Oklahoma Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Student
Oklahoma Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Student
big news
Yet more proof that pedos have absolute shit taste in girls.
Waht a STUPID fucking kid.
Why are Amerisharts SO fucking dumb Holla Forums?
This young lady did absolutely NOTHING wrong. Teenage boys masturbate 20 times a day. Having a healthy sexual relationship with a trusted adult is completely beneficial to both parties, physically and mentally.
Why is amerishit culture and society so hypocritical backwards.
You people and your fucktarded laws are a joke to the world.
can't she claim entrapment over this? Im not an amerishit so I don't know if it applies.
Just last month she did an interview with the same local news station.
The new website has taken down that video since the story broke but it seems to be still stored on a google cache. The page itself isn't cached and it's also not on the Archive.com wayback machine.
Does anyone know if there's a way to watch this video??
so how old was the "victim"
this helpless and innocent young boy was between 16-18.
Ameritard laws are fucking ridiculous.
I agree with you but if it was a male teacher and female student he would have gotten 1000x more shit thrown his way. Think of the feminazi and sjw backlash that would ensue. People would probably try to murder him, especially in prison
thought as much,
id be seriously pissed at whoever told the police if i was getting that at 16
oh the humanity
but i'm all for roasties getting toasted
from a legal/social standpoint it's a bigger deal but physiologically, girls mature and mentally age faster than boys. A 16 year old girl has as much agency as a 20 year old man. Girls get their periods at 12 for fucks sake. Not that they should be getting railed at that age but a 15-16 year old is certainly not a 10 year old.
It's american society that's backwards.
Shame that the development stops at the age of 15, where as a man can develop and refine himself over and over again.
tl;dr women are children so the age of consent should be removed. Not like women aren't going to stop being children just because they hit a certain age.
the dumb fucking retard got busted because his mommy went through his phone.
what a cunt
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256Like most states, AOC in Oklahoma is 16.According to criminaldefenselawyer.com
how autistic are you to try to encrypt your Holla Forums posts with pgp?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA512>he thinks these posts are encryptednormie, kill thyself-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEKAAYFAloPEtEACgkQ2D3DObgbfIgeQQP9HHPs1RYjJz1NDUv267epajnav4tuUFK8u87Fp4zSigSZ5D9MEK5vCxZo0aOWqjYWL9Gf5+6gQ6tu62EMGHo8tiHD6l1hXnIDlEnk1z7ViYLAHNdFgAE+IH8tEPWn0rBgBsQb3rlyoBo7lu+cGULPmLA7UaRLZ6EDky5rm7q2Wck==+zIz-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
how autistic are you to sign Holla Forums posts with your public key?
I always wanted to bang my hot English teacher
Me too. Grade 10 english was the best class for that reason, especially when I saw her tattoo on the lower back. Instant boner
is when a person is coerced into doing somethng they wouldn't normally do.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA512Very extremely-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEKAAYFAloPIW8ACgkQ2D3DObgbfIjZOQQArMogwAXc8Y6+Ai0PkL04EfBB2ehvQoMVemu9wmv7wnS42I5fxwq8g+2oleH3uuVK1WcYmd910XBGMHwL3hjaJb0fxNGP4Ojj0D/oWI6Y5Nht67R91hqp6l/ZX2d7HHYqjb1fkWmeWBr+9uaHGzbuTAD54KuKlb2ImyJcJe06TnI==bhU8-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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good day sir
ur mom tbh
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA512>>7555049 is not me. Don't be fooled. This is why we need security.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEKAAYFAloPL5wACgkQ2D3DObgbfIhSxQP+Le/ksW22QkhXxKQe3m+ypvSZGSPAgHbjt48ybjwIuanUrUpBLhhAsaxJ1nJqKL/QitFi92Sf62jUmgDMSNrcX/SK8GXP1sCFWqSsfxiTkKEat4YxAcRx4fj6B7PCYx+jPIC2en1jf6BeNjkpmo3nEB8O7NfzhisJgbXuIUmAM1U==Nd6N-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
stop samefagging Smoker.
teacher-student fugging should be legalized tbh
Using false pretenses counts. Just like when they use a 20 y/o girl as bait for stings, that's entrapment as there is no fresh pussy, so no crime was committed.
The worst part about all these stories is that it's never cute /ss/ that's happening, like a young hot teacher fresh out of college fucking her sixth grade students. No, every one of these female teachers are caught basically fucking a guy who could pass off as a college student. I hope Chad's dick was worth your prison sentence and any future in your career you fucking roastie.
Why is /ss/ literally the most elusive thing on the goddamn planet. I mean, the fetish certainly exists and there's plenty of imageboards and japanese material covering it, and the means to create it exists (unlike, say, inflation fetishism or giantess domination), but it almost never fucking happens. It almost makes me call bullshit on the "there are more female pedos than you think ;)))" assertion.
Lucky bastard.
females outside the kitchen were a mistake
lol did she graduate high school and then become a teacher? shes only fucking 22 teaching 18 yera olds n shit, what the fuck dey think was gonnahappen
Yeah, I have a feeling she will get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist and sent back to fuck more students
Yeah, I don't hold it against her, That's a very small age gap. 'Murica
What's the crime here?
Some bitch porked her student
Did the child consent though ?
nobody cares
students be horny fuck machines
meep meep she got some crazy eyes tbh no homo
dat ass
She's not even hot, tho. Was the dude that hard up? There's gotta be hotter teachers there to bang. Hell, there's gotta be hotter female students there than this bitch.
Cheating husband tbh.
Rest easy, user. It never shows up because people have double standards about these things, and female pedophiles simply get caught less and are let off the hook way more, so long as all is right in the world.
There's not as much /ss/ going on because females are naturally attracted to man-sized cocks and masculinity, whereas with men it's the opposite. A females brain is really wired wrong if it works in reverse like that, but it does happen, and it's usually the leftist/feminist types who do /ss/ because they like the control.
But it probably does happen more than you think, it's usually covered up and doesn't get much publicity as these teacher scandals.
This is how we get /fit/ and /r9k/ lmao
Fucking degenerate
She can rape me any time.
Maybe japanese women prefer masculinity?
Knew by the title that it was going to be a female teacher. As if it were a male teacher the news would have said "rapes a student"
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7555632>samefagging accusation>doesn't know what samefagging meanskys-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloR7UIACgkQXOerAq1edW/tsAQAqLylsR7popetR84R+8QW+qJXUeqot57Swff44PlUsBjgD1xt0quhTWy+0mIVTCvBJgY6nxrMG/nWLJMla7WiMT2n/0+sMHPLUJGHNiTifTZf4XfJeI7a52VYr5MHRlSduXz+tzF87XY6pfnqHXTRZ3151OWzINhMvEjpKW80UCU==2Bh0-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----