Are certain facts too "progressive" for the race-larpers on this board?

Are certain facts too "progressive" for the race-larpers on this board?
Conflating Muslims and Sikhs makes about as much sense as calling an Irish Republican an Englishman…
But same colour skin, so HUUUURRRRR!!!

It's about time for the the alt-right to grow up just a little bit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Clearly doesn't ever come to this board.
Has no fucking clue the opinions of pol.


pretty sure most polsters dont have a problem with sikhs.

ur a faggot op

sage in all fields


Sikhs are pretty based thoughand you are a fucking waste of flesh

Slide thread.

This isn't the aut-right and no one here thinks Sikhs are Muslims.

Oh, you're British. Shit/pol/ is this way:

wtf i hate white people now

Never seen that on Holla Forums, and I've been around since /n/

I don't think I've seen anyone here not recognize the difference between Sikhs and Muslims.

For example, Sikhs don't blow shit up because someone showed a little cleavage.


Nice strawman, fuckstain. That's an argument nobody's ever made. Sikhs are bros.

Don't forget to sage next time.

Slide thread


kennedi check em

Come here all the time. Trying to ACTUALLY red-pill you losing-ass faggots.


we are not the alt right, the alt right is controlled opposition and all non whites are objectively inferior to whites no matter how "peaceful" they may seem




Go back to your shitting streets.

Kennedi check em

I saw over half of you voted for Brexit, so you get a pass. I'd also be willing to tolerate their presence should they heed the call to cleanse all the Muslims. But if you don't control your BO, then you ragheads are out too.

I don't think you know what's a slide thread

but lol alt-right is nazi?

what board owner?

hahahahahahha, get the fuck out nigger


Sage is a Nazi

is nazi sazi swazi?

Sage will fuck you up

confusa progenia di cellule ribelli

2 can play at this game

No shit?
I'm always so hammered when I come here; since I am brown, I thought all the hate I get here was just because of my skin colour (so figured I'd stick up for some other brown folks.)

Well, it's good to see you Holla Forumsacks haven't all fallen down the rabbit hold of reductionist racial thinking.

Keep up the good meme magick, you fucking cunts!

nice Sage meme

I don't mind sihks too much, and certainly don't confuse them with muslims.
the fuck have you been smoking, OP?

it's probably a mix of skin color and bumping shit threads.


"Ex-soldier jailed for racially abusing Sikh neighbours and calling them ‘ISIS bitches’" –


This is now a Pajeet thread.

I like sikhs too.

This is an anonymous discussion board. How you fucking niggers manage to leak skin color and interweave it in your typing pattern so that it's apparent to everybody, I will never know.


White countries are for white people. It doesn't matter how sikhs behave or conduct themselves, they belong in India (Pakistan really but good luck getting that land back), not in white countries.

if it ain't white, it ain't right

what about a white sikh?

pls enlighten us. who have you "red pilled" so far you cuck?

White converts to sikhism are pretty much just hippies, similar to whie buddhists.

The diaper-heads in Canada love Mudslimes.

Nah, you're trying to prod a possible fracture point. I won't deport you fuckers, but I won't be sorry if one day you go missing. I'm a moderate.

And yet, some of the garbage posted in this thread has rather perfectly vindicated sentiments I expressed in OP.
There is still a goodly number of Holla Forumsacks who need to grow up, and stop giving the Left just exactly what they need to prevail; brainless racists who poison the image of the Right are tools of the Libtards.
You do Pepe shame.


Shillin' for Hill, I see.

What the left wants is the extinction of whites.

Their prevailing is assured if we let mudskin filth colonize our countries.

I assure you, I'm not white, but they want me gone too.
Once again, sentiment I already expressed; know who your allies are.

No, they don't. Every single nonwhite contributes to the decline of our nationhood by your very presence. The left wants you here. Your presence advances their goals.

Oh wow.
OK, if you say so. Guess I got it made in the shade, given the extensive attack I have leveled against the Left in my videos.
WELL! I guess I did as much good as I can here.
Gonna get back to reading Starship Troopers and eating this pork ragu.
Cheers, you fucking homos.
See you under Sharia.

t. Sandnigger

You are a leftist. You support the left's core goal: the browning of white nations.

A mongrel multiracial nation living under "muh conservative principles" is defeat.

That's not their core goal.

You've fabricated a problem that didn't exist. You may, in fact, be literally mentally retarded.

It is absolutely their core goal. There are three kinds of leftists:

- suicidal whites who want to destroy their own people
- neurotic kikes who want to get rid of the only race they're afraid of
- envious mud people like the sikh here who resent white people and want to drag them down into the genetic dirt

All three share the core goal of destroying the integrity of the white race.

Piiiiiiiiick ooooooone

I'm white, I don't hate people for being different to me, but I am proud to be white.
I haven't seen anyone mistake a Sikh for a mudslime.
I don't hate Semitic, blacks, or Asians.
What I hate, are kikes, mudslides, gooks, niggers, libshits, idiots, and trash.