my western euro/aussie/NZ/UK bros know the problem.
anyone worth half a shit can see that Holla Forums tards and the kremlin-paid shills on this board have a common interest in sewing disunity and hatred in the west.
anyone worth more than half a shit can see how the alt right Holla Forums tards are being played by their russian handlers.
so ITT, i suggest we brainstorm and vent.
trolls are to be ignored.
high school underclassmen going through hitler phases are to be ignored.
kremli-shill anti-american instigators are to be ignored
russian agitators on Holla Forums fomenting anti-americanism and US-EU/UK/AUS/NZ antipathies
case in point tbqh
and yes, for all those sleuths out there, i'm the guy form the soros thread (, which is now being conveniently ignored by the Holla Forums tard infiltrators and their russian benefactors.
Jaxson Campbell
pardon me,
this is the case in point i was referring to
Eli King
Holla Forums and proxies are banned in Russia. Stay mad faggot
Adam Campbell
I luv russians tbh :3
Joshua Gutierrez
Caleb Rodriguez
meep meep you must kill Putin but that will prolly never happen tbh no homo
fellow americans, fellow westerners, fellow defenders of liberal democracy:
welcome to 2018 and beyond
Bentley Brown
They are Dugin controlled kremlin commie gopniks. That old commie has a long reach within the cucked "Alt Right"
Camden Smith
These "sources" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH are you fucking retarded?
Ryan Morales
be quiet.
Julian Lee
what is this the cold war?
Joshua Brown
Carson Wood
You're right, but I don't think Holla Forums is salvageable at this point. Too many anons got suckered by the shilling and drank the Kremlin Kool-Aid. If you kept tabs on /newsplus/ during the election last year, it was pretty clear that Jim was taking checks from the Kremlin to produce TheGoldwater (which was then shilled incessantly on here), so the whole site is compromised.
Jack Kelly
Sebastian Anderson
so you are not even Holla Forums communist faggot, you are a basic bitch liberal hillary voter? posting in a shareblue/correct the record thread
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle: ABC – Cecilia Vega ABC - David Muir ABC – Diane Sawyer ABC – George Stephanoplous ABC – Jon Karl ABC – Liz Kreutz AP – Julie Pace AP – Ken Thomas AP – Lisa Lerer AURN – April Ryan Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein Bloomberg – John Heillman Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter Bloomberg – Mark Halperin Buzzfeed – Ben Smith Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer CBS – Gayle King CBS – John Dickerson CBS – Norah O'Donnell CBS – Steve Chagaris CBS – Vicki Gordon CNBC – John Harwood CNN – Brianna Keilar CNN – Dan Merica CNN – David Chailan CNN – Erin Burnett CNN – Gloria Borger CNN – Jake Tapper CNN – Jeff Zeleny CNN - Jeff Zucker CNN – John Berman CNN – Kate Bouldan CNN – Maria Cardona CNN – Mark Preston CNN – Sam Feist Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich GPG – Mike Feldman HuffPo – Amanda Terkel HuffPo – Arianna Huffington HuffPo – Sam Stein HuffPo – Whitney Snyder LAT – Evan Handler LAT – Mike Memoli McClatchy – Anita Kumar MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald MSNBC – Alex Wagner MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell MSNBC - Beth Fouhy MSNBC – Ed Schultz MSNBC – Joe Scarborough MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski MSNBC – Phil Griffin MSNBC – Rachel Maddow MSNBC – Rachel Racusen MSNBC – Thomas Roberts National Journal – Emily Schultheis NBC – Chuck Todd NBC – Mark Murray NBC – Savannah Gutherie New Yorker – David Remnick New Yorker – Ryan Liza NPR – Mike Oreskes NPR – Tamara Keith NY Post – Geofe Earl NYT – Amy Chozik NYT – Carolyn Ryan NYT – Gail Collins NYT – John Harwoodje NYT – Jonathan Martin NYT – Maggie Haberman NYT – Pat Healey PBS – Charlie Rose People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall Politico – Annie Karni Politico – Gabe Debenedetti Politico – Glenn Thrush Politico – Kenneth Vogel Politico – Mike Allen Reuters – Amanda Becker Tina Brown – Tina Brown The Hill – Amie Parnes Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco Vox – Jon Allen WaPo – Anne Gearan WaPo – Greg Sargent WSJ – Laura Meckler WSJ – Peter Nicholas WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson Yahoo – Matt Bai
no it is certainly not, and i want to be clear that i'm not an anti-russian fanatic (see the link to the soros thread above for more context). i lived in russia for a year. in fact average russians treated me extremely well as an american - far better than the spaniards, french, or south koreans (among others) that i've lived and worked with.
moreover i see no evidence of russian hacking of the 2016 election, only speculation stacked on speculation. yet the evidence of a widespread russian misinformation campaign is too strong to deny at this point. what i have witnessed firsthand is a calculated effort on the part of foreign agents to weaken the fabric of, and faith in our society. logic compels me to look to kremlin sponsored agents who have a natural interest in fomenting the 'alt right' (a buzz word i dislike, admittedly, but feel is generally useful).
Aiden Miller
Nolan Anderson
He's also paid to shill which is another Kremlin agitprop site that still posts "news" stories on /JewsPlus/
Dylan Sullivan
and? you simply swapped out retard! is this your first day here new meat?
Chase Harris
you really are out of the loop
Julian Anderson
if you have something substantial to contribute to this conversation, then by all means do just that.
but if you're going to act like an idiotic teenager, find another thread to shitpost in.
Nolan Ward
Caleb Scott
I didn't realize that theduran was his, too, but it makes sense given some of the content I saw on there.
John Jenkins
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle: ABC – Cecilia Vega ABC - David Muir ABC – Diane Sawyer ABC – George Stephanoplous ABC – Jon Karl ABC – Liz Kreutz AP – Julie Pace AP – Ken Thomas AP – Lisa Lerer AURN – April Ryan Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein Bloomberg – John Heillman Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter Bloomberg – Mark Halperin Buzzfeed – Ben Smith Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer CBS – Gayle King CBS – John Dickerson CBS – Norah O'Donnell CBS – Steve Chagaris CBS – Vicki Gordon CNBC – John Harwood CNN – Brianna Keilar CNN – Dan Merica CNN – David Chailan CNN – Erin Burnett CNN – Gloria Borger CNN – Jake Tapper CNN – Jeff Zeleny CNN - Jeff Zucker CNN – John Berman CNN – Kate Bouldan CNN – Maria Cardona CNN – Mark Preston CNN – Sam Feist Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich GPG – Mike Feldman HuffPo – Amanda Terkel HuffPo – Arianna Huffington HuffPo – Sam Stein HuffPo – Whitney Snyder LAT – Evan Handler LAT – Mike Memoli McClatchy – Anita Kumar MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald MSNBC – Alex Wagner MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell MSNBC - Beth Fouhy MSNBC – Ed Schultz MSNBC – Joe Scarborough MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski MSNBC – Phil Griffin MSNBC – Rachel Maddow MSNBC – Rachel Racusen MSNBC – Thomas Roberts National Journal – Emily Schultheis NBC – Chuck Todd NBC – Mark Murray NBC – Savannah Gutherie New Yorker – David Remnick New Yorker – Ryan Liza NPR – Mike Oreskes NPR – Tamara Keith NY Post – Geofe Earl NYT – Amy Chozik NYT – Carolyn Ryan NYT – Gail Collins NYT – John Harwoodje NYT – Jonathan Martin NYT – Maggie Haberman NYT – Pat Healey PBS – Charlie Rose People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall Politico – Annie Karni Politico – Gabe Debenedetti Politico – Glenn Thrush Politico – Kenneth Vogel Politico – Mike Allen Reuters – Amanda Becker Tina Brown – Tina Brown The Hill – Amie Parnes Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco Vox – Jon Allen WaPo – Anne Gearan WaPo – Greg Sargent WSJ – Laura Meckler WSJ – Peter Nicholas WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson Yahoo – Matt Bai
Jaxson Brooks
Did really just use Wikipedia as a source? wow…you are a complete imbecile.
Jose Gonzalez
are you going to unload your entire Holla Forums folder into this thread?
Levi Baker
What's the matter are you afraid you won't get paid for shilling dummy?
Charles Young
I have to dumb it down for readers at your IQ level m8
Juan Williams
can we stay on topic? can you stop shitposting memes and retarded infographics and WRITE something that expresses your views as an individual? is this no longer possible on Holla Forums??
Hunter King
You're a faggot but you make a valid point.
Alexander Walker
Asher Ward
It doesn't take long for the Kremlin goblins to pour into any thread like a swarm of locusts when anyone criticizes their precious Jewtin kek
Hudson Stewart
You're really not from here it's obvious to everyone
Liam Barnes
Eli Ross
i've been here longer than you, candyass
how about you flex your brain, write a few sentences and speak your truth in a coherent way. can you?
Charles Gomez
Nathan Davis
play stupid games win stupid prizes, nigga. don't make a shit thread like this and expect a good discussion to come from it
Sebastian Ross
Are you a Serb hiding behind a U.S. proxy? I've noticed that Serbs tend to be the biggest, most devoted Kremlin cum guzzliers.
Luke Sanders
Starts of with a lie that cannot be substantiated Then goes on to embarrass himself again with his complete lack of comprehension …proving in one post he is both a liar and stupid….nice.
Joshua Cox
I hope south korea gets nuked by based korea tbh
Sebastian Robinson
Do you have Facebook and Twitter accounts using American sounding names like "John Smith" when you post your lame, scripted Kremlin propaganda? Your writing skill looks familiar.
Henry Morris
you have nothing of value to say.
Jeremiah Price
awww is the shill mad? perhaps they should pay someone who is smart enough to not be so clumsy and obvious.
Connor Moore
wow you really don't belong here.
Juan Butler
did you listen to the testimony given by the higher ups on whatever congressional committee that was? it was on c-span, I imagine someone so interested in contemporary politics such as yourself would've been inclined to be in the loop on that. can you remind me again, what the findings were of that? i don't even disagree that there is obvious Russian misinformation campaigns going on in the US, JUST like we have misinformation campaigns going on in tens if not hundreds of countries. it is how intelligence agencies work. but you are being an absolute nutcase if you think there are Holla Forums/b/ russian shill posters tbh
Grayson Harris
so then what do you think about all this? human to human? i'll ask you directly: what do you think about the notion that russian propagandists might be at work on Holla Forums in their disruptionist agenda?
shitposting aside, what do you have to say about this?
Dylan Lewis
What is the "Russia problem" exactly? I see a solution.
Henry Robinson
ok (((fellow white person)))
Brody Moore
Wyatt Green
every time
Ethan Evans
Every nation on earth does whatever they can to fuck each other over this is not new information to anyone but if you think it had any real impact on the election well that's simply not a credible claim.(and that's assuming they didn't want Hillary)
Josiah Gomez
are you implying that statement is not factual?
Ryder Ross
You're not really getting the proper context for that meme perhaps you should linger longer new meat.
Colton Lewis
i agree, no one here claimed otherwise.
in fact i said the same god damed thing, retard. see here:
what do you think we are we arguing here?
Tyler Sanders
Ryder Collins
duginists know that chans are tier 1 in memetic warfare. reddit/facebook/twitter are tier 2 msm tier 3
John Price
WE MUST STOP RUSSIA! List of crimes Russia has committed against the U.S.; - Gave Trump 2 scoops of Ice Cream
- Made Hillary Clinton cry
-Groped every girl in Hollywood
-Gave Trump water to drink DURRING A SPEECH
-Gave Neo-Nazis 99 cent store torches
We must list more evil Russian crimes
Henry Jackson
Sebastian Russell
nobody here is arguing for the narrative that they colluded in the election; mate. go strawman easy target liberal idiots somewhere else
John Jackson
I thought i was just trying to get your panty's in a bunch….and quite successfully i could add……………wait what were we talking about?
Nolan Jenkins
Oh shit it's the fun police!
Jason Martinez
Bored you are
Eli Myers
Talk about collusion
Henry Cook
Kevin Clark
exactly. stop being a troll and tell me what you think about the possibility of russian meme warfare and psy ops on Holla Forums?
is this far fetched or not in your opinion?
Jaxon Barnes
It retarded in my opinion.
Jacob Taylor
What about that infographic is retarded? I understand being generally against people just dumping infographs and how they can take away from actual discussion taking place but that one is completely relevant to his post and this thread as well as factual.
Tyler Martinez
Russians dindu nuffin tbh
Cameron Gomez
Owen Morgan
Evan Barnes
faggot, no one is denying US foul play in other countries, namely in regime change and the propping up of pro-american fascist regimes (iran, chile… we fucking get it). the point is that that particular infographic was not at all germane to this discussion.
Charles Nguyen
Hi leftypol what kind of dildo are you ridding tonight?…be honest no cheating!
It supplemented the post by exposing the hypocrisy of Americans feigning outrage over this one incidence "undermining" their democracy; when in fact for the past 60 years they have been doing clandestine activities such as arming and training paramilitary groups to stage coup d'etats, or protect the interests of the united fruit company in guatemala, or intrude trade unions and student groups to spread propaganda to influence the outcome of upcoming elections. It was entirely relevant to this thread, you just seem a bit strangely adamant about defending America
Joseph Murphy
That's a valid point. SWALLOW MY CUM NIGGER
Luis Wilson
i'm surprised you're losing steam so quickly, comrade, but that's what i should expect from a lefty cuck soy boy.
Jacob Young
People hate America precisely because of things the CIA has done and it is now funny to the rest of the world to see us getting upset about some Russian twitter bots given the destruction and mayhem we have caused
Robert Powell
Adrian Lee
dear stupid faggot,
i (the OP) am in no way affiliated with lefty pol (which to your paranoid mind must mean i'm associated with lefty pol and am a communist cryptojoo, right?). i am a semi-patriotic american who is drinking cheap red wine and trying to voice his goncerns to his fellow americans in a straightforward fashion.
in fact i completely share this sentiment about american hypocrisy. but guess what, it doesn't detract from the fact that russian is fanning the flames of alt-right lunacy here on Holla Forums and in my country in general. it needs to be confronted and stopped.
this is a valid point. but does this make it okay in your book that russian might be trying to instigate a fucking CIVIL WAR in the united states?
Jordan Morgan
How many more posts before someone shills the Natalia Poklonskaya meme in this thread in a bid to distract attention from uncomfortable facts and garner sympathy for muh based Jewtin?
Why is this thread cyclical? time to check the board log and find out who's taking money from Shareblue
Carson Martin
nah that guys a goo gobbler
Christopher Cooper
so inconvenient info posted here can be wiped by spam comments like yours, of course mod confirmed for leftycuck
Oliver Cooper
Because this thread has lots of discussion in a short amount of time since being posted. Compared to most threads that are lucky to receive 50 to 70 posts the whole day
Mason Fisher
I hope your dildo breaks and rips your asshole
That's a valid pointFAGGOT
Jaxon Flores
the damage control itt wew you forget we had a trump ad on all boards from sept 2015 onwards. only a shill or a trumptard would deny the obvious. 8ch was instrumentalised by someone and it wasn't trump
Christopher Jackson
HWs says he know who was running the Trump ads but he can't say
Remember that Jim Watkins is a Trump supporter himself and released a celebration video on the Pisswater on election day. It was probably him running the ads himself. Considering he also used to run ads shilling his now-dead board >>>/jim/
Off yourself delusional faggot
Jaxon Cooper
he ran an entire celebration stream that hotwheels was a part of wearing a MAGA hat the entire time
Nolan Lee
(the point being if you're trying to accuse HW of withholding some sensitive information or something i think you've got it wrong)
Sebastian King
I wasn't trying to imply that at all, I was trying to imply that it probably wasn't Russians and the guy who implied that is a faggot
Logan Jones
it's the gooks. just look at all the fucking gook spam
Zachary Sanders
that's just way tbh
Robert Brooks
Do you have any proof of that? He's a transparently stupid man, so you may be right. the trump shilling operation was planned in advance of the aquisition of 8ch (jim hoped to get 4ch instead for its wider userbase). his main motivation was a belief that contributing to victory for trump would help him circumnavigate the legal problems which prevent him setting foot or owning property in the us. it's a fairly typical story, really. he was unwittingly recruited and continues to play the game because losing face is beyond him. he'd need to admit he failed again and that just won't happen. sound familiar, trumpfaggots?
Aaron Parker
/r/ back story
Camden Howard
this is now an america hate thread
Jaxon Long
why can't amerimutts poo in loo?
Nathaniel Brown
stay mad shitskin
Leo Roberts
any shitskin is better than a burger tbh
Jordan Robinson
Jonathan Carter
David Hughes
Jose King
this tbh
Cooper Johnson
t. kike
Justin Jones
Luis Cook
this tbh
Robert Watson
*yes fixed your post tbh
Jacob Martinez
all me
Liam Smith
your gay tbh
Jason Hall
t. me
Charles Nelson
i am ruski shill ama
Juan Thomas
should i kms?
Cameron Mitchell
yes next question
Nicholas Martin
Actually you are Texas redneck.
Jose Wilson
Caleb Peterson
dubs thread?
Asher Gonzalez
Lucas Cruz
Nigger what? The US regularly does shit that makes the email hacks look like a joke.
Jeremiah Parker
This thread isn't about U.S. corruption, but go ahead and make a thread about it and I'm sure I'll be able to list more examples than you. This thread is about Russia and your butthurt only makes me laugh, commie.
Parker Flores
What's wrong with Russkies again?
Nathan Richardson
Nathaniel Moore
Benjamin Phillips
that they are not everywhere tbh
Dominic Collins
can't wait for russian presidential election getting hacked by trump and placing putin on throne tbh
Lincoln Turner
Christian Ramirez
What a (((Cohencidence))) that most CP comes from Latin America and the former USSR.
Kayden Price
Western society existed long before liberal democracy. Show me proof Russia is behind the mass immigration and nigger infestation of the United states and I will believe you. Show me proof that Russia owns the federal reserve. Show any proof.
Why do you assume national socialism is anti western society? Its pro western society. The problem is western society doesn't exist anymore in america and will soon cease to exist in Europe as well. Western society is not a form of government or set of beliefs and laws, its a race of people.
Logan Hall
What a coincidence that age of consent laws are ridiculous because of feminism in all western nations.
Give me one reason its wrong to marry a 12 year old and have children with her when she turns 15.
Adrian Kelly
Logan Perez
Go cry to Keith Olbermann you stupid fucking nigger.
Liam Stewart
i've been arguing basically in defense of Russia in this thread but i'm not stupid as fuck like your post indicates you are about it tbh
William Long
Not an argument
Name one thing Russia is doing to work against the U.S. and follow that up by answering why I should give a shit about the U.S. when its government attempts to genocide my people off the face of the earth.
Andrew King
Hails from Burgerville. You have to go back.
Gabriel Ortiz
i love how the mods are trying to bury this thread
Are (((you))) retared? shill? lel, it's nice to respond to you fucks, at least this might allow you to eat ramen for another night.
Charles Wright
Misspelled (((Russian))). I don't know about the gopniki I see on the streets, but most of us non-mixed Russians tend to just want to be alone in our own land.
Juan Davis
Is it just me, or has there been a recent push for Anti-Russia threads ever since Russia and Syria defeated ISIS? Murrica was already crying about muh election interference and muh Russian trolls, isn't it weird that we now get a lot of anti-Russia threads where we didn't before? Is it the same autist or (((something else?)))
Samuel Murphy
And that's a good thing. Everyone should reject (((American))) influence around the world because Americans are just agents of international finance Jewry
t. Amerilard
Adam Cox
women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool women rule and men drool