Have you ever met IRL someone you first met on the internet?
Have you ever met IRL someone you first met on the internet?
Yes. It really sucked.
yeah, banged a few traps tbh
Did they make any cute sounds?
I met a girl from AOL Instant Messenger back in jr high
Around 2010 or so I met up with a girl I was talking to on 4chan Holla Forums, and then talked to on MSN for a bit. We got along fine, she was friendly and we had enough common interests to have good conversation. So we went to the movies, that shit Clash of the Titans remake, but we had fun talking shit about it, and afterwards she starts trying to get me to sneak into this back stairwell and fuck. And I chicken out, and all these years later it turns out she was the only chick who would ever not reject me, let alone try to seduce me. So since I'm a chicken bitch she gets bored and stops talking to me online over the next few days. Can't even really blame her if I'm not up for what she's looking for. Part of me strongly regretted it, but another part of me is relieved because she was fat and talked about how she "used to be" a druggie slut, so I probably dodged some stds.
I also met a couple of guys on 4chan Holla Forums around the same time who I actually did hang out with a fair bit for a few years. Played vidya and tried some warhammer with them and stuff. We eventually drifted apart but they were alright guys.
Meeting a Holla Forums gf would be great, because these people are the only ones that come close to understanding me. I mean even that fat druggie chick was nice and everything, even if she was gross. But now it needs to be Holla Forums Holla Forums because 4chan sucks so hard.
You did good tbh
We talkin thicc or fat?
Naw I could handle a little bit of a belly or whatever, but once you start getting new folds because your fat starts folding in on itself, that's where I say you really have a problem.
Yeah I don't blame you then
Yeah but to be perfectly honest with myself, it wasn't the fat that really stopped me, it was just being a little bitch that was my primary motivation.
Still don't blame you. Being a little bitch saved you from some real regret that time. If you're still a little bitch maybe the Book of Pook will help.
yes, it was shit
yes, but they where also a friend of a IRL friend that lived in the same area. they where a bit different looking than i expected but they where pretty much exactly the same as they where online.
i've had several opportunities and chickened out every time
i hate myself
Yeah, three people. We went to an autism convention.
They gave me titty skittles. I had to drive 2 hours to meet them.
Very shocked I wasn't murdered, not that I'd care if I was.
Yep. Pic-related. Fucked her many times.
You're a demon. DIE
you fucking legend
k more pics please
I actually met dysnomia at a "Paeodophiles Anonymous" meeting.
Yes, a lot of people actually.
Yes, one taller than me sheanon and some fascists. Never fucked that cumdumpster, but still in contact with local neo NatSoc guys.
Hex. I raped him.
Yep. We went on a date.
The relationship didn't really go anywhere though.
Me two
yeah - my friend had a friend and i met online and then i met him in person
Yes, and you would not believe the story if I told it.
Yes, some were ok most were autistic. I am a brony so it was rather. Im also a zoo. I almost met another zoo but travel plans changed.
Stop beating yourself up. You dodged a bullet, user. Better off a wizard than sticking your dick in crazy.
I might try to meet nanotech or milk and murder them. I don’t know, I’m pretty busy lately with school and work. I never seem to have time to kill people anymore
Tell us please
Yes, and I've been married to her over a decade.
A many uh times. A few are good friends. Like the guy I'm hanging out with now we met a year ago online. Also have met a lot of really awful people but I had my fun. A lot of it changed my life. Good times
Can you kill me?
Yes, I met Hotwheels at a strip club.
I invited some faggot from /soc/ to come over and hang out under the premise that he was cute, but he was just a short skelly who shaves his legs. Accidentally broke his finger during some extremely awkward sex where i was whipping him with a belt because i was kinda pissed that he wasn't a cute anime trap but was desperate for physical contact. Anyway i grabbed the wrong end of my belt and basically used it as a flail to break his finger. Really killed the mood of two autists quietly doing gay things while neither of us were really enjoying it. Cleaned up a bit and took him to the emergency room. I bailed when his mom showed up. Didn't hear from him again also have never met anyone else irl.
Holy shit
fuck off norgay
Yeah. Unironically the only girl I fucked in the last 7 years when I was 16.
Oldfag not usually here, just popped in this morning cause I saw the topic. But back in the 90s before everyone had cams and AOL was popular, there were usually chat rooms for every major city. Public chats generally discussed upcoming events, or answered questions from prospective tourists. After some interaction, one young woman and I exchanged private messages and she offered to telephone me. We talked and she was obviously educated and intelligent.
A few days later I called her and asked her to go to dinner and an event I wanted to attend. Not knowing really anything about each other, she agreed to meet me at a nice restaurant near her place. Told me what she would be wearing so I could ID her. When I drove up to the valet parking, there was a young woman getting out of the car ahead of me wearing the described outfit. She was a former "Most Photogenic" Miss USA contestant. Six months later we were married.
But how does he work the pole from his chair?
Met a 14yo girl on omegle back in 2012.
My dick was the first one she got in her mouth.
Yes I met my girlfriend, or lets just say a girl. It sucked tho
On CL I've met-
I also met a long time internet friend once who I met on proboards at age 13 or so.
Yeah, I had to quit my job because of them. Fucking faggots can't leave me alone…
I met my fiancèe on Tumblr, actually. Thank God we've both developed past that godforsaken site and I now scroll through the haven of autism that is Holla Forums.
NO! I WON'T stare at his bottom any longer! i am pure!