Did Obama Attack Syria On Purpose To Draw Putin Into Conflict So Russia is a Bigger Campaign Wedge?


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Nobody in America cares about the UN.

If American soldiers want to die in the meat grinder against Russia instead of overthrowing their commanders and deposing the cabal in DC, they won't be missed.

"American" soldiers of that kind are all negroids and spics anyway.

Pretty much. There's nothing you can do for a White guy in the US military. He either gets it or he doesn't.

>like omg I cant believe trump still wants to be buddies with putin after he attacked a US convoy and totally supports muh boogeyman assad!!

Trump can spin this in his favor fairly easily. They should have concealed it better at all tbh

Again, what if the reality is Trump is supposed to win to ensure the US removes itself from the world stage.
Trump wants to be an isolationist, the global jews want the US gone now that its a dead host.

The US is never "gone" until it disposes of roughly 8000 nukes. Being an isolationist doesn't mean you leave the planet. Which I'm ok with, Moon and Mars Colony anyone? IF we do become isolationist and IF we fix our problems at home- the United States has the capability of becoming a manufacturing power again that would easily outstrip China and ROW combined. That is NOT what der juden would want as it would effectively show that globalism is bullshit.

The nukes need constant maintenance and we now have to contend with everything not orbital midcourse intercepts now.
S300s can even hit depressed trajectory SLBM launches to get through the particle beam emitters in Moscow.

True true user, but the Russians are smart enough not to want to play that numbers game. Any and all ABM systems encourage the players to use a saturation attack (launch them all and hope they get through). The S-500 system could (theoretically) pose a significant countermeasure to the typical ICBM, but again how many interceptors vs how many incoming. All it takes is three or four well placed to get through to accomplish the goal. It is why there was an ABM treaty to begin with (that we conveniently walked out from).

Presently the US has fielded 1900 nuclear warheads, couple that with dummy warheads etc, the likelihood of at least three or four getting through to Sevastapol, Vladostock and other strategic areas is too high of a risk for the Russians (and the US as well). So the game of brinksmanship will continue. Ooga Booka Russkies bad so sayeth King Nigger, until someone like Trump comes in and says- chill the fuck out everyone, the Bear and the Eagle need to be buddies.

However my point was primarily that if Trump does turn the US internally focused, and we reverse the drain of manufacturing capability that NAFTA and globalism has caused- the United States will easily become the worlds leading creator of "things". I really think a 35% excise tax coupled with industrial automation will bring us out of this current globalist trend. We will be making a metric shit-ton of widgets and selling them to whoever will buy them (just like we did for a very long time before).

If the US does it, I think (and hope) other countries will say, "Why in the fuck are we making shit in Cambodia? Fuck that." Will follow suit and it will bring the whole globalism house of cards falling down on its head.

My point on nukes is that the ABM treaty only was needed for specific points in the launch to initiation.
We strictly still have not reached that point either, in that we can't hit a package in exoatmospheric conditions and everything else is multirole.
This is why s500 is such a big deal, it actually can hit prior to MIRVing from inside Russia.
That invalidates the idea of even saturation attacks, as a number of missiles are MIRVed.

So then what?
Trump faces a reversal on the late 80s and now bankrupts the US making more ICBMs and launchers to maintain that threat?
Folds at the table and aims for not waniting to play the game?

Isolationism does not work when everyone else is expanding. That's the crux here, we aren;t in a vacuum.
The US is rapidly dropping off the markets already, the shitty crap made in Cambodia really doesn't matter much at all in the global scheme, our exports matter more, and therein lay the rub.

What is Trump doing to our export chain? Lots of talk on imports, but not on reciprocal agreements and flat exports.
Which is quite important to us.

Pick one.

The catastrophic non-White demographics in the United States should be reason enough for anyone posting on Holla Forums to want a massive, massive scale down of the US military.

We are literally post-apartheid South Africa right now.

Exactly this whilst keeping a credible threat alive. See hypersonic weaponry en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prompt_Global_Strike#Advanced_Hypersonic_Weapon. Which is exactly where the Russians and the Chinese are spending a huge amount of their shekels. Removing the international participation while protecting the "mainland" from credible threats (i.e. China, Russia and whatever other boogey-man is out there) should be paramount to military doctrine. Right now the US Military is tooled primarily for projection, sand-nigger fighting and littoral combat. Our tanks are a late 70's design which have undergone a few refits, our newest overpriced ships are primarily for shallow water, and our carriers are now sitting ducks. The US is an overbloated, military-industrial complex paper tiger that hasn't been truly tested on a capable adversary in a very very long time. If anything should be spent on military it should be for overwhelming "ABM" proof catastrophic response and little else excepting national guard units run by the governors (little dated I know).

Exactly This Because guess what, we aren't making ANYTHING TO EXPORT. The "New Economy", transition to a "service economy", and imposing government regulation has eviscerated the US manufacturing capability to the point that it requires a substantial "reason" to bring it home. 35% excise tax exactly as I said. And actually, from a macro-economic scale if the US were to go FULL isolationist (I don't see that happening, but lets just say), the country- after a retooled manufacturing base could trade within itself just fine in terms of real dollars, not play petro-dollars. That's the key, the US itself has enough economic mass to be fully self sustaining. Fuel, Raw Materials, Finished Goods, etc. do NOT need to be imported. You are still thinking in terms of globalism, try to think in terms of isolationism.

Almost but not quite. However getting there VERY quickly if King Nigger and the Cunt get their way.

polite sage since it only looks like a few folks are talking this up

That UN Convoy was absolutely full of weapons, probably lots of MANPADS in particular to try to hit Russian planes and helicopters. The Russians probably figured this out in time, maybe the Turkroaches leaked it to them.

Either way, it's interesting to see how the USA responds when their own soldiers get bombed by Russia/Syria instead of the other way around.

No, we're there. Functionally, we're there. It's not the exact like ~80-20 it was for South Africa back then, but functionally it's all the same.

Just go to just about any school in the country and you'll see the reality. Ancient, near death White who are never going to serve in the military don't really matter and they are pretty much the only thing keeping the percentages that get flung around this board afloat.

It's way, way, way beyond Obama. If or when Trump wins, 100+ million shitskins are going nowhere. They aren't leaving. A few million illegal Mexicans is a drop in the bucket of what we're facing. It is so, so, so bad. The US MUST be stopped and destroyed.

He could nuke Moscow and that wouldn't draw Putin into conflict because he is a cuck.

It's in Russia and the World's interest to try their very best to keep WW3 away until Trump is in office and makes friends with them.

Syria is just the last step to levelling Iran, this is the neocohen endgame. An unstable middle east is unable to unite against Israel

Hypersonics are a method of getting China to waste money.
Conceptually sound designs, but you just need to tweak them to be targetable with course correction…

Which they actually can't, the leading edge generates an actual forcefield (reduced to aplasma from friction, vortices cause a standing EM field that flows throught eh plasma field, really cool stuff, look into if you can, might take a degree in aeronautics) that precludes the atmosphere from hitting the air foals. And you can't really use jets as you then break this sheathe and your vehicle undergoes prompt ignition and evaporates.

NOw here is where fortress America breaks down.
Those HSVs can't hit a moving target. But there are lots of nonmoving things.
The plasma forcefield also significantly degrades to making them immune to the LASER weapons we are fielding.
So now, ICBMs are interceptable, making them dicey to use, HSVs only work agaisnt stationary things, and can be intercepted as well.

The thing is, fortress America doesn't have to be invaded, nobody needs to cross our moats, they can just lob some stuff and dust their hands off.
No need to worry when our bases are gone, CBGs are easily interceptable and not much can be done to stop this with the existing stuff.

And the ABM proof stuff doesn't work, orbital regimes and in atmosphere are not very related, you'd do better to move to a fractional bombarment system, but at that point you will be shot on principle as its basically hammers dropped and you're just waiting on the firing pin to finish moving.

The US takes around a quarter of its economy on imports, mostly shit we can live without or make for dollar fifty general.
We have also a lot of stuff in raw materials missing, platinum series and some rare earths.
This kills the microelectronics and is a major reason we played Africa as we did to keep the Soviets relying on vacuum tubes.

Most goodies in the US are two miles or so down. Past the point of recovery for a very long time.
We can't go isolationist and survive, but we can do a better DPROK at least and have ICE instead of wood gas combustors.

Its clean, this was bait and planned.
The dirty ones get run during the cease fire and known. Once secured, whoops accident!
Russia gets huffy and moves for payback, except, haha that was innocent, you fucked up IVAN

If you think that's why you are thinking small time.

This isn't what Trump wants. He wants to make foreign policy good for America, not for (((moneyed interests))).

yeah with 3d printing we should be the ones selling cheap disposable shit. Not china.

The real idea is far worse than that. The real goal for (((them))) is to force Trump play their hand or risk losing everything. They're anticipating the Hillary is unlikely going to win and keep the U.S internally stable no matter how they rig it. So their backup plan is to force Trump to do their bidding through a manufactured crisis internationally.

So if Obama leaves Trump WWIII to deal with, Trump won't have much choice but to continue engaging in it for America's survival.

3D printing doesn't really work like that. On a mass production scale it can't match things like injection molding.

To add however, Trump still can turn this around if he demonstrates diplomatic ability prior to winning. His staffers could get in contact with foreign dignitaries and discuss worse case scenarios and how to veer events away from total annihilation. Setting up an agreed upon emergency summit or hotline for peace just after inauguration (if the worst happens) would be a good start. If a framework for diplomacy with Trump is prepared before Obama can fuck shit up, then there's hope (((their))) plan will fail.

America has had most, if not all, of its military secrets over the past 15 years stolen. Most notably would be Pakistan, an almost 100% Islamic state, getting nuclear weapons.

You need to realize that even though the USA has the biggest military and the biggest toys, it is possible that emerging countries will be able to counter our weapons and out develop them over a long enough period of time. I am not going to sit here and pretend to be a military commander but given the current situation of the US government we know with absolute certainty that IF there were major advances in new weapon technologies over the past decade they would have been researched by us and given to our enemies.

America needs to focus on itself for a few decades. Rebuild the homeland and make sure that the military is still the most advanced in the world.

History has proven you wrong way too many times. You may be among the more sane ones but having american troops bomb legitimate syrian army bases doesn't really make US troops reliable in any way.

Like a financial collapse that will tie down Trumps administration for years.

There won't be WW3 any time soon imo. Obama is doing everything to push Russia but Vlad knows that the worlds biggest superpower is losing the foreign owners and just has to sit back and wait for Trump to get in. Russia also knows that a lot of Americans via online respect Russia and understand who the real enemy is to the world.

I still think our biggest worry is someone in Trumps admin ratting him out and getting him impeached or assassination.

Putin would know the US politics too well to get baited like that. It wasn't his country's people that got bombed, anyway.

The whole system is full of rats working for other countries like (((Israel))) just taking what they can from the sinking ship

The ZOG is global, USA is just one regional department responsible for military and economy.
They were just sharing.

OP why are you lying?