Is criminality a viable life plan?

Is criminality a viable life plan?

Lots of criminals successfully reproduce don't they? And lots of people who slave away in jobs don't.

So maybe criminality is a good reproductive strategy? Better than being a fucking wageslave, right?

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So wait, you'd rather let your genes perish than pursue a difficult course of action to ensure their survival - purely because some people who engage in that survival strategy are of a different race (although there are still many of your race too)?

If that's your attitude then I guess maybe your genes deserve to perish, because you're clearly a weak person.


Since you're posting fucking ANIME I doubt you're going to breed any time soon.

So basically you admit you're a pathetic faggot?

correct. i've already bred. don't need to make moar

Ah, crimeanon again.
Most criminals don't achieve success. They live from one stint in prison to the next.

You realize that prison has a eugenic effect, right?

But they still have children, and that's the important thing - in fact they have a higher birthrate than the rest of the population.

And that's all that matters, isn't it? Because the biological purpose of ANY organism is to procreate, to spread itself, to proliferate itself, to multiply, to increase in numbers. And when you HAVE increased in numbers, you are more powerful - there are more people like you, and together you have much more leverage than an individual person does.

So if a criminal has a couple kids then goes to jail for the rest of his life, he has succeed more than someone who has a high-flying career, earns millions of dollars, but never procreates.

Yes, only the toughest survive, of course. But still, read above for why I think it could still be a good idea - a criminal who has a couple of kids with a low-class woman but is shivved to death in prison before age 30 is more reproductively (and therefore evolutionarily) successful than a high-flying businessman who never has any kids.

The purpose of all organisms is to procreate and proliferate - nothing is as important as that.

that's not even necessarily true
can you prove that being a criminal is statistically significant?
i mean, blacks are more likely to be criminal but also more likely to have more children. this is because of the destructive culture in the ghetto, not because of criminality


meep meep yes but you must devote your life to organized crime or else you won't get anywhere tbh no homo

Which part? Criminals having more children? Or procreation being the most important thing in life?

Because criminals do, apparently, have more children:

And yes I maintain that for ANY organism, its own proliferation is the most important thing. Can you possibly deny that? Look at bacteria, fungi, trees, amoebae, other microscopic organisms, plankton, coral, fish, monkeys, bears, cows - YOU NAME IT, every one of them is seeking to proliferate themselves as much as possible. That's your function as an organism, is to proliferate yourself as much as possible.

Why are you mad at them? The only explanation is that you are jealous of them. If you are jealous of the way that they succeed in life, why don't you do it yourself?

Or you are mad because you think they pose a threat to your own life, or your own way of life. Well, what are you going to do about it? Why don't you just focus on your own success?

You don't necessarily need organised crime. Many people make a living out of petty crime for a while. Also, the study that I cited (in this post, above) shows that people convicted of a criminal offence have a higher birthrate - so remember, it's not saying CAREER CRIMINALS. There are many people who maybe commit a few crimes, then they're arrested, then they turn to a legal life afterwards. Perhaps just the act of committing a crime (rather than being a criminal forever) brings out some character differences, making you a more confident person, because you know that you are able to challenge authority.

criminals having more children

actually the procreation bit is arguable too. procreation ensures existence, but to assume procreation is good, you have to assume existence is good. why is there any good in existing? what's the point?

but answer to both if you would

kek. i'm not mad at anybody, user. not even my ex who i have quite a few reasons to be mad at if i wanted to hold it against her.
what the fuck do you think i'm doing during the day? i'm out there building, creating, and bringing home the bacon. keeping a roof overhead for my family and saving to leave them a better life & legacy. i come here in the evenings to talk & shitpost. just because i understand niggers doesn't mean i hate them.

yeah you could say that. but id take issue if you were implying that they were going to act like retards by birthright. if we're to have a reasonable discussion here, we must base it off the idea that criminality is a choice one makes, perhaps based off of societal pressures, but most importantly a choice.

i agree with this completely. now convince niggers to stop committing crimes and to stop breeding irresponsibly

This thread again? It wasn't even good the first time.

1) I gave you that study that shows criminals have more children
2) Procreation being the most important thing in life is something we can discover by empirical observation, much like we can observe that the range of tigers is located in Asia. Whether or not either of these facts if "good" is a matter of opinion, and is not of any concern to me.

i know people might bully me for this but i genuinely think the only way to convince someone to stop being a retard and committing crimes is to be nice (but firm) to them

i think this approach could work. it forces the kid who acts out to think about what they did and why it was wrong instead of just punishing them. and what does typical punishment (detention) do anyways other than affirming the school has power over the kid?

if we force black kids acting like retards to think about what they did and why it was wrong instead of just punishing them, i think that would help more to not choose criminality

feel free to bully all you want

I'm assuming this is the same person

You're right, you're clearly not mad at all!

Or you could just throw them in jail, same as we should do with anybody who commits crime

I am in no mood to give charity to anybody - if you choose to break the rules that the rest of us make sacrifices to live by, then you deserve punishment. It's as simple as that.

ok but that study found correlation
your theory is what? that criminality "awakens" some hidden reproductive instinct?
that comes when the more likely explanation is that people who have more children and criminals come from the same lower class social group.

and the procreation being the most important life bit is kind of misleading, as importance kind of implies something is good

yep, same user. but i truly am not angry. do we get mad at lions for being lions? or at crocodiles for being crocodiles? no. we simply learn what is the nature of the beast.

low impulse control is a genetic trait prevalent among niggers, user. i don't remember the numbers off hand, but i think it's about 1 in 6 niggers will go to prison. that's 5 or 6 times the rate of whites. it's a question of demographics. if you have a classroom of 30 nigger kids, 5 of them WILL go to prison at some point in their life. you know, garaunteed, that 5 will. what you don't know is which 5 will go. that's just how demographics works. it's a numbers game and OP is trying to establish a false dichotomy and over-simplify the fuck out of things

no one's talking about lighter prison sentences

i'm talking about intervention in school for behavioral offenses in school
is it not true that the beginnings of antisocial behavior manifest them in misbehavior at school?
what if we could stop that with intervention?

i'm sure you wouldn't prefer we send people to prison at great societal and economic cost when we can intervene before they make the choice to become criminals

fuck off cia no one fall for this shit

ITT a dumb ass OP is trying to explain why having kids is good

Probably yeah - these people just knock up whoever don't they. They're not worried about money, or career prospects, or any of that shite. They just knock up whoever. And leave them to deal with the babies. I guess this means they often compromise on quality of partner, but still.

Evolutionarily, procreation is inherently good, because if you don't procreate then you won't survive. But if you want to die off then by all means do so - in fact why not make it quick and kill yourself right now.

i think it's possible you may be drawing false causation from correlation, user

given that blacks are more likely to live near other blacks and people who live near each other are more likely to have similar factors affecting them, any tendencies you see in the black community are just as, if not more likely to be due to real-world factors than any genetic change

for example, consider the minnesota transracial adoption study

or the romanian orphans

the prevailing culture in black communities is one of irresponsibility and violence. is it not possible that could be causing most of the effects we see?
does it not seem a little unlikely that something like objectively harmful genetic drift could be at the root?

You're not very good at lying, haha.

You don't understand how statistical averages work, do you?

Or just kill them like we used to do to criminals. What happened to that?

Evolutionarily, yes it is. Objectively so.

perhaps there could be some degree of psychological causation of the "freedom" from morality and the "freedom" to have as much sex as one wants, but do you see the merit in the idea that there may be a great deal more correlation between the social group someone is in and their reproductive and criminal tendencies? the idea that they go hand in hand?

inherently good? why is it good to live? by what standards is existence to be sought?

user, my friend, we aren't talking about criminals here. we're talking about causes that aren't yet lost. maybe a black kid gets in a verbal argument with his teacher. what if instead of punishment, we didn't rely on any form of Pavlovian conditioning at all? operant conditioning, if intervention and forcing someone to think about their actions can be compared to that, is much more effective.

i'm sure you would agree, user, that it is better to have future upstanding functioning members of society, doctors, lawyers, and engineers, rather than future inmates or, god forbid, dead corpses.

user, why are you trying to save niggers from themselves? Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

and why would you, a single person who will never be remembered in history give a flying fuck about what is good for evolutionary progress?

Not to mention, your sentiment is very Darwinism in rhetoric which is probably parallel to your intelligence. Humans no longer live in a Darwinism society where breeding the most is best. Its much more individualistic and based on social status now. Humans are here until the world ends, no gives a flying fuck how many more you add into the equation.

i guess i believe in the idea that we're not ever practically going to be able to go back to a time before black people came to this country. i think that if we're all going to be living here, we might as well get along.
i also never really understood the concept of identity based on race. i've always tried to prioritize things i can control over things i cant. i see autistic as fuck black guys talking about anime and shit all the time, and i feel a sort of connection with them. i feel closer to people with similar values and interests to me than i do to the chads and staceys who bear no similarity to me at all.
i also believe in the paradigm of the American mixing pot. especially in terms of its practical effects: within a matter of a few decades, white nationalities (irish, italian, russian, etc.) who fought to kill each other became indistinguishable. i believe this works the same with culture, especially when i see black guys at the library asking for manga and shit.

feel free to bully if you want, but i genuinely believe this

I'm not going to bully. I'm just not going to waste time and effort on a futile endeavor.

well regardless, i'm glad we could have this conversation user, take care.

(((Malcolm Gladwell))) has an interesting opinion on this topic:
In the latest edition of The New Yorker, best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell asks why old-school crime families used to be able to integrate into mainstream society, while drug dealers and their descendants today cannot.

Gladwell argues that mafias of old slowly evolved into legitimate businesses because they were largely left to their own devices.

He cites the work of Francis Ianni, an anthropologist who studied a pseudonymous New York City crime family named Lupollo, headed by a man named Giuseppe:

…[F]rom Giuseppe’s earliest days in Little Italy, the Lupollo clan was engaged in a quiet and determined push toward respectability. By 1970, Ianni calculated, there were forty-two fourth-generation members of the Lupollo-Salemi-Alcamo-Tucci family — of which only four were involved in the family’s crime businesses. The rest were firmly planted in the American upper middle class.

Criminal gangs of today have not enjoyed this trajectory, Gladwell says, because of overpolicing. In Philadelphia, for instance, the ratio of police officers to residents climbed nearly 70% between 1960 and 2000. Gladwell turns to a study by sociologist Alice Goffman, who chronicled the lives of two Philadelphia drug dealers she called Mike and Chuck.

The police buried the local male population under a blizzard of arrest warrants: some were 'body' warrants for suspected crimes, but most were bench and technical warrants for failure to appear in court or to pay court fees, or for violations of probation or parole. Getting out from under the weight of warrants was so difficult that many young men in the neighborhood lived their lives as fugitives. Mike spent a total of thirty-five weeks on the run, steering clear of friends and loved ones, moving around by night.

Faced with seemingly insurmountable law enforcement obstacles, Gladwell says, individuals who have been forced into taking what he calls a "crooked ladder" to success no longer enjoy the same opportunity as old-school mafias to evolve out of their criminal enterprises.

The Lupollos … routinely paid the police to leave them in peace, as did the other crime families of their day. They got the benefit of law enforcement’s “blind eye.” Ianni observed that, in Giuseppe [Lupollo]’s lifetime, “no immediate member of the Lupollo clan had ever been arrested.” Uncle Phil hung out in Washington, in a blue suit. “I have met judges, commissioners, members of federal regulatory bodies, and congressmen socially when I have been with Phil Alcamo,” Ianni wrote.

Of course, many old-school gangsters did go to jail. But, unlike Mike and Chuck, many of those gangsters were given the ability to grow out of their criminal lifestyles and into legitimate businesses.

"The gangster, left to his own devices, grows up and goes away," he says. "A generation ago, we permitted that evolution. We don’t anymore. Old Giuseppe Lupollo was given that opportunity; Mike and Chuck were not."

You're right, maybe it isn't! Please go ahead and kill yourself and then report your findings back alright?

well i'm too scared to kill myself. i think we all are, those of us still alive, anyway. i also think we're all also curious about death, at least a little bit.

you're being sarcastic, but i'm serious. i think there's a serious unanswered philosophical question looming: why is existence inherently good?

Prove to us that it isn't then by killing yourself? What's holding you back?


Are you seriously like 18 years old or something? You must be because nobody else would pose such a pathetic question



No it's more like gravity. The evidence is so overwhelming that I'm going to ridicule you by asking you to prove that it doesn't exist.

You ask this every few months, and every few months I tell you it's retarded. Do what you're going to do, faggot. See you next month.

There's nothing women find sexier than a drug dealing black man with a big dick, felony record and an illegal handgun.

Yall Niggas Posting in a FBI Thread.

Nice try, that meme is real in populatons that dont have to deal with working for surviving.

being immoral is a very viable strategy and will certainly ensure the survival of yourself and so on.

But then again it is immoral.

only if you're a nignog kang nigger

Kill all criminals and there'll be no crime at all anymore.

but murder is a crime!


worked great for saudi arabi. totally fixed it.

gangs are tied together just by blood any more though. And there is still a heavy mafia presence in NJ and NYC right now, the fact that Gladwell is too insulated to realize this (or too dishonest to mention it) makes be discount this fairy tale. Its just smarter crime.

Not if it's done in order to kill all bad people.
Besides, there's no god to do it so we must do it.
I want a total good world and i don't care how will it be done.

but what if disagreement

that's pretty far from the truth.
you can show me that a force exists.
you can't show me that existence is "good"
because "good" is an abstract concept

Depends on where you're living.

Gyppos in Europe send their kids to steal and live in a mansion so it's pretty viable if you know how to go about it and can handle doing some time once a while.

Beats wage slaving for sure.

On the other hand the US has pretty harsh sentences. Seems hitting it big as a white collar first timer is your only shot if you want to do less than 8 years.

If the sun rises only on the east and there's no other way, so all people must be good with no other option.

I agree.

Stop trying to redefine the argument. This isn't reddit.

what do you mean redefining? do you want to define the argument so we're both on the same page then?
the argument is still about whether existence is good. i just used the fact that goodness is an an abstract concept to my advantage.

i'd argue that you have to say what sort of a reference frame you have for goodness to be able to prove that existence fits with it.
you pretty much have to say that existence itself is inherently good and the only, greatest good for no real reason.
and if you say that existence lets you feel pleasure, then you contradict your argument that reproduction is the most important thing.