Anyone want to come defend Trump on this leftist shithole?

http:// /gallery/PGPSo (Remove spaces)

And some ammo for you to use in your arguments:

So, something I've been meaning to do for a while; Ammo dumps. Exactly what it says on the tin. I dump useful links, you use them in arguments. Today, Trump's good deeds to use against people who make slights on his character.

1: - Trump flies sick child to hospital

2: - Trump flies 200 stranded Marines home, link is self-explanatory.

3: - Remember that Marine that Mexico held captive? Trump helped him too.

4: - Trump intervenes in a mugging/assault, stopping someone from beating a man with a bat

5: - - Bus driver prevents a suicide, Trump rewards him for it

6: - Trump saves old lady's farm from bankers

7: - Trump stands up for black rights

8: - Trump shelters black celebrity, provides a free security team for her after her family is murdered

9: - Couple helps Trump after his limo breaks down, he pays their mortgage off in return

10: - Trump saves Ed McMahon's house, lets him keep living in it

11: - child dies of AIDS, Trump visits his family

12: - Trump takes over failing city project, finishes it ahead of schedule and under budget

13: - Trump helps terminally ill woman

14:,3369895&hl=en - Trump forces city to allow him to fly huge American flag, cuts deal that helps veterans in the process

Updated with new ammo!

15: - Link is self-explanatory, Trump offers woman job at press conference. (Thanks /u/nonestumptrump )

16: - Trump helps girl with bone disease (Thanks /u/ratcw73 and /u/Xenu_RulerofUniverse )

17: - 93 page list of Trump's donations over 5 years (Thanks /u/Trumpple )

18: - Trump interviewed at Ground Zero of 9/11, brings 200+ of his own workers to aid in search and rescue efforts

19: - Trump gives Miss USA, Tara Conner, a second chance after she fails a drug test

20: - Trump helps Jim Herman(Pro golfer) reach the Masters

21: - Trump helps Newtown business, has them make all his campaign material

Sorry for no archives, I'm on mobile and I copy pasted this list. Use throwaway mail for the site, and upboat any Trump supporting comments you see so they don't get buried. Good luck.

If your account has -25 points, all of your posts are automatically hidden from everyone. There is literally no way of winning on Imgur. Ignore it.

Sage negated. Fuck off, defeatist shill.

Trips of truth confirm first post is CTR as is tradition.



bumping again.


Those comments are hilarious.

Everyone get's upset at things trump """"says"""" While hillary has been getting away with literal murder and criminal activities, but since cnn and nbc and john oliver support a wymyn for president she must be the best option.

I don't even get what that short video was about because as soon as I read the "captured by the nazis" bias I just scrolled to the comments. why the fuck are you wasting time on imgur anyway? it's tumblr tier

I don't know, to be perfectly honest. I host images there, and I'm never able to keep my mouth shut when people badmouth Trump.

Regardless, I think it'd be pretty cool to get halfchan to raid the shit out of/occupy the site.


confirmed retarded
also nypa
bump harder faggot, it's not going to make your thread any better.

Can do, faggot!

This is amazing. He walked up to someone who was beating the shit out of another person with a bat, told him to put it down, so he did and then ran away.

Fucking alpha as fuck.

How does one do that if the platform is compromised? This is not much different than all the 'lets go retake the homeland (4chan) or reddit' posts we've had in the past. It's not conducive for takeover if we just get banned. We could raid it, sure, but that's not really winning hearts and minds.

imgur has a very small staff, last I checked. I've been shilling there for years now, and I've yet to be banned for anything. Which is pretty surprising actually, because I've revealed my power level once or twice. Just build up some points first so you don't get shadowbanned for being -25.

It's also pretty easy to get points. It's not like you have to be in missionary mode 24/7 and turn every cat picture into a discussion about toxoplasmosis.

Yup. Funny thing is I have enough points now that I can shill 24/7 and I'll never go below -25.

But anyway, I'm thinking the objective wouldn't be to convert people to Trump, though if you can pull it off it'd definitely be great - We want to stop them from voting Clinton.




Also, sage negated.

Meh , i guess if anyone is bored give it a shot.




Reported for spam.

Reported for sagespam.

How do you like dem apples, faggot?

Then go back to halfchan and ask for their help.