Former television star and host Donald Drumpf is officially done

Just your daily reminder that Renald Grimpfy is over. I voted for him (pic related) but now that he's OFFICIALLY DONE i'm joining the winning side. Just you watch, Blimpf'll be impeached within 10 minutes from now.
me to endorse him. I said, "You're already president, Mr. President. You were elected." He said, "I'd still like your endorsement." I have a recording of the phone call. It's so sad. Donald Trump is done. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher in New York, his hometown. I was very very nice about it. Very nice. But New Yorkers love dogs and he does not. There are 14 recorded instances of him kicking small dogs, and I have documentary proof of all but two of them.

Now this is shitposting

what? trying to read this word salad was like I had a stroke.

You're just mad that your orange-skinned Troompa Loompa president is officially over with.

Dubs confirm blimpfkin is mad

You need to post this on Holla Forums Bernie, go on I dare you you Commie faggot. Low energy. Silly Bernie. Sad.

OK, you've gone too far. Mr. Willy Wonka is a great man. Very great. Like a father to me that guy. He has created more American jobs than anyone else. Anyone. Very high energy. And he makes the best candies. So good. I had some just on the way over. We are going to make so much candy this year. So much. You wouldn't believe.

CTR is still a thing?

Reminder that every time trump goes back on his words his retarded sycophantic fans will pretend he never said it in the first place.

That or "chess"



Why do you support a ziocucked stooge?

Dubs confirm Grumpfy is going to be impeched

Hopefully he shuts down all racists and anti semites like he promised first.

These numales are why it's more fun to throw around the term "soyboy".

Member when Holla Forums used to expose Jewish influence and discuss major world events instead of obsessing over mentally ill leftists? It's not hard to "win" against those people but jews are a tougher nut to crack, is that why you waste your time with the small fry retards? Seems pretty beta brah.



you don't enjoy spastically checking digits a la half/b/ and unironically reverse engineering numerology and astrology to match your worldview while ignoring facts?

CTR left wing shill detected. Based Israel are a light unto our pitiful nation and I am sick of seeing them insulted by leftypol. Daddy stands with is real so I do to. No more jidf… Just use CTR or shariablue (mudshits are so leftist, amirite?) instead. No more jew bait bs, they are our allies now.


CTR OR shariablue? found the shill. if you can't decide on one of our 12-14 mortal enemies from a couple posts you're clearly D&C and need to lurk 2 years before we can custom tailor our message to you in these times of the all important narrative shift.

Weak bait. 2/10 got me to respond

holy fuck user. it's like fingerbox or crystals all over again.

Are the alt kike the new bronies?

Eat Shit.

By definition

oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh pole pole pooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllluuuuuhhhhhhhhhh pole pole pole so obsessed with pole can't get enough of dat pole gib da pole oh muh pole pole muh ass pole pls pole muh ass


Just so you know I don't actually read anything in these threads you make.
I just show up and shitpost ceaselessly.
I know nothing of politics, I gauge whatever side you happen to be on and then I relentlessly roleplay as your bitter enemy.

TRS confirmed

Fuck off commie

This is actually some effort put into it. Good one user.

sure thing, Holla Forums.

Nobody was talking about race, poledditor commie.

sure thing chaim

Nice trips, poleddicommie

BEWARE: This is the sound of POTUS Donald Duck having a stroke.

kek. how's 2008?

A whole lot better than [current year] that's for god damn sure.
Also, dubsposting came about in 2009 btw poledditor commie faggot.

maybe bateman maymay, but that's incorrect. at least you know of kym tho, right? fucking nu-Holla Forumsaks can't help but revise history.

I was actually there when moot got butthurt and turned the last thee numbers into x's, so no, I'm not revising shit, commie reddipol newfag.
I don't go to Holla Forums either, poledditor.
Go cry about your boogeyman elsewhere, I'm sure they'll care as much as Holla Forums does.


i remember that shit too, but i don't think dubs themselves started in 09. are we shitposting each other still? i am the confuse.

You are confuse?
I am confuse!

sign of the times i guess. parody is life

I was never not shitposting tbh, I don't fucking care about the chronological history of imageboards.
All I know is they used to be a whole lot more fun before tumblr and normalfags invaded.

the brethren that got converted to zealots are the biggest offenders imo

I don't think there's very many of those tbh
I'm pretty sure most of the faggotry you're seeing nowadays is largely because of people who waltzed over from shitholes like reddit/tumblr/faceberg/9gag and never cared about or even put forth the vaguest effort into learning about how imageboards operate in the first place.

meant the politicking. 8ch's split from 4ch came with a wound that was filled with oppression narrative.

I'm not going to even try to discuss that.
There are (or were) legitimate complaints on Holla Forums and Holla Forums's parts when the first exodus happened, but between then and now they've both been destroyed or taken over by the same kind of shitters that drove them out in the first place.
It's depressing as fuck and is pointless to even think about anymore.
Either a shiny new alternative will take us away from what this place has become, or imageboards will die off.
I'm mostly sticking around just to see what happens, though I'll probably be done dealing with this shit entirely in another year or two.

ideally we'll see a decentralized board pop up and get populated.

They already have. The ones that get a healthy user base always get shut down.