"We can defeat Trump... If 8 million Americans abroad vote"



Avaaz, an online activist site, seems to have drunk the MSM kool-aid about Donald Trump. They're reaching out to US expats to vote abroad, hoping they all vote anti-Trump.

US expats might well be duped since they've been away from home for so long. Without seeing things as they actually are in the US, they may gullibly trust the MSM's narrative. This is how so many eurocucks buy into the media spin that Hillary's somehow the better of the two.

But of course, a vote is a vote, and can be swung the other way around! They say you should vote against Trump!
So if you know or are a US expat trying to keep track of what's really going on, can you try and share with them the truth as best you can!

Other urls found in this thread:


Not a bad thread, but few points:

1) Break up the link and provide an archive.

2) Try and think of a way to reach out to expats.

Fuck, I even made one, forgot to link it



They're going try and steal the elections using their network of (((rootless cosmopolitans))) to steal the elections


Know that feeling, brother.

Can someone fucking explain why expats are allowed to vote?

By the way, the 8M Americans abroad that are allowed to vote? Yeah… About that…

Most of them are overseas military. You can figure out how they're voting. If you're relying on the overseas vote, you better come up with another plan, kikes.

Avaaz is tied to Soros btw.

The kikes are extremely desperate and will resort to absolutely anything now, no matter how retarded it seems

Flip here. I dunno how the US expat voting works but one factor that made Duterte solidify his lead early on and eventually won the Philippine election was the OFW (overseas filipino workers) vote.

Just imagine the 8 million vote of the US expats if they voted entirely. Very far fetched but still it can seal the deal for Trump especially when a good chunk of them voted.

Promote via the internet but I think from judging on the most US expats here, they're gonna vote for Trump.

They're very likely banking on this because the votes coming in early from over seas is much easier to rig than the day of the election as it happens

Many expats are people working for higher income overseas. They aren't going to want to throw away their money on voting for a Democrat.

I thought it was 6 million.


You don't want American expats abroad to vote. I've lived with them, I almost married one. 99% of them are multiculti-loving, coal-burning, american-hating, nigger-loving, and pro-muslim. You'll never meet a bigger group of cucks than expats.


this isn't 4cuck.

I was an expat for a decade, still had to pay taxes to the US the entire time, you bet I got to vote.

Most expats are mostly older well educated white men. Every single one of them I met was conservative/republican. Younger expats party 7 nights a week and don't have their shit together enough to bother voting.

Where were you located? I experienced the exact opposite in Asia. They were as redpilled as you get with the exception of some of them taking local wives.

As for 2), I'm honestly not sure what to do besides talk to your friends and people, showing them the truth that's been covered up bit by bit. I'd recommend Stefan Molyneux's untruth videos among other things. Before November comes, if they're going to vote, then encourage it to be a Trump vote.


The one expat I know in China blocked me for posting anti-muslim images.

Leaf here, can say that my qt10 gf works with an expat who just mailed in a third party vote because he "couldn't vote for Shillary but couldn't vote for Trump". Gf did a little shilling for Trump at her workplace and people had no idea what was going on, "you're not supposed to say/think that!". LOL I've taught her well

Fuck off. Archiving is not in any way a halfchan thing.

not archiving, but breaking up the link


didn't mean to quote the entire thing

Archiving should be built into the chan software. Too many newfags and tardfags are unable to understand.

When you click a link, your browser sends some data to the target website. If the link is broken up, you have to copy-paste it into the address bar, and they don't see "8ch.net" in their analytics data.

it's a regrettable, but necessary tactic because dumb niggers refiuse to just copy paste. you can just erase the http//: as well.

It's not so much that we should fear 8 million expats actually voting against Trump.

It's that we should fear that they will use the expats as an excuse to 'count' 8 million extra votes in favor of Clinton, no matter if every single one of them actually voted Trump.

Didn't a lot of the overseas military ballots get destroyed last time around?

Expats are lazy as shit and won't take the necessary steps to vote.

Quit worrying.

Expat in Costa Rica here, don't worry about it. Nobody gives a shit, certainly not enough to travel hours to the capital to vote. They're all more or less resigned to a Trump victory. If anything, the want to profit off f all the leftists desperately trying to leave the country after it all goes down.

I repeat, expat vote will be negligible. The election is very far away to American expats. Think about the already terrible leftist turnout rate within the States. These guys see all of this as a very far away phenomenon, at least where I am.

The sentiment more closely resembles "Man, I"m glad I got out before that evil, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, dickophobic bigot wins." And the fact that these lefties already feel like the election is a guaranteed Trump win speaks volumes. Moreover, they wouldn't see any point in voting anyway as a result of this. Fuck 'em, thy're the epitome of hypocritical white flight. They leave the US because it's getting too shitty just to establish all-white communities down here that will inevitably suffer the same fate. Glad my time here is coming to an end.

Most of us are voting Trump. Why on earth do they think expats would vote for Hilary?

everyone should have a referer plugin that makes all redirects seem like direct clicks

What state would an abroader be registered in?

In other words, (((they))) try to pull a vietnam 1955, and fuck up right out of the gate.


I'm an expat in France. Who do you think I'm voting for?

I've been busting my ass to get my absentee ballot.