Over the next 24 hours I will reshape my shadow cabinet and announce a new leadership team to take forward Labour's...


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I'd like to be optimistic but I find it hard after the last 15 years or so. Of course I wish him the best of luck and he can have my vote.

They say they have evidence he sabotaged the remain campaign.

Three questions: why did he do it, do you agree with it, and whats the next step of his master plan?


No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!



thanks for the input armchair revolutionary

got a better plan?

Come on guys we're just one reform away!

Okay, so stop participating in popular politics, what exactly will that accomplish? I am happy to revolt if the time was right but it clearly won't be any time in the future

What the fuck does sitting in a huff and letting the right run wild achieve

L E F T - W I N G O F C A P I T A L



thanks buddy, with these shitposts world communism is assured

Second largest donor to the Labour party?
The financial services industry.

See, I respect real life Leftcoms, who are generally quite knowledgeable on theory and interesting to talk to.

On Holla Forums leftcoms are stalinists who've been lobotomized and can only communicate in memes.

The conditions for a mass revolutionary party do not exist in the UK, where radical movements have found their expression via the Labour Party and Trade Union structures, or fallen apart in short order.

Red Clydeside, Militant, the Corbyn effect, these wouldn't have existed without the Labour party being there to act as a conduit for Socialist forces. The Labour party is the only party I'm aware of that includes everyone from Social Liberals to Marxist-Leninists, and any Leftcom that that starts meming about invariance needs shot tbqh.

Haven't you heard?

The Revolution is happening right now all over the world! Communism is winning, so stop taking part in politics!

I wonder where they think the communist movement arose from in the first placehint, there's this thing called the second international.

You can't build a Communist movement without laying the groundwork of Social Democracy first.

You can't build Communism without Nukes, tbh.

that isn't the problem, it is politics generally.

The only solution is undermining the reason social questions must be posed politically in an alienated form, where they are fundamentally incapable of being answered.

It isn't that anti-parliamentarianism accomplishes anything in itself. It's that parliamentarianism actively goes against the only solution.

Championing the bourgeois political system is discouraging the proletariat from having faith in themselves and encouraging them to put their faith solely in the apparatus of the bourgeois dictatorship for change, which will not happen ever.

True! But it does not then follow that the bourgeois political system is an outlet for change and not totally an impediment to reaching the appropriate time for insurrection.

History develops with breaks, leaps, jumps, etc.
Parliamentary activity and trade unions were useful at one point, when nation-states were still largely being consolidated and were much weaker. But we must learn from the past struggles that they were tools for integrating working class action into structures constrained by the bourgeois state. Since the entrance into the imperialist stage of capitalism, unions and parliamentary parties (or parties whose goal is the seizure of power) are totally arms of the bourgeois state, the last vestiges of revolutionary potential in them being totally gone by the Spanish Revolution (the CNT and POUM being, by the end, the structures which choked the revolution, as was more or less predicted by the Italian Left at the time, as the international communist revolution was dead, so was any chance of success in spain).

Bordigism =/= left communism

To any kind of actual left communist, any notion of "invariance" is totally laughable, and actually undermines the real contributions Bordiga made to the communist movement.

The proletariats' struggle to abolish the existing social conditions.
(not saying that leaders are bad, just that they aren't themselves the source)

The communist movement was around centuries before the Second International, in fact, there was one not too long before the Second International which we call guess what? The First International! How mind-blowing!

"As against the coalesced bourgeoisie, a coalition between petty bourgeois and workers had been formed, the so-called Social-Democratic party. The petty bourgeois saw that they were badly rewarded after the June days of 1848, that their material interests were imperiled, and that the democratic guarantees which were to insure the effectuation of these interests were called in question by the counterrevolution. Accordingly they came closer to the workers […] The revolutionary point was broken off and a democratic turn given to the social demands of the proletariat; the purely political form was stripped off the democratic claims of the petty bourgeoisie and their socialist point thrust forward. Thus arose social-democracy. The new Montagne, the result of this combination, contained, apart from some supernumeraries from the working class and some socialist sectarians, the same elements as the old Montagne, but numerically stronger. However, in the course of development it had changed with the class that it represented. The peculiar character of social-democracy is epitomized in the fact that democratic-republican institutions are demanded as a means, not of doing away with two extremes, capital and wage labor, but of weakening their antagonism and transforming it into harmony. However different the means proposed for the attainment of this end may be, however much it may be trimmed with more or less revolutionary notions, the content remains the same. This content is the transformation of society in a democratic way, but a transformation within the bounds of the petty bourgeoisie. Only one must not get the narrow-minded notion that the petty bourgeoisie, on principle, wishes to enforce an egoistic class interest. Rather, it believes that the special conditions of its emancipation are the general conditions within whose frame alone modern society can be saved and the class struggle avoided."

All these people bitching about the failure of social democrats to understand the failure of reformism and the necessity for revolution, yet they themselves forget the necessity of transitional demands and transitional phases in class consciousness.

If you want revolution, this phase of class consciousness is necessary. People must not only see but understand the failure of reformism first hand.


Why do people like you think a peasant revolt can still happen in a world like ours? Does that really seem realistic to you?

Who the fuck said that?

Maybe in Marx's time it made sense to scorn social democracy but people are too used to 'civilised society' now for a revolt to happen under the current conditions. I just don't see how you could ever expect the cattle of today to rise up.

Forget it anyway

Actually I only saw it after I'd posted mine.


ahh, makes sense.
nice trips btw

fuck off

I don't know comrade, have you seen any lately?


Yeah man! I totally still have to work 16 hours a day in the coal mines to buy bread for myself at the company store!



Parliamentary activity and trade unions were useful at one point, when nation-states were still largely being consolidated and were much weaker. But we must learn from the past struggles that they were tools for integrating working class action into structures constrained by the bourgeois state. Since the entrance into the imperialist stage of capitalism, unions and parliamentary parties (or parties whose goal is the seizure of power) are totally arms of the bourgeois state, the last vestiges of revolutionary potential in them being totally gone by the Spanish Revolution (the CNT and POUM being, by the end, the structures which choked the revolution, as was more or less predicted by the Italian Left at the time, as the international communist revolution was dead, so was any chance of success in spain).

pro labour rallies of a tiny percent of the population is not the basis for revolution, most of those people arent even leftists

Also, the "pro-labor" part is the problem

What needs to develop is the critique of labor.

We must end capitalist work as a mode of production where the free development of each is the condition for the development of all is now possible.

Only the working class can get humanity there by dissolving itself.

Activity is what determines consciousness, so the amount of them that are "leftists" is not the important part. Ideology is important, but it is not the determinant factor. In fact, even at the opening of the revolution, the vast majority of the working class won't be communist. The revolution is necessary for the vast majority to come to communist consciousness.

Oh shit bro yeah I would totally care about all that when I'm not well clothed and fed and housed.

The 8 hour work day wasn't achieved through political campaigning. It was a concession won after widespread strikes, riots and protests.

Do you know what alienation is?




Why don't you spell it out for me because most people on this board seem to think it means "loneliness".

Pasted from wage labour and capital for your benefit

"Rapid growth of productive capital calls for just as rapid growth of wealth, of luxury, of social needs and social pleasures. Therefore, although the pleasures of the laborer have increased, the social gratification which they afford has fallen in comparison with the increased pleasures of the capitalist…Our wants and pleasures have their origin in society; we therefore measure them in relation to society; we do not measure them in relation to the objects which serve for their gratification. Since they are of a social nature, they are of a relative nature.


The point is that the reforms weren't brought about by involvement in electoral politics.

It is the destruction of the material community (communism) and our separation from our species-essence (human nature, kind of).

The absence of the human material community is not the same thing as "loneliness" as in "I have no friends"

It is the extremely deformed "happiness" which is the only form available in this society. We are alienated not just from each other, but our own selves, our own self-expression.

still, a person without a steady food supply or a comfy dry bed or healthcare has bigger problems to worry about

No, because these are effects of the same things which cause the lack of material wealth in a society with such vast productive potential

we dun good musac here

But I just said I don't have to work in a coal mine anymore

I don't think you've ever worked in a coal mine tbqh.


figure of speech

before reform –→ coal mine

after reform —→ no coal mine

Did you miss the point about how things change over time and how parliament used to be useful, but it no longer is.

At this point all it does is make changes in the interests of different factions of the bourgeoisie, and keep the proletariat from making change themselves, and instead waiting for the state to do it for them.

Was it in that one huge tl;dr post you made

representative democracy is a mistake tho, especially the ones with the shit voting systems like the US where the 2 options are Porky A and Porky B
fuck me, barely more democratic than single party states

user, people still work in coal mines even if you don't.

coal mines are a spook

Do you always ignore answers to your points more than a paragraph long?

was it a reply to me or was it that really huge one?

Not always,
I prefer Haiku.
It's more interesting.

If you don't think a "peasant" revolt in the west is possible then it just shows how absolutely sheltered you are.

Everything you right is absolutely stupid.

Seriously, what large peasant populations exist in the developed west?

I think the "evidence" is that he let did not force labour to tow the party line of remain and that some "Corbyn allies" were supporting labour leave.

The blairites are complete cancer and they do not in the slightest understand that since leaving the EU Corbyn needs to become prime minister of UK and I can see this easily happening especially since the blame of financial troubles will be placed on the right.

This is an interesting article that people really should check out.


Never thought I'd say this but based Corbyn. Props to him for sticking it to the Blairite traitors and refusing to budge. 19 resignations in now.

dance porkies, dance

Wait until the chilcot report lands next month. This is what it's all about after all.


Your new leader of the Labour Party.

JFC, massive props to Corbyn but what are these people thinking? After he sacked Benn and the public totally failed to rally behind them did they really think the coup would still work? They could have kept their mouths shut and stayed in the cabinet.


Meh. He stood last time but pulled out within days after not being able to handle the abuse.


yeah but he's totally like obama and will win in a landslide, if you're a blairite idiot.



Looks like porky is really trying to make the case for people to turn against Corbyn

What in god's name? I've read some hackjobs in my time but…

Also, better link so they don't get paid

de Piero is true MILF

You're right, now its 12 hours stacking shelves at Walmart to buy potatoes at Walmart

so you're just sitting waiting for someone to tell you when it's ok to revolt?

And what should I do exactly, just run out on the streets with a gun on my own? Some revolution that'll be. Of course I'm waiting for other people.

We need posters, pamphlets and screeds. I'm quite happy to start attacking things, but the consensus seems to be that I shouldn't be knocking up cruise missiles.

Posters and pamphlets can be done easier when you participate in national politics.


Fuck this woman. Holy shit.

Perhaps now that she's a trillionaire or whatever she's forgotten that she needed benefits to write her books, two faced cunt.

It's a shame that many people will side with her just because it's her saying. Late capitalist fandom horseshit.

her replies are 20% leftists calling her out for her horse shit and 80% white teenage girls pretending to be white gay men pretending to be black women by saying "YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS GIRRRLL DRAGGGGGG THEM"

To be honest for once I'm heartened because it seems like almost everyone that cares is behind Corbyn with only some twatty champagne celebs backing the ousted traitors. The people are making the right choice for once at least.

do you know anyone else who'd be down for a revolution? maybe everyone else is just sitting around waiting like you are. go organise

Wrong /po/ lad.

Yes, but, where and how?

There is no party with enough power to promote any change.

We have no vanguard.

let's make our own, i second the motion.


Ok. Leftypol International Workers Party when and in what country?

no fucking idea, i never went that far

See? Couch revolting is easy!

The only reason I support Xex is cause he had the balls to speak his mind in opinions tube, in the least cringeworthy way possible, even if he doesn't know as much as others.

Yes, but we have to start simplifing for the common man.

And this is why I think leftypol does more revolutionary work than all the leftist parties combined.

We cannot organize cause there isn't enough matterial.
First we create revolutionary matterial. Then we organize.

Did somebody call for a revolutionary vanguard organization?

The big left has done nothing but give lip service to the working class. The big left spouts complex ideology while being hypocritical champagne socialists. I can't say I blame the working class for abandoning the far left considering how much distance is between their problems and the big left's solutions.

Then there's the little left, who strikes out at the easiest, most downtrodden and economically vulnerable targets who happen to be poor working class racists. We leave everyone who actually profits alone because it's too difficult to strike out at them in any effective manner.

I've come to the conclusion that the little left(us) is just a tool being used by the big left.

We need class consciousness within the left after that we can apply it outside our ideology.