1. Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content. Illegal content will be removed and the user permanently banned.
That is the only rule on the rule board. What that means is that spamming is acceptable behavior, thread bumping is acceptable behavior, and both should not be banned or deleted. And since hate crimes are illegal in the US, pictures/vids of dead minorities or of ethnic cleansing atrocities or of ethnic or religious persecution are unacceptable for posting on Holla Forums and should be deleted and the posters given a ban. Same goes for pics vids of people speeding in cars, jay-walking, or being naked in public. In fact, if you want to get really technical, unless you have written permission from the copyright holder of the image you are posting, and unless said image is not being used in accordance with fair use laws, then that as well is a violation of US law and should be deleted and the poster banned.
But hey…we all know that Dysnomia only pretends to do what the law demands anyway, because he told us that already.
ethnic cleansing = killing off people of a particular race in an effort to rid your population of them. Illegal in the US, therefore photos of ethnic cleansing are not allowable on Holla Forums according to the published rule.
Michael Perry
That's correct, what's your point nazi?
Thomas Martin
No, because the mods don't have rules either.
Connor Sullivan
Holla Forums's lost its essence of what it is to be Holla Forums. It's not hard to be Holla Forums. Maybe all of this talk about being serious has become the cancer, and what Holla Forums has become is Holla Forumsoring.
Most of the drama comes from the pedos and they won't go away because they have a constant stream of attention feeding their attention hungry mouths. There isn't anything funny about them or remotely oc or good or lolrandum about it.
Maybe it's time to grow up, and face the fact that Holla Forums was once upon a time good, now it's not, and never again will it relive its glory days as the cheap two-bit knock Holla Forums. At least it got the pedos right.
Juan Wilson
this, don't talk about it though our the vols will ban you.
Colton Bell
posting like children should be illegal
Ryder Nguyen
90% of the vols are under 18
Lincoln Taylor
tongue my anus tbh
Gavin Anderson
meep meep images of illegal acts are not themselves illegal, with rare exceptions like CP tbh
Kevin Clark
Are you stupid?? yes it is.
Brody Richardson
Child pornography is illegal in the United States. You're welcome to test your theory by printing a bunch of it and walking into an FBI field office and showing it off, but it would be less painful for you just to google the relevant part of the U.S. Code. It's also illegal in every U.S. state (under separate state laws), AFAIK.
Evan Bennett
Brody Clark
Colton Collins
mods are idiots tbh
Daniel Gutierrez
are we allowed to post pictures of children or not ?
Alexander Martinez
Christian Clark
Fuck off go back to 4chan faggot.
Jayden Watson
William Flores
Tyler Lopez
This not every single picture of a child is illegal.
Wyatt Allen
ok ok are we allowed to talk about fucking children?