So now that Windows can run Linux programs naively, is this the end of Linux?

So now that Windows can run Linux programs naively, is this the end of Linux?

Shitposting aside, how do you suppose this will affect GNU/Linux adaptation if at all and how many IT and networking centers do you think are at least considering Windows now?

Other urls found in this thread:,_extend_and_extinguish

It's shit

Are you saying that because it actually is or are you saying that because its Windows and is incompatible with your personal software politics?

It's literally shit
Microsoft can't port bash for shit.
Thinking a subsystem would do when it doesn't even have native performance.

It can run a handful of terminal-based programs, and even those don't always work properly. Wine has better compatibility for Windows applications on Linux than the subsystem has the other way around.
Not to mention, even if you could run everything on Windows now, the base OS would still suffer from its inherent flaws (security concerns, 'opt-out' *wink wink, nudge nudge * telemetry, etc).

Sage for obvious bait.

through the shit we become immortal

lmao no, even if it had near-native performance it doesn't you've got to remember that your typical GNU/Linux user actually hates Microsoft and Windows and would never ever switch even if Win10 was objectively better.

I'd rather see WINE improve so we can have the end of Windows.

You can also run X-11 apps if you have any X server running on localhost with DISPLAY 0 set as the default display. And X-11 clients for Windows have been around for decades. Granted Microsoft themselves doesn't officially support running X-11 programs but that I think only goes to show just how impressive the compatibility is
I feel like you're making baseless assertions here

Look, is not like that. And even if Windows can run some gnu applications, it doesn't really matter. That doesn't cover the problems that the OS have. Nor means Windows gained any advantage. It's more like they gave up on being lame (in a programer perspective).
OS X uses gnu/linux terminal, and even a load of gnu programs, meaning that Windows just woke up and decided to give up old hard feelings, and embrace a very useful and good technology (there is no bad in that).
Most of the times, people state things that make the impression that every gnu/linux distribution has the intention of competing with Windows. It's not true. There are distributions aimed at education, accessibility to deficient people (blind people, for example), security, stability, home use, enterprise use, fully freedom, beauty, usability (which is very arbitrary (see Elementary OS, Deepin OS and Manjaro reading for better understanding)). And all those types of distributions are all fully made for this purpose, not attached and glued to a handful of tools.
So it doesn't affect gnu/linux at all, MS is still decades behind what gnu/linux have accomplished in terms of technology. If Micrososft has a few hundred programmers working on it's codes, testing and trying to convince bosses that their improvement is worth a shot, the free community have thousands (some even working at MS) free willing people programing, debating, testing and learning without having to answer to no boss.

Microsoft had a UNIX Subsystem in the early 2000s that came with Bash but its release wasn't as widespread. People seem to forget that once upon a time Microsoft was at the forefront of software research during a time when everyone else was dicking around with UNIX System V or cloning it. It wasn't until the mid 2000s that the GNU OS really started becoming an actual competitor. God hardware support on GNU is still pretty bad but back then it was so much fucking wose.

Lol, I've never heard it put better. It has all the worst features of both operating systems bundled in one slow, broken, unsecure mess.

There is literally no reason to use windows in 2017, and even MUH GAMES is becoming less and less of an excuse as wine continues to improve, and in fact runs many older windows programs with less hassle than it would take on modern windows.

Opinion biased and discarded.

And this is why no one takes Holla Forums seriously.

The Windows Subsystem for Linux is much better than Interix ever was.


I love this logical trap because it means you'd have to either assert the idea that gamers alone is what carries Windows' market share thus giving the game industry value as a driver in software development, or you'd have to admit that maybe people do use Windows for shit besides games. Like getting work done maybe

Windows used to be great for productivity, but Windows 8 and now Windows 10 went full blown cancer bloat and destroyed it. Normalfags can't use Windows 10. Not only is it "different" from what they're used to, it's also just plain BAD. Mis-matched UI elements isn't even the beginning, it has mis-matched UI philosophies. It can't make up it's mind about whether to be minimalistic and pictoraphic or detailed and text descriptive, and the result is an inconsistent ugly mess that the 90% can't even figure out how to open a USB stick on. Microsoft Office doesn't exist in a static form anymore and they're trying to copy Google Docs with buggy unusable cloud based software-as-a-service shit too.

Businesses are going to start switching to Apple in droves just because employees can't locate their own assholes on Windows 10.

Only if you live inside your head. It has almost 30% market share if we only consider traditional PCs.

how many of such marketshare are toasters that still run xp or 7?

This post has so much wrong information that I don't even know where to begin with.

Businesses aren't leaving Windows anytime soon, and its not even because Windows is better or worse or anything like that, its simply because of software compatibility and the fact most businesses run older software made for Windows
Great, now your employees have to re-learn an OS or risk impeding workflow to use a piece of software that, after all the progress its made, still has dubious compatibility at best.

Its the same reason why most telecommunication software and by extension the internet backbone uses Linux mainly, not because Linux is good, but because Linux is compatible with UNIX and UNIX was developed by AT&T for telecom purposes and so was adopted throughout the industry.

so only 25% can run W10.

His post is a mindless rambling. Office 2016 is a thing and the Windows 10 UI is getting more consistent with each major upgrade. It's not going to be unified overnight and that would be a bad design and bad programming practice anyway.

You do realize that Windows 7 was at one point like this when Windows XP was still king, right?

you do realize W10 is bloated as fuck?

XP machines can't run 10.

A Pentium 4 with a gig of RAM can run it no problems dude

Has the exact same requirements as Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1. It simply doesn't support hardware that no one is using anymore anyway.


I had a semi toaster with 3GB of ram.
Without nothing being used, it uses 2GB by default and run slow as fuck there.

I had a dual core intel cpu.


How big was your pagefile/SWAP?
Was it even being used at all?

without nothing being used or open:
20% cpu
60% ram

You didn't answer my question. I wasn't asking about your CPU, I was asking if you had any kind of pagefile and it looks like you didn't for some reason. It shouldn't be using 2GBs of RAM idle

Press Win + R and run this:


Go to the Advanced tab and then select "Change..." in the Virtual memory section.

Post screenshot.

I don't have it installed now.
switched to lubuntu.

30% market share doesn't mean people are able to use it proficiently. The fact that they practically held a gun to your computer and forced you to upgrade has a larger influence on those stats than people willingly choosing to use it does.

I never mentioned Linux, I mentioned Apple.

The gratis upgrade ended almost a year ago, this is no longer an excuse. People are still upgrading.

Changing everything at once instead of gradually is a bad programming practice, yes. This doesn't apply to just UI but overall code.

And macOS is a toy.

You're still shitposting if you think having linux software run on windows is a remotely new thing. Cygwin and mingw have been around for ages, and I'd still use them over MS's tools if I were running Windows. Considering how the benefits of Windows are still nonexistent, I don't see this driving up Windows adoption in IT centers, no. If anything adoption is going in the opposite direction, given the increasing security/privacy concerns about Windows OSs, shit performance, and awful new user interfaces.

At this rate we are soon reaching the horizon where linux is more user-friendly and performance-friendly than windows.

I thought we left you illiterate shitters behind at >>>/g/. Look pal, Holla Forums is not a place for circlejerking, shitposting, and contrarianism. Either post something intelligent or don't post at all.

Cygwin and mingw are nowhere as relevant.

You mean people are buying prebuilts and laptops from bigbox stores that come preinstalled with windows 10, all the while being used for little more than word documents and browsing the web until they're finally discarded by normalfags because they don't know how to maintain they're computer and windows catches more malware than an STD ridden faggot orgy. Nobody seriously uses Windows beyond games, art and editing, and I personally have seen a sizable amount of normalfags switch to buying macs after getting burned one too many times. Microsoft doesn't have a future in mobile, and they don't have a future in desktops either. While 1 in 50 people using linux is already a sizable minority, at this point the fact is claiming that people who use windows use it frequently and seriously, is like claiming your mom is a hardcore gamer because she plays some shitty mobile game.

1. Bad port
2. Why pay for something you can get for free (and working better)?
3. You are running a proprietary OS (a bad one also).

Please be patient I have autisms.
I'll get back to you on that.
My guess is that one uses a separate unix like kernel and the other doesn't.
NT is not a modular kernel.

Since when is natively running ELF64 binaries considered a "port"? It's running in Linux inside Windows without emulation and virtualization.

But it is.

Please explain.


Tech companies and developers no longer have a reason to write native windows stuff, they can just write Linux stuff and have it work on both.

Except GUI apps for Linux don't run on Windows. Microsoft only wants to support console apps to ease cross-platform development.

cygwin can run some gui applications. The linux "subsystem" is catching up with the syscalls, so they can have a decent support sooner or later.

As i know Swift will don't have Windows support and after this they don't even have to care about it.

Why did you put subsystem under quotation marks? That's exactly what it is.

Wangblows went full blown cancer since wangblows 7.
Wangblows XP was the closest thing to a good OS MS has ever made.

Windows was worse in the old days.

You mean Vista. And Office 2007 and its piece of shit ribbon interface.

It's 2017 and you're still mad at the Ribbon? lmao

LOL. I've even forgot Vista existed.

You could trim XP and have an OS that required very little disk space, consumed very little amounts of RAM, was blazing fast and basically just did what an OS is supposed to do while getting out of the way.
From vista and onward wangblows became a huge bloated behemoth for no good reason whatsoever.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's over for Linux now. This is the last nail on it's coffin. All the great software linux has will come to windows.

Windows still doesn't get in my way today on 10. And its system requirements haven't changed since Vista.




What's wrong with microkernels?

because Linux doesn't have it.

And the linux kernel is a bloated piece of shit.



The problem is that Windows does not have a microkernel. Microkernel is practically a marketing term in Microsoft's hands.

If you want a microkernel go install minix3.

It's moar accurate to unironically call it GNU/kWindows:

WSL: Microsoft and Open Source shills jerking each others dicks.

Open Source was a mistake.
Stop contributing to Open Source. Stop falling for proprietary software friendly Open Source companies.

does that include direct hardware support? (will USB devices with no Win10 driver but that have a USB driver for Linux, work when booted into Linux?) the digisparks i got won't work on my Win10 install because of the oddball USB driver...

people said that when they went from win3 to win95

there's only two things wrong with going to all-open-source software:
1) most OS software's usefulness is crippled by non-useful help files
2) most OS communities just say to "RTFM", which is no help because of #1

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. We are in phase 1 with Linux. Millennials will learn how evil Microsoft really is in the coming years.

Well, they are called micro-soft. Calling their kernel a micro-kernel is just innocent branding.

Yeah, dream on


How is it modular, mongoloid?

The fact that Torvalds has seen this written on the whiteboard and hasn't spat in those damn Indian mongoloid faces really makes me thinks.

When will Microsoft add a TempleOS subsystem? Do they really want to fear the wrath of god? Terry > Linus.

Like we've been since 1991!

How convenient.

Cygwin just ran shell scripts, it wasn't fully compatible with Linux. WSL is fully compatible with Linux

The difference is Windows Subsystem for Linux makes direct calls to the Windows NT Executive so it shares the same space as Win32 programs. A Virtual machine implies, well, some level of hardware virtualization. That's not happening here.
Pure conjecture. NT is more modular than people realize but nobody takes advantage of its molecularity since the Win32 API takes care of everything for you

Yes it can, it just doesn't provide an X11 client for you. But those have been around for Windows for decades

Its not the same thing. Cygwin isn't as robust as the Subsystem. With Cygwin you can't just straight up drop Linux binaries and have them run, with the Subsystem you can. All the Subsystem does is take Linux kernel calls from Linux applications and sends them to the Executive

If there weren't telemetry, shitty UWP applications shitting up the OS, and forced updates, I'd consider using Windows 10. All Windows ever needed was a competent command line and it would be solid (enough). Powershell and cmd.exe are workable but don't really fit the bill. Between the Linux subsystem and the virtual workspaces feature, Windows 10 could've worked out, but I ain't having that shit with all the AIDS they shoved into it. It's less of a testament to how good it could've been and more of a testament to how agnostic my needs are to any given operating system.

I love how people criticize something that they don't even really know what it is.

I didn't say there wasn't an X11 client but Microsoft is not going to make one for WSL. You can always install the one you like, of course, hence people running Synaptic on Windows.

All Metro applications look like shit and offer no added functionality or usability over any potential Win32 counterparts.
Toasts look like ass and add nothing over the old notification and control shit that used to be there.
The store looks and functions like shit.
Edge is a shitty flat version of Chrome.
Cortana is a nigger and it's really awful to use compared to the search functionality available in Vista and 7.
The feedback application from the beta that I'm sure is still around for Fast and Slow Ring meme testers is an affront to God's creation.
Did I complain about Candy Crush being a part of base Windows now?

They keep trying to move away from Win32 but between the hellish push for Metro in 8.1 and the Frankensteinian monster that is UWP applications in 10, nobody can make an application that's superior to what's being made in Win32, and I'm sure the abomination of a framework is due in part.

Still looks ugly as fuck tbh.

What he mean by this?

It's not like the Windows console has any customization options or anything.

I'll sum this up as mindless rambling.

Can I install a tiling wm on it?

Yes. I don't know how to do that, though. Tiling WMs are scary.

Though, on a quick search, it seems like windows does actually have multiple tiling WMs. Who knew?

You're the reason Holla Forums is the ass end of every joke on this website for being the only board that absolutely refuses to have any discussion regarding its board topic. You're the reason that half/g/, despite all of its consumerism threads and baitposts and shills, manages to actively discuss technology more than this shithole does. I don't know where the fuck you came from, but you need to return there and stay there.

Enjoy your crapware faggot, nobody likes windows except shill and tech illiterates.

No, OSX's terminal is based on BSD and has very few actual GNU programs aside from emacs and GCC

Windows has the best IDE, Visual Studio. Windows has the best managed language for application development, C#. Windows runs all the software you need. Back to the cuckshed Linux/Mac fags.

This is the exact same attitude you put in your posts, heh.

user, I think what that user was trying to get across was nod an argumind

No I agree with that guy. You're a shitposting contrarian low-effort faggot and you're shitting up Holla Forums. You just responded with a worthless one-liner accusing him of mindlessly rambling when he laid out complaints with the windows OS and then when he pointed out you're being the cancer that is killing Holla Forums you said he's just butthurt that someone's not agreeing with him. Except, no one gives a shit about your disagreement. We're annoyed that your posts are virtually content-free with no argument, information, or anything while you simply tell others their posts are crap or wrong.

Either post something intelligent or fuck off please.

CMD.exe maybe but Powershell is more than powerful enough to easily compete with #!/bin/bash. The syntax is just retarded sometimes (the "man" command equivelent in Powershell is literally "get-help" the shell literally insults you and calls you a retard when you want to know more about a program)

Regardless, I hate, hate, HATE assertive arguments like "I don't like Windows because I don't like how the UI works" or "Powershell doesn't cut it" without posting exactly why. And its literally 99 percent of fucking arguments on this board wither it be for Windows vs Linux or this programming language vs that programming language or this DE vs that DE.etc. Its like most people here really are just fucking LARPers who try sounding computer literate when they're no better than a normalfag who just uses a different set of software.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation.
Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ.
One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you?
(An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.
Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted. Yes, I know you've heard this one before. Get used to it. You'll keep hearing it until you can cleanly counter it.
You seem to like the lines-of-code metric. There are many lines of GNU code in a typical Linux distribution. You seem to suggest that (more LOC) == (more important). However, I submit to you that raw LOC numbers do not directly correlate with importance. I would suggest that clock cycles spent on code is a better metric. For example, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFree86 code, XFree86 is probably the single most important collection of code on my system. Even if I loaded ten times as many lines of useless bloatware on my system and I never excuted that bloatware, it certainly isn't more important code than XFree86. Obviously, this metric isn't perfect either, but LOC really, really sucks. Please refrain from using it ever again in supporting any argument.
Last, I'd like to point out that we Linux and GNU users shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over naming other people's software. But what the heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I think I'm feeling sufficiently obnoxious to make the point that GCC is so very famous and, yes, so very useful only because Linux was developed. In a show of proper respect and gratitude, shouldn't you and everyone refer to GCC as 'the Linux compiler'? Or at least, 'Linux GCC'? Seriously, where would your masterpiece be without Linux? Languishing with the HURD?
If there is a moral buried in this rant, maybe it is this:
Be grateful for your abilities and your incredible success and your considerable fame. Continue to use that success and fame for good, not evil. Also, be especially grateful for Linux' huge contribution to that success. You, RMS, the Free Software Foundation, and GNU software have reached their current high profiles largely on the back of Linux. You have changed the world. Now, go forth and don't be a nag.
Thanks for listening.

I knew Powershell and I weren't going to get along when I realized it requires you to run a command before it allows you to run scripts, under the guise of "security". As for the actual power of it, it's okay, really fucking janky, but it works. I wrote a shell script that converts any filename (in particular, 8ch's awful hash filenames) into one that matches 4chan's epoch-based filenames, in the interested of having my old 4ch and 8ch images match any new ones I downloaded. During an afternoon I foolishly installed Windows, I made the same script in Powershell. The biggest differences between the two being, first, the way you get UNIX epoch time is fucking retarded in Powershell. In order to match 4ch's filenames, you have to pad the timestamp with three extra numbers. Since you can get down to nanoseconds, I used that in the shell script. Powershell, on the other hand, only supports down to milliseconds, so if a lot of images have the same modified date, there's a greater chance of name collision.
My biggest gripe with Powershell, though, is that it's not as integrated with the operating system. GNU/Linux literally dumps you into a shell, it couldn't be more integrated with its shell, and as a result, PATH is comprehensive and you can run anything from the command line. Windows doesn't throw everything into PATH without fiddling around in the options, so Powershell ends up being relegated to a fancy shell scripting and executing tool, and not a whole lot else. At least with the Linux Subsystem, there's a reason to use it beyond one-off commands and executing scripts.
Also, you can't "LARP" on the internet. Live-Action and the Internet are mutually exclusive. Holla Forums picking up on the word "LARP" and perpetuating it around the internet at large was the worst mistake imageboards have done ever.

And to top it all off
yup, about what I would expect from this kind of post


That's just, like, you're opinion, man.
Hey pot, you just posted an image that you have saved as a hash. Moreover, the hash that 8ch is using isn't the same as the one that's saved on your computer. My images are saved based on modification date in epoch time, or, in other words, if I save several images that go in a sequence, and save them in order, their hash filenames won't be in order, but their epoch filenames will be.
There was a time before hash-based filenames on 8ch. Hell, there was a time before 8ch existed. People saved images from then too, dumb fuck.

I never said I didn't know, I said it was fucking stupid

The difference between my manga screencap and your animated gif inspired by a western webcomic is superfluous. Go back to reddit, faggot.

No, its not and your post proves it. UNIX time_t was made back when the it was used for simple counters for telephone switching software. Hell, the developers didn't even expect it to be used longer than beyond 2038. The fact you can't represent time smaller than 1 second is a problem, a big problem.

get-help ChildUser

The primary issue with unix time is that it uses an signed 32 bit integer. There is no reason it can't be stored in a 64 bit integer its just as usual there are older machines using old standard.

And yes you can get millisecond unix time, it really depends on your platform.

Its not fucking set in concrete you know.

Is there any reason to use powershell on linux? Why did they ported it?

Subjective opinion. It takes _ages_ to open, and the panels are hard to use.
Subjective opinion. C#'s STL is CamelCase, Win32 API is full of old cruft. It's really Java with better integration to Windows.
It doesn't run anything that is not built for Windows, and if you use WSL it runs everything AND spies on you in the meantime.
Back to /g/ Winfag.


You can use "man" in PowerShell. Have you never heard of aliases?

It's a setting that you can turn on and off at will. You don't have to always manipulate it to run scripts.

Or you could simply restart the shell.

They made it open-source. The standalone version uses .NET Core unlike the Windows-only version that has access to full .NET and thus can do things that are only relevant on Windows.

What the fuck are you on about?

Store UNIX time in a float in the form .. This way if you only need seconds you can just floor it.

Seriously: do not do that. Floating points are not precise and will give you bad rounding errors. See:

I don't quite get the resolution problem because you can get microsecond resolution from gettimeofday(2). In that case, it's stored in a struct with the seconds and microseconds being stored in two different values.

Does Windows 10 have a shitty interface? Yes. Is it ugly? Yes. Is it confusing? Yes. Is it a chore to use? Yes. Is it buggy and insecure? Yes. Is it 1984-grade surveillance? Yes. But even so, it's not so bad that the average retard can't use it.

I think you're describing the usual linux desktop experience.


Holy shit, is windows really this bad nowadays?

Sounds more like the death of Windows. How easy it will be to convert, to see the light, if you can now reach Windows users.

Just windows 8..they corrected some stuff for windows 10

That's Windows' aborted Tablet interface that they got rid of after like a year. Too bad the Gnome3 and Unity devs can't take a fucking hint

GNOME actually works well on a tablet
Wangblows doesn't

unity is shit.

gnome 3 is actually comfy as fuck if you know how to use it.

hint: if you want to use gnome 3 the right way, learn to use the workspaces and terminal. ctrl-alt-up / ctrl-alt-down to move up / down between workspaces. if you use emacs it's just like switching between buffers. comfy as fuck bitch.

it sometimes barely runs windows software so i doubt it

I hate to be the one to tell you this but the reason that people use GNU/Linux or BSD is that it offers privacy and stability. Winshit offers neither.

They get a lot of help from stupid people as well.

"if you use emacs..." is the wrong way to design a workstation interface.


Companies that switch to linux 99% of the time use it because windows is shit.
I don't think anything that windows does other than stopping being shit will make them reconsider.

never seen anyone run HERD.
does it game bro?

More fan fiction please.

Ask OP for that.


Lots of terrible responses in this thread. In short, no it will not replace Linux. WSL is for people who are already running Windows, but would like a powerful Linux commandline with NT ported Linux applications, especially developers.

The one crucial question that must be framed is : Why is Microsoft paying hard currency for these deals ?

Why would they do that unless there was some other agenda ? I think the answer is clear.

Figures from the BSA and RIAA prove beyond all doubt that piracy and intellectual property theft is growing at an alarming rate. A recent article published by the US internet crime complaint center demonstrates how receipt of its 1 Millionth complaint shows that internet based fraud is both rampant and expanding beyond all reason.

In this environment of lawless anarchy, it is no surprise to find that the Linux is right at home, and growing - in the same way that a wurm grows fat and gluttonous when placed in a dark and damp environment full of refuse and the despondent cast off's of a wealthy society.

I am not alone in my beliefs that even in this dreadful situation, the Linux represents a growing market for the softwares. Microsoft has tried for years to offer their superior office suites and internet products to markets outside of the Win10, with little success.

And yet, this is a difficult exersize. Linux represents the old school, with its mainframe like interface, and arcane secret programming languages. Porting the softwares to this platform involves hiring the hippies who understand this obtuse environment. These people are typically unreliable, and have difficulty living wth the regular 9-5 work ethic. They believe in intellectual property theft, free love, substance abuse, and marxism.

Microsoft has solved these issues in one brilliant sweep by paying cash for access to these Linux secrets, by making these cross patent deals with the linux 'Vendors'. This will allow for the interoperability that the corporations so dearly wish for - the ability to run the Microsoft Office, and the Internet Explorer, as well as the Win10 on top of this growing but amorphous mass known as 'The Linux'.

In a short time we will all soon see the benefits of these cross licencing deals, and the softwares will expand out their user bases and be seen everywhere. Even the most die hard linux afficionado with matted hair and a red armband will salivate at the prospect of being able to run the Internet Explorer on his precious linux.

cute summerbump, princess. I hope you choke to death on your stale copypasta

Not being able to run internet explorer is the one thing stopping me from switching to Linux

but powershell is actually superior to all those shitty text shells. the only problem with powershell is microsoft.

I want more pictures of uname displaying as Linux on non-Linux. Can anyone provide Solaris, Plan9, or any other system doing this?


PS is literally Visual Basic with a shell-like syntax, it's COM cancer all the way through.
You should be a mongoloid spic to seriously consider using any of .NET based poo.
The problem is you LARPers who shill for shit you don't even know.

Nigga just Super key + Home and you're two clicks away from env. vars.. Also, any command prompt you open after you change it, will have the new env. vars.

Cool, so MS is bringing back another day 1 Windows NT feature that Windows 8 killed off.

What's next on the menu, bring back all of Virtual PC's features to Hyper-V and enable it on consumer editions of Windows again?

This. And unlike real UNIX (BSD), Linux's intentionally unstable ABI means there is nothing gained by being able to run binaries instead of compiling everything from scratch and/or maintaining yet another repo.

The main advantage here is that it's officially supported by MS and installed with the OS, if that's important to you for some (probably work-related) reason.

Something that would actually be REALLY useful is a way of running WINE on Windows. By combining it with native Windows DLLs, you'd be able to achieve tremendous backward compatibility clear from 16-bit DOS apps up to modern WIN64 apps, all in one OS.

Stopped reading here. You baited me.

What are you talking about, nigger? You can run 2.4 binaries on the current kernel.
How is it unstable?

You are a fucking retard.


This, more than anything else, is why I love Linus Torvalds. If a kernel dev does anything that might potentially break userspace, Linus will very quickly and very publicly rain down firey expletive-laden hell on the idiot dev in question.

You guys are fucking retards. You're confusing the API with the ABI. The ABI mainly deals with Kernel Modules. A Kernel Module made for 2.4 will NOT work for a current kernel. The ABI is designed to deprecate. You can NOT force a module made for kernel 3.0 on a 3.4 kernel and so on. Just what we fucking needed, more retarded LARPers who have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

You are also so fucking wrong it hurts;

1.) POSIX =/= Linux, it doesn't even = UNIX. Its just a set of common interfaces

2.) Interix was not originally introduced until much later. And its also not entirely the same thing. There was still many incompatibilities with Interix. Also, Interix was no available for all versions of Windows

Kill yourself, curry nigger.
There's a userspace ABI for programs and an internal ABI for modules.
This retard talks about the userspace ABI.

The userspace ABI is stable and succinct, you can run 2.4 binaries and with some tweaks 2.2 binaries on the current kernel.
The many UNIX derivatives (FreeBSD, Solaris, QNX, etc) implement Linux ABI in some form.

And when you retards say "Windows runs Linux programs" in reality it means either "Windows implements Linux ABI compatibility layer" or "Windows runs Linux itself in usermode". Neither Cygwin nor Interix are that.

The internal ABI is not exposed to the user, and modules which are not part of the kernel is very rare.
So the way it gets changes every release is perfectly okay.