why are embeds disabled???
Why are embeds disabled???
Mewch doesn't have this problem
mewch is gay
some pedo was posting questionable videos that probably didn't break any rules.
Because Dysnomia is a cunt.
and this
ALWAYS blame dysnomia. This true in all cases.
pedos have been posting embeds like since forever tho
mewch sucks. I posted 4 pics. 3 mlp porn 1 real horse pissing. The real horse pissing never showed up. So I posted just the Horse pissing alone and got it on befor it was deleted for bestiality.
admins there are even more rulecucks than here tbh
"Because Dysnomia is a cunt" is now the official (tm) answer to every "why" question on Holla Forums.
see right there user your first mistake was giving them a chance. you can't be disappointed if you don't give alt chans who worship a drugged up whore a chance. onion ibs are too slow so might as well go to a forum based community. i hate psuedonyms too but if this is what it takes then I'm willing to take a chance.
I don't mean to be an asshole but why the fuck do you have minecraft installed?
i gave them a chance because of this post
mewch is gay
I was wrong. I found that out quickly.
Its a good time waster after a good nutting.
its a cracked copy anyways. I'd never pay for it.
Most are, but there are a few that are not. You are right though, the forums are much better and function much like image boards. That is where I have been spending most of my time anymore, I just come back here to mock people who still "have nowhere else to go" and trigger the fuck out of them.
Because Dysnomia is a cunt.
(See how that worked?)
Nah. Fuck that. Forums log your posts for infinity and never let you delete content.
1. It is on Tor, let them log whatever the fuck they want.
2. So what if you can't delete your post? If you actually think about what you are going to write first, it is no big deal.
If you are looking for a place to just spout off whatever thoughts come into your head user, a community site is not for you, whether it is an imageboard or forum. That is not communication, that is verbal diarrhea.
t. jew
bumping important tread
Embeds are disabled because YouTube probably bitched to Jim about it.
And because Dysnomia is a cunt. :)
Hex is Literally Hitler from lolifox /lg/
because dysnimia is a cunt
fuck that frog is funny #based
bc dysnomia is a cunt
Putin kills Russians for fun and profit.