All I do is play counterstrike and shitpost on here. What else can I do on the internets?
What else can I do online for fun?
if he plays GO he can fuck off. source or 1.6 he can stay
No, if he plays 1.6 he should set himself on fire
Watch porn?
Download and read eroge or manga.
casual detected
Play other games.
start making memes and videos and shit
Collecting coot bbs is pretty fun tbh
Learn chess. it's fun and you get all the bitches.
watch funny parrots an tutorials on youtube
shill detected, black faggot replaced the white people playing chess with niggers
Have you tried Facebook, or maybe Reddit? They can be pretty edgy, so be careful! Google Plus is pretty hard-core, but only go there if you have a strong stomach.
troll in starcraft2 or dota2
you ever tried gambling
Nope just solitaire.
goddamn that is a fucking based life
Order a pizza with mountain dew.