Was Pontious Pilate evil, or was he just stepping aside from an issue that had nothing to do with him?

Was Pontious Pilate evil, or was he just stepping aside from an issue that had nothing to do with him?

Was he evil for not intervening? Do you think he should've done something to stop the people from getting Jesus killed?
Is inaction evil?

Other urls found in this thread:


Evil doesn't exist. It's a construct of the imagination.

That said, inaction is not as "evil" as proactively causing suffering. The consequences may be greater when people stand by and do nothing, but everyone is guilty of this behavior to some extent–out of sight, out of mind.

Then how would Jeebus suffer and die for our sins so that we could go to the place where good boys and girls go?

You're viewing him as a "judge", he did do "action", which was to pass on the authority of the decision. Things were a little more complicated than commonly explained, the jews were always uppity little fuckers, they constantly murdered people, started uprisings and caused civil wars (3 of them) ever since Rome came in contact with them up until over 300 years after the death of Christ, when they pioneered the use of golems to do their battles for them: they allied with Persians (whom they hated as well, just like the Russians or the Americans today), reconquered parts of the territory and slaughtered the Christian populace. Persia stopped them, gave control of Jerusalem back to the Christians (still under Persia), and the jews backstabbed them too in exchange for forgiveness from Rome (whom punished them severely - not enough, still).

Pontius Pilatus thought that allowing them independent ruling on a decision so intimately important to them (remember Rome was not "Christian" at the time, of course), might placate them and bring about some semblance of calm to the region.

However, there is no peace or negotiation possible when the jews are involved and it's quite literally always been so.
Evil does exist, and the jews are its human incarnation and wretched worshippers.

The Jews meddled with the Romans to have Jesus killed. Its the Jews fault.

well said. The kind of intelligent posts I come here expecting. Instead I usually get these juvenile attempts at humour

Just as any abstract concept ever, like beauty… this doesn't add anything to the discussion.

This is a good point, I didn't know about it. I always see Pontious Pilate depicted as evil and I never fully agreed with the idea.

Sexy bum bums willies nipples poo poo ooga booga wee wee vagoo and boobies - tee hee hee!


I don't know much about the myths, but if that's true, then sure, that changes things.

People do things that are universally considered good or bad, but evil is just an invention to control people.

It does when OP is asking whether things are "evil". I thought it was important to clarify.

The last point was meant for your dumb ass


if I burned a old woman down the road without being provoked in any way, is that evil or good?

It's not important to clarify because it's assumed we're all over 10 years old. Of fucking course abstract concepts are human constructions. You're talking about it like you just realised yesterday. By "evil" I mean the common interpretation of what we know by "evil", just like I'd refer to the common conception of beauty if I made a thread about beauty. I don't see you going around saying "LEL BEAUTY IS JUST A CONSTRUCTION" in every thread that talks about cute girls, though. That tells me you're probably an edgy teenager being a dumbass.


It would simply be an act of violence that was carried out because of genetic and environmental factors. Perhaps your brain lacks an essential part that processes empathy. Maybe you're parents did a terrible job of raising you. Who knows, but to say it's "evil" is a superficial way of looking at it.

Maybe don't ask dumb questions next time.

We're talking about Christianity, and if you can't understand why I felt the need to clarify, then you're a moron

Thank you, it's not my point though. It's written history, there's documents and testimonies (in latin), this one from Pilatus' report itself - I'm Roman, we still study ancient times with care.

user, I understand your good intention and my perceived bias (to your interpretation), but you're factually wrong. The jews worship Moloch, also known as Melqart (to Carthage), Baal (to phoenicians), Saturn (to Greco-Romans) or Satan (to Christianity). It is no joke, nor exaggeration. They quite literally worship all that you could conceive as "evil" (i.e. raping and torturing children, corruption, theft, murder, blood sacrifices, etc etc etc) as "God", as they believe the Creator shattered himself to create creation, and their purpose as "chosen" is to destroy creation to "fix" the Creator.

And what's Satan greatest trick? Deception. (rings a bell? if not: Mossad) More specifically, to convince people he doesn't exist. He does, though not in the "amagad fire and shieet" biblical interpretation.

I'll let you keep bumping the thread and making all the dumb posts you want, you're obviously not going to understand why your posts are stupid.

meep meep Jesus was a jew and so he was doing the world a favor tbh

Empathy? That's why I want to burn her. I know she feels pain and I want to see her suffer.
Then criminals/terrorist/rapist really have not done anything wrong. They have merely been influenced to do so by factors beyond their control. We should feel sorry for them then?

Ok, great.

Then you don't know what a "fact" is.

Ok, either you need to get back on your meds, or you need to stay off Holla Forums for a while–it's hard to differentiate between the 2 sometimes.

Great argument

Ok, then you're clearly suffering from a mental illness.

That's a pretty idiotic way of interpreting my position. They're dangers to society and should be removed.


Not necessarily, but judging them harshly is illogical.

How? They killed the one person with whom they had a quarrel. No different than when countries wage wars. They are not trying to kill society, just that one person.

Who is we? You? A specific culture / religion? Holla Forums? You can't go around assuming things as "evil" or good. This is a very black and white statement which doesn't consider specific POVs and the very fact that ancient politics aren't just a yes or no answer.
(I'm not the same user that responded to you beforehand)

Good points where made here.

Just like yours

The general populace. Ask your family if you're not sure.
People do.
People think in a very black and white manner. I didn't make a thread to debate the conception of "evil", and if I did I would focus on that instead of another subject entirely. This is just to ask if certain actions correlate with the concept of "evil" people commonly accept.
This is an interesting topic that you could talk about, yes.

If we were all killing each other because of our differences, things would become pretty chaotic and the human race wouldn't last very long. It's called "preservation of the species".

Not entirely, no. But wars aren't good either.

If we didn't kill because of our differences then terrorist and criminals would thrive.

In muslim countries, women are often denied rights which in western society are the norm. What populace are you referring to?
Argumentum ad populum. This doesn't mean they are doing it right.
True. Point taken. I wasn't focussing on your question

Too stupid to refer the post

Not the majority. If you really need me to specify, then western countries
Fallacy fallacy. I'm not saying they're doing it right.

Now you're reaching pretty hard. We invent laws and rights to reduce suffering and protect people from violent aggression, and if people violate those general codes of conduct, then we take action in terms of punishment.

Ok. Now it's clear defined what the argued wrong doings of pilate were.
True. I implied that. But then this point is redundant since it's obvious that they do. No one else is able to.

And that punishment is sometimes death, in wars and in some penal codes. What if some dangerous criminal is showing no signs of reformation, do we keep him feeding off the system or do we give him the needle?

So, Muslim countries? Got it.

I await your point given that assumption. I'm not familiar with the Muslim morality so I'm curious.

yours is an entirely partisan point of view, based on…modern day "common sense"?
I'm referring to and synthesizing specific sources, which I will outline below, that go through each point, most of which, written by jews themselves:
- the belief of the Creator having shattered himself is from the Kybalion, juxtaposed to Christian thought of the time, before being infiltrated and corrupted, that God exists and experiences multiplicity through creation. In fact it's not just in there, centuries ago, in the middle ages, they didn't even hide these things, the Kabbalah is real and very ancient.
Furthermore, you should look into Hermeticism.
Also read this myjewishlearning.com/article/tikkun-olam-repairing-the-world/
And…I can't find it, but I wanted to show you an example of a google slogan saying "let's fix this broken world of ours" - seemingly innocent, except Sergey Brin and Larry Page are bolsheviks, which - I hope you know -
means Talmudist jews, as testified by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (nobel prize russian jew) in 200 years together

- moloch/melqart/baal/saturn/satan is even on wikipedia
Here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melqart
(the english version doesn't draw the link directly to Saturn/Satan, but does add the Moloch connection) and it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melqart
instead the italian version outlines that connection and leaves behind the Moloch one.

If you know something about ancient times, you should know Carthaginians were semites, descendants of Phoenicians (Baal, to them) and originated from the same territory as Jews: what is today known as Palestine (name given by Rome). Phoenicians were also "sea people", "merchants", semites, and as already mentioned, had the same exact religion/culture/divinity. Can get maps and sources for that too if you so wish.

It's not a "conspiracy theory", or /pol insanity, this much is all very real, and documented.

Pilate may in fact be partially guilty of letting jesus die, but he probably didn't intervene for a good reason. Non intervention in a religious issue might favour his own reputation as a leader and not offending the populace and bringing instability to his reign by taking a side. A good parallel for this is Constantin who decrimanilized and even declared Christianity as an official roman religion to avoid conflicts with separatists

I've read the Kybalion but never read anything like the Creator shattered himself. If by the creator you mean The All, then the all created the universe mentally, but didn't shatter himself in the process. Unless you know some scripture I'm not familiar with

Sure, but saying "this is how we do things" isn't a justification. I'm not saying I never think it's justified, but that would ultimately be a matter of perspective and I'd have to address things on a case by case basis.

I'm not in favor of the death penalty, because judges and juries can be fickle and occasionally biased–and there have been many cases where new evidence comes to light after the person is executed.

Hermeticism (the doctrine of hidden knowledge) is the reading key, I've a book of a French historian/literary scholar from the 17th century that goes through it step by step, but can't produce quotes or names/titles on the spot I'm afraid.

It's a commonly discussed subject on /fringe/. None of the principles would work if creating meant shattering oneself. It is believed that The All can't be shattered and can create infinite universes at all. This is contradictory information.
If you can find a lead on the French book or author I'd be very grateful.

was he even real?

Ok, I really couldn't care less about all the dogma and myth and bullshit politics, user. It doesn't change my position on "evil".

It becomes "Holla Forums insanity" when you start lumping every Jew into the same category and thinking that there's something metaphysically evil about them.

Perhaps if you spent less time bitching and whining on imageboards, and more time studying and working and saving your shekels, you'd find yourself in a more powerful position in life. The fact is, most people are not as industrious and ambitious as the evil Jooz.

Power tends to corrupt, so it's no wonder why certain simpletons perceive Jews as evil, given that Jews often end up in powerful positions.

Pontious Pilate did nothing wrong.

Jews believed in magical healing of blood. They performed blood sacrifices and would anoint themselves with blood from slaughtered animals to cleanse themselves of their sins. There's numerous examples of this. Jews today slaughter chickens and skeet their blood on themselves and their children. Remember that wording.

The OT also depicts Moses nailing a Seraphim snake to a cross, and all those who gazed upon it were healed. Jews during the First Century BC were known for slaughtering lambs. In Jewish belief, sin is like energy that cannot just be eliminated, it has to be transferred to something else, namely the sacrificed animal. So as the animal dies, the Jew's sins transfer to the animal. That's why Jews came to favor lambs, which were thought to be the most pure, docile, sinless animal.

Jesus's story is that he will heal the Jews of all their sins with his sacrifice. That he will be their sacrificial lamb, and when he's "raised up" in the manner of the Seraphim snakes, for all Jews to gaze on him, they will be perfected.

You see, Jews know they are evil. They embrace it though their mythology. They claim descent from Jacob, whose name means "deceiver" because he tricked his brother out of his birthright, even in the womb. Jews fancy themselves as the ultimate opportunists. Truth be told, they're not the only race of people who have done this. The Scottish were known plunderers, as were the Vikings, the Sioux, the Japanese, the Anglos, the Germans, the Romans…really just about everyone.

So in the Bible, when Jesus is crucified, the Jews in attendance were his believers. They were wanting to receive Jesus as the sacrificial lamb as promised. They said a prayer for his blood to be upon us and our children. This was not a statement of guilt, it was a prayer for sin-cleansing.

When Pontius Pilate saw this, he experienced culture shock. To a Roman, "blood on the hands" was a mark of guilt. Pilate figuratively "washed his hands" of the whole experience. This was important, because it was just for Jews.

A few reasons: Roman law prohibited human sacrifice. Jesus wanted his sacrifice to occur in his 33rd year of life during Passover (numerological & religio-astrological significance), but Jews were forbidden to do work on that day by Jewish law, and "killing Jesus" would be considered labor.

Once you see all of the metaphorical and mythological spin in the story, you realize it's fictional. Even Pontius Pilate never existed. His name is a pun meaning "good with a spear", a reference to the spear in the side. Romans had a limited number of surnames and acceptable given names, and "Pontius Pilate" doesn't fit Roman naming.

I have it somewhere, it's just a matter of finding it. Stay tuned, user. If not here I'll post it on fringe - which I admit to never bother lurking on (out of prejudice and lack of patience).

You're literally going off on your own tangent here. I'm discussing their religion in its intimacy, not all jews are particularly religious, some (knowledgeable) jews even despise their religion (solzhenitsyn or bobby fischer to name two; others find it petty and unimportant, i.e. Einstein).
Though some points remain unchanged:
/pol's position of gas all jews is perfectly understandable, even the knowledgeable have pretty much not a chance in fucking hell in managing to distinguish between the extremist jews and the meh just going along with it jews. They're much better liars than anyone else, and /pol knows they can't compete in that field. If some innocents should die for such evil to be eradicated, indeed, so be it.
All the "hard work" and "ingenuity/innovation" of this world and the next will not get you fucking anywhere if not in the next goy cage, you've understood nothing of the world you live in.
I couldn't care less, believe whatever you wish. Not like I have any intention of going around trying to persuade everyone on the internet (or, anyone, for that matter).
Decadence into pathetic assumption as to what I have or want not required, we were civilly conversing, there's no need to feel like you have a small dick.

Alright, I'll look forward to it. I don't mind the prejudice

And much like Christians or Muslims, there's not a one-size-fits-all Jew.

Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that they value education more than most, or that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQ's (which I'm 100% certain you'll dismiss), or that they're generally more industrious… it's because of nepotism and unscrupulous behavior. For mental patients like you, there's always an excuse for why Jews run the world, and it's interesting that it always has something to do with Jews being terrible human beings. Very stupid, user.

Yes, I wish I were as redpilled as you. You clearly have everything figured out.

Oh, so this debate is just a mental exercise for you?

decadence? Sorry, I find it difficult to "civilly converse" with people like yourself.

Absolutely pathetic. My mistake for confusing you for someone with a semblance of a brain.

You should've stopped arguing with him when I did, a couple of posts ago. He's just an edgy kid.

well, clearly correct, I guess I thought he was in good faith.

I accept your capitulation

See: irony

You need to be more judgemental about the people you engage in conversation with if you hate wasting time.
On the other hand, your posts were interesting for others even if the original reason to post them was fruitless, so I'm glad the airhead talked to you.

Did you guys cum yet?

god disproved again

Pilates did nothing wrong.

Pilate did nothing wrong.

He didn't kill him though

For evil to succeed "blah blah good men do nothing"

"Idleness is Heresy"

Yeah, it was an evil act, even if minor

He did nothing wrong tbh. He knew Jesus was innocent but the jews wanted him dead

You are intentionally missing the point. The world was, and still is, full of people who would knowingly sacrifice the Messiah (let alone a mere innocent man) if it were the easiest option available - even though they know it to be wrong. Had Pilate refused to submit to the Jews, there would be ten other men who would have done.

Ok, sure

Maybe… maybe not. The fact is, that's how it had to happen in order for the fairy tale to reach it's ultimate conclusion.

He wasn't evil because jeebus absorbed his sins and cleaned his soul after his death. If anything he was a hero, everybody got the reset button hit on their sins because of his inaction.

Oh, this point was made in the first post. Sorry I should have read the thread.

In this "end justifies the means" logic, do you think people shouldn't be incarcerated if the person they killed did some morally repulsive act?

Not user, but I made the same point, and I was just commenting on the irony of harshly judging a person for taking part in an event that would eventually save mankind.

But of course the whole thing is nonsense anyway. Human beings an other animals suffer much greater horrors than poor Jeebus every single day. The idea that he was awesome for suffering for a few days so that he could save humanity and then fuck off to eternal bliss is absolutely ridiculous.

It's not ironic if you think actions should be judged by themselves and not for the results they may have.
Same thing could be said about any morally repulsive action that ends up having positive results.
I'm just wondering how far you're willing to go to uphold to this line of thinking.


You're right, I suppose it isn't exactly ironic, just illogical that anyone would judge him as evil.

What line of thinking is that? I've already stated that laws are necessary.

End justifies the means
But since you said you don't uphold it then it's fine.

No, of course not. Consequentialism is one of the dumbest moral constructs ever invented.

