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Looks like I've been found out. Shut it down boys!
t. way
fatty tell your vols to stop being retards tbh
Not until you admit I'm not fat.
bb your handsome :3
Mods follow rules plz.
pics fatty tbh
fuck you you're still a fatty
prove your not fat because i dont believe u
is this you?
Why are you so fat?
He's not fat he has a glandular problem
Fully clothed.
forgot attachment.
post a picture of yourself with out a shirt then.
k i guess you're not fat
maybe you're a midget
Now you know why I don't like pedos. I'm actually just a child.
You are Lying dumb Americans don't use Metric system.
How tall are you?
Do you have any plans to lose some of that? I fucking hate you as a mod but I'd hate to not have you around to blame for all the site's problems.
is this why you hate pedos?,because you're the weight of a 12/yo girl?
I'm an anime.
what if dysnomia was a 12 y/o loli? i'd fug and kill dysnomia tbh
id fug then force her to make me new b.o tbh
you're either a stick or a manlet. which one?
rightio i admitted you're not fat. bost ig lolis when?
why not both
Meh I've got enough good screencaps.
shut up manlet you wish you could be both
no, actually i don't. that would mean i would be a skeleton instead of muscular
hex n dysnomia confirmed lolis
user from a week ago was right
"mods" are indeed lolis
your not muscular tho
T. loltyler1
i like you hex but nigger you're like 20% bf
i take it back no lolis have 20% bf
Friendly reminder that Hex is a pedo.
*waits for dost ban*
/bin/ish is jim?
Also friendly reminder that Hex is a Christian Cuck to be more precise he is a Mormon for fucks sake.
no you dumb cracker that's the default name of all the posters in >>>/sudo/
oh sorry, i havent been to sudo like since forever
I bet you are a nigger IRL.
You are right though, it was obviously Jim justifying his shit ban
Christianity is a jewish religion tbh
It's already been confirmed that I'm not, newfag
are you still begging for the left overs to become a mod?
You are a cock worshipper to me.
It isn't healthy to be this asspained, user.
not a newfag, i just havent been to sudo like since forever
At least Attention whore and Michael post pictures of themselves.
but you are just a wannabe Nazi.
You want a picture of me so you can fap? This isn't facebook you humongous faggot.
you don't sound very self confident
What are you even talking about you Massive Tyrannosaurs Faggot?
You are the one thinking about and mentioning gay stuff dude.
you are a Homo.
Pointing out the obvious lol.
did your classmates used to call you like that in school?
No, I'm just not gonna take a picture of myself so some gay dude on an imageboard can fap. Hell is forever, user and the Lord would not want me to help feed your cock addiction. Repent and be saved.
Why butthurt tbh
You orbit Hex a lot for a guy who seems to hate him
The guy is eternally butthurt, I have no idea why.
bcz hex is gay
I want a picture of his face.
t. guy asking another male for his picture
T. not a mod
That wasn't me.
but still I want a picture of your face.
I'm just a regular user trust me.
oh fuck off Way
That's fucking gay
Do you think this is the same faggot from a few months back who would shadow your posts and spam the archive.is? Because I think it is.
Here you go Way ban them for ban evasion
tbh hex was a bad mod but he was better than (((way)))
Seems likely. I don't think most anons here hate me as much as that guy does for whatever reason.
i legitimately think way is /lg/ mod
that makes no sense
Hate is only reserved for special people.
But I legitimately enjoy pestering you.
because you are a faggot.
Your choice of wards would imply that what you do bothers me.
what didn't make sense
way could possibly be the pedo vol who posted on /lg/
if way was a bedo then why does he ban pics of lgs?
well you're not the sharpest tool in the shed
that's alright though user you keep doing you
Way = Gay btw
t. Butthurt archive.is orbiter faggot
You should just stop violating dost.
creating drama is the only thing that keeps the last 4 posters on this board involved
no one posts dost, way is just gay
you should deleting my ig lolis Way
this i think i'm #3
you should stop deleting my ig lolis Way
sorry didn't get my daily dose of lolis
see what you've done to me.
Way kys tbh
Children are disgusting.
lgs are sexy
t. closet pedo
kys pedofag
Islam is pro pedo tho
I can't ban tor, but I can delete your shit
if only you were here to delete my lg jewtube videos tbh
xski had a fun time deleting them yesterday
he even expressed his enjoyment through a ban with the reason: "fuck off"
Even an anti-pedo reaction image gets removed?
Literally worse than cuckchan. It's not funny at all. You are truly pure cancer and the deathknell of this once great web site
your gay tbh
kys tripfag
did you figure that out just yesterday?
no tbh
no girl will ever be with you tbh
can anyone post gore of dead asian girls so the fag way gets triggered?
Animal abuse is a NO, NO
thx fam
lol it worked
wew lad
we need hex back, at least he followed the rules
you fags dont know what dox is
No shit that's the whole point
Do it pussy
Way is deleting criticism
You have this thread, why you want to spam whole board with your pedo tears?
I made a tread so dysnomia will unmod you and you deleted it because you are an authoritarian newfag who doesnt follow mod rules made by dysnomia
dysnomia doesnt follow mod rules made by dysnomia
He's probably sleeping. Also I follow rules, you just post pedoshit and for some reason think it's ok.
dys is b.o, way isnt
pedoshit is not against the rules
It doesn't matter. A man who asks others to follow rules he won't follow himself has no legitimacy as a leader.
this is an imageboard not a political movement
because dysnomia said its okay and we're stupid to believe him but we want post instagram lolis because freech n shet
did you not get the whole point of this thread, nufag?
If he wants to set rules he needs to follow them. It's that simple.
stop white knighting way tbh
If you need hard and fast rules to limit your behaviour to within acceptable limits and you need everyone to obey them or you get anxious, you're on the wrong site.
its a community. That is how you lead a community. mods should be shepherds
not even close. definitely worse than was though
its more of a respect thing honestly. If your word is not your bond, and its not for a joke or done in good humor, you are a piece of shit. I don't like this pedoshit. I don't like 2d pedoshit. I don't like that we host pictures with fully clothed 12 year olds so pedos can beat their shit, but if you say they can then let them. If I was mod i'd say they couldn't and ban them if they did, even if it wasn't illegal for them to do so. but I'd say it and encourage them to start a new board /pedoshits/ probs is open
Holla Forums is random if you don't like it you can leave
how is selecting what is and is not allowed according to biases random? is that closer to cultivation of a board, decidedly not random?
Or are you talking about me not liking the pedohaven around here?
yeah idk what you think you filthy newfag
newfag the last crutch of the desperate. thanks for proving my point user.
go back to fb and friend some single mom so you can beat off to their 6 year old's birthday party.
t. Facebook user calling others Facebook users
Fuck Facebook!
Hail Reddit!
so salty. explain to me how reinforcing your views and biases via banning content you don't like but isn't against the rules is random? if you can I will agree with you and make an account on that friendfest.
I don't like you, pls stop replying to me you filthy nigger
you first. I love you because your shillery is proving my point
fuck off nigger, niggers can't have points or opinions
post your hand shill lololol
You got btfo tbh
He pretends everything is fine just before he goes to sleep so he can sleep easier knowing that he "resolved" the conflicts.
They've tried many times and it just ends when Jim and globals start nuking threads. In the end they just come back to Holla Forums more annoyed and more agressive, which doesn't help anyone at all.
I forgot about the globals. I can see how that would be frustrating for everyone. The globals trolling through this filth and the pedos being censored even though dems da rools.
this goy
not here yesterday for the hand doxing hilarity?
your gay
t. gaynigger
t. gaynigger
salt as far as the eye can see.
no I just don't like you
You don't even know me.
shit forgot to pass the salt
All I need to know is that you are a newfag and don't belong here
already used that one user
I guess that makes newfag the first and last crutch of the desperate. Although I'm sure you'll post another
I'm still confused where you're coming from here. There are rules, b is a catchall, why fuck with a good thing with censorship that pisses people off? Is that a crazy point I'm making?
I doubt it.
All censorship is bad, if you believe in it you don't belong here
forgot to sage
I don't believe in it, I just have no desire to look at sexualized pictures of 4 year olds or support the people who often traffic children to create them.
You are a rare sort of stupid. I refer to my first post which was advocating for your right to post this sick shit EVEN THOUGH I personally detest it and would not allow it if I was BO (but I'd put that in the rules because I respect people).
You can have the last word if you like I'm out. I leave you with this salty nig.
most retarded thing I've heard all day tbh. Also I wish you die from a car accident or some other terrible way :)
You are going to have to define what you mean by censorship when making a claim like that. Universals are rarely ever true, so you need to be specific.
Freedom of speech demands the least possible amount of censorship. If you don't understand that, *you're* on the wrong site.
he's referring specifically to his "right" to post naked children.
I think we're all here because this site has the least amount of censorship as exodus after exodus and lawsuit after lawsuit has confirmed
You will forgive me if I wait for him to respond for himself rather than rely on your stellar mind-reading skills.
Can you demonstrate a single exodus or even just a simple rise in userbase at all following jim becoming admin? If not maybe that should tell you something about the appeal that Holla Forums no longer has under jims 4chan lite rules.
i am mod ama
dysnomia is based
t. dysnomia