Why do some cunts dye their hair in this stupid fucking way? Are they afraid they'll burn their skulls with chemicals?
Also: slavshit "women" are ugly af.
Extensions? or shitty dye job?
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0 effort thread, kill yourself faggot
Why does she dye her hair in the first place?
Inferiority complex much?
I always knew Ukrainians weren't even real white people.
Ugly women, shitty country.
Nuclear Holocaust for the UkieSHITs WHEN?
Instead of DYEing their hair they should just all DIE
That would've made so much more sense.
Haha LOL
I mean why does US even need nuclear weapons if it ain't gonna ever use it?
If you actually wanted an answer OP dying your hair to the roots makes it so when your hair grows out it will no longer be dyed near your scalp making it look bad and forcing you to constantly redye to have all your hair the same color.
Slavic women are 10th degree goddess tier, you swine.
You act like slavs are human
Not just ukrainians either, most women these days are opting for blonde hair instead of their own natural colour and it's getting really annoying. I didn't care for blondes a few years back but now I can't fucking stand them because every girl and her great grandma is dyeing their hair blonde. Not an original fucking bone in their bodies not an original thought