What do you want to do to this Sneaky Bitch?? Ehh Holla Forums??

What do you want to do to this Sneaky Bitch?? Ehh Holla Forums??

Yeah well what kinda mods do you want to make on her?


She probably had female circumcision, and doesn't wash/shave, also stupid.

Isn't this the same girl?

She is stupid. She is the only one fooling around while the men are doing serious research. Why was this bitch even allowed to leave the harem to begin with? She is just being a nuisance and a pest harassing people and in the way of discovering knowledge.

Thank you for bringing us "freedom" America. We were so oppressed before you liberated the middle east.

Yeah, no. Israel is your enemy, not America.

I'm not from the middle east and I know that but it is America that imposes the will of Israel on them. America and Israel are as bad as each other.

Just as an example if a man sets his attack dog on you you wouldn't think "well this poor dog has no say in the matter", you would try to kill it.

Yes, the American military is Israel's attack dog. What I'm saying is, the American population is and always has been largely against foreign wars. Even after attacks like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, the amount of enthusiasm for war that the citizens supposedly had was inflated by the media. The average person does not care about the middle east, they would prefer to have peace through a strong defense rather than offense.

I'm not sure about the numbers, but there were tons of yellow "support our troops" ribbons on cars after 9/11. Also a lot of angry people wanting revenge. Only problem is most of them were brainwashed by MSM. But still, brainwashed or not, they are ulimately responsible for their own behavior. Every person is accountable for his own actions.


Yet they always happen. Your government doesn't care about what you think or want, you are meat to ship off to foreign zones on behalf of first international jewry and now Israel as a state.

What good is that if your treasonous government goes through with them anyway? There is no outrage about the young men who have been crippled and had their lives ruined so Israel could dominate the middle east and there is no outrage about how you keep getting pushed into wars that don't serve your interests. They may not be interested but that is irrelevant, Iraq, Libya and Syria have all become hellish war zones because of America whether the average US citizen wanted that is irrelevant.

I feel like I have addressed the same point three times here. What you want doesn't matter, what your government does is very important though. Nobody even cares about their treasonous government, they just shrug and go "meh not my problem" when they hear about what is happening in the middle east. Well it is your problem, the world looks at America with more disgust than it does Israel because you are the face of the campaign to establish greater Israel and if this plan goes wrong it will be you people taking the heat for it. You deserve it for letting yourselves be used over and over again too. Pic related was the last true American patriot, you are all just beer swigging morons now. Maybe the jews are right to call you people cattle.

There was a shit ton of support for it. You had retards talking about how we need to glass the middle east (excluding that friendly bastion of democracy called Israel of course) before they even knew who carried put the attack. They bomb the shit out of the middle east on a regular basis but one "terror attack" on US soil and suddenly they want to play the victim card.

No shit. The American government is controlled by a deep state. The citizens can disagree and tell our "elected" officials about it, but it doesn't matter because lobbying is still legal. The other option for the citizens is full scale revolution, and that would be disastrous.
To influence public perception. Not only in America, but around the world. If the media portrays the average person as being for a war, people will be less inclined to do something about it or talk about it because they will see it as an already done deal.
Fuck off. You clearly don't live in America, so don't speak like you do. As I've said multiple times, the average person hates foreign wars.

That is the only option. What other option is there? They will just ignore you like they always do.

It is a done deal though. Seriously, outside of a revolution how do you see them stopping? They won't.

Some people holding signs and peacefully protesting isn't outrage, it is just a weekend spent virtue signalling with no actual effect. Where is the outrage? Point me in the direction of it.

The presidents during both world wars promised that too, how did it work out? He has said he "stands with Israel 1000%" constantly insults Iran and has accused Assad of "gassing beautiful babies". He is a puppet like every other president of the modern age.

They do though, the general consensus is that it's not their problem. That's why this is allowed to happen.

What sort of backlash? How is people holding up a few signs and chanting going to change anything? You are basically a vassal of Israel at this point, your own people's opinions are irrelevant, it's what Israel wants that matters.

More or less, yeah. The Vietnam war ended because it became very unpopular back home. Sadly the troops returning home suffered the worst of the public's anger, rather than the politicians. But still, if most of the population is against a war, and very vocal about it, then the politicians have little choice apart from taking the chance of pissing the people off even more.

A full scale revolution isn't the only option. You can simply refuse to work. At all. That's basically what a lot of french people did in May 1968, and it brought the entire country's industry to a halt. The president even fled the country for a few hours. Now the way it happened in France was kinda weird, with unions joining into student protests, and workers ignoring the unions' deals with factories for better pay and keeping the strike going no matter what. But this goes to show that if a big enough fraction of critical workers refuse to work, the government has no power to do anything about it. They could try to send the army in and kill people, but that would just make them even more unpopular.

fuck you


What? I'm just saying it's a good job America saved them from their "oppression". Can you imagine where they would be today if they hadn't been freed from those evil despots? It would have been horrific! They were on the same level of evil as the nazis so it's fortunate that we were able to set them on the (((right))) path.

being sneaky is definitely based