I remember when Holla Forums was good.
pick relay ted
I remember when Holla Forums was good
This is a screen cap from last week, faggot
Yes, it is.
It is better than what the catalog looks like right now.
That is the joke.
It wont be long before this place dies seriously .. Well it was good while it lasted. RIP Holla Forums. Goodnight sweet prince.
It's OK. Don't panic!
Dysnomia and Hex have everything under complete control.
Normal services will return shortly.
Meanwhile, here is a picture of a naked loli covered in custard, to keep you amused.
breath in the shit lads, it's not going anywhere soon
he hasn't been a mod in a long time, and Jim just burned the bridge with him. we would be lucky to have him back. enjoy it because this is the future we chose. pics related
All of this is happening because of normalfags and MUH DEGENERACY. You made pedos a boogeyman for the mods incompetence. Now halfchan 2.0 is all you got. Enjoy.
Thank you!
t. normie
Its really sad to see what YogaPig did to this site tho.
Yes, but there really are few alternatives
Only TOR is left honestly. The clear net is a giant honeypot now. There is no place safe for people like me, anymore tbh. At least not in the clear side
a pedo? safe on Tor? I doubt that very much, user.
Those sites are under constant attacks and surveillance. It's best to stay away from it
If take the necessary precautions, you should be fine. Plus, we all know the risks and we know nowhere is 100% safe. Bu its better than here
At least we can consent
Please, donĀ“t go that way.
what's wrong with LF? content not good enough for you?
loli fox
4chan b is good we need to be like them
i came from 4/b/ legit 2 weeks ago
meep meep those were the good old days tbh
You have to go back
Setting aside the honeypot issue because I have no interest in pedoshit, this comment is true. Chans are dead not because of pedo issues but because ever since the days of Anonymous on 4chan/b/, normies have been infiltrating (infecting, really) chans and bringing their cultural standards with them. Anonymous did the intelligent thing and went straight to the dark net at the first sign of it. They knew what was coming. The rest of us just chan-hopped trying to stay a step ahead of the normies and their attempts to monetize chan culture. Now there is nowhere left to hop.
They have not shown any interest in Tor for those purposes at least. The only real normie interest in Tor is in the illegal activities that take place through it. So if you are just looking for interactive communities like chans used to be, you have a pretty wide variety of choices available.