How can I find and hire a prostitute ?
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How can I find and hire a prostitute ?
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backpage craigslist go downtown to the districts that are known for it
stop being a little bitch and figure it out nigger
Google for escort services in your area
Go to the south side of town and ask every person you meet if they'll suck your benis for monies.
all me
this tbh
Read this. I spent a lot of time on it just for you:
this is great thanks
it is tbh
This. E-z p-z
Everything about that woman is kind of off putting
TBH, it's easier to start your own porn company, you'll get access to premium amateurs who don't view it as prostitution, but as a resume builder for a porn career. You'll come out about as cheap for premium ass, you can recoup so your expenses by selling the videos.
Maybe if you live in a poor area or a large city with plenty of desperate girls. They will not however be "premium" in any way. There are so many pornographers out there, you'd have stiff (tee hee) competition for attracting girls unless you were paying good rates.
Last I knew, porn work started at $1500 for basic scenes. That's a LOT more than you'd pay a sex worker for sex.
These shoops are posted all the time and I don't get it at all. Are you jealous and want her to look bad or what?
only two of those are shops
Ask your mom.
okay then I don't see the humor. I'm not in love with her or white knighting, I don't even know her name. I'm just trying to understand this.
Holla Forums used to jack it to her all the time when she was 12 and when she turned 18 they all turned on her
dude she has no hips. so shooping her torso out makes her look really funny
like just two super long legs