there from the beginning. The question of who stands to profit from trying to sneak them in to the concept of equality is a good one though…see if you can figure that one out now that you have had your erroneous preconceptions corrected.