#MeAt14: Raising awareness around the age of consent

#MeAt14: Raising awareness around the age of consent

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kek this has to be some Honeypot hebe b8




liked to fart on bed and then sniff around to find the spot it smelled the worst

I don't understand how they think this helps. Most of these pictures look like adults. Alyssa Milano knows full well the only reason she was famous was because people wanted to fuck her.


they dumb

As if we needed more proof the accusations were fabricated.

ignore 3dpd

I bet a lot of these girls lost their virginity at 14-15 though

yeah, to other 14/15 year olds

they are saying they can't consent, period

Women have horrible self-esteem, especially at that age. They all remember how ugly and awkward and clueless they felt, and so they think that posting pics of them being ugly and awkward and clueless will make men realize that such dweebettes could not possibly be seen as sexually desirable or mentally capable of making rational decisions for themselves.
While the latter part may or may not be true, the first part is simply laughable. All of these women who are posting these pics were better looking/sexier at 14 than they were at any other time in their lives.
So no, they aren't helping their cause by doing this at all.


correct me if i am wrong, but the AOC laws aren't applicable to minors of the same age group, are they? isn't it just pertaining to adult-minor relationships? so consent in this context always has the subtext of adult-minor in mind. that's how i understand it tbh

relax im not making that argument

Typical female doublespeak.
It's not that they don't want to be sluts at 14, they want to purge the memory of it much later in life by projecting the morality they themselves didn't live by when they were that age.
TL;DR bitter old ladies preaching to young girls not to do what they did with glee when it was more socially acceptable to be a young slut fucking older guys.

could be right

i really wish /r/incels would just be allowed to be recreated so you guys could go back there tbh

t. embittered roastie

t. micropeen michael


Except you know almost anywhere outside of the U.S, man I hate how americans think their prudish morality exists throughout the world.

Once they get hijab stuck on them, they'll be fully consentable, but not by their own choice. Isn't that the future the jews are paving for all white nations anyway? So why would these hollywood women pretend otherwise, other than they are useful idiot feminists in every way that Yuri Bezmenov explained. And like he said, when the time comes, they'll be lined up and shot, since they'll be too dangerous to keep around any longer.

#MeAt14: Not old enough to drive, not old enough to drink, not old enough to consent and..

Not old enough to consent to gender reassignment procedures.

why did my tread get full of normies, get out! ;(

i come from reddit



I hate this world tbh

your gay tbh

that's how they are backdooring the pedo agenda?

teens and adults fug all the time

the gender change part would be funny to attach to #MeAt14 just to see if it highlights this

that 'girl' is 14 or 15, too so it would work

here's another #MeAt14

please happen

no, our society just seems to love fags

that's what (((they))) want you to believe

>our (((society))) just seems to love fags
wonder why

Good meme idea. Maybe those extra-faggy looking swedish TV boys would work too.

its true, if roy moore wins he should fight to make gay illegal

gays are your biggest ally, theyre all pedo

It's true. That's how gays are created. Older men raping young boys.

You're wrong. In some jurisdictions, there is no close-in-age (a.k.a. "Romeo and Juliet") exception to statutory rape laws, and two 14 year olds who have sex with each other could both be charged and prosecuted.

She looks good to go. If there's grass on the field,


im sorry, but not everything under 18 is pedo

which ones?

im against all gay, i believe in some sharia law

t. pedo

no, in france ppl think 13 is too low but they are ok with 15/16

doesn't sound that unreasonable tbh

Italian girls are notorious fuck bunnies.

and aoc there is 14 :)

This can't be real.

already 25% too old

California, for one. You can look up the rest on your own.


Guam is one

true, but better than america

AOC in Japan and Mexico is 12

i think japan raised it recently to 18 though ?

so now the next step would be to find a case in which two 14 year old who had sex with each other actually got prosecuted


this site is informative, thanks m8

Go ahead. I'm not your paralegal.

It's irrelevant whether the law is commonly enforced in that way, anyway, though it has been. It's ridiculous that it's on the books at all, and that every time two 16 year olds have sex in California, they're both rapists, and every time a just-turned-18 person and someone who is 17 years and 364 days have sex, the former is a rapist.

The AOC in Japan is 13 nationally, but every single 'state'/'prefecture' in Japan has it listed at 18. This allows those in power to use either law as it suits them.

so japan is worst than america?

nowhere worse than america tbh

All them hormones in everything is doing strange things to young girls these days.

That's a lot of fap material for hebes.

This is the biggest fucking dose of redpilling America has ever seen, and it's only the beginning. Now if we can just figure out a way to travel back in time and make it happen sooner, that'd be just peachy.

WTF Liberals?



We can take this opportunity to formulate ways to use this to prove to people that the hysteria is about grown women being jealous of teenage girls' attractiveness by showing everyone how much better these women looked as teens. This hashtag proves that the feminist establishment is scared. There have been too many incidents within the last few years with people like Zach Anderson getting screwed undeservingly. Then there was what happened with Milo Yiannopoulos, and now all these (likely to be mostly false) accusations against politicians and people in Hollywood. Feminists and tradcon faggots are terrified that people are finally waking up, and they're going to be fucking pissed that they spent all this time being lied to and lost so many opportunities because of these lies. The rage from those whose rights have been stolen is going to be fucking biblical.

This would be better if you showed us the post she's replying to.

They're learning.

I'm working on a collage like that other user suggested.

Raise the age of consent to 16

Acne and braces, with the oh-so-stylish ponytail. Wow, so sexy… you fucking retard

stop saging my tread you nigger, also braces are not common and acne can be fixed easily

dude stop fucking 14yo girls you fucking creep

I do what I want you nigger burger

fbi can arrest you, realize that

FBI cant do shit, they gay


everytime you sage I bump tbh

his girl was a dreamer w/ambitions of becoming a marine biologist & someday meeting David Bowie.

This girl became a broken mess after a 46yr old molested her for 2 years. There are reasons for laws re age of consent. Thankfully my State's Attorney thought so as well. #MeAt14

you'll be up for hours then

not everything is the same you nigger

burgers once again being the world leader in stupidity

your gay

they can give information they gathered on you to your country's federal police/intelligence agency/interpol or whatever and arrest you by proxy of that tbh

yep, burgers are as dumb as niggers

they can give information they gathered on you to your country's federal police/intelligence agency/interpol or whatever and arrest you by proxy of that tbh

no, your gay

What are your country's police going to arrest you for if you haven't broken any of your country's laws, idiot?

dont care anymore

your gay

I no get. Age of consent is 16 -18. Why they say 14? If so AOC is 14 I am packing up now.


The problem with AoC laws is that most girls are already fucked by the time they pass AoC, and no one wants to marry someone else's slut.

And Holla Forums wonders why the white race is dying out, but refuses to budge on the issue.

the white race is a bunch of niggers tbh

t. nigger

t. double nigger








any age is ready to touch tbh

your gay tbh

it's not gay to find older women attractive. in fact liking girls when they're still 14 instead of waiting for them to mature to their full intellectual beauty is literally pedophilia just saying


shut up spic tbh


This tbh, if girl doesn't have boobies it's gay

thats aa dog, so you are a zoophile

I see consequences of weed legalization in this post

Lmaoing rn fam

Very Gorgeous

Much wow

disgusting dog lover


also another (((legal))) version of

Study shows 14yo girls r being found the most attractive.
lots of girls posted here r ripe for the raping
im certain those girls were thinking about dicks all day every day
14yo r clamouring for a cock
i have a 14yo clamouring for a cock right now

What's strange about that?

I'm going to have to pretend I didn't see that


U know full-well u and i wouldve given her what she wants

No shit. Who WOULDN'T have given her the D?

Well, then why isn't FBI taking care of all the problems in Sweden, Germany, UK, etc. Why would they even care, if the local police can't do anything anyway. And it's not like FBI would fare any better than local police. Just wait until you get a ton of muslims, and you will see that not only they don't give a damn about your rules, but the local government will protect them. Even in bumfuck Idaho, that's like 99% white, they couldn't do anything about some muslim kids molesting a white girl. All that got swept under the rug so it wouldn't affect further immigration.
Here's a video to show you that the rules never apply to muslims, even in France (whose police is pretty effective, when they're actually allowed to do their job).

Oh.. oh my..

although shes not stunning, shes definitely nice to look at

They want Chad dick not yours

Roasties, stop trying to kill off the gene-pool with your expired goods.

do you even

I think we can co-opt this.

Let's turn this on it's head so it becomes a movement for young girls to vouch for their independence and free will to be promiscuous. Empowering!

I propose we flood the hashtag with posts from supposed "14 year olds" (anons) saying that they are grown up enough to date and how much they love their boyfriend.

Any other ideas?


transition operations r not that common

Holla Forums doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by crypto-feminists masquerading as Holla Forums. Something new is needed.

If you get found out it'll just be used as evidence against us. Feminist retards are probably already realizing they fucked up with this and are planning to false flag that right now.

they want any benis tbh

What has this got to do with the air speed velocity of swallows?

european or african?

My gf is only 12, and she can give me informed consent every time.

Can you expound your position in greater detail? Thanks.

sitting down, leaning forward

Have you stopped using your buttplug or is it still necessary?

when were u diagnosed with severe learning disability an homosexuality?

There was an idea posted in the other thread about making a collage of what these girls looked like at 14 versus what they look like now in order to make the point that this entire hysteria exists because adult women are mad that teenage girls are more attractive than they are. Flood the hashtag with that and see what happens. There's one idea, but I'm sure there are more good ones out there. This is one of the best opportunities we've had to redpill people and we can't let it go to waste.

R u mentioned in the scientific study, in which a new iq test for ppl with iq reaching 0 is developed, or r u the anonymous test subject?

Sorry guy. No, really. Go put your buttplug back in place, hahahah.

u r the buttplug, nigger

Such rapier wit from a buttplugger. Don't give up the dayjob, rimjob!

at least i can be hired, unlike u

Right, so I'm sort of working on this. I'm gathering relevant pictures and fucked if twitter's interface doesn't make that into a goddamn mission. Gonna upload what I've been able to gather on here. Basically I'm thinking "this is a child" contrasted with "this is what a real woman looks like" or not ready vs. READY. trying to illustrate these old hags as horny losers








Angie Varona at 14


Me at 14

I wouldn't recommend "this is what a real woman looks like" or any similar thing. There are people who will actually believe that. If you're going to include any text, make it something that suggests the obvious fact that the teen is hotter than the adult, but leave enough room for the viewer to decide on their own. In any conflict, people are more likely to convert to your side if they feel like they discovered the truth for themselves.

Kek, who gives a shit? Evidence against "us"? What "us"? We are anonymous, there are literally no consequences to be had here. Grow a spine and rev up those twitter accounts

"Minors want the dick."
-Titty monster

There's a few normies making fun of the #MeAt14 thing already, if anything we should be giving them ammunition and supporting them so this becomes an explicit "fuck you" to feminists rather than working on the minds of the silent majority who are already on our side.





isnt her name Kay Nicole? O.o

its better to talk about how men can have sex and not be victims at 14-16 but women who do that are wrong.


already a roastie tbh


rail till they bleed


I'm not sure this is actually the case in burgerland. Burgerclaps are pretty fucking indoctrinated. Then again, there's no reason we can't do both. There's loads of keks to be had here.

If you have any way of getting rid of this double standard, that'd be great.

Wonder what she wore for Halloween that year

4chan edge fag
get out

They do, but they want minor dick.

Little full of yourself there, aren't you?

That is true. You'd be hard pressed to find another country that abhors children running around naked, while mutilating baby boys; and will harass a man for being friendly with children, while allow their child to watch Beyonce.

sure, but they also want older benis

gee i wonder who thought of this hashtag



She's not bad either

huk huk huk

Wish #MeAt4 was a thing ;_;

t. pedo

You are not wrong.


this better




this girl is being flooded with angry comments


Look at all the seamen who have salted the water around her

When I was 14 I wanted to fuck everything that moved and wished every day that an older woman would "rape" me
And any GIRL POWER advocate will be the first to tell you that girls mature faster than boys, so I'm not sure what the argument is here

It's just an appeal to emotion. There is no logical way to defend aoc laws.




There are tweets were anti-consent feminazis post pics of their 14 year old selves and say things like they were awkward losers and never got laid. Stuff like that adds a lot of credibility to the theory that they're just jealous.
We could get this collage going without any text and a second thing where we compile screencaps of these sorts of tweets.
Also, we can flood the hashtag with slutty teenagers.











it's an absolute fucking goldmine





this is a waste of time until he admits he fugged/wanted her/them
Once he admits it, THEN you put up the "14 is too young" shit.

People on social media are fucking idiots


Me at 14

Women are at least 90% not human, so how come they deserve equal right or rights at all ?

She spends most of the time talking about fucking people over 20, She's not interested in minors.


Jesus that girl is ugly. Being retarded doesn't help her case one bit

At 14 girls were literally throwing themselves at me. Girls used to sit on hump me everyday on the schoolbus even in the morning.

Where did that pic come from? Did you make it? Anyway, I'm sure we can do both text and non-text approaches of many kinds. Additionally, I'm sure some other sites like YouTube are having people talk about this. Maybe there's something we can do there.

This is fucking perfect. More of this.





Back to /r/the_donald, crypto-feminist cunt. Guys want hot teenage girls, and we know you disgusting hags made up all this buzzword bullshit about "exploitation" and "power dynamics" and all the rest of this fake rape hysteria so you could try to fool us into being with you instead. We're not marrying your tapped-out old asses.

This poster did just give me a thought, though, because they rightfully get called hags so much. Remember how in Banjo-Kazooie, Gruntilda built a machine to steal Tooty's youthfulness so she could be hot again? This entire bullshit moral panic is kind of like that.

Indeed, '90s Rare was very redpilled.

Like it or not, she looks granny tbh

If only everyone had caught onto the red pill, we might not even need to do this because this shit would have been fixed years ago. Maybe we just didn't want to believe that so many women were Gruntilda deep down.

Depends on the state.
Here in FL the AoC is 18. But anyone 18-25 can fuck 16-17yo's. So some 25yo guy fucking a 16yo girl is legal but an 18yo guy banging a 15yo lands him in prison.
It rarely applies to women though. My friends little brother knocked up some 27yo junkie when he was 15 and the authorities refused to do anything about it despite his mom bitching at them constantly. When he turned 18 a judge gave him custody because she was a total fuck-up.

Feminism strikes again.

And shit, this thread has grown pretty quickly. The election that Roy Moore is running in happens in December, so we probably have at least that long to fuck with the femishits. We might end up needing another thread for this.

I would be sexism to make women obey the law user. Don't be a misogynist

IT would be sexism*



I thot this was Webe Web Sandi for a moment, but then I noticed the green eyes and lack of freckles. Good taste.

Similar laws exist in many places. It's pretty retarded to say that someone can only consent to a certain activity with someone close to their age. If it's the exact same activity, there should only be one age for it.

It's beyond retarded. It's unfair to send someone to prison for the same act because they are over a certain age. If there is an AOC it is supposed to be abided by everybody.

They are children. not because they're 14, but because they're americans. Anywhere else the notion than an old ass 14 year old is a child is FUCKING LAUGHABLE.

for breaking your laws? TOP KEK
guess what, amerinigger, 14 is legal here. faggot

I wonder how the people posting on the hashtag would respond to this.

Just drove past the clubs and as usual there were some underage thots wandering around clamoring for men to pick them up.

There is the world of reality and then there is the world of #Me* virtue signaling on Twitter.

I say we just flood the hashtag with pictures of thots.

heh, you plainly don't understand us roastie. togtfo btw.

That'd be fun. More stuff along those lines.

We need stuff to own the virtue signalers too. And maybe something that shows that all women wish they looked like anime girls. What we really need to be doing is redpilling people not only about age of consent, but about the dating market in general. Women saw competition in younger girls, so they barred guys from pursuing them. Women saw competition in prostitutes, so they barred guys from seeing them. Women see competition in sex robots, so now they're trying to preemptively ban those. If we enlighten people to this concept, there will be no stopping the tidal wave of rage at amerishit femicunts.

14 being still child is true most everywhere
you can always join isis if you disagree

14 is scientifically young adult, also isis is controlled opp, hamas is the way

Look for the drawn avatars that a lot of the SJWs use on Twitter. All thin, with cartoonish, neotenous features, no matter how disgusting they are in real life. Randi "FreeBSDgirl, Failwhale" Harper had one, for example. Dunno if she's still using it.



Meh, 14 is definitely not a child, that's at least one or two years past puberty. It's adolescent stage, where the body is not fully grown, but the sexual hormones and glands are active, and the brain is capable of abstract thought. Why would these hollywood feminists lie on the Internet like that?

Bullshitting and double standards are a womyn bread and butter. If they would truly receive 'equality' they would probably kill themselves since it would actually require them to be held to any kind of standard.

In Bolivia nobody cares about age of consent and peruvian tv showed cp in a spic version of "to catch a predator", not trolling, also the age is 14 with a few exceptions, like Chile being 18 for faggots.

Fun fact, if i post normal things that happen in spic tv i can be jailed for cp, just loork for besos de jirafa between mother-daughter or shit like that, cultural marxism without child protection is destroying this shithole.

Danielle Bregoli, the howboudah girl, is 14. This is your mind on American puritanism.

delet thus

shit she posts on whorestagram

The real irony here is that A) the Bible has absolutely zero to say on the so-called topic of AoC, and B) this idea is literally destroying the white peoples. The muds are simply out-breeding us by taking their women in the prime of their fertility and suitability as new brides.

Considering that the Bible is a book that has a large amount to say about healthy sexuality in the context of both the person and the culture, and explicitly condemns many types of sexual immorality, the fact that age is never mentioned at all is a solid indication that is has no bearing whatsoever on human morality, sexual or otherwise. Biblically speaking, sex must always be in the context of marriage to be legitimate but age isn't part of the guidelines.

The idea of 'pedophilia' and 'age of consent' are both feminist-driven agendas and never existed before the women's movement.

That's a fan account.

t. knower

I know, but it's stuff taken from her insta and snapchat


What happened to the guy collecting the pictures? Need moar trolling material/fap fuel.

There was this one chick posted under the meat14 tag about what a loser she was then she had another under #puberme about what a kissless virgin she was as a teenager then a pic of herself as a virtue signalling feminazi as an adult. It was enough to sink the feminist movement single handedly and If I wasn't so drunk I would've saved it now I can't bloody find it.

fucksake post this somewhere people will actually read it outside of the pro-pedo 8/b/ circlejerk

lol soz. 4 year olds have needs like you wouldn't believe.


Roasties OUT









That's the stuff.















Zu alt, mein Freund


All these fucking Gruntilda fuckers make me sick. Get some respect for yourselves.


What's the bump limit here? And how many of these pictures do you think we need to troll the femifags with? Obviously for fapping's sake we need as many as possible, but do you think we have enough to make them salty with?



more like this pls (before and after)
I'd love to make a collage of it







14 is too young, imo. 16 -18 makes more sense to me. My wife was 16 when we first met & messed around, I was 23. We got married that same year. Been together for 8 years now.

14 year olds are annoying sniveling lil cunts most the time. Hell, you're lucky to meet a girl over 18 that's not a sniveling, annoying cunt.

Wicked Witch of Twitter right here.

What about 15? Some of these girls are slightly underdeveloped for my taste, albeit IMO still capable of consent. And yeah, most people are annoying and stupid regardless of age.

Lucky fuck. How'd you get her parents to go along with it?


Personal opinion is that it should be about 16. Even then, you're lucky to find someone who's mature enough to make you not wanna punch them in the face. Again, just personal opinion based on experience.

Live in a southern U.S. state, so you kinda understand the culture around here. It's still normal in alotta cases for girls once they hit legal age of consent to hook &, live with & even marry someone older.

The state law here is that if she's 16, she bang an 80 year old & it'd be legal. The only limitation to the law is if the older person is their teacher, coach, someone in a position of authority over the girl.

As far as her parent's permission, my family knew her's for years. my parents & her went to school together, so it is kinda expected that it'd happen. I have a decent job & here in the south it's hard to find a stable job, let alone one that pays decent.

Meant to say my parents & her parents went to school together…

If you don't learn to spell "legalize" it won't happen.

This is kind of what I always wished would happen. Being with someone whose family you actually like is rare.

Anyway, the thread isn't bumping anymore. Time for Part 2. Nice collection of pics we have here so far.

15/16 is totally reasonable. girls are fully primed for fucking and having kids by then. pedo should be exclusively defined as prepubescent, because that is what everyone thinking of when people mention it.

Never mind, it actually did bump. I thought it wasn't because so many people were posting in other threads that it was getting shoved down before I could refresh. I thought Holla Forums was all but vacated. Maybe there's still some life in this place yet.

Most states AOC is 16
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7559763Most states AOC is 16-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSGY4ACgkQXOerAq1edW+JIwP/bciIOVVu2Hoo2igGZs1dWQxe3L5TAhH/aSOpiiumFhDTnohs6+x+Mllr22uXgcqmuSAb9KyBy/f8sF+YVeGz2OiPw2czSe92/pBPyQ9UE/5NYWyrN71qNmSlMq3ceDAkcF2G65w06W1Ql3WRVdYTXXI+S7/mTWgQBoweh8HO3Ko==O6/k-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


[F4M] Accidental Jailbait Girlfriend - script by uvocawriter112.m4a: my.mixtape.moe/qwthfb.m4a

I am 14-ish

fuck where can i find more of these audios.

/wx/ has a thread dedicated to erotic audio - go check it out.
Also, a lot pretty much all of it originall comes from reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/

they might be making fun of it now, but they'll be in the mom's position soon enough begging to get railed

They're already begging for it.

i think you're right about that

that's already the definition. it's you burgers who have no respect for it

Kek. How rude of that old cow not to safeguard those innocent version ears.

1st a sweet cute british paki girl by her cousins on a trip home,2nd my favourite blond friend by a creepy older jew (and then she declared she hated me although we were good friends since year 2 of primary school),3rd was this sweet girl who was kinda a slut and smoked and probably fucked alot of the bad kids.

3rd i overlooked a bunch of shit for because she was upfront and liked me a bit, i figured she could teach me to be cool and smoke and stuff. I saved up money from lunch for a week to buy her chocolates and flowers on valentines just for her to reject me and laugh and go smoke with her similar age algerian british boyfriend,who then gave me shit over the next two years for "trying to get with his girl".

Lessons learned:

Girls go for older guys

" pure" girls pretty much dont exist now from teens on just remember cracky

Wow muslims,niggers and jews really suck! As do cockblocking sex hungry hebes

Smoking,drinking and the rest are okay

Innocence never really exists,some kids are adults at 11-12 and essentially run their own lives some adults are kids at 25-30 playing video games and collecting welfare. A lot of kids innocence and lifestyle shit is crap.

No one should watch disney channel over the age of 12 and a half or get clothes picked out by their parents then.

Breastfeeding and potty training should be over by age two.

Everyone should have kids by 20, no your "ambition" isn't important.

Something is deeply wrong in society today.



wtf is wrong with that dude's nutsack?


It's sad to see how lost you are, you're already jaded like a tumblr sjw.

You and your emo agenda.


schneider is the next weinstein to go down, that guy is a pedo for sure

What's sad about it. God designed them that way. The sad thing is the so called puritanism (actually feminist) won't somebody please just think of the children? debacle that has put us in the current situation we have today. If we had stayed the course with traditional marriages that had a young women get married and move from her father's protection and care straight into her husband's protection and care this degenerate pozfest going on today would never have been enabled. Instead, this is the future ppl like you chose. Thanks a bunch asshole.l

Pffffft! What absolute twaddle! Dan is a decent, hardworking creator of wholesome entertainment for pre-teens and teens, user.

get old
git gud
complete the cycle

age of consent is based



Also 16 is legal where I live, so fuck yeah I can say that legally.

If the girls were at least kinda qt, that would be hot. But they're disgusting. I can't even explain why they just look inbred…



















this one actually isn't too bad


her mouth reminds me of tay tay


if this thread surpasses sticky it will be deleted.






I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, someone else has to create this.

I am inlove!

that's not the same person

benis in bagina

To the ocean's rage.

I'm not privy to news and trending bullshit, and I'm not on Twitter. How's the trolling going? If you're not flooding this hashtag with pics of hot-as-fuck and sexualized young teens you're doing it wrong.

i came, tbh

So did I. on Google cardboard

no one here is doing anything. there's one person on twitter sparingly posting jailbait
twitter .com/@smelly_geezer

We have an attempt at a collage, at least.

Any adult guy who doesn't want to have sex with this either doesn't like white girls or doesn't like females.



Age of consent in my state used to be 14.


this place really is dead

i can draw stick men, and i can add captions. that's the best i can do with photo editing

To be fair, I doubt most people here have Twitter because Twitter is and always was cancer. As long as we've got even one person fucking with them, it's enough. There are other ways of circulating trolling material.


kekd hard.

If Twitter was a legitimate site that didn't have censorship and shadowbanning, I'd do it.

Ever since I found out about that shit, I got the hell off Twitter. Don't have time to play that game.

I had twelve Twitter accounts, but most of them have been suspended or outright deleted. The few I have left, I use for serious business mostly and can't risk getting them suspended. I can't make new accounts since now they require phone verification for any new accounts, and I'm not going to give my number to them or any other site. I made all my accounts everywhere before they had phone verification, and have been locked out of most of Gmail etc. and every single Yandex email I had (over 300) and it's now illegal to use a proxy (but I still use them if I'm doing something of questionable legality of course) and everything requires phone verification by law and to use real name everywhere (this is Russia's bullshit dictatorship that you faggots call "based" every time it's mentioned…) so making new accounts anywhere is impossible without alerting the fun police. Sorry.

I fucking hope Putin gets assassinated. Not even on a proxy right now posting this, the mods better not fucking give my IP to Putin when he begs for it.

Putin's a very good man. He'll be displeased with what you just said.

At least I can say the holocaust was a lie without being arrested :^)

I never understood this meme of 14-year-olds being too young. Funny, because American girls/boys sexually mature faster because of our pumped-up meat products. I see a European 15-year-old compared to an American and the American looks a bit older.

*as in, it makes sense for someone to say that about a yuropoor, because they're often too young looking

You mean you can't say it legally otherwise?

I hope you get jailed, nigger.

lol they're just remembering when they were not fat and ugly