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too young, you fucking abomination of nature.
Doesn't look worth $9.990 tbh
Those are Chilean pesos, Satan.
is there a buy now option?
I guess you could go and see.
You buy one, you lovs and lewds her, after some years she pops out more lolis, you sell the ones you like the least and make your money back and then some.
this is your brain on capitalism.
Pedo brain patterns?
youth is a product
a very viable product
ovaries untouch/unsullied by sperm
Youth has value. If I could buy back my physical youth I would.
Chilean loliae aren't always that white.
you don't fucking belong here. get out
Well i was golden blond with green eyes, but that fucked up desert ruined everything, btw, remember that we have a fuckton of peruvians and blacks raiding our lands, they arent chileans.
I am not saying that, i am just saying that 20 years ago finding whites wasnt that weird in Chile.
usually i hate commercials but this was a pleasure
I was a blonde white QT too. My hair then fell off.
I was cute enough to be a Chilean tiny trap, but didn't know back then how fun it would have been to crossdress.
Sex sells.
That's too much for a woman. Her cunt is too tight, you wont be able to put in even an inch
The amount of watchlists i am on now
not based