The entire world that you are familiar with will become completely superseded by 2019 including our Judeo-Christian calendar and replaced with something better. Something even more profound than the rise of life itself or the rise of multicellular organisms. Or the rise of technology. From Homo ergaster 1.5 million years ago to Homo sapiens in 12,000 BC, we made virtually no technological progress apart from stone axes and fire. 4,000 years ago, technological progress was measured in centuries. A better plough in one century. A better wheel in another.
Now we are talking about progress happening in the space of years and months. By 2019, human-class AI will emerge and human inventors will become obsolete. This entire world will become transformed as a positive feedback loop of computational creativity encourages the birth of further computational creativity. Technological progress will become measured in days, hours, seconds, milliseconds, and then?
Singularity by 2019.
Owen Hill
I hope you're right.
Camden Cooper
Nope, that is just an idea the media got hold of and promoted because it sounds cool just like all the shit about flying cars and nuclear everything in the '50s.
Owen Powell
Stopped reading right there. AI is a meme.
Ryder Kelly
there is 0 reason to think this
Isaac Mitchell
It's not intelligence you dip, it's thought process, consciousness, networking, if we manage to properly make life or make smarter life, why would we put it in a metal body? A biological one would work better, so AI as a concept is an illogical fear of the future and God from the past, there is no need to fear the future nor is there a need to fear god. Stop being a fucking idiot or go back to Reddit. Actually go back to Facebook and talk with your veteran friends about how 60's scifi novels were good and how kids don't get it these days.
Asher Foster
there are very few benefits on being in a organic body
Asher Anderson
Explain to me how a better responsive system that can be slightly more damaged but can learn quicker is a crappier system.
Jace Rogers
Watch this, we are a very long way from being close to making something like this and there is no reason to believe even something this advanced would lead to a singularity.
Owen Collins
the fact that you can be killed with a pointy stick, and even if you get away it with take months for you to heal up, and some damage won't heal, not to mention the fact that is no way to upgrade shit
Carson Russell
Yes you can also kill a machine with a pointy stick, it's called matter user.
Jeremiah Richardson
but you're going to have a much harder time about it, if it the body isn't organic very limited in both, and both of those are not provide any new abilities
Juan Reyes
you know what happens when big boy grows up
Robert Lewis
those don't provide any abilities*
Benjamin Nelson
Humans needn't gain any natural abilities as they can mold any environment to their needs, I doubt AI would be able to adapt like that.
William Morales
yeah telepathy and telekinesis don't sound useful at all, and again humans are limited by their genes.
Jacob Morris
not sure if it will be ready by then but doing all i can to make it happen
Luis Howard
I am talking about making a computer smarter then a human, not making a computer using a star as a power source. interesting stuff tho
Henry White
Humans have the powers to make those abilities an AI would never have the capacity in originality to ever so much as invent it.
Ethan Turner
an AI as smart or smarter then humans would, and would make them before humans, it would already have a form of telepathy.
Lucas Sanders
Do you consider intelligence everything?
Eli Gonzalez
95% of everything that matters you still need the 5% to exercise your will on the world, but the more intelligence, the more methods you'll come up with, more effective methods, do it isn't all that important.