What ritual is this guy doing?
What ritual is this guy doing?
Looks like he's cooking dinner.
that guy is mean tbh
It's a practice ritual that jews do. They are practicing for the act of sacrificing human children in the same fashion.
t. someone who went to an ivy league school and heard rumors about this shit
This makes me sad
i see no problem here
fk off nigger
kys loser
t. Zionist
Mice or men, it makes no difference.
Sacrificing babies to Moloch is just part of our cultural heritage.
what did she mean by this
that's a gay looking dog tbh
Mice are okay. It's Rats that can be a problem - except bro-tier Norwegian Brown Rats.
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This is actually really sad.
That mouse one was nice
When not caring is seen as hip and desirable you get acts like this. pointless cruelty.
How about this one?
Was the parent suppose to get burnt as well? Looks like sausage fingers botched it up
think she was meant to watch kids burn
too sick foir me
mice are based