>Black Lives Matter

Do they?


You know how nature relies on Spiders to take care of other insects, and Bees to pollinate flowers, and without those insects nature would be imbalanced in irrevocable ways?

What would happen if we just removed all blacks from the simulation? What do blacks add to society or culture? I feel like if blacks didn't exist the world would objectively be a better place.

In a generation nobody would give a shit.

Maybe I'm just r a c i s t

Other urls found in this thread:


They don't matter and you're right about everything being better without them. Jews would lose their attack dogs, gun grabbers would lose their high gun violence statistics, STD carriers would drop massively, a big chunk of prostitutes would be gone and their pimps (aka sex slavers), police departments and prisons could be reduced in size and numbers, racial tensions would be relieved so much that it would barely exist, school standards would go up greatly again, higher standards in everything, dog fighters: gone, a large amount of drug dealers: gone, Olympic and national sports teams would consist of the founding genetic population of the U.S. again: Western Europeans, popular music would consist of talented performers again and there'd be less of a negative societal impact from it, 'bad neighborhoods' would largely be a thing of the past and cities could recover from the black scourge, women of all races would be less degenerate without the base nigger influence, no more wiggers, the least intelligent of whites could try to emulate the best of their own instead of scumbag nigs… and so on.


America would be as safe as anywhere in Europe (pre-Muslims)

Black is an adjective. Which means it cannot be a noun. if you call yourself white it has the same effect.

Some moors don't act like this. Unfortunately most moors are niggers who call themselves black. Most Caucasians don't act like that. Unfortunately some do and call themselves white which makes them white niggers.

There are some Moors who have dark skin, but are actually 40-50% Caucasian. I am not for killing every single person who has dark skin. That's just fucking retarded and you know it. Killing niggers of any race and kikes of any race is fine by me.

Can I just tell you that there are Moors in africa right now praying for anyone to come and kill all the niggers. Most africans hate niggers. Most africans are niggers.

Very satisfying that this happened to just the right kind of person. What goes around, keks around.

Remove the jew and the world would become infinitely better. Without the jew their "egalitarian" soul crushing cultural bolshevism
collapses and people can then seriously consider the black problem openly without fear of having one's life destroyed.

Only James Brown but he died.

Thanks for Correcting The Record, yuropiss.

Here in the United States of America, blacks are people with the skin the color of feces. You already knew that, and you're just a bitter cunt from some shithole EU country.

They're all niggers, aka blacks.

Whites aren't niggers, News at 11.

Enjoy your rope!

The hidden joke is Sanders is third place.

yea see it is actually you who is the nigger.
I am not in the EU lol
There are all kinds of people with black skin in the united states. Most are niggers but not all of them. You are a nigger because you can't even into english. fucking retard kike

moors in the US hate niggers more than you would think! Niggers ruin it for EVERYONE.

god damn I wish I could punch you in your nigger throat in Jesus Christs name

I'm totally not a redditor: the post

Niggers hate niggers, more News at 11!

its a fact. yall r sum real newfags. shook and maad


smh tbh fam imma be muhfuggin fee gonna riddah da dee yall bedda beat me on a will dill bix nood mup da doo didda

If the crime stats are anything to go by, they matter least to other black people.


These posts are fucking stupid. The "white niggers" do not exists, white criminals don't commit crimes to the same amount nor with anything comngi close to the same degree of severity

what is UTAH

if you didn't know there were caucasian nigs then you dun fucked up. trust me it do

A US state. Now fuck off unless you have something relevant to say.

Somehow that's more satisfying than if he was 100%



I don't know why int tries to push cumskin. Everyone in the world knows that Whites are better than them. Slurs against Whites don't work because nobody actually believes them. Deep down even the most brainwashed lefty knows how worthless shitskins are.

Hahaha dis muh nigga, trying to start dat race war yo.

You're attacking the system and calling it the cure.

We coexisted peacefully with blacks for years before a certain group started using them as shock troops.

Attack the head, not the limbs. What are you, an animal?

Reported for not even trying.

b-b-but white people do it too!

The difference between a cumskin and a shitskin is that cum can create life while shit is useless waste.

go back to plebbit, fag

Uhh alright. Google Harlem Renaissance you colossal faggot.

Just a reminder, there are Niggers, then there are blacks who have been civilized by white people. So who knows.

Cumskin - cum - precious seed without there is no life
Shitskin - shit - waste that smells and causes sickness

I rest my case.

Well, they are fucking stupid. So I wouldn't never expect good insults.

No. There are blacks who have been taught to mimic whites. There is literally no such thing as civilized blacks.

Daily reminder that Ethiopians aren't blacks.

What's with all these reddit-teir newfags trying to resurrect the "some blacks aren't niggers" lie? There is no such thing as civilized blacks, civilization is foreign to them and they actively fight it in their own communities. Blacks are a dead weight in every country they inhabit, even if you take into account the minor contributions from the few black mutants who have a workable IQ.

So you honestly think every black person is just a mimic and isn't a hard working, church going, career driven black person? You sound like a nigger yourself.

So you are a nigger then?

Don't you have to prep you're wife's bull? Don't want to be late for that or she won't let you watch him fuck her.


Do you?
Oh wait, of course no one love a narrow minded fucking nigger acting moron.

You're a special kind of retard lad, just like the gays who think homophobes secretly just want to fuck them.

Every black person in the US has been taught to mimic Whites, but as black people lack the mental capacity to actually understand. Hence the term 'mimicry' being the correct term.

The average niggers have literally borderline retard level IQ. You can teach them English, send them to work, send them to church, give them a career, but they will still be subpar to average Whites.

Hurr hurr tbh smh fam bix nood

And you fucking inbreeds are any better?



Hey nigger. your life doesn't matter


Fuck you.

They are all niggers. Just some haven't chimped out yet.


I concur. Only whites can rationalize themselves into depravity.

t. Alberto Barbosa


Not a terribly apt analogy. Instead, think of mosquitos.

I was raised in a Catholic family but even when I was little, there were things about God as my parents and church described him that didn't make sense. Parasites were one of those things, and I remember asking my mom about it when I was maybe ten. My parents always said "there is a reason for everything to exist." After thinking about it I asked my mother "why do mosquitos exist? what good do they do?" To which her answer was "to feed other species as food." I wasn't satisfied with that answer, it seemed far too flimsy. You didn't need mosquitos to exist for food, there are a gajillion other options out there and most of those have some positive effect on the environment.

The actual answer to my old question is "there isn't." Parasites exist only to proliferate, like all other species, but they do so in a way that has virtually no tangible positive side effects on the ecosystem at large, other than slight population control effects. Mosquitos don't even do that. Niggers and kikes are like those. They don't pollinate flowers, they don't keep other pests in check (and in fact encourage the increase in those), they simply suck as much blood as humanly possible, proliferate, expand their numbers and habitat area, and that's it. They take and take and give nothing positive in exchange.

Ridding the world of mosquitos would leave some slight ripples echoing out into the ecosystem for a few years, but after they settle this planet would be a better place for it. The same applies for the niggers and kikes.

Not really surprising since he was already a mentally ill faggot in the first place then he just fucks HIV infested niggers 24/7.

What was the point of posting those?

CF thinking he's making a point.
or a CF salad tosser

I wanted to show that not being a criminal doesn't make you an ethical individual.

Heaven forbid that people point out the reality that white people can be depraved as niggers.

I'm sorry, who's 13% of the population but commits 50% of the crimes again?

Intentionally infecting people with incurable stds and chopping your child's cock off aren't federal crimes.

Yes, you're so known for giving a balanced perspective. Not just implying that all whites are degenerate scum.
If it wasn't for the jewish social experiment being carried out in white nations you wouldn't have the rampant acceptance of this depraved behavior.
But you'd rather point fingers at the victims of a propaganda campaign than point fingers at the increadible disfunctional communities non-whites create.
Tell me, are you philo-semitic?

Do you know where you are? This is not Reddit and this is not your "sauce".

I have been in black neighborhoods, into homes of black Military Officers.

Without strict discipline, white oversight, segregation, strong policing and stern punishment - blacks will never just be decent.

Harlem Renaissance is right up there with Wakanda, it's a fantasy - like the "noble savage"

I know, "Not all niggers", but I am more than willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Now, do you have any REAL research or facts - or just jewish search engine propaganda you worthless faggot?

Yeah, in 2016. That's not the 1930's you stupid fuck.

Consider what things have changed since then. Consider ALL of those things. Then remove them.

Jews aren't to blame for the failure of whites just like whites aren't to blame for the failure of blacks. It's all entirely on white people.

We all know that Zuckerburg didn't tell whites to spread deadly incurable stds. It was whites who rationalized themselves into spreading deadly incurable stds. If it's in your genes to be easily brainwashed and influenced by any outside source, then perhaps you do deserve to die off and become conquered.


You were both wrong, but you are close to the answer. The reason they exist is to provide challenges. We become stronger, wiser, through adversity. The same is true of any being, though not to the same degree that you or I benefit from it.

So I do believe they have a place in this world. Their place is the same as other parasites, like niggers. To provide the opportunity for us to become better by overcoming them. Think about it; if Europeans as a whole are able to overcome our self-destructive idealogy by experiencing and conquering the consequences of it, we will learn that its not the right way to handle parasitic populations. As a whole our society becomes far stronger than if we never had the trials that led to the conclusion. The vulnerability is forever gone.

We have so far succeeded in defeating every challenge that has come our way, and its why we're so powerful and advanced. We will overcome the challenge of parasitic humans and become even stronger, or we will perish. That is the design of this world.

Truth hurts. Keep being that ego-inflated irresponsible loser who listens to podcasts.

Bear in mind that your mediocrity is self-inflicted.

niggers in this slide thread are so mad.

Nice reddit formatting. Why don't you go back there with your shitty troll attempts?

Yes, having control of the worlds money supply and media institutions is completely unimportant.
Don't worry, goy. We're not gonna use these increadilby powerful weapons of social mass destruction for any ill purpose, trust us ;^)
Money is already being poured into groups which support the things you speak out against, and the media is doing nothing but re-affirming peoples degenerate beliefs.

b-but user us blacks are under fire from the Jews also!!! Just look at how based we are!!!!!!!

This x1000.

nigger detected


If you lessened welfare/ebt/SNAP/handicap benefits you would get rid of a lot of the problem. There used to be shame in collecting these, now people are proud of it.

Moonmayne Moonmayne, black lives matter.

go suck your wife's bull, moishe.


I've always had a chuckle about them using "cumskin", thinking it actually might offend whites. I myself am not white and even I know that cum will always be better than shit.

Video related; melanated intelligence.


Assmad nigger or part nigger detected.

Listen jigaboo, I probably have a few more decades on this rock than your nappy headed idealistic faggot ass. They aren't worth it.

Show me ONE white school district that turned black/brown that has eventually stabilized or matched the bottom 50th percentile of a predominantly white school district. Pro-tip (some reddit speak for you) you can't.

You show me the Harlem Le Renaissance and I can show you the Detroit Renaissance of 2016, that is what the black plague is, making America Africa.

Show me the black neighborhoods where the property values go up.

Where actual housing maintenance is kept up. Where they don't just burn it down because not a single one of them can plan for a 10K-30K expense of central air/roofing.

OR these dumb niggers get swindled at the bank because they act like they can read a loan document or act like they can understand words like a human and sign up for a 30% loan, end up getting their home foreclosed on and have to pay rent on a house they once owned - lowering property value yet again.

I have lived in the city, I have lived among blacks/niggers, it's the same thing everywhere.

Your arguments, they're all so tiring…

Except we're in a death spiral. We don't have the holding pattern of stable genetic communities anymore, and haven't for some time. People will only become more dumb and ugly as time progresses.

I suspect this is another reason why Jews push the 'white' meme. They know all about heredity; it is the game we're playing when all the bullshit is dropped. They know our most refined traits are lost in the orgy of mutants. They go on and on about regression to the mean, like we're all the same, but never about why that is or raising the mean.

Why are you people so transparent?

I didn't say they had to be killed. Just saying that if they were gone, things would improve greatly.

If I were dictator of the U.S., I'd try to go the repatriation and sterilization route; a soft purge. I'd reserve the killing for the worst criminals.

that nigger is wearing fucking shooting glasses

So what makes the nigger different? You have no argument, at all.

You are deflecting blame from niggers onto jews. WE know the jews are civilization wreckers - WE are telling you that niggers cannot be civilized without wasting our own potential and resources.

The Aussies had it right by classifying the abbos as "fauna". That's what should be done with over 90 percent of negroes.

You are trying (and failing) to "MAKE NIGGERS BLACK AGAIN"

And it's not happening. I know you feel bad your mom couldn't keep her legs toghether for a half nigger or nigger, and now you exist.

But I won't allow some reddit half nigger to spout some Chris Rock Stand-Up comedy from a decade ago as if it is fact.

Any legit sources on your Le Harlem Renaissance Google fag?


The difference was probably less nogs, more whites, and less mandatory equality education.
Meaning whites weren't as gullible about pavement apes, and the pavement apes probably felt there would be consequences for their violent behavior other than being sent to nigger-camp to learn more about niggerism.


A state.

What is proportionality?

Idk how people can live in jew york or LA. Spics and niggers abound + you need to be a zillionaire to live somewhere reasonably nice.

As a German with it's fair share of mudshits the subway just made me want to throw up. Basically 80% spics and niggers in there and Williamsburg is a spic and nigger working class shithole as well.

Top comment

around blacks never catch Snorlax



This is true, and you can see the destruction that peace causes. Some idealists say they wish for world peace, but the problem with extended periods of peace are that people become apathetic, let their guard down, allow people like Jews to infiltrate and destroy them, and become absorbed in ideologies that have zero relation to reality or how society, human nature or life in general actually works. Adversity is necessary to strengthen various aspects of yourself; however, that does not mean that all adversities are good or necessary.

That is a silver lining to a bad situation. This is very close to the argument that "having niggers in our country is a good thing." Yes, the adversity will bring us whites closer together and steel us in our resolve, but it is not worth the damage they have caused to our society and country for the past couple hundred years. They should have been left in Africa.

Wrong. If you have learned nothing from Holla Forums, you couldn't realize that people have short memories. Very few people actually look to history, and even fewer actually learn from it. The jews have been kicked out of the countries they have inhabited throughout history over 200 times. It will keep happening, as the same lessons keep needing to be re-learned. The jews get kicked out, the country repairs itself, peace comes, then people forget, and slowly but surely the jews creep back in. This applies to nearly any and every large event in history. The Roman Empire collapsed precisely because of many of the issues that plague the USA today, and if humanity continues for another half dozen centuries, it will happen to another nation/empire in the future. Nothing is gone forever.

When white people put their minds to it, yes, they overcome anything that stands in their way. The problem is a question of ethnic cohesion. Your line of thinking is that once we overcome something, that's it, the problem is solved and it's gone forever, and you're wrong. The challenges facing us today were, for all we fucking know, already conquered a dozen times over by our white ancestors, and we are repeating their mistakes. It is entirely possible to be infected with a second tapeworm after the first is removed. Parasites are not a one time problem, it is something you need to be on constant guard against. The only way, I think, we can properly defend against it, is properly educating our young and making certain we have history teachers and professors who can actively look at history, identify what happened, and explain to our entire populace how to avoid them here and now.


based white boys confirming the true master-race


Beats being compared to a waste product.
Cum creates more white people.
Shit is just shit.
Now die.
Fucking faggot.

Call me edgy, but I want to suspend that "child" with hooks and strip her of her flesh before running a chainsaw right up the middle.

I was thinking about that the other day, semen is generative while shit is the byproduct of the life that cum creates.

am I the only one that thinks "cumskin" is incredibly forced?

it's a purely reactionary meme and I don't think white people are offended at all by it. I've seen a few times a couple people explained to the user using it that it doesn't bother anyone, it just makes the guy using it look stoopit, but usually they take that as an admission that it really does bother someone and they keep going. It just feels manufactured to me, like they're trying way too hard.

No, that's because it IS forced, it started as an INTL' meme. The only people who use it ironically are on Holla Forums

Non-whites are terrible at bantz.

In an of themselves, no, but in a proper society, where whips in white hands guide the black man, well, too many black deaths might knock some points off of productivity. So kind of.

Yeah I know… feel the edge.

That "meme" is just some stupid Holla Forums / freech BS they started on old /n/ and continues on new /n/ also known as newsplus, where best I can tell the "reporters" are the old Holla Forums / freech posters, and the point of the board is to have a counterpoint to the opinion that prevails on the entire rest of Holla Forums, namely, /pols/ opinions.

what the fucking happened to /n/? I don't often go there but when I started dropping by more often I kept seeing crabposting and a disgusting amount of retarded things being vomited up by feelthebern-tier faggots. Why has it gone to shit, did the mods just give up?

And what the fuck is with newsplus? It appears someone was like "/n/ is too fucked, we're going to start another board" but it smacks of information control to me. And the leftist faggots are still there too, bitching at everything.

Well this is also why Holla Forums and /leftytv/ exist. Being able to make their own boards instead of to endure the bantz was too alluring for many of them, and thus the eternal fragmentation of relativistic thinking marched onward into Holla Forums.
When Holla Forums bitches about there being too much Holla Forums on other boards, it's their own damn fault.
On 4chan they are stronger because they are unable to fragment as they are naturally inclined and the added benefit of having mods sympathetic to leftists and will ban anything that hurts their feelings too much.
Not to mention that us coming here didn't help 4chan from pushing leftward, but despite whatever peeves people have about this place. I love it and am glad it exists.

They essentially shitposted /n/ into the ground with mod approval, and then went "haha wow i wonder why /n/ is so shitty let's make it more controlled" and then gave all the worst shitposters #reporter status so they were the only ones able to make threads. Fucking Rach is a reporter on there.

Has tripping people gone out of fashion?
Just because you're down doesn't mean you're out.

The nigger might shoot you, anyway.


Wait a minute, doesn't that break one of the main rules about owning a board, you can't keep people from posting/making threads unless they are banned. That's an arbitrary lock on a board that has its headlines always on the top of the page.

It's Jim's board so he just does whatever he wants.

Well I suppose that's fair since it is his website in the first place.


What happened to this thread it was getting so good I was about convinced to let tyrone fuck my wife.

It's never too late for the BBC

We did not coexist with them you dumb fuck, we segregated them to their own neighborhoods and towns. They were then given less rights than the average American citizen because people KNEW what would happen if blacks were to be given any significant power or influence in American society.

learningcode got removed by Jim a while back. Doesn't make that board any less cancerous though.

I cant be offended by it.
It makes more white people.

Africans are too stupid to be free. They have always been used by the oligarch to oppress the artisans (middle class) or any community seeking to break free of their control. They have no place in our society.

Better video. Niggers aren't people.


They most certainly do.

Feels good to be white

You haven't met a millennial for a while have you? Especially in a partially diverse school. They will emulate nigger behavior to be cool.

spics would take their place.

Contribution of Blacks in America

That's all I can think of. Whites did all of those things better. And I'm certain that blacks weren't necessary for rock and roll to be invented.

and I have an impossible time believing that no one had made peanut butter before that nigger did

I brought up OP's argument, how nothing they provide is of value.

He then brings up the Wu and I had to give it to him.

Also, google "American Inventors"
Its all niggers
Case closed. Kill whitey.

I live in Columbus

Literally everyone knows not to go east of 71 which is where Linden is.

Even if you were brand new to the city, you would get to that part of town and just know that you were in the wrong part of town and to turn around.

My ex moved to that part of town from out of town not knowing any better.

She called me at 2am one night because she heard some weird sounds and thought she saw some dindu outside her window.

I went over and everything was fine, but she had the good sense to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

Another girl I knew moved there bc rent is cheap. Her constant complaints about gun fire at night in the alleys near her apartment and her feeling unsafe at night still didn't persuade her to understand that it's because she's a pretty, red head, white girl in a black neighbor hood.

These naive, numale, beta, faggots and their idealistic cunts for girlfriends, lack even the most basic survival instincts.

I feel like we should make a flyer template to post around college campuses warning out-of-towners of the high crime areas (which will always be a high population of black) with a kind warning "around blacks, never relax." and maybe some black on white rape statistics in the footer

But fuck! They are in Columbus! OSU has more pokestops than anyplace else in the city. It's like they went to Linden intentionally looking to prove a point that they are safe in that part of town as a pair of unimposing losers playing pokemon go.

Carver didn't invent Peanut Butter, he just made a compilation of uses for Peanuts
The Mayans invented Peanut Butter



I've always gravitated towards this viewpoint, instead of the "just exterminate every single one of them".

That's always been utter bullshit.

Sure, there have been influential black musicians such as Miles Davis. But blacks simply built upon the existing music that whites (specifically white Americans) created.

Music by artists such as Miles Davis can't be called "black music". It should be specifically called black *American* music.

Blacks didn't start doing jazz, blues, soul, etc. until they were in the USA. Nobody in Africa was doing that kind of music. Simple.

Not to mention that modern versions of instruments like the trumpet and electric guitar are white creations.

you're right we would be better off.>>7543385

niggers belong to africa

there's no place for them in the west
they are going to leave or die

after they leave we are going to exterminate them, once we have the technology to do so silently and efficiently, then africa'S ressources are ours

that vids great